Tag Archive for: #vancecharterschool

TownTalk: 4th Annual VCS Golf Tournament Mar. 27

The fourth annual golf tournament sponsored by the Vance Charter School Booster Club is coming up on Mar. 27, but there are only two team slots left, so register soon if you want to take part.

VCS Booster Club President Caroline Overby and VCS Athletic Director Lance Stallings are looking forward to the event, which will be held at Henderson Country Club. The first tournament had 12 teams participating, and last year’s event had a then-record 17 teams, Stallings said on Monday’s TownTalk.

This year’s goal is 20 teams and they’ve already got 18 signed up – well on their way to meet the mark. “We’ve been blown away with the support early on,” Stallings said. Registration continues until Mar. 7.

Overby said the tournament will begin at 12 noon with a shotgun start. As the golfers complete their rounds, they’ll be able to head back to the club house before the awards presentation at 6 p.m.

This year marks the first time that the event will include a silent auction and live music from  Whiskey Bent band from Oxford. Overby said she and event organizers are confident that these additions will add to the festivities.

“It’s going to be a great day of golfing,” Overby said, in support of the athletic department and student athletes at Vance Charter.

Stallings said the booster club helps the athletic department by supplementing what the school is able to provide its teams and athletes – from extra team meals to pitching machines for the baseball team. The booster club goes “the extra mile,” he said. “It’s difficult to have a successful athletic department without having a booster club…it’s a great partnership that we have with them and we’re grateful for them.”

Overby praised local businesses and others for their support as well.

Presenting sponsors for this year’s golf tournament are Chick-fil-A, Drake & Seymour Dentistry and Sossamon Funeral Home.

But there are additional opportunities for sponsorships, including Gold level ($1,700) Silver level ($1,250) and Blue level ($700).

To find out more, contact Stallings at 252.431.0440 or Overby at 252.213.7121.

Click Play!

Vance Charter Lottery Mar. 1; Application Period Runs Jan. 21-Feb. 28 For 2025-26

The Vance Charter lottery for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

Parents of prospective students have until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28 to complete the online application. Find the application at www.vancecharter.org under VCS Lottery Info.

Because there is a limited number of spaces per class, it is possible more students will apply than there are available openings.  If this situation occurs, the school will admit students through a blind lottery.  Each application will be numbered and the numbers will be pooled per class.  Due to using an automated lottery program, the numbers will be generated randomly until all spaces in each grade level are filled.  The remaining students will be placed on a waitlist in order of their number’s removal through the automated lottery process.

The school will host two informational sessions:  Jan. 28 at 6 p.m. and Feb. 13, also at  6 p.m.

The lottery will be held on Saturday, Mar. 1. Attendance is not necessary, as final results will not be available until verification checks are performed.  Likewise, all applicants will receive email/text notification within one week of the actual lottery  to share final results.

Please remember that siblings of Vance Charter students who do not currently attend Vance Charter School must submit an application to be included in the lottery. This includes incoming kindergarten students.


SportsTalk: Yount Battles Rain And Injuries With Vance Charter Soccer

Weather has certainly been a problem for local sports teams. Johnny Yount,  girls soccer coach at Vance Charter, is no exception. “The entire field has been unplayable for much of the season,” Yount said on Wednesday’s SportsTalk.  “There’s not a lot we can do about it,” he continued.  Vance charter has cancelled two games due to rain. They should have played seven games but so far have only managed to get five soccer matches in.  Missed games are difficult to make up. So far though, Vance charter is 2-3 overall and 2-2 in the conference. He says the team is young with four seniors, four juniors, seven sophomores and three freshmen. They’ve had to make a lot of changes this season as well due to injuries. Yount said it does create opportunities and he continues to ask the team to challenge themselves on the field. Yount added that “what I want is winning student athletes versus winning records.” Additionally, Yount says the team is still finding its chemistry, though and he wants them to have fun and engage.



Vance Charter Lottery Window Open Jan. 22-Feb. 29

Lottery applications for Vance Charter School will be accepted beginning on Jan. 22, 2024 through Feb. 29, 2024.  Applications can be accessed at vancecharter.org

The lottery will be held on Mar. 2, 2024, according to John Sossamon, a member of the school’s board of directors. Parent information sessions will be held at Vance Charter School on Tuesday, Jan. 30 and Thursday, Feb. 15 at 6 pm, in the school’s media center.

Vance Charter School is located at 2090 Ross Mill Rd., Henderson.

Visit vancecharter.org to learn more.

SportsTalk: Sandlin Signs Letter Of Intent To Play For Methodist University

Gavyn Sandlin, a senior at Vance Charter School, signed his letter of intent to play college lacrosse for Methodist University of Fayetteville last week.  The signing took place at Vance Charter. Sandlin has been part of the varsity lacrosse program for the last three years. He earned All-Conference his freshman year. During his sophomore year, he earned All-Conference, All-Region, All-State and was named a US Lacrosse All-American. During his junior year he repeated his honors of All-Conference, All-Region, and All-State.  

Sandlin was a guest on Thursday’s SportsTalk.  Dennis Sandlin, Gavyn’s grandfather, is the head coach of lacrosse at Vance Charter and his dad, Dan Sandlin, is an assistant.  One could say that lacrosse is the family business.  “It never ends,” Gavyn said about lacrosse and his father and grandfather.  “I knew I wanted to play from the age of five,” Sandlin continued.

Sandlin has been named the Tar River Prep player of the year for the last three years, served as a team captain, been a scholar-athlete and has been named conference player of the year and Vance Charter Offensive Player of the Year.

Having over 200 career points and over 100 career goals, along with holding a state record for most points in a single game, he will add to that this season as Vance Charter starts its season on Valentine’s Day. 



SportsTalk: Vance Charter Girls Basketball Off To A Strong Start

The Vance Charter Girls Basketball team is off to a 4-1 start this season and head coach Brian Howard is kind of happy about it.  “The one part in the 4 -1 isn’t very satisfying,” Howard said on Thursday’s SportsTalk.  That “1” part that Howard refers to is a 49-47 loss to Falls Lake.  “We left points on the free throw line and missed points in transition,” Howard added.

This week Vance Charter defeated Granville Central 58-10 in a game that saw Vance Charter’s Alaina Bullock record 14 points and 9 steals.  “We preach defense.  I’m a defensive-minded coach,” Howard said about allowing only 10 points in the game.

Vance Charter has been putting solid teams on the court over the last several years but Howard feels that they are all quite different.  “This year’s team is one of the most connected, due to chemistry, I’ve had,” Howard stated.

Next up for Vance Charter is East Wake Academy on December 15th.



SportsTalk: Area Schools Getting Winter Sports Underway

Area schools are now getting winter sports underway.  At Vance Charter School basketball has just started, according to athletic director Lance Stallings.  They’ve only played two games this year including Wednesday’s game against Granville Central.  The boys were unable to pull out a victory but the girl’s team did.  There’s no rest either as Vance Charter will return to the court Friday taking on Falls Lake in the first home game of the season.  “Regardless of the sport or the time of the year Falls Lake is well prepared,” Stallings said.  “It’s a Green Out Game.  We will raise awareness about school violence,” Stallings added.

Meanwhile Stallings says they have approximately 10 students on this year’s swim team which has its first meet on December 7th.  Additionally, cheer leading will be headed to a competition event Saturday at the Raleigh Convention Center where they will face off against ten other area schools.

It’s much the same at Crossroads Christian as the Colts basketball teams are off to a terrific start.  The boy’s team is undefeated at 5-0 and are ranked #1 in the state and the girl’s team is 3-1 and ranked third in the state.  Alyssa Phillips leads the girls team who will play Lawrence tonight.  The boys return to action Saturday against St. Thomas with seniors Ben Gladdio and Robert Jenkins leading the way.

“If we win both games, I will have 400 career wins,” said Scottie Richardson. Richardson, in addition to his athletic director duties also coaches basketball at the school.  The Colts will also play against 11 other teams in the Battle of the Bull tournament at Falls Lake over the holidays.  Once those holidays are over spring sports will begin workouts at both Crossroads Christian and Vance Charter.




SportsTalk: Stallings Prepares Vance Charter For Fall Sports

After taking off the month of June to unwind and enjoy a bit of family time, Vance Charter Athletic Director Lance Stallings is back at work getting the Knights’ athletic programs ready for fall activities.  Stallings was a guest on Thursday’s SportsTalk with Bill Harris and George Hoyle.

Stallings says that tryouts for volleyball and men’s soccer will get underway on Monday.  “We have about 20 to 22 kids expected for soccer and enough girls for volleyball that we will have a JV program,” Stallings said.  Volleyball and soccer are just the beginning for Stallings and the Knights.  Vance Charter’s cross country program starts on August 2nd, women’s golf and tennis gets going on August 9th and middle school tryouts will be August 14th.  This will be the first year Vance Charter will field boy’s and girl’s tennis at the middle school level.

It won’t be long before the first games are here with volleyball opening the season on August 15th, and men’s soccer will start the day before with a game against Falls Lake.

The secret for Stallings when juggling this busy time of year? “Get ahead in July and stay there,” Stallings said.



2 Vance Charter Lacrosse Players Make All-State Team

-information courtesy of Vance Charter School Lacrosse Coach Dan Sandlin

Vance Charter School is excited to share that two student athletes have propelled to All State in lacrosse. Junior, attackman, Gavyn Sandlin, and Senior defenseman, Daniel Mangum, have both taken a spot on the All State lacrosse team for NCHSAA 1A/2A/3A. Both serving as Captains during this season, Sandlin and Mangum were also named to the All Region team and All Conference players. Mangum was the Vance Charter School Defensive Player of the Year, while Sandlin was the Offensive Player of the Year.

Sandlin reached the 200 career point mark, finishing out with 218 points over his last three seasons. This season, Sandlin finished with 52 goals and 29 assists, putting him among the top point getters in the 1A/2/3A East Division. Last year, Sandlin was also named to the All Conference, All Region and All State teams, finishing out being named a US Lacrosse All American. He finished this season strong.

Mangum had 65 ground balls and 35 takeaways after a strong season. His defensive skills allowed him to excel on the field as a constant leader. Mangum brought an amazing level of energy to the field each day at practice and games.  This energy was contagious, and the rest of the team would feed off of his energy.

The Vance Charter Knights had a strong season finishing at the top of the conference, making it to the second round of state playoffs for the second consecutive year, and having All Region and All State representation the last two years.