Tag Archive for: #martinlutherking

TownTalk: Things To Know For Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Since 1986, the third Monday in January has been a federal holiday to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There are several opportunities to participate in discussions, events and opportunities to volunteer in the local area as part of this annual observance.

Schools will be closed, as will libraries, post offices and banks, and some area non-profits are encouraging individuals to volunteer to improve their communities.

Monday, Jan. 17 will be considered “a day of action” instead of just a day off from daily routines.

For the second year, the Granville County Human Relations Commission will hold its annual celebration virtually, but there are several ways to tune in. The event will begin at 7 a.m. and can be viewed on Spectrum Channel 17, the county government’s local access channel. Viewers can find the event on Facebook and Youtube as well.

Northern Granville Middle School, 3144 Webb School Road, Oxford, will be the site of a celebration Monday, Jan. 17 at 4 p.m. The event, sponsored by the local MLK Committee, is free and open to the public. Masks are required to be worn at the event.

Visit https://trianglemlk.com/ to learn about observances in the Triangle area, including a weath-laying ceremony at 9 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 14 to a memorial march in downtown Raleigh  beginning at 11 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 17.

Vance-Granville Community College will host a virtual panel discussion via Zoom on Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. as part of its MLK Jr. observance. Panelists will discuss using equity through social mobility.

Panelists will delve into the areas of education, finance, health and housing as it relates to Dr. King’s dream. “We will continue to focus on his dream by discussing racial justice through Civil Rights to economic justice through the Poor People’s Campaign which he sought near the end of his life,” according to information about the event released by VGCC.

Sponsors include: VGCC board of trustees, VGCC Men’s Achievement Academy, VGCC V.I.E.W. representative and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Register here to join the discussion. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEucuCgqTIoHtIzZpC7RQSVSle52y8Wq9CS. Contact Dr. Jeffrey Allen at allenjl@vgcc.edu for more information.

Activate Good, a Triangle-based agency that helps volunteers connect with area non-profits that need volunteer help, has expanded upon the day of service concept to Dignity Week 2022 between Friday, Jan. 14 and Sunday, Jan. 23.
Visit https://activategood.org/event/97 to learn more or get ideas about how to volunteer in your community.

King’s philosophy of creating change through non-violent resistance resulted in sit-ins, peaceful demonstrations and marches in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Although there are no records that indicate King visited locally, he did visit Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro, according to North Carolina Room specialist Mark Pace. And, in 1962, during a visit to Rocky Mount, he delivered a dress rehearsal of his now iconic “I Have A Dream” speech that was heard by more than 250,000 civil rights activists who gathered for the March on Washington in August 1963.

In 1964, he was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968.


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TownTalk 1-18-21: MLK Day of Service, Marcia Allen and Vance Dem Party

Members of the Vance County Democratic Party and other local officials braved cool, breezy conditions Monday to demonstrate servant leadership by collecting non-perishable food items for two agencies.

Marcia Allen, chair of the Vance County Democratic Party, said the group sponsored the event in conjunction with the National Day of Service as part of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. All donated items will be given to Area Christians Together in Service (ACTS) and The Help Center of Vance County, Allen said during Monday’s Town Talk with John C. Rose.

“That’s our goal –   to let our community know that we care,” she said. “We have to care about each other. It doesn’t matter what your affiliation is… as a party, we care about each other, and we want to help as much as we can,” she explained.

These two agencies were chosen, Allen said, because they are receiving a lot of clients at this time. She recently toured the ACTS storage center and noted that “their cupboards are getting a little bare.” ACTS also serves lunch daily. Their efforts to fight food insecurity, as well as those of The Help Center, are worthy recipients of the food drive. “We want to make sure they at least have something on the shelves to share with the community,” Allen said.

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Didn’t make it to drop off a donation of food during the Monday drive? No problem. Allen said donations can be dropped off at Shear Magic, 1224 Dabney Drive and Angela Thornton, first vice-chair of the Vance County Democratic Party, will accept them any day except Monday, when the salon is closed.

Vance Sheriff Curtis Brame participated in the event, held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. outside the Perry Memorial Library. “It’s a great day,” he said, “and truly an honor to see different organizations, different denominations, people gathering peacefully, as Dr. Martin Luther King wanted us to,” Brame said. The food drive is a great cause, he added, as a way to honor the King legacy.

Henry L. Gupton, Vance County Clerk of Superior Court, agreed. “We don’t mind being in the cold for what we’re doing today,” he said. “Any day is a good day to serve,” Gupton said.

Recalling Dr. King’s message that everyone can be great because everyone can serve, Allen said that the work done to help in the community transcends political parties and other differences.  “If we look at each other as family, then we’re going to be kind, and cordial and helpful toward each other.”

The King holiday has been celebrated on the third Monday in January since its inception in 1986. The slain civil rights leader’s philosophy of peaceful protest and servant leadership remains relevant today, Allen said. “We should have that at the forefront of our being. We are here to serve – to serve each other.” And, she added, she will “still have this servant mentality tomorrow,” even though the holiday has passed.

Allen encouraged other Democrats to become active in the local party, noting that there are openings at the local precinct level. Contact Allen at vancedemocrat@gmail.com. The local party is planning to host monthly community projects as one way to increase service at the community level, she said.