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TownTalk: KVA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of State Championship

The Kerr-Vance Academy Spartans boys’ basketball team takes to the court Friday evening in a  6 p.m. conference matchup with Halifax Academy, but the folks in the bleachers will also get a chance to relive a magical moment in the school’s history as the 2005 state champion basketball team is recognized.

It was 20 years ago that the varsity boys’ squad won the NC Independent Schools Athletic Association championship, and Headmaster Matthew McLaughlin and Athletic Director Mike Joyner said Friday’s recognition will be something special for current students and alumni.

McLaughlin said the event is centered around a basketball game, but he hopes it will be seen as a larger celebration of what is “alive and well” at Kerr-Vance Academy.

He joined the school back in July 2024, and when he learned that KVA was coming up on the 20-year anniversary, he just knew it’d be the perfect way to honor the school’s past and present, with an eye on its future.

An informal class reunion is planned for Saturday night at Norse Brewery in Wake Forest, and McLaughlin said all alums are welcome to attend. Another special event surrounding the game and 20-year anniversary recognition is a raffle for a home HVAC system – complete with installation, courtesy of Ranes Heating. Tickets are $10 each, and the lucky winner will be announced between the 3rd and 4th quarters of the Friday game. Tickets will be sold up until about halftime of the game, McLaughlin said. The winner doesn’t have to be present to win, and tickets are transferrable.

The Spartans will play Friday on a newly installed floor in the Crawford Gym, a shiny investment in the school’s future, which was established back in 1968. The new floor bears the name Bob Walker Court, a nod to the long-time assistant coach who, alongside Head Coach John Whitley, took that 2005 team to the state title game.

Friday’s festivities will be a way to acknowledge the 2005 team and what that state championship means to KVA.

Joyner said it’s important to recognize accomplishments of sports teams – dozens of banners hang in the school gym proclaiming championships in volleyball, tennis, girls’ soccer, baseball,  basketball among others over the years – but success on the field or court is a direct reflection of success in the classroom.

And when current students hear or see what previous students have accomplished, it helps them envision success in their own futures, McLaughlin said.

“A lot of schools and school communities talk about athletics being an extension of the school,” he said. At KVA, “it’s not an extension – it IS our school.” Sports teams are visible, tangible ways that the community can see what KVA is all about. The community doesn’t get a chance to visit the science lab or that elementary classroom, but they can see the student-athletes in a sports contest and have a good idea about what kind of learning goes on during the school day.

Joyner said the school culture with athletics is very important, and that “winning culture comes from across the school, not just athletics.”



TownTalk: McGregor Hall’s The Spot For Valentine’s Day Dinner And Show

Make plans to spend this Valentine’s Day by enjoying dinner and a show – right here in Henderson.

“The Bridges of Madison County” opens on Friday, Feb. 14 for a two weekend run at McGregor Hall, and Mark Hopper, McGregor Hall’s executive and creative director, said patrons can choose to dine before the show “with your Valentine or some of your best friends.”

The doors open at 6 p.m. and dinner service in the Gallery begins at 6:15 p.m., Hopper said on Thursday’s TownTalk. There’s plenty of time to enjoy the meal before the curtain rises at 8 p.m.

Visit https://www.mcgregorhall.org/ to purchase tickets online, stop by the box office Monday through Friday between 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. or call 252.598.0662. Discounted rates for tables for 8 are available, too. Other shows are Feb. 15, Feb. 22 and Feb. 23.

There will be a silent auction, which includes stays in vacation homes and a surprise item that Hopper said he’ll wait to reveal. The meal and the silent auction both benefit McGregor Hall.

As for the play, Hopper said the storyline is pretty involved. “It’s not a stereotypical Valentine’s Day kind of thing…(but) the theme of the show is love.”

Readers may remember the 1992 Robert James Waller novel. Moviegoers may remember the 1995 Oscar-winning movie featuring Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood. And Hopper said there’s “something remarkable in store” for audiences who come to see the McGregor Hall production.

Kelley Keats plays Francesca, who grew up in World War II Italy, married a GI and moved to Iowa to begin a new life. When Robert shows up to photograph the covered bridges of Madison County, a chance encounter cause Francesca to re-evaluate her life.

“It’s been very rewarding to work on – challenging but rewarding,” Hopper said, heaping praise on Keats, with her experience on Broadway, as well as the “incredible” cast that “makes the transitions with grace and skill.”

This upcoming production is the fourth ticketed show of a five-show series called McGregor Live!, Hopper said ticketed shows make up just a small percentage of what McGregor Hall hosts – something like 10 percent.

The rest comes from rental events and other types of shows, including “Father Figure,” another play by area playwright Garrett Davis. “He’s a very skillful writer,” Hopper said of Davis, who has Warren County ties, adding that most of his shows delve into the health-oriented concerns of the African American community.

“Father Figure” is about a father and son reconciliation, healing and the importance of a father figure in the life of a son. That show is on Feb. 2 at 4 p.m.

The fifth and final production in the McGregor Live! series is Catapult Dance on Mar. 27 at 7:30 p.m. which tells stories through group dance – in shadow. Hopper admits it’s difficult to describe in words just what the show will look like. There’s a video clip on the website.

The troupe was a finalist on Season 8 of America’s Got Talent.

Shows especially for area school students take place later in February and March, including a program on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for older elementary students and a “Faces of Black History” for younger elementary-age students.

The N.C. Symphony returns on Mar. 13 to audiences of fourth graders from the area.

View the complete calendar of events at https://www.mcgregorhall.org/




TownTalk: Guardian ad Litem Program Provides Advocates To Children In Court System

Eight hours a month doesn’t sound like much, but it could make all the difference in the life of a child.

Eight hours is what most Guardian ad Litem volunteers can expect to spend in their advocacy role for young people who are involved in the court system because of abuse or neglect.

Ruth Griffin, recruitment and retention lead for the statewide GAL program based in Raleigh, said there are roughly 3,200 volunteers in North Carolina, but there’s always a need for more.

In Vance County, for example, there are 77 children in care, but 21 do not have an advocate, Griffin said on Wednesday’s TownTalk.

Of 23 in Granville County, three are without advocates at this time.

“We have some awesome, awesome volunteers who are active in other cases,” Griffin said, “but we want more folks from the community to step up and to speak up for these kids in court – our goal being that every child should have an advocate.”

There is some training involved with becoming a guardian ad litem volunteer, and the winter training sessions begin Tuesday, Jan. 21. The virtual sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. through Feb. 25. Apply at volunteerforgal.org.

As Griffin explained, it is a district court judge who begins the process of involving the Guardian ad Litem program when there’s a case of abuse or neglect of a child. A local advocate will be assigned and that person begins gathering information from adults in the child’s life – parents, teachers, physicians, etc. With support from an attorney and from GAL staff, the advocate creates a report with recommendations for what’s best for the child going forward.

For some children, their GAL advocate is the only constant in their lives. Social workers change, foster homes change, but a GAL advocate can remain with a child to provide emotional support as the case moves through the courts.

Advocates can visit with the children in familiar settings like their foster home or school, said Sarah Sattelberg, an advocacy specialist who works in the Raleigh office. “You’re never meeting them alone,” Sattelberg said.

Griffin said most of the cases that are referred to GAL involve neglect, but every case and every child is different. Some could be “situations that the average person just can’t imagine,” she said. “Oftentimes, we are meeting these kids at their worst moment.” The goal is to advocate for the best interests of the child as he or she moves through the court system.

Aside from the specific training that all advocates must complete, there’s no special background or expertise needed to become an advocate.

“You just have to have a heart to care,” Griffin said. “If you have that, you can begin to change a child’s life.”

Samantha Branch is the local contact for the Judicial District 11, which includes, Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin and Person counties. Below are the addresses and phone numbers for the offices in the WIZS listening area:

Vance County
156 Church St., Henderson, NC 27536

Granville County
147 Williamsboro St., Oxford, NC 27565

Warren County
113 S. Main St., Louisburg, NC 27549

Franklin County
113 S. Main St., Louisburg, NC 27549


TownTalk: Man Dies In Weekend House Fire On Reservoir Street

A local man died in a house fire on Reservoir Street Sunday afternoon.

Henderson Fire Chief Tim Twisdale said firefighters were dispatched to 1418 Reservoir St. at 4:37 p.m. When they arrived, Twisdale said the whole left side of the house was engulfed in flames, and the remainder of the structure was filled with smoke.

Twisdale identified the victim as Robert J. Faucette, Jr., 63. County tax records list Faucette as the homeowner.

“We don’t know exactly how long it was burning prior to our arrival,” Twisdale told WIZS News Tuesday, “but it had gotten a good head of steam” by the time trucks arrived on the scene.

In fact, Twisdale said, firefighters reported seeing “a heavy column of smoke visible from a good distance away” as they made their way to the fire call.

One firefighter suffered burns to his ears, Twisdale said.

Officials have been in contact with the man’s sister, who is next-of-kin, and the medical examiner will perform an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

Twisdale said the home did not appear to have a working smoke alarm.



TownTalk: H-V Chamber Vision, Partnerships, 2025 Commitment

Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce President Sandra Wilkerson is looking forward to the day when the trains will again rumble down the tracks near downtown Henderson. The city’s history is closely linked to rail service that has all but dried up over the past few decades, but with talk of the S-Line passenger rail that will run through Henderson, there’s a buzz around town about what it could mean for the city.

This year’s annual Chamber banquet theme, in fact, is “All Aboard the Chamber Express,” which Wilkerson said embraces the idea of this county’s ties to the railroad – past, present and future.

“We know that Vance County really started with the train coming through,” Wilkerson said on Monday’s TownTalk. “We’re looking forward to the train coming back.”

As 2025 gets underway, Wilkerson has announced this year’s leadership team on the board:

Chair of the board of directors is Scott Burwell with Kennametal, Inc. Joining Burwell as first vice chair is Dr. Abidan Shah of Clearview Church; second vice chair is Mike Jones of MGM Products, Inc; treasurer is Desiree Brooks, with the Kerr-Tar Council of Government; Duke Energy’s Elizabeth Townsend will serve as secretary. Margier White is immediate past chair.

There are five new members to the board:

  • Nichole Turner – Flex Desk 360
  • Sam Seifert – Maria Parham Health
  • Cara Gill – S.A.M. Advocacy Center
  • Kevin Wade – Farm Bureau Insurance
  • Richard Davis – A.R. Perry, Inc.

Wilkerson said the board members come from varied business backgrounds to form a cohesive group that works to make the community better. Each year, the board chair selects a theme to guide the Chamber’s efforts and help inform decisions. Wilkerson said Burwell has chosen “year of commitment” to reinforce the idea that working together is critical for a community’s growth and health.

Leadership Vance is one program the Chamber offers to those who live and work in Vance County. The deadline to submit an application for the 2025 Leadership Vance class is Jan. 24, and Wilkerson said there is space for 18 participants. Contact the Chamber office at 252.438.8414 to learn more about Leadership Vance or about the benefits of joining the Chamber of Commerce.




TownTalk: Around Old Granville – Camp Butner

Soldier Memorial Sports Arena in Butner, which serves as a recreational center as well as the site of the Camp Butner Museum, was built in four days back in 1942 by a special team of builders who traveled about constructing buildings for use at military installations during World War II.

It is one of about 1,700 buildings that popped up like mushrooms across the 60 square miles or so of farmland to provide training facilities for U.S. soldiers. By the time the war ended in September 1945, things were winding down at Camp Butner, and local historian Mark Pace said it gave rise to the town of Butner, a unique town in that, until 2007, was operated completely by the state of North Carolina.

When the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decided that this part of Granville County would be the site of the camp, they offered landowners cents on the dollar for their property, which happened to be perfect for growing flue-cured tobacco.

“It was a take-it-or-leave it” proposition,” Pace told WIZS’s Bill Harris on Thursday’s Around Old Granville segment. If the offer wasn’t accepted, the government just condemned the property anyway, he noted.

That didn’t sit too well with many landowners, a sentiment that lingers still today with descendants of those farmers, many of whom didn’t return, even after the war ended.

“It was a major upset to their everyday lives,” Pace said, adding that to say the government’s actions were contentious would be an understatement.

More than 425 families – 1,300 people – had to relocate, not to mention churches, school buildings and more than 1,600 graves.

Just like the recreational facility, the barracks, roads and other infrastructure was built in an incredibly short time, Pace said, and by August 1942 the camp was operational – complete with air field, a railroad spur line, churches, a hospital and even a radio station. Construction went on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in response to the national emergency – remember, the United States had just entered into the war in December 1941, after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Camp Butner took $28 million to build in the early ‘40’s, Pace said. In today’s dollars, that sum would hover around half a billion dollars. Workers got paid $1.25 an hour, which would be about $30 an hour in today’s money.

Because so many young men were fighting in Europe, local farmers faced a labor shortage. They had a hard time getting all the work done on the farm – crops still had to come in, the dairy cows needed milking and the cash crop – tobacco – had to get in the barns.

“Some of the prisoners were allowed to leave the camp and go to work,” he said. And the government said farmers had to pay them wages.

After the war ended, only about half of the land was sold back to the original landowners, their descendants or others. Pace said one man from Durham bought 3,000 acres for the grand total of $10,000. No need to break out the calculators – that’s less than $3.50 an acre.

The National Guard kept about 5,000 acres and the state of North Carolina bought what was left – for the grand sum of $1.

And that’s how all those state-run facilities came to be located in Butner – the alcohol rehab center, Murdoch center and more, Pace said.

Today, the population of Butner is about 8,600. Where soldiers once trained and POWs were housed are now subdivisions and other trappings of post-War suburbia. Many of the buildings are gone, but some – like the sports complex – remain. St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church occupies a former church building at Camp Butner, for example.

There’s probably no community like Butner in the entire country, Pace mused.

Butner has a rich past for a town that’s been incorporated less than 20 years.

The Camp Butner Museum is open the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pace invites the public to come visit the museum, which has many artifacts and photos. The address is 416 24th St., Butner.



TownTalk: Local Politics And Local Leadership Discussion And More

Here in early January, resolutions may be top-of-mind for many. The noun “resolution” comes from the verb “resolve,” defined as settling or finding a solution to a problem, dispute or contentious matter.

Click Play just below and listen to Wednesday’s TownTalk segment to hear a discussion of several local issues that could be resolved in the coming months. Local government topics – from tax rates and budgets to new city management, to a new jail and ongoing litigation involving Vance County are just a few of the items on residents’ minds.

Vance County Logo

TownTalk: Commissioners Begin Process To Fill District 3 Vacant Seat

The Vance County Board of Commissioners handled several procedural items at the first scheduled meeting of 2025, including the steps to appoint a commissioner to replace Commissioner Sean Alston, who recently resigned to take a job as a magistrate in Warren County.

As County Attorney Jonathan Care’s explained, the board has 60 days from Jan. 1, 2025 to fill the seat vacated by Alston, who represented District 3.

“We’ve got to get this done by Mar. 1,” Care told commissioners. He indicated that the board most likely will have a called meeting in early February to discuss the nominations.

Individuals interested in being considered for the appointment need only be from the same political party and reside in the same district as Alston. Alston is a registered Democrat.

If a replacement isn’t made within the 60-day period, Care said the matter will go to the Clerk of Court, who will have 10 days to make an appointment.

The board will send a request for input to the local Democratic party. Care said he had drafted an application form for the commissioners to review and asked them for feedback before posting it by mid-January.

While the board should request input from the local Democratic party, Care said it “has no control over what this board does.” He added that the board has the right to receive and consider applications other than those proffered by the Democratic party.

Commissioner and newly elected Vice Chair Yolanda Feimster requested that the information be sent to media outlets – including local newspaper and radio – to let as many people as possible know about the appointment process.

TownTalk: Vance Commissioners Elect Vice Chair, Hold Public Hearing On 2025-26 Budget At Monday Meeting

Update 10:25 p.m. on 1/6/25:

The Vance County Board of Commissioners elected Yolanda Feimster as its new vice chair at its meeting Monday evening.

The board also held the first of two public hearings to hear from residents about priorities for the 2025-26 budget during its first regular meeting of the year, and the first meeting with Carolyn Faines as chair. Faines was elected to lead the board during a special called meeting last week, following Sean Alston’s announcement that he was stepping down to take a job as a Warren County magistrate.

Several residents spoke during the public hearing, which lasted about 15 minutes, but their messages shared a common theme: reconsider the current tax rate and have a revenue neutral budget in place for FY 2025-26.

Laura Perkinson told commissioners she owns properties in both the city and the county, and she advocates a revenue neutral budget. During her four minutes of allotted time, Perkinson also said property owners should not be charged late fees when paying 2024 tax bills “so we all can catch up.”

The deadline to pay without incurring a 2 percent penalty was today, Jan. 6.

Caroline Burnette has spoken to commissioners during previous public comment periods and she reiterated her concerns about the current tax rate. Burnette asked the commissioners to reconsider the tax rate and said the board should be held accountable for raising the rate during the most recent budget process.

Lee Chandler said he wants to see budget cuts and next year’s budget be “below revenue neutral.”

When Commissioner Dan Brummitt stood up and moved away from his seat briefly, Angela Ryan paused her remarks to the board, stating that she would wait for Brummitt’s return.
“We need to be heard and I want to make sure that I am,” Ryan said.

In remarks following comments from the residents, Commissioner Leo Kelly said “We hear you.” Kelly said he’s lived in Vance County his entire life, and when he voted on the budget, it meant his taxes went up, too.

“I paid my taxes, (but) I paid them grudgingly,” he said.

Before the public hearing was closed, Brummitt thanked those who had approached the podium to address the board. He commented that in his close to two decades as a commissioner, Monday’s hearing was “only the second public hearing where people have spoken.”


Update 2:15 p.m. on 1/6/25:

The Vance County Board of Commissioners is expected to elect a new vice chair at the first regular meeting of 2025 scheduled for this evening, following last week’s resignation of Commissioner Sean Alston, who stepped away from the board to accept a magistrate’s position in Warren County.

The board unanimously elected Carolyn Faines as chair of the board during a special called meeting on Monday, Dec. 30, but tabled a vote to elect vice chair.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. According to the agenda, selection of a new vice chair will be the first order of business, followed by several appointment and then a public hearing to collect comments from county residents as county leaders continue planning for the 2025-26 budget.

The public hearing on the budget is listed as Item 6 on the agenda. This public hearing is the first of two that are scheduled; the second is scheduled for June 2 – after the recommended budget has been submitted to commissioners for review.

Other items for discussion from County Manager C. Renee Perry’s report to the board include the fire marshal budget, amendments to the personnel policy, jail inspection reports from 2023 and 2024, sheriff legal fees, board work sessions and the EMS substation.

View the meeting at https://www.youtube.com/@VanceCountyNC/streams.


Update 1/5/25:

Straight from the Vance County Commissioners meeting 1-6-25 agenda, the meeting will include within the first few items a fiscal year 2025-2026 pre-budget public hearing.

The public notice says, “The Vance County Board of Commissioners will conduct a FY 2025-26 Pre-Budget Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m., or shortly thereafter, on January 6, 2025 in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room at 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.”

Before the Board of Commissioners begins work on next year’s budget, the board “is interested in receiving suggestions and priorities from residents to help them in the development of the budget.”

This is one of two required public hearings that will be held on the budget.

“The county manager will submit a recommended budget in May and a second public hearing will be held on the proposed budget on June 2, 2025,” the notice within the agenda states.

The budget is supposed to be adopted before July 1, 2024.

The agenda says, “This notice was published on December 24, 2024,” which in North Carolina means it was published in the newspaper.

TownTalk Broadcast 1-6-25 Prior to Meeting!