TownTalk: City Council Addresses Trash Issue; New Fire Truck
The Henderson City Council gave the green light Monday to fire department officials to apply for a $2.5 million FEMA grant to purchase a new ladder truck.
The department’s ladder truck has been out of commission since April 2023 and isn’t expected to come back into service for several more months.
The Council voted unanimously to provide the 5 percent match – roughly $119,000 – required by FEMA grant.
The fire department’s ISO rating could be in jeopardy if there’s no ladder truck available to answer calls or provide mutual aid when needed.
Direct quote from agenda:
“This grant will enable the fire department to purfhase a new aerial apparatus to provide adequate fire protection coverage for areas within the municipality and mutual aid districts when necessary.
Council members also voted to amend the Sanitation Ordinance in an effort to cut down on excess garbage and litter.
Customers are supposed to put all their refuse inside the rolling container provided through GFL – they’re not supposed to pile up extra bags beside the container for pickup.
Following Monday’s action, customers will be warned when they are out of compliance. After the third warning, the city will “provide” them with a second container – at the resident’s expense, which they’ll see in their monthly bill.
This had been discussed at the November 2023 Public Works Committee meeting, and it was brought back to Council Monday for review.
Listen back to Tuesday’s TownTalk to learn about other topics of discussion at the Feb. 12 City Council meeting.