TownTalk: 4th Annual VCS Golf Tournament Mar. 27
The fourth annual golf tournament sponsored by the Vance Charter School Booster Club is coming up on Mar. 27, but there are only two team slots left, so register soon if you want to take part.
VCS Booster Club President Caroline Overby and VCS Athletic Director Lance Stallings are looking forward to the event, which will be held at Henderson Country Club. The first tournament had 12 teams participating, and last year’s event had a then-record 17 teams, Stallings said on Monday’s TownTalk.
This year’s goal is 20 teams and they’ve already got 18 signed up – well on their way to meet the mark. “We’ve been blown away with the support early on,” Stallings said. Registration continues until Mar. 7.
Overby said the tournament will begin at 12 noon with a shotgun start. As the golfers complete their rounds, they’ll be able to head back to the club house before the awards presentation at 6 p.m.
This year marks the first time that the event will include a silent auction and live music from Whiskey Bent band from Oxford. Overby said she and event organizers are confident that these additions will add to the festivities.
“It’s going to be a great day of golfing,” Overby said, in support of the athletic department and student athletes at Vance Charter.
Stallings said the booster club helps the athletic department by supplementing what the school is able to provide its teams and athletes – from extra team meals to pitching machines for the baseball team. The booster club goes “the extra mile,” he said. “It’s difficult to have a successful athletic department without having a booster club…it’s a great partnership that we have with them and we’re grateful for them.”
Overby praised local businesses and others for their support as well.
Presenting sponsors for this year’s golf tournament are Chick-fil-A, Drake & Seymour Dentistry and Sossamon Funeral Home.
But there are additional opportunities for sponsorships, including Gold level ($1,700) Silver level ($1,250) and Blue level ($700).
To find out more, contact Stallings at 252.431.0440 or Overby at 252.213.7121.
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