Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden
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Vance County Commissioner Archie B. Taylor, Jr. is seeking re-election to his District 2 seat and said he’s interested in helping the county continue to attract economic development, work on public transportation, reduce crime, support education and get a new jail built.
An interview with Taylor aired on Monday’s TownTalk segment as part of WIZS’s ongoing coverage of local contests in the Mar. 5 primary elections. Taylor faces challenger Valencia Perry. Early voting continues through Saturday, Mar. 2.
Taylor, a highly decorated and retired Colonel in the U.S. Army, has been a commissioner for more than a decade and said that he wants to continue to help attract businesses to the county that will provide jobs for high school graduates as well as for college graduates so people who grow up here don’t “run off to Raleigh or Charlotte” for higher paying jobs.
It’s economic development that will bring jobs to the community, he said.
“I’m interested in helping the sheriff build a new jail,” Taylor said, adding that commissioners are looking for “north of $30 million” to make that a reality.
Public transportation is an issue that Taylor also supports. As a member of the KARTS board, he said he hopes to continue to increase public transportation throughout the county.
He, along with others, are awaiting the release of the county fire study. “I certainly am interested in seeing what the fire study will say about our fire station,” he said. “We are blessed in this county to have something that many in this state envy – we have a county-owned, fully paid fire department,” he said. “It’s extremely important for us to maintain a fully paid station that is reporting to the county and is on the county payroll. I think our study is going to support that.”
He applauded the efforts of McGregor Hall and its contributions of not only culture, but revenue to the city and county. He said he would like to see the city and county return the favor by providing some form of financial support to the entertainment venue.
The current project to create a men’s shelter in the former City Road Methodist Church building is something that Taylor is watching with interest, too. He thanked N.C. Sen. Lisa Barnes and N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon for their help in getting $150,000 toward the transformation.
Valencia Perry grew up in Vance County and said she is running for county commissioner so she can be a part of a “powerful team” that uses money wisely to help people.
“Spending money takes research and takes knowledge,” Perry said during a recorded interview on Monday’s TownTalk. “I want to be a part of that team.”
Perry is challenging incumbent Archie Taylor, Jr. for the District 2 seat on the Vance County Board of Commissioners.
She’s gained perspective over the years and said she will be an asset as a commissioner. “I will be a fresh set of eyes,” she said, to help make “long-needed change in Vance County.”
Perry has a background in accounting and she also is an ordained minister. She is a mother and a grandmother who said her personal and professional experiences have shaped her ideas and sharpened her focus.
She said her focus is on education, funding for schools, pursuing services for those with mental health issues and the county jail situation. “My goodness, that’s a sticking point,” she said, adding that it’s important to have a detention center that keeps inmates – and staff – safe.
For Perry, education is the key issue. Without a proper education, she said, people have a tendency to get off track, or make bad decisions that fuel the crime rate, those in detention and in mental health crisis.
Her three-word mantra is “resilience, transparency and reliability” and she said she would work hard for the people of Vance County.
Her work on the Vance County Housing Authority Board helped her realize just how critical financial responsibility is. “I had a chance to help people move forward and not stay stuck,” she said. “We’ve done a lot of great things and I feel good about it,” she said of her work with the housing authority.
Another need she sees in the county is a diversion center for those in crisis because of mental health or substance abuse issues. “It is so important,” Perry said, that people have “somewhere they can be safely cared for by professionals who know what to do.”
Henderson Sanitation Ordinance
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WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM
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Volunteers from First Baptist Church will be at ACTS, 201 S. William St., Saturday to provide shuttle service for anyone who may need transportation to the Duke RAM pop-up clinic.
Church Deacon Bert Long said the plan is to run two vehicles to the clinic between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Day 1 of the two-day clinic. The clinic doors open at 6 a.m. on Saturday and a cadre of physicians, dentists and other health care professionals will provide free care until 4 p.m. The clinic opens at 6 a.m. again on Sunday and will run through 12 noon or 1 p.m., depending on the number of clients.
This is the third year that the free medical, dental and vision clinic has set up shop in the parking lot of Vance Charter School on Ross Mill Road.
“We don’t know how much demand there will be…we’ll play it by ear,” he said of the shuttle service.
“If folks don’t have transportation, (and) they have a way to get to ACTS, they’ll have a ride to and from the clinic.
Long said providing transportation adds a new facet to the clinic, and he said that Duke University senior Saajan Patel, one of the clinic’s organizers, is excited at the prospect.
Tuesday evening around 7 p.m., Henderson police responded to a call on Oxford Road after several drivers had reported seeing a pedestrian in the roadway trying to strike cars with a broom.
At least one car sustained enough damage to file a property damage claim and one driver reported having to swerve to avoid hitting the person.
Police arrested Sierra Everett, 21, of 2223 Oxford Rd., charging her with assault on a government official, malicious conduct and injury to personal property.
One driver reported that the same individual had been sitting in the road earlier in the day at a different location nearby.
Everett appeared before a magistrate and was given a $5,000 secured bond and was taken to the Vance County jail.
One-stop early voting is now underwat and will continue through Saturday, Mar. 2.
Vance County Board of Elections Director Jennifer Cocklin reminds voters they have two locations where they can cast their votes in advance of the Mar. 5 primary:
Weekday hours are from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; the polls will be open Saturday, Mar. 2 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Voters will be asked to show a photo ID.
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