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SportsTalk 02-16-21 George Hoyle, Kerr Vance Academy

Hosts Trey Snide and Ron Noel welcomed Kerr Vance Academy Athletic Director George Hoyle to SportsTalk to discuss tonight’s upcoming game with Halifax Academy in the state basketball playoffs. If KVA wins tonight, they will travel to cross-town rival, Crossroads Christian Academy for a game on Thursday. Tonight could be the last home game for KVA’s seniors and Hoyle said “hosting a state tournament game is a big deal and getting to play one more game at home is a fantastic accomplishment for our seniors.”

KVA is 6 -7 on the season, and despite the less than perfect record during a season disrupted by injuries as well as Covid 19, Hoyle said, “We’ve been blessed to have a great team.” Hoyle also notes that spring sports including soccer and baseball will be starting this week. “I’m excited to get back outside,” Hoyle says.  Spring games will allow for some spectators. 100 people will be allowed into facilities to watch the games. The KVA baseball team is led by first year coach Mike Rigsbee who has been involved in KVA baseball for the last 5 seasons. Hoyle said Coach Rigsbee “is a father figure and role model” for his players.


TownTalk 02-16-21 Shemecka McNeil Slice 325

Shemecka McNeil calls it “stainless-steel syndrome.” Similar to “white coat syndrome” that describes the aversion some people have to going to doctors, those suffering stainless steel syndrome have an aversion to preparing healthy foods. McNeil is working to change that attitude, while transforming diets with a focus on healthier eating habits through the work she does with SLICE 325.

McNeil began SLICE 325 in 2017. SLICE is an acronym for Serving Locations Inviting Culinary Education, and McNeil and her team recently participated in the drive-through COVID-19 vaccination clinic. The non-profit has worked with other community organizations such as Families Living Violence Free and Area Congregations in Ministry food bank to promote healthy eating habits. “There are a lot of people out there who need help,” McNeil told Town Talk host John C. Rose Tuesday. The way she sees it, community support and healthy eating habits go hand in hand, helping people live a better life.

Whether it’s teaching people about alternatives to processed sugar or helping apartment dwellers create patio gardens for summer vegetables, McNeil said SLICE 325 can help change attitudes and habits about food preparation.

The five-week program is “home economics with a twist,” she said. Some of the topics they discuss are how to coupon and budget, creating container gardens and even dining etiquette. The groups take field trips to the grocery store or farmers market, too, she said.

For complete details and audio click play.

Healthy eating can reduce heart disease, cancer and stroke, she said. But preparing healthier choices is sometimes easier said than done. The five-week program called Creative Sustainability targets those with not a lot of extra money “leverage their resources in order to create healthy meals for themselves and their families,” according to the non-profit’s website. Participants can learn how to tweak recipes to make them healthier but still tasty.

Want to lower your salt intake? McNeil and SLICE 325 can tell you how. Other suggestions: Agar sugar or monk fruit, in syrup form, are good replacements for processed sugar. You can put it in coffee or ice cream, McNeil said.  The spice turmeric reduces inflammation and lemon-infused water curbs the appetite, brightens the skin and cleanses the body, she added.

“We just show you what nature has provided for us,” McNeil said. Using foods that help your body heal is just one way to increase your activity level, which also promotes good health.

“You can have cheat days, it’s ok!” McNeil said. The goal, she said, is to help people. The five-week program costs $50 a person and is heavy on hands-on, not handouts and lectures, she said. “We love questions, we like to be personable,” McNeil said. “We make it fun for everybody.”

Eat anything you choose, McNeil said, but added, “as long as it’s in moderation.” It’s hard to stick to a healthy diet 365 days a year, she acknowledged. That’s where the “325” comes into play in the non-profit’s name. “We took off 40 days for mental health,” she said.

Visit slice325.org to learn more.

(This information is not provided to diagnose any health conditions or to provide any health advice.  Consult your physician.)

The Local Skinny! 02-16-21

Each broadcast of “The Local Skinny!” invites you to call 492-5594.  You can call with an item you’d like to sell or something you are looking for.  Also, you can call about anything on your mind…a grip, a praise, a news item of interest, a question you’d like to know more about.

And, we’re always ready with local news and information, guests, business spotlights and the latest from Vance County Cooperative Extension.

Run down for Tuesday:

11:30 a.m. – Items to Buy or Sell and your calls

11:40 a.m. – Michelle Burgess, President of Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce (more info below)

11:50 a.m. – Paul McKenzie with Vance County Cooperative Extension about what works in the garden.


Later this week on the program, guests Britt Sams with Sam’s Furniture and Mattress Center Wednesday and Marcia Allen, Vance County Democratic Party Chair, on Thursday … plus your calls and items.

Stay tuned and tell a friend!

In years past the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce would have held the annual chamber banquet in January, but Michelle Burgess, president of the Chamber, said that due to Covid-19 the Chamber realized that holding the banquet last month would be an impossibility. She said, “We don’t see that changing,” in regards to moving the banquet to later in the year. Burgess said that the banquet will go forward at some point either on Facebook or videotaped and shared with chamber members. “It will take place in some form,” Burgess said.  Additionally, the Citizen of the Year award will also continue. The award has been given out since 1970 and Burgess says they will be looking for the community to submit nominations.

When asked how Covid 19 has impacted local business, Burgess said, in regards to local consumers, “They’ve really shopped local, and supported local.” Burgess said businesses such as karate and dance studios, and gyms were impacted the hardest and that the chamber is working with these businesses to help them get back on track. Once Covid-19 finally passes Burgess said, “We are just not going back to normal” and that consumers “will enjoy shopping a lot more than they ever have,” but owners will need to keep areas very clean and continue to use social media and websites more than ever. Burgess also said that the chamber will work with businesses by sponsoring classes to help owners with E-commerce and on-line sales.  For more information the Chamber of Commerce can be reached at 252-438-8414.


Local News Audio

WIZS Local News 02-16-21 Noon

Click to Listen to Local News Audio.

WIZS your Community voice–100.1 FM / 1450 AM


Local News Airs on WIZS M-F at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 5 p.m.

“TownTalk” Airs on WIZS M-F at 11 a.m.

“The Local Skinny!” Airs on WIZS Mon – Thurs at 11:30 a.m.



Local News Audio

WIZS Local News Audio 02-15-21 Noon

WIZS Your Community Voice — 100.1 FM / 1450 AM

Click Play for today’s Local News Audio.


Local News Airs on WIZS M-F at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 5 p.m.

TownTalk” Airs on WIZS M-F at 11 a.m.

The Local Skinny!” Airs on WIZS Mon-Thurs at 11:30 a.m.


Coach's Corner Logo

SportsTalk Coach’s Corner 02-12-21 Hunter Jenks And Player Of The Week

Trey Snide and Ron Noel spoke with Vance Co. High School head football coach Hunter Jenks on SportsTalk about the upcoming football season which starts February 26th. With Covid 19 having delayed the start of football from late August to February and still an ongoing concern, Coach Jenks said the school and the team is adhering to strict Covid protocols. While the Vipers are having to share players with other sports, Jenks said “The players are eager to learn. I’m very happy.”  Once basketball ends Jenks will be able to add another 18 players to his team. Jenks is pleased with his coaching staff and said that many nights the coaches work until 10:30 at night as they prepare for the season and an upcoming scrimmage against Goldsboro. When asked about the new conference that will feature more local teams next season Jenks said “Local rivalries are what makes high school sports.”  WIZS will have live play by play of Vance Co. Football when the season starts on the 26th of February.  Also during SportsTalk two young athletes were named as players of the week: A.K. Holden of Henderson Collegiate for the men’s award and Caroline Wiard of Crossroads Christian for the women’s award.


Local News Audio

WIZS Local News 02-12-21 Noon

WIZS Your Community Voice — 100.1 FM / 1450 AM

Click Play for today’s Local News Audio.


Local News Airs on WIZS M-F at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 5 p.m.

TownTalk” Airs on WIZS M-F at 11 a.m.

The Local Skinny!” Airs on WIZS Mon-Thurs at 11:30 a.m.


Local News Audio

WIZS Local News 2-11-21 Noon

WIZS Your Community Voice — 100.1 FM / 1450 AM

Click Play for today’s Local News Audio.


Local News Airs on WIZS M-F at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 5 p.m.

TownTalk” Airs on WIZS M-F at 11 a.m.

The Local Skinny!” Airs on WIZS Mon-Thurs at 11:30 a.m.


Local News Audio

WIZS Local News Audio 2-10-21 Noon

Click Play in the player below for today’s Local News Audio.

WIZS Your Community Voice — 100.1 FM / 1450 AM


Local News Airs on WIZS M-F at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 5 p.m.

TownTalk” Airs on WIZS M-F at 11 a.m.

The Local Skinny!” Airs on WIZS Mon-Thurs at 11:30 a.m.

TownTalk 2-9-21 Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Host John C. Rose and co-host Bill Harris speak with Erin Carter and Bratanya Simmons of Infinite Possibilities about Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness month. On TownTalk today Erin Carter and Bratonya Simmons of Infinite Possibilities discussed the issue and talked about an upcoming event that addresses teen dating violence. The training event to be held virtually via Zoom this Friday from 1 to 2 pm and Carter says it “will help raise awareness of Teen Dating Violence”. Simmons stated that “A lot of teenagers don’t realize they are in an abusive relationship. I think that is due to a lot of teenagers are raised in domestic violence homes”. “Violence often begins between 6th grade and 12th grade”, Carter said. Most parents are unaware that their child is in a violent relationship because teenagers don’t talk about it with them. Carter said that Covid 19 has also put teenagers at a higher risk of abuse, including digital abuse online on social media platforms. The training event will address all components of Teenage Dating violence including social media. According to Carter, warning signs include behavioral changes and a loss of interest in activities they have previously enjoyed since an abusive person is looking to isolate their partner. Carter says that rehabilitation is an important step in helping not only victims recover from abuse but to the abuser as well. Victims sometimes can think that they are the cause of the abuse. Help and counselling can help the victims overcome these thoughts. It’s also important to remember that violence can be not only physical but emotional or even financial as well. Once again this training meeting via Zoom will take place Friday from 1 to 2 pm. You can see all the contact info at wizs.com for the training meeting, just click on the Infinite Possibilities logo.


Topic: TDVAM Training

Time: Feb 12, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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