Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.
- If you are harvesting more vegetables than you can use share some vegetables with a friend.
- PPE tip – wash your gloves before removing them.
- When we have excessive rain from storms, open flooded rows to let that excess water out.
- Watch out for wilts. What to do when wilt disease attacks vegetables
- Take lower leaves off tomato plants below the first fruit set.
- Stake or pinch tall blooming perennials.
- Japanese beetles can damage a lot of plants shaking them off early in the morning will help lessen extent of damage
- Check ponds for aquatic weeds. Call us for help with identification as well as management options.
- Check for squash bugs on squash
- Check shade trees for broken branches after summer storms. They could fall days or weeks later and cause damage or injury.
- Check the product label every time you use a pesticide.
- Check mower height on lawn mowers replace blades.
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