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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events at Perry Memorial Library

Melody Peters, Youth Services Librarian at Perry Memorial Library, discusses upcoming events.

(Our WIZS written coverage will appear here soon.)



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library

Vance County Commissioner Valencia Perry will join Melody Peters next week for a special Story Time program as part of Perry Memorial Library’s celebration of Black History Month.

“I’m so excited that she can come,” Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! “She’s amazing!”

Perry was elected to District 2 in 2024 and Peters, Youth Services director, said she is always interested in what’s going on at the library, so she invited the newly elected official to take part in Story Time from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 25.

The impending wintry weather shouldn’t pose a problem for that event, but Peters said it could adversely affect the student Library Club, scheduled to meet on Feb. 25 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

If schools are forced to cancel classes this week, it could mean that the students won’t have enough time to put the finishing touches on their latest project.

“Being out of school can throw things off,” Peters said. “If we have to reschedule, that’s what we’ll do.”

Peters offers the reminder that the library follows the same inclement weather schedule as the county, so check social media and the library website for updates on openings and closings.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/home to learn more about the programs and services the library offers.




Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library For February

People are quick to blame social media for many of society’s ills lately, but Melody Peters, Youth Services Librarian at Perry Memorial Library, gives it credit for a growing interest in crafting. So she’s riding that wave and launching a monthly gathering for young people to learn the art of crochet.

“It is a ‘thing,’” Peters said of the renewed interest in the art of crochet, “and a lot of people are doing it.” The first class is Feb. 18 and will continue monthly.

Sticking with a retro theme, the First Friday program continues this Friday, Feb. 7. Participants will make lava lamps, Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

With materials that include baby oil and Alka-Seltzer tablets, Peters said the craft project /STEM activity will come together.

Pre-schoolers will gather at 10:30 a.m. for the activity, and then a mixed-age group of homeschoolers will convene at 1 p.m. to create their lava lamps.

Mental Health Monday is a a new program that Peters is kicking off on Feb. 17 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. It’s a teacher workday, and students are out of school, so she’s offering a special day for teens – ages 12-20 – to take part in a variety of activities including art therapy, “food for your mood” cooking and some time with animals from the local shelter.

The program is designed to help teens focus on “different ways to boost your mood and feel good,” Peters said.

Later in the month, there will be different scavenger hunts that spotlight Black History Month, she said.

And Vance County Commissioner Valencia Perry will be a special guest for Kids Connect on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m.

Visit perrylibrary.org for a complete listing of programs, events and services.


Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Dec. 21 Make-And-Take Program At Perry Library

They’re making snow at Perry Memorial Library Saturday, Dec. 21!

Well, not snow, exactly. More like snowflakes.

Youth Services Director Melody Peters said there’s going to be plenty of fun in the process, too, during the make-and-take craft activities that people of all ages are sure to enjoy.

The library will have a variety of age-appropriate activities available during the 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. snowflake-themed program.

You can make huge paper bag snowflakes – just glue several layers together and then cut to create that unique snowflake pattern.

Teens will enjoy a bead and pipe cleaner craft to create their own version of a snowflake, too, Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Saturday also is the Winter Solstice, which marks the longest night of the year. After Saturday, the days will increasingly grow longer.

The library will take a little break for the Christmas holiday and will be closed Dec. 24-26, Peters said. The library will be open New Year’s Eve day, but will be closed New Year’s Day.

Peters said the library will open 2025 with a bang – literally – on Jan. 2 with Mother Goose Story Time at 11 a.m. for kiddos 0-5. The theme will be “make a little noise,” she said.

Then winter programming continues full-steam ahead, with First Fridays. This program for  area preschools kicks off Jan. 10 from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. It gives preschoolers a chance to experience the library and enjoy STEM activities, Peters said. The January program features chemical reactions and baking soda volcanoes.

There’s a new club starting up this year for anime enthusiasts, she said.

The group will meet on the last Thursday of the month – beginning on Jan. 30 – from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

“It’s a very popular section” of the library, Peters said. “We have a couple of staff members who are really into it themselves – they read it, they watch it, they wear it…they appreciate it.”

For the uninitiated, anime – pronounced A nih may – is a form of animation that originated in Japan. The club is for young people in middle school and high school. Space is limited, and registration is required, Peters said. Email her at

mpeters@perrylibrary.org to get signed up.

Visit www.perrylibrary.org to learn about all the programs the library offers.

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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library

So far, Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters has resisted the urge to get the library festooned in red and green for that big December holiday – she said she wants Thanksgiving and Native Peoples Month to have their moments to shine, too.

In fact, next Tuesday afternoon’s activity will feature a story celebrating Native Peoples Month. Participants will surely enjoy the associated craft activity – making “corn” using pipe cleaners and beads.

Once Thanksgiving has come and gone, the library will surely shift its attention to December when thoughts turn to snowflakes and gingerbread men and Christmas decorations.

Peters invites folks of all ages to come out on the first official day of winter to the library’s “Winter Celebration” on Saturday, Dec. 21. Activities will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and include make-and-take crafts for all ages, from kiddos and teens to adults.

And bring your photo-taking device to snap some family selfies in front of a beautiful holiday backdrop, she said.

There are plenty of activities before Dec. 21 to enjoy, too, Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

For starters, there’s Pajama Story Time on Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Then on Tuesday, Dec. 10 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., bring the family to watch the film Polar Express while sipping hot chocolate and nibbling sweet treats.

Youngsters will enjoy hunting for hidden gingerbread people cookies around the library. No, they’re not edible – these are made of felt – but Peters said the children enjoyed looking for them hidden throughout the library.

Sometimes, you’ll find Peters or other library staff out in the community, too.

Visit the Vance County Regional Farmers Market on Saturday, Dec. 7 between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. for a special Market Story Time, which may include decorating some gingerbread cookies that ARE edible, Peters said.

And then later that afternoon, the library will have a float commemorating its 100 year-anniversary in the Henderson Christmas Parade, which begins at 3 p.m.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn about all the programs and services the library offers.




Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library For November

It’s DiNo-vember at Perry Memorial Library and Youth Services Director Melody Peters said this month’s activities will embrace all things dinosaurs.

“We’ve got some great activities,” Peters said – who doesn’t love a good dinosaur? From the ferocious T-Rex and raptors with razor-sharp teeth to the mild-mannered stegosaurus, dinosaurs fuel children’s imaginations.

Peters said it’s the first time since she’s been here that she’s used the theme.

Thursday’s Mother Goose story time at 11 a.m. will have a dino theme this month, and the Story Walk outside the library will, too.

Then there’s Pajama Story Time at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12 and Family Story Time on Sunday, Nov. 17 at 3:30 p.m.

But wait! There’s more!

Peters said she’s excited to announce that children can participate in a special “adopt a dino” activity. What’s the catch? Well, you have to read a book to the stuffed dinosaur (non-readers can get some help from a family member) and then that plush animal can find its way home with you, she said.

Peters said she must give credit where credit is due for the idea of “DiNo”-vember. The idea originated, she said, from some very creative parents whose young child was not sleeping at night. They created lifelike dinosaur scenes throughout the house, which gave the children something to do and distract them long enough for them to settle down and get back to sleep.

“It just shows you what families with young kids (do), get creative to solve problems,” Peters said.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/home to learn about all the programs and services the library offers.



Perry Memorial Library

TownTalk: Perry Memorial Library Events Going on in October

Ask Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters what her favorite time of year is, and you’ll get an energetic, enthusiastic “Fall!” every time.

Peters is pulling out all the stops for events and programs for October, from tried-and-true favorites to new activities designed for on-the-go families.

This Friday, the library will begin its “First Fridays STEM Club” geared for preschoolers. The half-hour program runs from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the theme is Sounds. Participants will make egg shakers using rice, and they’ll make a kazoo with cardboard tubes, wax paper and a rubber band.

She’ll do a repeat of that program later in the day for homeschool groups and families to take part in. That session will begin at 1 p.m., she said. Adding a session for homeschool groups is just another way the library is helping to meet the needs of the community, Peters noted.

Now in her third year as Youth Services Librarian, Peters said she often hears that busy families simply can’t make it to daytime programs at the library.

So, she’s planning an evening Pajama Story Time for Tuesday, Oct. 8 to accommodate those folks. The story time, which lasts about 30 minutes, begins at 6:30 p.m.

“It’s been offered in the past, but this is the first time I’ve offered it,” Peters said.

The library will host a fall festival again this year, and Peters said participation has grown over the course of her time with the library. Families are invited to take part in all the carnival-style games – there will be something for everyone, she said. The festival will be on Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

And stick around from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., because they’re planning a Trunk or Treat in the parking lot for kids to experience on their way from the festival back to their cars.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more.

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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library


The Perry Memorial Library is doing its part in the city’s recently launched anti-litter campaign. Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters said upcoming Storytime programs will have an anti-litter theme, and while there might be a little talk about trash, there will be no trash talking.

The programs will be held at the library on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 4:15 p.m. and on Friday, Sept. 27 at 10:30 a.m. Although geared for preschool and elementary-school aged children, Peters said all are welcome. There will be a craft activity and some giveaways with an anti-litter theme.

After attending last week’s kickoff, “I wanted to add a special story time,” Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! As part of the NC Litter Sweep program, which runs Sept. 14- Sept. 28, participants will get a chance to clean up around the outside of the library, too.

As fall programming continues to crank up, Peters said the monthly Survival Skills series for young people in grades 6-12 resumes beginning today at 4:30 p.m. The focus will be on quilting, she said. Once the crafters create their quilt top, it will be made into a pillow. Register by emailing mpeters@perrylibrary.org. Subsequent dates will be Tuesday, Oct. 15 and Tuesday, Nov. 19.

The Kids Connect program for children in grades K-5, comes back on Tuesdays beginning Sept. 24 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The kickoff session will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and will include arts and crafts activities like weaving and flower-making.

Learn more at https://www.perrylibrary.org/.




Rebuild Communities NC, AARP Team Up To Offer Technology Classes For Senior Adults

Information courtesy of Edythe Thompson, Rebuild Communities NC

Rebuild Communities NC has partnered with Senior Planet from AARP to help people over 50 learn new online skills. When you sign up for the Digital Skills Ready@50+ program, you’ll gain the essential skills you need to navigate an increasingly digital world.

Whether you’re hoping to stay connected with family and friends, interested in learning new technology, exploring entrepreneurship, or looking for a job, the Digital Skills Ready@50+ lectures and workshops offer training on a wide range of technologies, from video conferencing and online job search tools to office productivity software.

To sign up for the classes, call Edythe Thompson at 252.915.1840 or email Deborah Hall-Robinson at dhallrobinson@gmail.com.

Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Perry Memorial Library’s Farm Bureau Room from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The first session was held Tuesday, Sept. 10 and gave an overview of Smartphones.

Additional sessions include:

Thursday, Sept. 12: Finding information online

Tuesday, Sept. 17: Google Workspace

Thursday, Sept. 19: Google Maps

Tuesday, Sept. 24: Gmail Tips & Tricks

Thursday, Sept. 26: Staying Safe Online Workshop

Stay tuned for the October schedule, coming soon!


Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! 100 Years Of Perry Memorial Library


One hundred years ago, the very first librarian at the brand-new library in Henderson probably couldn’t have imagined all the events and programs that take place under the roof of today’s library.

That librarian would probably have been too busy shushing patrons and peering over reading glasses perched low on her nose.

When Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters imagines the library of the future, she paints a picture that includes outdoor benches outfitted with solar power to recharge devices and envisions the library as a community hub – a place where people can find information, from books or by other means.

The future is not that far away, in fact.

Peters has priced those benches – about $10,000 each – and the community college has its own booth inside the library where prospective students can learn about the enrollment process and more.

Come celebrate 100 years of the library on Saturday, Sept. 7 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Peters said there will be food trucks, carnival games and much more to mark the first hundred years of the public library in Henderson.

“At the time, it was the largest gift given in North Carolina to fund a library,” Peters said. The land was given first, then came the money to build the library.

Libraries of the future may incorporate more virtual events, e-books and more non-traditional forms of getting information, but Peters said nothing can replace walking into an actual library and holding an actual book.

She’s witnessed grandparents bringing grandchildren in to the library and reminiscing about library visits when they themselves were children.

“I don’t want kids to hit 18 and never have come to the library,” Peters said. “This community loves and supports its library…it’s a beautiful gift (and) we’ve kept it going for 100 years.”

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more.