Granville Co. Board of Education to Meet in Closed & Opened Sessions Jan. 7
-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools
The Granville County Board of Education will meet in a Closed Session to consult with the Board attorney and preserve the attorney/client privilege in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(1) and (a)(3) on Monday, January 7, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. at West Oxford Elementary School.
The Granville County Board of Education will also meet for a regular board meeting on Monday, January 7, 2019, at 6 p.m. at West Oxford Elementary School, 412 Ivey Day Rd, Oxford, NC. Please note the change of location for this regular board meeting.
To find a copy of the agenda for the meeting, click here. The agenda for January 7 includes a Closed Session to discuss confidential personnel matters and preserve the attorney/client privilege in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and 115C-321.
Dywanda Pettaway
Clerk to Board of Education