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TownTalk: NC DOT Has Local Job Openings

The N.C. Dept. of Transportation has openings for more than a dozen jobs in the area, and representatives will be at NC Works Career Center next week to share information, accept applications and interview on the spot.

The hiring event will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the NC Works Career Center, located at 826 S. Garnett St. in Henderson.

The state DOT is looking to fill 17 positions, including six auto mechanic jobs in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Person counties, according to information from NCDOT Division 5 Road Maintenance Engineer Jonathan Arnold. Eleven additional transportation workers are needed – 10 in Franklin County and one in Vance County, Arnold noted.

“We are excited to partner with NC Works to host this hiring event for our 17 openings, and help job seekers in the area begin a great career start with NCDOT,” Arnold said in a press statement. “We are looking for qualified candidates who are passionate about making a difference in their community.”

Workstations will be available for candidates to apply the day of the event, and computers will be reserved for military veterans, who receive preference in the hiring process.

There are several websites to check out in advance of the hiring event:


Franklin County On Track For $98M From NCDOT Over Next Decade

-Information courtesy of James Hicks, Franklin County Public Information Officer


Franklin County is set to receive $98 million from the NC DOT’s  Transportation Improvement Program over the next decade, which translates into numerous transportation and bridge improvement projects, as well as at least one rails to trails project for pedestrians and bicyclists.

The NC DOT adopted the plan last month and Franklin County Manager Kim Denton said Franklin County’s $98 million piece of the pie will provide an economic boost.

“These transportation projects will help increase mobility in Franklin County and update the county’s transportation infrastructure,” Denton said. “Funding in the STIP will improve transportation in Franklin County and attract more economic development to the county.”

Following is a description of the projects and an anticipated date of completion:

U.S. Highway 401 widening between Flat Rock Church Road/Clifton Pond Road to Fox Park Road in Louisburg

This project will widen the existing two-lane road to four lanes and connect the four lanes at Fox Park Road in Louisburg to the newly constructed four lanes at Flat Rock Church Road and Clifton Pond Road in the Royal community. This nearly $55 million project has been given prioritization in the STIP with a projected Right-Of-Way schedule of 2028. Commonly referred to as Section D, this project will complete the widening of Highway 401 which began many years ago south of Rolesville in Wake County. The current widening project from NC 96 to Flat Rock Church Road/Clifton Pond Road is expected to be completed in the summer of 2023.

Triangle North Executive Airport runway extension with relocation of utilities, navaid and roadways

Fulfilling goals in the Triangle North Executive Airport Master Plan, this project will extend the existing airport runway as well as realign Airport Road to allow for hangar expansion along the runway.  This $25 million project will aid in the expansion of Triangle North Executive Airport – which drives an annual economic impact of more than $28 million – and has been given prioritization in the STIP with a Right-Of-Way schedule of 2026.

Bickett Boulevard lane improvements from Burke Boulevard to Nash Street

This project will enhance mobility and improve safety by converting Bickett Boulevard from a five-lane section to a four-lane median divided roadway with accommodations for bicycle and pedestrian traffic. This $20 million project has been given prioritization in the STIP with a projected Right-Of-Way schedule of 2028.

Franklinton to Novozymes Rails to Trails

A joint project between Franklin County and the Town of Franklinton, this project converts an old railway corridor into a walkable and rideable trail. Spanning from the Franklinton Train Depot to Novozymes on Perry’s Chapel Road, this rails to trails project will increase mobility and provide a nice outdoor amenity to Franklin County. This $3.7 million project is expected to begin in 2023.

Bunn Road lane improvements from Kenmore Avenue to Bickett Boulevard

This project will reduce the lanes on Bunn Road from Kenmore Avenue to Bickett Boulevard from four lanes to two lanes. It will also make bicycle and pedestrian improvements. This project is expected to cost just over $600,000 and some improvements to that stretch of road began in 2022.

Bridge Replacements

  • Replace East River Road bridge over Sycamore Creek which is under construction in 2023.
  • Replace Highway 401 bridge over Sandy Creek with a Right-Of-Way schedule of 2027.
  • Replace Baptist Church Road bridge over Tar River with a Right-Of-Way schedule of 2030.

Highway 56 West lane widening from Peach Orchard Road to Highway 401

This project will widen Highway 56 West from two lanes to four lanes from Bickett Boulevard/Highway 401 to Peach Orchard Road. The nearly $37 million project was included in the STIP for prioritization, but funds have not been identified to begin Right-Of-Way acquisition.

Franklin County is in NCDOT Division 5 which also includes Granville, Vance and Warren counties, among others.  The County is also a part of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and the Kerr-Tar Regional Planning Organization which submit projects to NCDOT for its planning areas.

The complete STIP for the state can be viewed here: https://www.ncdot.gov/initiatives-policies/Transportation/stip/Pages/about.aspx


Vance, Granville To Get Part Of $9M RAISE Funding For Downtown Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Vance and Granville counties are two of a dozen counties across the state that will receive $9 million in federal funding to make safety improvements for pedestrians in downtown areas.

The NC Department of Transportation will administer projects under Walk NC: Creating Safer Crossings as part federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity, or RAISE, program funds by the U.S. Department of Transportation, according to information from NCDOT.

The project, designated for economically disadvantaged areas, will add pedestrian countdown signals, crosswalks and accessible routes at signalized intersections in 15 communities, as well as add signal timing improvements and address some sidewalk gaps.

The project will put in place pedestrian safety improvements in towns identified by their poor pedestrian safety records. It will also increase transportation accessibility for many people without vehicles and prioritizes disadvantaged businesses by creating better connections in rural downtowns.

Other counties that will receive funding are Davidson, Rowan, Halifax, Wilson, Robeson, Chatham, Beaufort, Johnston, Lenoir and Richmond.


RR Crossings At Chavasse Avenue, St. Matthews Street Scheduled To Close For Maintenance

A couple of railroad crossings in the Henderson area will be closed for some planned maintenance in the next couple of weeks.

Southern Commercial Development made the announcement as it handles traffic control for CSX. SCD’s Chief Operations Officer Angela Nelis said her team will be creating a traffic detour during the closures. NC DOT crews will assist with paving the areas.

The Chavasse Avenue crossing is scheduled for maintenance beginning at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21. It will remain closed until Thursday, Feb. 23 at 5 p.m.

The crossing at St. Matthews Street is scheduled for work beginning at 7 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 27 and will remain closed until Wednesday, Mar. 1 at 5 p.m.

As a reminder, during this maintenance work, no vehicles will be able to cross the tracks.

NC DOT promotes free bike helmet distribution

-information courtesy of N.C. Dept. of Transportation

Research shows bicycle helmets save lives and prevent serious injuries.

As part of the annual Bicycle Helmet Initiative to encourage more children to wear helmets, the N.C. Department of Transportation will give free protective headwear to organizations across the state to distribute to youth cyclists.

Organizations can apply online with NCDOT’s Integrated Mobility Division. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on Feb. 3.

“Wearing a helmet is an easy way to reduce risk of head injuries when riding a bicycle,” said Ryan Brumfield, director of the state’s Integrated Mobility Division. “We hope the Bicycle Helmet Initiative will help reduce bicycle injuries and raise awareness about the importance of safe bicycling practices.”

In just the last five years, the program has provided people over 45,000 free bike helmets, including nearly 20,000 helmets provided to over 260 organizations in 2022. Research shows bicycle helmets prevent 60% of head injury deaths and they reduce the risk of head injuries by up to 85%. Unfortunately, less than half of all children wear a helmet when they ride a bike.

To apply, please find instructions and guidelines at NCDOT’s Bicycle Helmet Initiative webpage. Applicants may request 25, 50, 75, or 100 helmets, and awardees will receive the helmets in the spring.

The helmet initiative started in 2007 and works with local communities to spark interest in bicycle safety. As part of that, applicants should consider partnering with a local law enforcement agency, parks and recreation department, church or other organization to host bike safety events. The initiative is paid for using sales of the Share the Road specialty license plate.


NC DOT Offers Safety Tips When Driving During “Bomb Cyclone”

-information courtesy of N.C. Department of Transportation

People should check real-time driving conditions before traveling anywhere throughout the holiday weekend, as a winter storm is forecast to bring bone-chilling cold, rain, heavy winds and possible snow and ice in some locations.

Those conditions could make travel dangerous in North Carolina from the mountains to the coast.

The N.C. Department of Transportation has prepared for the storm. It has  more than 2,200 employees who are specially trained to use hundreds of trucks to remove snow and ice from roads. The agency has prepared its trucks and equipment in advance of this weekend’s winter storm. The NCDOT can store up to 179,000 tons of salt and sand and 1.8 million of brine to treat roads.

“Our staff is ready to clear roads of snow and debris as needed, but travelers need to be prepared, too,” said J. Eric Boyette, NCDOT secretary. “This storm could make it quite dangerous to be outside driving. Everyone should be prepared and be safe.”

If you do choose to travel this weekend, NCDOT recommends the following safety tips:

  • Be sure your vehicle is running well, has at least a half tank of gas and is equipped properly for changing conditions.
  • Keep on hand a supply kit with an ice scraper, extra windshield wiper fluid and anti-freeze, as well as a first-aid kit, blankets, flashlights, drinking water, and a basic automotive tool kit with jumper cables and flares.
  • If possible, leave early for your destination.
  • Allow extra time for your trip, regardless of the route you choose.
  • Drive slowly and maintain a safe following distance from other vehicles.
  • Approach bridges and overpasses with caution as they may accumulate ice first.
  • Come to a complete stop and yield the right of way when approaching an intersection where traffic lights are out. Treat this as a four-way stop.
  • Other tips can be found on NCDOT’s “Driving in Winter Weather” webpage.
  • For real-time travel information, visit DriveNgov or follow NCDOT on social media.

Road Construction Halted

To ease travel, the NCDOT will temporarily halt most construction activity along major highways to keep traffic flowing for holiday travel.

Construction along interstates, U.S. and key N.C. routes will be suspended from Friday morning until Tuesday evening to help reduce delays.

Construction also will be halted starting the morning of Dec. 31 through the evening of Jan. 3 for motorists traveling during the New Year’s Day holiday. Some projects will continue with work that doesn’t impact travel lanes, and other long-term lane closures will remain in place on certain projects.

Weather Could Impact Other Transportation

High winds and rough seas along the coast could cause schedule interruptions on some or all North Carolina ferry routes. Travelers should check with their terminal of departure before heading out this weekend.

As of Thursday, there are no plans in the coming days to stop or delay any of the state’s passenger rail trains. For the latest train schedules, please visit NCByTrain.org.

For real-time travel information, visit DriveNC.gov or follow NCDOT on social media.


“Operation Crash Reduction” Underway On State’s Roads Through This Weekend

– information courtesy of the N.C. Department of Transportation

North Carolina law enforcement agencies will be encouraging motorists to slow down from Oct. 3-9, as part of a special speeding enforcement effort dubbed “Operation Crash Reduction.”

“We have an epidemic of high-speed crashes occurring on roads in North Carolina, and that’s why agencies across the state opted to make speeding the focus on this year’s “Operation Crash Reduction” campaign,” said Mark Ezzell, director of the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program. “This is part of GHSP’s broader efforts to combat a dangerous increase in speeding through increased enforcement, public awareness and policy.”

The event is part of a larger, regional campaign by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to target unsafe driving behaviors at a particularly deadly time of year. Motorists may notice increased law enforcement efforts to crack down on speeding motorists and bring awareness to unsafe speeds in communities statewide this week. This will include more radar operations and speed display signs.
The Governor’s Highway Safety Program urges drivers to always avoid speeding. Speeding reduces a driver’s ability to negotiate curves, makes it more difficult to stop, and increases the risk of crashes and injuries.

The “Operation Crash Reduction” effort is focused on North Carolina, Washington D.C., Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. This region experiences some of the nation’s highest numbers of traffic crash-induced fatalities. According to NHTSA, from 2015 to 2019, this region experienced more fatal crashes in October than any other month. A total of 190 people were killed in crashes during the month of October last year in North Carolina. Of those, 42 deaths were related to speeding.

As of Oct. 3, nearly 300 people have been killed in speed-related crashes in North Carolina. That represents more than one fatality a day in 2022. Between 2017 and 2021, there was a 17 percent increase in speed-related crashes in North Carolina.
Find more information and statistics on speeding in North Carolina here.


Henderson Gets $463K in Powell Bill Funds From NCDOT

Henderson is the big winner among area municipalities in the recent $154.8 million Powell Bill allotment announced by the N.C. Department of Transportation for street improvements.

City Manager Terrell Blackmon told WIZS Wednesday that he and the City Council will be working to help prioritize where and how to use the $463,634.73 allotment, about half of which has been distributed.  The remaining amount to be paid by Jan. 1, 2023, according to a press statement from NCDOT.

Officially called the State Street Aid to Municipalities, the program also is known as Powell Bill funds. This year, a total of 508 municipalities statewide benefitted from the allocation.

The Powell Bill funds are used primarily to resurface municipal streets but also may be used to maintain, repair, construct, or widen streets, bridges, and drainage areas. Municipalities can also use Powell Bill funds to plan, construct and maintain bike paths, greenways or sidewalks.

The amount each municipality receives is based on a formula established by state law, with 75 percent of the funds based on population and 25 percent based on the number of municipality-maintained street miles.  The annual population figures are provided by the Office of State Budget and Management.

“Powell Bill funding allows us to complete a lot of transportation projects important to North Carolina communities from Murphy to Manteo,” said State Transportation Secretary Eric Boyette.  “Municipalities can use these funds on projects that make our state a wonderful place to live, work and play.”

The fund is named for Junius K. Powell, a former state senator and mayor of Whiteville. Powell was the primary sponsor of the 1951 bill to help the state’s cities with urban road problems. The first allocation of Powell Bill funds was for $4.5 million and was distributed to 386 cities and towns.

Here’s what other area municipalities received through the Powell Bill:

  • Oxford – $255,752.37
  • Butner – $211,071.63
  • Creedmoor – $136,485.84
  • Louisburg – $95,153.03
  • Franklinton – $81,171.29
  • Youngsville – $61, 422.29
  • Norlina – $36,146.25
  • Stem – $29,567.39
  • Warrenton – $29,013.37
  • Stovall – $12,849.72
  • Middleburg – $6,201.01
  • Kittrell – $5,248.47

NC DOT Survey Open For Public To Comment On 10-Year Improvement Plan

The N.C. Department of Transportation has a survey available to gather public feedback on its draft of the 10-Year State Transportation Improvement Program. The STIP identifies the construction funding and schedule for transportation projects over a 10-year period. The survey window opened Sept. 1 and surveys can be completed and submitted through Oct. 28.

There are several ways to submit comments:

  • Take an online survey on NCDOT’s public engagement website by Oct. 28 at https://metroquestsurvey.com/ew73x
  • Submit comments online, by phone or mail using the contact information associated with each county (view here)
  • Attend a drop-in meeting Oct. 10-14 at the NCDOT Division 5 office, 2612 N. Duke St., Durham, NC 27704

Once the public comment period ends, NCDOT will review and address comments. This will help in the next round of project prioritization for the 2024-2033 STIP. We will also share feedback with the Board of Transportation. The board is expected to approve the Final 2024-2033 STIP in summer 2023. 

NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who want to participate. Anyone requiring special services can contact Simone Robinson at strobinson1@ncdot.gov or 919.707.6085 so that arrangements can be made.

Persons who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request by calling 1.800.481.6494.

 Las personas que no hablan inglés, o tienen limitaciones para leer, hablar o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación llamando al 1.800.481.6494. 


Volunteers Needed For NC DOT Fall Litter Sweep

The N.C. Department of Transportation is looking for volunteers for the Adopt-A-Highway Fall Litter Sweep, which runs Sept. 10 – 24.

Each April and September, the department calls on volunteers to help remove litter from roadsides. Volunteers from local businesses, schools, non-profits, churches and community groups play an important role in keeping North Carolina’s roads clean.

“The Litter Sweep is a great opportunity to get outdoors with family and friends and work alongside NCDOT to ensure North Carolina remains a beautiful place to live and work.” says David Harris, a state DOT roadside environmental engineer.

Volunteers can request gloves, safety vests and bags from their local county maintenance office to prepare for the cleanup event. DOT maintenance crews devote one week of their time to pick up litter and collect the orange bags that dot roadsides after volunteers have finished their work.

Cleanup supplies, such as reversible orange/blue trash bags, gloves and orange safety vests, are available from the local NCDOT county maintenance yard office.
​The following link contains contact information for each county’s local litter management coordinator.
Visit the Litter Sweep webpage for more information.