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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library

Walk into Perry Memorial Library in the coming days and weeks and you just may find something more than reading material, thanks to a craft workshop that is taking place today afternoon.

Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters joined WIZS co-host Bill Harris on Tuesday segment of The Local Skinny! to let families know about some interesting upcoming programs at the library.

Kindness Rocks! Is a program that has just a few simple ingredients: Young people, paint and rocks, Peters said.

The young artists will paint a simple inspirational word or picture on the rock, then place it somewhere for it to be discovered by someone walking by.

The idea is “to leave messages around the community where you live,” she said. Participants will find spots inside and outside the library to place their “kindness rocks,” with the hope that it brightens the day for the person who finds it.

Next Tuesday, June 27, at 11 a.m., the Farm Bureau Room will become a concert venue as the band “Big Bang Boom!” takes the stage. The group plays kid-friendly music, Peters said, and invites all to come enjoy.

Later that day, beginning at 4:30 p.m., representatives from the local animal shelter are going to bring along some adoptable pets for children to interact with and maybe even read a story to, Peters said. Kids will get a chance to make toys for dogs out of old t-shirts.

And on Thursdays, don’t forget the Mother Goose story time and Lego Fun Club. The story time is at 11 a.m. and the Lego group kicks off at 4 p.m. Last week, there were 35 kids enjoying their time creating with the classic plastic bricks.

Visit  https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more.



Library Closed Monday, June 19; Juneteenth Celebration Downtown Saturday, June 17

Monday is June 19 and Perry Memorial Library will be closed that day in observance of Juneteenth, when enslaved people in Texas received word of their emancipation.

The Civil War had ended, the Emancipation Proclamation issued and Union troops traveled widely throughout the Confederacy spreading the word that slavery was over and enslaved people were free.

But that news didn’t make it to Texas until June 19, 1865 – hence the name Juneteenth.

The Juneteenth festival will take place in Henderson in the area around the county courthouse on Saturday between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.  Enjoy all the activities, from live music to food trucks, children’s events and vendors of all types.


TownTalk: VGCC Hosts Off-Campus Enrollment Event

Vance-Granville Community College has scheduled an Enrollment Day

Enrollment Day is set for Thursday, June 22 in Henderson and rather than having prospective students come to the college’s Main Campus, staff from Main Campus will be set up at Perry Memorial Library to assist individuals with registering for Fall 2023 classes, according to VGCC Director of Admissions Sherry Alston.

Taking the enrollment show on the road is just one way that VGCC officials are thinking outside the box to get the information out about the various programs and services that VGCC offers.

“Knowing that transportation can sometimes be a barrier, we wanted to go where the people are,” Alston said on Tuesday’s TownTalk.

VGCC representatives will be at the library from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to provide information on the enrollment process, as well as the academic programs and student support services available – including financial aid. Advisors will be ready to help with registration for the fall semester, which begins Monday, Aug. 14.

Both 8-week and the traditional 16-week classes will be available.

Unsure about whether this Enrollment Day is for you? No matter how far along in the enrollment and registration process you are, Alston said there will be VGCC staff on hand at the library to help. Linda Fletcher with Career Services has an interest assessment for prospective students who may not have a career path in mind.

The interest assessment helps individuals learn more about their likes and dislikes, and helps to match them with possible career paths.

“We interact with individuals who may not know or understand what their next step is – they know they want to go to school, but not much more,” Alston said.

An orientation for new students will be held at 10 a.m. on June 22 as part of Enrollment Day. Orientations can be completed online on June 22 or students can arrange for an in-person orientation at a later date.

Alston said participants will get a chance to learn more about all the academic programs available at VGCC, whether that’s a certificate or degree program or a college-transfer program.

“We want to make it a productive day,” Alston said.

For more information about Enrollment Day, or to sign up for orientation, visit www.vgcc.edu/enrollment-day.




Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Perry Memorial Library Plans A Busy June For Kids

Young patrons who come to Perry Memorial Library, check out some books or other materials and then leave are missing out on a bunch of fun programs and activities that all happen inside the library.

Melody Peters, the library’s youth services director, reeled off a good-sized list on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

This summer’s reading program is called “All Together Now,” has its official kickoff from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13.

There will be carnival-style games, snacks and some cool swag for participants, including creating an origami butterfly to add to a mural.

Beginning June 14 and continuing on Wednesdays in June and July (except the week of July 4), Cooperative Extension representatives are going to have a Lunch and Learn from 12 noon to 2 p.m. The program is for youth in grades 6-8 and they’ll learn to cook something different each week. Register for the program with an email to ndkearney@ncat.edu.

Mother Goose Story Time resumes next week as well, with activities for the little guys, Peters said. There’s a 10 a.m. slot that is opening up on Thursdays at 10 a.m. for groups like day care centers and others; the 11 a.m. story time is for the public, she said.

Later on Thursdays – from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – the Lego club meets at the library. Summertime activities include special challenges for the builders, as well as a variety of team-building exercises, all while enjoying playing with Legos. This club is for children in grades K-8.

The library will become a movie theater for awhile on June 20 when library staff present “Up,” a Disney Pixar film that Peters said is a perfectly wonderful flick. The movie begins at 2:30 p.m.

On June 27, the Greensboro-based bang “Big Bang Boom” will perform at the library beginning at 11 a.m.

Teen patrons – those youth in middle and high school – haven’t been left out, Peters said. She has created a coupon book, which encourages them to complete activities and get vouchers for free stuff from local vendors.

“We want kids to come in,” Peters said, and enjoy the library. Some of the activities, in addition to reading books, include telling a librarian a joke and creating a chalk drawing on the sidewalk and snapping a pic to share with library staff.

The goal is to submit two completed coupons each week in exchange for the gift voucher. The completed coupons will be put in the mix for a raffle of ear buds at the end of the summer.

“The more coupons in the box, the better the chance to win the raffle,” Peters said.

Read about all the programs and services at Perry Memorial Library at https://www.perrylibrary.org/





Perry Memorial Library To Host VGCC Enrollment Day June 22


– information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel

Vance-Granville Community College is taking the show on the road – the enrollment show, that is.

Enrollment Day is set for Thursday, June 22 in Henderson and rather than having prospective students come to the college’s Main Campus, staff from Main Campus will be set up at Perry Memorial Library to assist individuals with registering for Fall 2023 classes, according to Courtney Cissel, VGCC’s public information officer.

VGCC representatives will be at the library from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to provide information on the enrollment process, as well as the academic programs and student support services available – including financial aid. Advisors will be ready to help with registration for the fall semester, which begins Monday Aug. 14.

Both 8-week and the traditional 16-week classes will be available.

An orientation for new students will be held at 10 a.m. on June 22 as part of Enrollment Day. Orientations can be completed online on June 22 or students can arrange for an in-person orientation at a later date.

For more information about Enrollment Day, or to sign up for orientation, visit www.vgcc.edu/enrollment-day.

Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Reading And Tennis Come Together At Perry Memorial Library

Perry Memorial Library is bringing tennis back to the gallery for a fun-filled event that gets kids learning about the sport through reading and exercise.

Melody Peters, the library’s youth services director, said a crew from Edmonds Tennis and Education Foundation is taking a second swing at a workshop designed for young people ages 5-18. They aced last year’s event, and Peters said they’ll be back this year to serve up some more fun.

The Tennis Book Read takes place on May 31 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

And, not to worry, there will be tennis racquets in the gallery, she said.

“They tell me they have it all under control,” Peters said, reassuringly.

ETEF volunteers will be on hand to work with the young people to learn the basics of tennis.

The Edmonds family established the nonprofit youth development organization in 2018 and uses the game of tennis to provide academic and athletic opportunities to underserved youth.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more or email Peters at mpeters@perrylibrary.org.



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Upcoming Children’s Programs At Perry Library



Summer is just around the corner, and Perry Memorial Library staff is planning a host of programs to keep youngsters occupied while they’re enjoying their time away from school.

Youth Services Director Melody Peters said the library will be a cool spot to visit over the summer, and not just for the air conditioning.

“It’s free – all summer long,” she told WIZS’s Bill Harris during the library’s recurring segment of The Local Skinny!

A new space for teens is being created just outside the Maker Space, Peters said. They’ve ordered some new “cool” furniture for the spot, which will be geared to young people in middle and high school. Teens that take part in the summer reading program will get coupons that they can turn in for sweet summer treats.

The reading program isn’t just for teens, however. There are a variety of ways to track progress – from time spent reading to chapters completed, and participants can come to the library each week to track their progress and get prizes.

“We want everybody to join us,” Peters said. The reading challenge kicks off at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13.

The N.C. Cooperative Extension is offering a Lunch and Learn program on Wednesdays for students in grades 6-8. The first session will be Wednesday, June 14, Peters said, and participants will be cooking and making different recipes each week.

And although the Mother Goose storytime is taking a break in May, Peters said the time slot – Thursdays at 11 a.m. – is still a great time for young children to come and take part in some “make and take” craft projects.

“It really is for all ages,” she said, adding that there’s a theme for each week’s projects through the month.

Peters said craft activities are really important ways for youngsters to develop skills that they need at school. “I was hearing from teachers that kids really missed out on some of those skills with scissors, painting“ during the pandemic. “Kids really lost two years of using scissors, using glue – those fine motor skills really do matter.”

Another way young people can use their imagination and develop those fine motor skills at the same time is by coming to the Lego Club. The Club begins June 15 at 4:30 p.m. in the children’s storytime area.

Participants will have the option of “free-build” or they can accept a challenge, Peters said.

“We’re going to try to have challenges and then say, ‘show us what you did,’” she added.

Contact the library at 252.438.3316 to learn more about any of the programs the library offers. Peters’s extention is 226. Or you can visit www.perrylibrary.org or follow the library on Facebook or Instagram.



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Programs For Youth And More At Perry Memorial Library

With National Library Week coming up, Perry Memorial Library Youth Services Director Melody Peters took some time to chat with WIZS’s Bill Harris on The Local Skinny! about the important roles libraries play in society.

Sure, they’re a place where you can go and check out books, but Peters said libraries provide so much more. And the Henderson library is ever-evolving to respond to the needs and wants of the community it serves.

“We’re meeting information needs,” Peters said, adding that those needs vary greatly from person to person. She said patrons feel they get “honest, unbiased advice when they come to the library.”

Whether it’s asking for help finding a resource or searching online for a particular document or website, librarians are always at the ready to assist patrons.

“Not everyone can do everything online,” she said. “They still need that guidance” that comes from one-on-one assistance. You know – the old-fashioned way. “You have to constantly evolve and adapt” to respond to the needs of your community, Peters added.

Perry Memorial Library offers a variety of programs for young people, including Life Hacks and Survival Skills, which offers middle- and high-school aged students workshops on everything from sewing a set of mittens to learning how poetry slams work.

And the upcoming Kids Connect session will feature a poetry workshop with Valerie Rodriguez. That program, geared for kids in grades K-5, will be held Tuesday, April 25 at 4:30 p.m.

Stargazers are invited to head out to the community house at Satterwhite Point Saturday evening for a special astronomy program that begins at 7:45 p.m. Weather permitting, there will be telescopes set up and pointed at the skies for participants to learn about constellations.

There will be plenty of activities inside, too, Peters said, just in case the skies are cloudy.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more.

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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Upcoming At Perry Memorial Library

Although geared for middle and high school audiences, Perry Memorial Library Youth Services Director Melody Peters said the Bull City Slam Team program on April 11 is a community program to which all are welcome.

If she were to call it a poetry reading, Peters knew she may be met with yawns of disinterest. It IS poetry, but it’s so much more, as she explained on the regular library segment on The Local Skinny!

“It’s an evening of spoken word,” Peters said, adding that she likens it more to a live performance than a recitation. “Really, it’s a form of storytelling.”

“It’s interactive, original work, (and) it’s powerful because it’s coming from a place that really matters” to the artist.

Bull City Slam Team practices their art regularly and programs like the one at the library help them be polished and ready to win the competitions they enter.

Students in grades 6-12 have another opportunity at the library to participate in a Spring Break Nutrition Camp. Cooperative Extension agents will work with campers to create healthy recipes from recipe to the plate. “It’s going to be a busy, hands-on” day, Peters said, adding that she hopes future camps can be held over the course of several days.

On April 18, the Survival Skills class continues and participants will be creating their own stuffed animal – a furry frog, Peters said. This program begins at 4:30 p.m.

An after-hours statewide Star Party is scheduled for Saturday, April 22 at Kerr Lake’s Satterwhite Point Community Building.

This program begins at 7:45 p.m. and concludes at 9:30 p.m. Participants will get to use telescopes to check out the night sky, far away from the light pollution created by urban, commercial areas. There will be lots of activities to learn more about astronomy.

No need to register, Peters said, just come on out to 269 Glass House Road and enjoy the fun.

This activity is in partnership with the Kerr Lake State Recreation Area and the Morehead Planetarium in Chapel Hill.




Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Programs For Youth At Perry Memorial Library

If Perry Memorial Library looks more like an artist’s studio than a library this afternoon, you have Melody Peters and Alice Sallins to thank. Peters, the library’s youth services director and Sallins with the local arts council, are teaming up for the March Kids Connect program.

Kids Connect is geared toward elementary-age students, Peters said it’s fine to bring older or younger siblings. Peters has a word of warning: Kids should come dressed in “paint friendly” clothing, because there will be painting!

Today’s project involves art, and Sallins will talk to the children about art and how they can express themselves through art.

“Learning happens through play, the arts, and discovery,” Peters said on Tuesday’s bi-weekly library segment of The Local Skinny!

April’s Teen Life Hacks involves a different kind of art – poetry. But it’s poetry with a twist, Peters said. Bull City Slam Team is coming to the library on Tuesday, April 11 at 4:30 p.m. to entertain, inform and enlighten youngsters about spoken word.

“They are amazing!” Peters said. “It’s poetry, but it’s performed, it’s personal, it’s original work. It is just powerful.”

So many young people may think that poetry is boring, but Peters said the April 11 program will change their minds. “It can be lively and reflect you in a whole different way of expressing yourself,” she said. This program is geared toward tweens and teens, 6th grade and up.

And then on Thursday, April 13, students off for spring break can gather at the library from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to get some first-hand experience with cooking and some STEM activities. Register for this activity online, Peters said. She hopes to have at least 20 participants come to the library to get some tips on cooking and proper nutrition from community partners at the N.C. Cooperative Extension.

Register for this activity here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSer-QeW_IAgx8E4Vozpx9YRYArvW-YjXxpDiDmC7blRB_oTZw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to find out about all its programs and services.