Tag Archive for: #VanceCounty

Tourism Dollars Pump Up Local Economy In 2021

Visitors to Vance County spent close to $60 million in 2021, an increase of more than 35 percent from 2020. Vance joins the other 99 counties in the state that have reported a rebound of tourism dollars flowing into the state’s economy in 2021.

According to information from the N.C. Department of Commerce, Vance County ranks 55 in visitor spending for 2021; it rose 10 spots in the rankings over the 2020 figures.

Here’s a breakdown of the numbers:

Visitors spent $59.89 million in 2021, up by $15.83 million from 2020, which represents a 35.9 percent growth rate. The daily tourism contribution for 2021 is $164,182; the 2020 figure is $120,712, which is an increase of $43,470 in categories including lodging, food and beverages, recreation, retail and transportation. Breakdown in millions by category for Vance County:

  • LODGING: 2020 – $9.18M; 2021 – $12.69M
  • FOOD & BEVERAGE: 2020 – $16.71M; 2021 – $21.17M
  • RECREATION: 2020 – $5.12M; 2021 – $7.94M
  • RETAIL: 2020 – $4.10M; 2021 –  $5.34M
  • TRANSPORTATION: 2020 – $8.94M; 2021– $12.76M

Vance County travel/tourism related jobs were 354 in 2020, and 378 in 2021; an increase of 24. Vance County tourism industry payroll generated in 2020 was $11.8 million compared to $13.6 million in 2021; up $1.8 million.

Tourism spending added $1.8 million to the Vance County tax base in 2020 and reached $2.1 million in 2021. Visitors to the county also created State/Local Tax Savings for the residents. In 2020, visitor spending in Vance County saved local residents $85.65 in State/Local taxes. In 2021, visitor spending in Vance County saved local residents $113.01 in State/Local taxes; an increase of $27.36 in savings.

Visit NC Director Wit Tuttell said the state’s numbers paint a rosier economic picture in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. “These findings are something that everyone in North Carolina can celebrate,” Tuttell said in a press statement. “They’re a testament to the resilience of our businesses and our residents, and to the enduring appeal of destinations that include everything a traveler might want. The economic well-being of the state and all its communities rises with the pleasures travelers find in the natural beauty of our public spaces, our culinary traditions and innovation, our remarkable towns and our spirited cities. North Carolina can claim it all.”

The preliminary outcomes of the annual visitor spending study commissioned by Visit North Carolina reflect the economic impact of tourism on local economies across the state. The study provides preliminary estimates of domestic and international traveler expenditures as well as employment, payroll income, and state and local tax revenues directly generated by these expenditures.

Henderson, Vance County, and Kerr Lake are a traveler’s paradise. Visitors quickly realized they were welcomed outdoors to appreciate nature’s beauty, the calm of the water, and all the fun that can be had while relaxing under a golden sun or watching the stars and moon dancing across the darkened sky. Unmistakably,  Kerr Lake is the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a meal outside while listening to the background harmony of  nature and waves splashing against the natural sandy shoreline. Kerr Lake is the perfect place to . . .  Relax~Relate~Retire!

When visitors are ready for a change of scenery, the area surrounding Kerr Lake offers a variety of activities. Historic Downtown Henderson offers quaint restaurants, a coffee shop, and unique new businesses. McGregor Performing Arts Center presents everything from summer theatre productions to concert tours, National Dance competitions and Broadway shows. Raleigh Road Outdoor Drive-in is the state’s oldest operating drive-in theater. Love a challenging golf course? Grab your golf clubs and head for the beautiful Bermuda greens of Kerr Lake Country Club, open to the public. Southern Classic Cars Museum, open by appointment year-round,  showcases antique and classic cars to fit every person’s dreams! Now you can see why #VanceCountyTravelersDiscoverAlot!

For a complete listing of statewide highlights as well as visitation data from all 100 North Carolina counties visit https://partners.visitnc.com/economic-impact-studies. For more information about Henderson, Vance County, and Kerr Lake contact Vance County Tourism at 252.438.2222 or vctourism@vancecounty.org.  Online at www.kerrlake-nc.com

Contact Vance County Fire Department for Smoke Alarms #SmokeAlarmSaturday

WIZS has been asked to announce the Vance County Fire Department effort to team up with the NC Office of the State Fire Marshall to participate in #SmokeAlarmSaturday.

It’s this Saturday, June 4th!

According to the Vance County Fire Department Facebook page, which we were asked to share, “If you are in need of smoke alarms please contact the Vance County Fire Department at (252) 438-6656 option 4 for the Battalion Chief. We will be out installing in the Golden Belt Fire District, but if you live outside this area please call us and we will help you get in touch with your volunteer department.”

See more, including additional links at the Vance County Fire Department on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/Vance-County-Fire-Department-792958190754655

Or, go to facebook.com/wizsradio.

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TownTalk: A Look At The Vance Co. Budget

Vance County residents can expect no increase in property tax rates or other fees if the commissioners approve the $55 million budget presented to them earlier this month.

The commissioners are expected to decide at their June 6 meeting, according to information from County Manager Jordan McMillen.

The proposed budget represents a 6 percent increase – or roughly $3.3 million – in the 2021-22 budget, and McMillen said the county is in a position to further plans to create a shell building in the industrial park, which will be a boost for future jobs and local investment.

The budget will use more than $1.6 million from the general fund balance.

“We do anticipate our fund balance increasing over the next year or so,” McMillen said in an email to WIZS News. He attributes this expected increase mainly to increased tax collections and, unfortunately, vacancies in some of the larger county departments and added that he anticipates moving additional fund balance money to plan longer term for future capital needs.

The property tax base is increasing $95 million from the prior year which, along with an increased tax collection rate, will account for $1.1 million in additional property tax revenue, according to the budget information presented to the commissioners for review.

The sales tax is projected to be $2.8 million more to the 22-23 budget than in the current budget. This increase will help fulfill recommendations from the recent salary study for county employees.

The proposed budget also has increased support for the fire department, with the addition of three new fire engineer positions – one for each shift.

McMillen said having such revenue growth in both property tax and sales tax is not something that the county is used to. “ I have not seen a situation where both property tax and sales tax were up to the degree it is right now,” he said. “Both are explainable when you look into what is making up the tax base growth and when you account for the pandemic’s impact on sales tax spending.,” he said, adding that he doesn’t anticipate it to be a “continual pattern.”

View the proposed budget here: https://www.vancecounty.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MASTER-File-Website.pdf

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TownTalk: County Commissioners To Work On Issues During Retreat

Updated 3/4/2022

The Vance County commissioners completed their planning retreat on Thursday, Mar. 3 and prioritized five goals for the coming year, which remain in draft form until they are formally approved at the April board meeting.

County Manager Jordan McMillen told WIZS News that all indications are that the five priorities will be:

  1. To retain or assist in creation of 150 new jobs and $10 million in new investment for the County to include completion of design and construction of a shell building at the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park.
  2. Complete an Economic Development Strategic plan aimed at setting priorities and benchmarks for the future of economic development to include prioritizing regionalization.
  3. Implement a community paramedicine program that seeks to improve community health, reduce frequent fliers, and assist in lowering EMS call volume.
  4. Begin planning (land acquisition and design) necessary for a new public safety center to house the county EMS and fire departments.
  5. Begin construction of Phase 1B of the county water system and offer public information/signup meetings with a goal of increasing signups 20 percent above the current level.

Other takeaways that McMillen noted following the retreat include the positive financial position the county finds itself in, which will help the county be able to bring employee salaries more in line with the market.

“This speaks to our fund balance (unassigned fund balance of 44 percent of expenditures) and also the increases we have seen in sales tax revenue the past few years which we are hopeful will position us to implement our recent salary study with the new budget July 1,” McMillen said.

The board must approve the salary plan before it goes into effect. “As we work budget, we intend to be in position to approve the salary study at our June meeting to be effective with the new budget,” McMillen said.

He cited some details of the salary study, noting that 82 percent of salaries “are closer to the minimum and have not progressed to the midpoint or the maximum of the pay grade.” If and when the plan is approved, “employees’ salaries would be slotted where they belong along the pay range according to the market and our starting salaries will move up as well across the board,” he explained.

Neighboring counties have conducted similar studies in the past year or so, which impacts Vance County’s ability to effectively recruit and retain employees, McMillen added.

“Economic development remains the top goal and priority for our board,” he said. “A major part of this effort is continuing to develop our industrial park and looking toward a possible shell building in the future.” McMillen said more information about this topic will be announced at the commissioners’ meeting Monday, Mar. 7.

During the retreat, the group discussed the need to work together with neighboring counties to strengthen regionalism and support regional efforts.

The county’s effort over the past five years to return foreclosed and other properties to the tax rolls has been successful, McMillen said. In that period, 116 properties have been returned to the tax rolls, which is the equivalent of returning $830,000 in value to the tax rolls.

The county took in more than $300,000 in revenue for these properties, he said.




Vance County commissioners and county staff have gathered today (Thursday) for its annual planning retreat to discuss upcoming priorities, review goals and talk about results of a recent salary and benefits study of county jobs.

It began at 9 a.m. today and was scheduled to conclude at 2 p.m., according to information from County Manager Jordan McMillen.

The retreat was rescheduled from an earlier date so the salary study could be completed. John C. Rose perused the 51-page agenda that McMillen had prepared for the retreat, and said the first topic of conversation was the salary and benefits study, which was presented to commissioners.

Also on the agenda was a recap of the county’s financial condition and fiscal outlook presented by Finance Director Katherine Bigelow.

There are numerous openings within county government and law enforcement that have yet to be filled, including 16 at the detention center and 8 within the sheriff’s office. There are 32 openings at the Department of Social Services and a dozen openings within the EMS system.

Whether qualified candidates simply aren’t looking in Vance County or not considering working here because the pay isn’t competitive with other areas, the fact remains that there are openings that need to be filled.

The salary study included information about employee outreach, current conditions, review of compensation and having an updated pay plan, according to information in the agenda.


Some of the goals that were scheduled to be discussed included the following:


  • Creation of 150 new jobs and bringing in $10 million in new investment
  • Completion of economic development plan
  • Construction of a shell building at industrial park
  • Creation of a paramedicine program to reduce EMS call volume
  • Initial planning of a new public safety center to house EMS and fire departments
  • Start Phase 1B of the county water system
  • Increase signups to the water system by 20 percent over current signups


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The Local Skinny! County Water System Looking To Break Even


Plans continue to expand county water service to the Kittrell area, and county commissioners received a project update from Manager Jordan McMillen at its January meeting.

As things stand now, construction could begin as early as fall 2022 of the Phase 1B Water District, which includes laying about 25 miles of new water lines and making upgrades to the existing Kittrell water tower.

McMillen told WIZS News Thursday that the county water project is within $10,000 of breaking even – some unexpected repairs and additional costs have pushed that break-even point out a bit, but added “we are very satisfied with the progress we have made in bringing our system to self-sufficiency the past few years.”

The recently presented audit from fiscal year 2020-21 indicated that the water fund is within $10,000 of breaking even, which represents an improvement from being nearly $20,000 the previous year.

As for the Phase 1B work being done in the Kittrell area, McMillen said if all goes according to schedule, it could be complete by November 2023.

There have been some slight delays involving permitting issues, but once those are resolved, the bids could be advertised by April 2022, awarded in July and proceed with construction in September, McMillen said.

The total construction project would be scheduled for completion by August 2023.

Federal grant and loan projects awarded to Vance County for improving the drinking water for county residents is helping to make the upgrades and extensions to county residents.

McMillen said public meetings and signup efforts will ramp up once the county is closer to the construction phase.

Some of the roads east of Kittrell that will have new water lines installed include portions of Bobbitt Road, Peter Gill Road, Abbott Road, Dick Smith Road, South Chavis Road and Kittrell Road, he said.

The Local Skinny! County Reports On Tax Collections, Audit And New Ambulance

Vance County Commissioners accepted the audit report for 2020-21 at its January meeting, which included good news about the county’s fund balances and about tax collections. The county’s total fund balance increased by more than $4 million to $26.9 million and the unassigned fund balance increased almost $7 million to $22 million. This amount represents more than 44 percent of next year’s budget, according to the minutes of the January meeting.

Tax collections increased almost 1 percent, to 97.6 percent from 96.68 percent.

Commissioners heard from Stuart Hill representing audit firm Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Co. who presented the audit report.

Although there were two budget findings, both have been corrected, the minutes reflected. “There were no difficulties in performing the audit, no uncorrected misstatements and no disagreements with management,” according to the minutes.

The unassigned fund balance increased from $15.3 million to $22.0 million, which is “well within the range that is recommended  by the Local Government Commission,” the minutes stated.

Tax collections increased from 96.68% to 97.60%. The total property valuation is $2,963,958,764 and the total levy amount is $26,533,277.

After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Dan Brummitt to receive the FY  2020-21 Audit Report as presented. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Thomas S.  Hester, Jr. and unanimously approved.

Finance Director Katherine Bigelow also presented information to commissioners regarding the purchase of a new ambulance during her report at the January meeting. Three bids were considered, but recommended was the bid from Northwestern Emergency Vehicles for about $264,230.

Brummitt made a motion to accept the bid proposal, seconded by

Hester, to purchase a 2022 Ford F550 4 X 4 Type 1 ambulance from Northwestern. A budget amendment of $4,230 also was approved to reach the complete purchase price.


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TownTalk: Vance Gets $0 From NC Budget

The recently passed state budget was more than two years in the making. There seems to be something for everyone. Almost everyone, that is. Vance County is among only three counties in the state that received no funding.


The big question is: Why?

Finding that answer may not be so simple. But one thing seems clear: Vance County did not receive any funding for projects earmarked for counties from the $3.1 billion appropriations bill that Gov. Roy Cooper signed into law last month.

Currituck and Chatham counties are the other two counties that didn’t receive funding, according to a recent analysis of the budget by the News & Observer.

Granville County got more than $45 million – the bulk of which is slated for South Granville Water and Sewer Authority in southern Granville County. Warren County got $300,000 and Franklin got a total of $1.8 million for three projects.

There are 628 pages that comprise the Senate Bill 105, which outlines details of the budget. And nothing in those 628 pages is earmarked for Vance County. According to the budget bill, Vance-Granville Community College was  awarded more than $7.3 million, so perhaps some of that money will find its way to Vance County.

Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington told John C. Rose in an email today (Thursday) that he was among a contingent of city and county officials that paid a visit to House Speaker Tim Moore. Ellington said he, along with City Manager Terrell Blackmon and county commissioners Tommy Hester and Archie Taylor went to Raleigh and were told that “no money was requested from our representatives in the House or the Senate.”

Terry Garrison represents Vance County in the state legislature, as does Sen. Ernestine Bazemore. Vance County Manager Jordan McMillen suggested that Garrison or Bazemore may have more information about what McMillen called “political maneuvering” in Raleigh.

“Sadly it comes down to the ugly side of politics,” Ellington said in an email Thursday to WIZS News. Ellington said the group asked Moore to “overlook that and make an exception for us, being that we were sitting in his office and had made the special trip.”

According to Ellington, Moore said he would look at the request again but that the budget had already been determined.

“Upon returning to Henderson, I spoke with Rep. Terry Garrison and he said he had been trying but being from the opposite party it came with strings attached and he couldn’t answer the quid pro quo. Our state Senator Ernestine Bazemore has been very sick and has basically not able to participate at all. This went on for another month before the 2021 budget was actually signed so something could have been done,” Ellington continued.  Despite a couple of visits by Sen. Phil Berger to the Henderson/Vance County area, “it wasn’t enough to help us.”

He said the overdue budget, the ongoing power struggle between the Speaker of the House, the Senate Pro tem and the governor have put Henderson in a “tough spot.”

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Upcoming Listening Sessions Give Residents A Chance To Give Input On Redrawing District Boundaries

Vance County residents have the opportunity to attend several public listening sessions in the next month as the county begins the business of redrawing district boundaries for commissioner and school board seats.

The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 6 p.m. at the Vance County Administration building. The second meeting will take place at the Townsville Volunteer Fire Department on Monday, Oct. 11 and the third meeting will be Monday, Oct. 18 at Kittrell Volunteer Fire Department. All meetings begin at 6 p.m., according to information from Kelly Grissom, clerk to the board of commissioners.

Every 10 years, counties use updated Census data to ensure that voting districts have essentially the same number of constituents. Changes are required after every Census to ensure the “one person, one vote” standard. To do so, an ideal population is established for each district by dividing the population by the number of elected officials to be elected from those districts.

Information on the county’s website notes the population by district, based on 2020 Census data. The ideal population for each district has been calculated at 6,083. Districts 1, 2 and 7 stand to lose some constituents and districts 3,4,5 and 6 could gain some constituents as the boundaries are redrawn.

Although there is some room for flexibility, districts must still meet federal and state guidelines. The state’s guidelines are stricter, allowing for a 5 percent deviation.

For Vance County to meet that 5 percent or better threshold, lines must be drawn so that there are no more than 304 people in any one district versus another. District 7 will get the most attention as it is 13.1% over at the present time in population. No other district is more than 2.7% worse than ideal.  Since three of the four districts that surround district 7 are in pretty good shape, minor adjustments should correct all issues related to population and district lines.

District 7 is largely what could be described as north and west Henderson, extending west between the I-85 and U.S. 158 Business corridors and including areas like the Dabney community and west as well as south of Oxford Road to Old County Home Road.

As a result of the Census data, Henderson’s fall election was rescheduled for spring 2022; municipal elections in Kittrell and Middleburg are not affected.

Vance County Water is Working

The Water District Board of Vance County. It’s what many call “county-wide water.”

Actually, there is Phase 1, Phase 2 and Kittrell with a total of 1,794 customers committed to the system and 1,387 as functioning, metered customers.

The latest available data, which was used for the Vance County Commissioners meeting on August 2nd, indicates in round figures the Vance County Water District will cash flow about $1 million in accounts receivable in 2021. It was about a half million in the first six months.

Cash flow is good and profitability is about here.

County Manager Jordan McMillen told WIZS News by email, “The county water system is nearing its breakeven point ahead of schedule. A few years ago we put together a projection that anticipated breaking even by July of 2024. We are ahead of that schedule and almost had the system break even in FY19-20 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020.) – within $20,000 of breaking even. We just finished up FY 20-21 and although we had more unexpected costs (line breaks, tap installs, etc.) were hopeful the system can get to the breakeven point in the next year or more.

“As we are bringing the original system and original debt to break-even we are getting ready for construction of the next phase which will start the process over of trying to break-even again with the new debt.”

McMillen has been working this project from the start, not just the project’s start but his start with Vance County.

Considering McMillen’s obvious work ethic and positive reviews by other county employees in a recent Vance County workplace survey from the Local Government Workplaces Initiative and UNC School of Government, many hearing McMillen’s name beside the project will in fact project some of its successes on to him.

McMillen wrote in a separate, follow up email, “Right before I came on board with the county in 2008 I attended a county informational meeting before anything began with financing the project or construction. I still keep the notecard I made from that meeting in my briefcase reminding me of the pros and cons people were saying about the system at that time.

“The success of the water system and bringing it to self-sufficiency has been one of my largest personal goals with the county. While it is challenging to take on a new phase and see us start over, it is good to see the impact that the water system has for those citizens needing it.”

Incumbents Only Filers in Kittrell and Middleburg

All the filers for the upcoming November 2 elections in Kittrell and Middleburg are incumbents, and they all filed this week.

When the filing period closed at noon today (Friday), the filing list included:

  • Jerry Joyner – Mayor of Kittrell
  • Susan Pulley – Town Commissioner of Kittrell
  • Mary Jo Floyd – Town Commissioner of Kittrell
  • Robert Baylor Tunstall – Town Commissioner of Kittrell

The Middleburg list included:

  • Ray Bullock – Mayor of Middleburg
  • Annie Fudge – Town Council of Middleburg
  • Mamie Turner – Town Council of Middleburg
  • Ruth Nance Town – Town Council of Middleburg

Based on the information at hand, there would appear to be no contests.  However, keep in mind Ray Bullock won as a write-in candidate in 2019 over someone who filed.  Write ins can be a factor in such small precincts.  Kittrell is and Middleburg is a complete precinct in and of itself.

In these respective municipalities within Vance County, a voter makes one choice for mayor and choses three from the list of names, or writes in a name, for commissioner/council person.  Tunstall was elected in 2019 by write in as only Pulley and Floyd had filed that year.