Tag Archive for: #representativefranksossamon

The Local Skinny! Involving Churches In Mental Health Education

A bill introduced by Rep. Frank Sossamon that would get the faith community invested and involved in tackling mental health issues has passed the House in an almost unanimous vote, leaving passage by the Senate and then the governor’s signature before it can become law.

Sossamon said a pilot program is all set to be rolled out in Vance and Granville counties, which he represents – he’s just waiting for the bill to clear the last two hurdles. If all goes well, the plan is to have a program kickoff in September.

“We’ve got our notebook ready with all the material,” Sossamon said on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny! “But we can’t do anything until it’s signed into law.”

The bill creates three levels of certification that churches can participate in to help their congregations and the larger community with education about mental health topics and resources available in the area.

More than 30 churches and other faith-based organizations are already signed up, according to information in Sossamon’s monthly newsletter to constituents.

The first level includes an orientation for church leadership to become familiar with resources in the area, Sossamon said, as well as inviting a pastor to preach about a different topic each month. Hearing about, say, depression from the pulpit or in Sunday School classes may help to remove the stigma of mental illness, he said. “It demystifies mental illness…and is also liberating” for someone who may be suffering in silence. It lets them know they can have a conversation with their pastor, or others in the church. “That in itself brings healing,” Sossamon added.

The next level of certification involves a quarterly training on mental health and level 3 involves specialized mental health first aid training and training to recognize someone who may be in crisis or expressing suicidal thoughts.

“We are still in the midst of a mental health crisis in North Carolina,” said Representative Frank Sossamon. “This program provides a unique opportunity to tap into the compassion and dedication of our faith communities to support their fellow citizens. By leveraging the trust and connections that churches have within their communities, we can make a meaningful impact on mental health care and support.”

Pastors in Vance and Granville counties can sign up HERE to get on the official list and receive kickoff information and program updates. If you are outside of Granville County or Vance County and interested in participating in the program, keep on eye on Sossamon’s monthly newsletter to know when the program will expand to other counties.

Sossamon and bill sponsors urge all North Carolinians to contact their state senators and express their support for HB 982. By advocating for this bill, you can help ensure that it becomes law and that our faith communities are empowered to play a vital role in addressing the mental health crisis.

View the bill text here and see its progress here.

To learn more about the faith-based program or to sign up for Sossamon’s monthly newsletter, visit https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/zdADBdY.


The Local Skinny! Sossamon Keynote Speaker At VGCC Graduation

N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon will deliver the keynote address at the 55th annual commencement ceremony at Vance-Granville Community College on May 10.

Sossamon, in his first term as a legislator in the N.C. House of Representatives, represents District 32, covering Vance and most of Granville County. He is a member of several House committees, including Education K-12, Appropriations, Appropriations Education, Transportation, and Commerce, as well as an interim member of the House Select Committee on Substance Abuse and the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee.

During his 35-year career as pastor of South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church, Sossamon also became active in other areas of the community, according to a press statement from VGCC. He started the Chaplain Program at Maria Parham Health and served on the Ethics Council at the hospital; he also served as chaplain for the Vance County Sheriff Department for 24 years. He has been on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council for Vance County for 35 years. Rep. Sossamon has been an active member of local Crime Stoppers groups for over three decades, serving as president of both the Henderson/Vance and Granville County chapters. He has initiated numerous local community task forces in an effort to better the community.

During his freshman term, Sossamon has spearheaded efforts for a $11.5 million allocation to VGCC to construct a new center for advanced manufacturing. More recently, he played a key role in launching VGCC’s Funeral Service Education partnership with Fayetteville Tech, advocating for the program to support locally owned businesses.

The VGCC commencement will be held on the main campus in Henderson and the event is free and open to the public.

Vance-Granville Community College’s 2024 commencement will honor several hundred students who completed graduation requirements over the last year. The ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 10, on the grounds of the College’s Main Campus in Henderson. All members of the community are invited to attend.



TownTalk: Sossamon Hosts Human Trafficking Forums

N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon wants to get the word out about a couple of upcoming community forums that he hopes will shed a little light on the topic of human trafficking – what it is, what it can look like and how to seek help or report suspicions. Scheduling forums like the ones next week is just one way that Sossamon continues to pastor to the community.

The first forum will be held Tuesday, Mar. 12 at Perry Memorial Library, Sossamon said on Tuesday’s TownTalk. There’s a special session for law enforcement representatives from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., followed by the community forum open to the public at 6 p.m.

He said there will be representatives from a variety of agencies and nonprofits well-versed in the issue of human trafficking to inform and educate and help attendees “better understand this enormous and egregious problem.”

The second forum will be held at the Granville Expo Center in Oxford on Thursday, Mar. 14, following the same format as the Henderson event.

When you hear the term “human trafficking,” what often comes to mind is either sex trafficking or labor trafficking.

Oftentimes, Sossamon said, people don’t know what signs to look for, and instances of trafficking could be happening “right up under our noses.”

Attend one of the two forums and come away with information, some training and a better level of understanding about the problem.

Victims of human trafficking are often under such control that they often never say a word, never try to escape, Sossamon explained. Sometimes they wear bulky clothing or stay covered up to hide malnutrition or markings from abuse.

“It’s beyond me to fully comprehend…to be taken against their will…and do whatever they’re told to do,” he said. “It’s such a large topic when you begin to dive into it – it covers so many different scenarios.”

He recalled a recent case that happened here in Vance County when a law enforcement officer discovered a case of trafficking.
Thanks to training that the State Highway Patrol officer had received, he was able to identify and capture the perpetrator and save the victim.

“One of the big things is awareness, even among those who are sworn to protect,” Sossamon said, adding that there are so many demands on law enforcement officers, the more the community can do to help, the better.

“It takes all of us to have a level of awareness and understanding,” he said, adding that it’s important for individuals to be on the lookout, too.

Holding forums in his district is just one way to help keep the community safe, involved and informed.

“It takes all of us to be involved,” Sossamon said.




The Local Skinny! Sossamon Pastors To Community

N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon wants to get the word out about a couple of upcoming community forums that he hopes will shed a little light on the topic of human trafficking – what it is, what it can look like and how to seek help or report suspicions. Scheduling forums like the ones next week is just one way that Sossamon continues to pastor to the community.

The first forum will be held Tuesday, Mar. 12 at Perry Memorial Library, Sossamon said on Tuesday’s TownTalk. There’s a special session for law enforcement representatives from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., followed by the community forum open to the public at 6 p.m.

He said there will be representatives from a variety of agencies and nonprofits well-versed in the issue of human trafficking to inform and educate and help attendees “better understand this enormous and egregious problem.”

The second forum will be held at the Granville Expo Center in Oxford on Thursday, Mar. 14, following the same format as the Henderson event.

When you hear the term “human trafficking,” what often comes to mind is either sex trafficking or labor trafficking.

Oftentimes, Sossamon said, people don’t know what signs to look for, and instances of trafficking could be happening “right up under our noses.”

Attend one of the two forums and come away with information, some training and a better level of understanding about the problem.

Victims of human trafficking are often under such control that they often never say a word, never try to escape, Sossamon explained. Sometimes they wear bulky clothing or stay covered up to hide malnutrition or markings from abuse.

“It’s beyond me to fully comprehend…to be taken against their will…and do whatever they’re told to do,” he said. “It’s such a large topic when you begin to dive into it – it covers so many different scenarios.”

He recalled a recent case that happened here in Vance County when a law enforcement officer discovered a case of trafficking.
Thanks to training that the State Highway Patrol officer had received, he was able to identify and capture the perpetrator and save the victim.

“One of the big things is awareness, even among those who are sworn to protect,” Sossamon said, adding that there are so many demands on law enforcement officers, the more the community can do to help, the better.

“It takes all of us to have a level of awareness and understanding,” he said, adding that it’s important for individuals to be on the lookout, too.

Holding forums in his district is just one way to help keep the community safe, involved and informed.

“It takes all of us to be involved,” Sossamon said.



TownTalk: Rep. Sossamon Voices Concerns About ‘Gas Station Heroin’

N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon, recently appointed to serve on the House Select Committee on Substance Abuse, said he would like to see the state ban the sale of products that contain tianeptine, which is being referred to as “gas station heroin.”

Sossamon was a guest on Wednesday’s TownTalk and said eight other states have banned the drug and he said North Carolina should join them.

“North Carolina should follow suit,” he said. “The easiest and quickest thing to do is just ban it,” he said.

Tianeptine is not approved for medical use by the Food and Drug Administration, although it is an ingredient in a number of widely available products sold at gas stations and convenience stores as “cognitive enhancers,” according to information on the FDA website.

It is an opioid type drug linked to overdoses and death, Sossamon explained. He said he looks forward to the first meeting of the substance abuse committee, scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 10 a.m. in Raleigh.

He said the committee will hear from experts and others whose loved ones have died from taking the drug. “I don’t know what all we’ll recommend, but I hope it will be effective to protect the citizens of North Carolina.”

The drug is used in other countries to treat depression and anxiety, but in the U.S. it is a Schedule I controlled substance. This means it has a high potential for abuse, Sossamon said.

“When you begin to read some of the material, it’s a no-brainer that it should be banned.”

Whether it should be a permanent ban or just a pause is part of what the committee can determine during its research and investigation into the issue.

The FDA is sometimes slow in taking action to ban something, and that’s why states have taken steps to prevent the products from being sold.

“The drug, evidently, has some positive effects if it’s used properly,” Sossamon noted, but if it is not regulated there’s a greater likelihood for abuse. It can come in pill or powder form and Sossamon said it’s even in a product that looks like a lollipop.

“We’ve got to ban it until we know more about it,” he said. “I don’t want it on my watch that somebody dies when I had a voice and an opportunity to ban it.”



The Local Skinny! Sossamon Appointed To Legislative Oversight Committee


N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon has been selected to sit on two committees by N.C. Speaker Tim Moore, Sossamon’s office announced recently.

Sossamon, representing District 32 that includes Vance and most of Granville counties, now is a member of the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee and the House Select Committee on Substance Abuse.

As a member of the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee, Sossamon will help shape policies and initiatives that impact the state’s transportation infrastructure, according to the press statement. The committee works to enhance and improve transportation systems across the state.

The House Select Committee on Substance Abuse plays a role in developing strategies and policies to combat substance abuse and ensure the well-being of the state’s residents. A major focus of the committee will be exploring ways to control the unregulated and untested drugs that have been created to mimic the effects of opioids that are widely available for purchase across North Carolina.

“I am honored to have been appointed to these crucial committees by Speaker Moore,” Sossamon stated. “I look forward to working collaboratively with my colleagues to address the challenges in transportation and substance abuse facing our state. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of our constituents.”



Granville Vance Public Health Logo

TownTalk: Mental Health And Substance Use Forum Takes Place Next Week

The approaching holidays bring families together to celebrate and spend time together, but  those family gatherings also can place undue pressure and stress on those who also may struggle with mental health and substance abuse issues.

Melanie Griggs, a behavioral health clinical counselor at Granville Vance Public Health, said two upcoming listening sessions are designed to provide resources and information about services in the community.

“It’s a big, big problem,” Griggs said of individuals who find themselves in a mental health or substance abuse crisis.

Above and beyond those modern-day stressors that creep into people’s lives from time to time, other people experience anxiety, depression, loneliness and even suicidal thoughts.
“It affects the family, employers, our entire community,” Griggs said.  “All of us are touched by someone who struggles with either of these issues on a day-to-day basis,” she said.

GVPH is one of the partners hosting the discussions.

The Vance County forum will be held Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 6 p.m. at the Spring Street Missionary Baptist Church, 511 Orange St., Henderson.

The Granville County forum will be held Thursday, Nov. 30 at 6 p.m. at Cornerstone Christian Community Church, 3237 Knotts Grove Rd., Oxford.

“We’re going to talk a lot about access and where in our communities…you can go to get more information and support to address (people’s) particular concerns.”

Provider booths will include those that specialize in medications for Opioid Use Disorder (e.g., Buprenorphine, Methadone), individual and family counseling, medication management, crisis management, intensive outpatient services, and residential treatment.

“We want to make sure that people in our community know what’s out there…making sure they know where to go to get these services.”

Griggs said the community has access to a mobile crisis management unit, accessible by phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at 1.844.709.4097.




The Local Skinny! Maria Parham, Health Dept. Team Up For $5M In State Funding

The atrium of Maria Parham Health was filled with dozens of county leaders, hospital staff and members from the community Wednesday afternoon to witness a big check presentation by N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon.

The oversized check was appropriate, too, because it needed to accommodate a lot of zeroes – the check was written out for $5 million.

Sossamon, freshman representative for District 32, was flanked by fellow legislator Rep. Matthew Winslow, along with Maria Parham CEO Bert Beard and District Attorney Mike Waters for the presentation.

Sossamon called the General Assembly’s $5 million appropriation establishes a “milestone,” for the hospital, the local health department and for the larger community. Plans for the money include creating secure space within the hospital’s Emergency Department for patients in mental health crisis.

“I’m thankful we were able to bring this home,” Sossamon told the gathering assembled for the presentation.

The money will come through Granville Vance Public Health, and Director Lisa Harrison said the dollars will help to create a modern ER with “cutting-edge care and paying attention to modern-day practices that keep people safe in the emergency room.”

MPH CEO Beard said some of the funds would be used at the MPH behavioral health facility in Franklin County for intensive outpatient services.

Right now, law enforcement officers must remain with patients who come to the ER in a mental health crisis until those patients can be safely placed.

The “Safe Spaces” concept for the ER will allow law enforcement officers to get back to work more quickly, and also will put in place proper safeguards for hospital staff and patients alike.

“We’re working to try to help employees be safe,” Sossamon said.

District Attorney Mike Waters said the courts system is “downstream” from other areas in the community, including education and health care. In meeting with representatives from across the community over the past few years, one thing was clear: it’s important to intervene before an individual ends up in the courts system.

Waters said this project serves to address needs in the community, but it also gets law enforcement officers back to work quicker, which is key to keeping communities safer.

Beard said this ER rebuild is “forward-thinking in how we look at emergency care in this state,” and said he hopes what happens here at Maria Parham can be a model for others looking for ways to protect staff and patients in mental health crisis.

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The Local Skinny! Sossamon Details Upcoming Transportation Meeting

Vance County residents are invited to a forum this Thursday evening, Oct. 26, to learn more about local transportation projects – those currently underway and others planned for the future.

Always wondered just how the state DOT decides where and how a road gets built or just how to define right of way? Find out Thursday beginning at 6 p.m. in the county commissioners’ meeting room on the second floor of the county administration building in Henderson.

According to N.C. Rep Frank Sossamon, R-Dist. 32, this is the second in a series of meetings that he and his staff have set up across his district designed to inform and educate his constituents.

A DOT divisional director will spend the day in Henderson to speak with different groups, Sossamon said on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

At 10 a.m., local realtors are invited to a session to learn about roads and other topics around transportation and development. Then at 3 p.m., governmental leaders are invited to convene with DOT officials to have a dialogue about road infrastructure, highways and the like.

Next month’s topic is mental health, Sossamon said.

Forums will be held in Henderson on Nov. 28 at 6 p.m. at Spring Street Missionary Baptist Church and then Nov. 30 at 6 p.m. at Cornerstone Christian Church on Knotts Grove Road in Oxford.