The Local Skinny! City Council Public Hearing Lynne Avenue at Dabney Drive
A notice from the City of Henderson has gone out indicating the City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 6 p.m. regarding the much-discussed area, the Lynne Avenue at Dabney Drive intersection.
The notice indicates a recommendation to build a cul-de-sac on the east side of Lynne Avenue in order “to close Lynne Avenue from Dabney Drive.”
WIZS News is working to learn the origin of the recommendation and other details.
Questions or comments concerning the public hearing may be made during the meeting or submitted to the City Clerk, Esther McCrackin, no later than 3 p.m. on Monday, June 14. Email or call City Hall at 252.431.6000.
At the July 13, 2020 Henderson City Council meeting, members voted to deny the second request in two months to rezone residential properties located at 1337 and 1343 Dabney Drive at the corner of Lynne Avenue.
According to that meeting’s agenda, Hill Dubose, a commercial/industrial developer from Greensboro, NC, requested to rezone the properties located at the corner of Lynne Avenue from an OIA (Office Institutional “A”) District to a B-2A Highway Commercial “A”) District.
Councilwoman Melissa Elliott told WIZS News after that July 2020 meeting that four citizens spoke at the virtual public hearing, including two in favor of rezoning who had “a financial interest” in the matter and two 30-plus year residents of the Lynne Avenue neighborhood who spoke against.
The council denied the request citing issues with potential hazardous traffic in the area associated with a then-proposed fast-food restaurant.
Elliott said at the time, “I want to express that we on the Council are for redevelopment, economic development and bringing job opportunities to our area.”
As it was last year and in previous years when other traffic calming measures were placed, including the adding of stop signs on the lower half of the street, the effect on Lynne Avenue’s residents remains top of mind.