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News 10/10/18

Downtown Henderson to Participate in Trick or Treat – Oct. 31

-Information courtesy Henderson’s Downtown Development website

Businesses in downtown Henderson will be offering Trick or Treat on Wednesday, October 31, 2018, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Garnett Street will be closed for traffic from 4 to 6 p.m.

Downtown businesses give out free candy to costumed children 12 and under during the event. Participating business will have an orange poster on their window so you will know they are offering candy.

It’s one of the largest events in our downtown, so come out to enjoy a safe and fun Halloween for the kids!

The Downtown Trick or Treat is organized by the Vance County Arts Council.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

West End Baptist

West End Community Watch Group to Meet Oct. 16

-Information courtesy Claire Catherwood, West End Community Watch

The West End Community Watch group will meet on Tuesday, October 16, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. at West End Baptist Church. All are welcome.

The speaker will be Sara Davis, director of the Senior Citizen Center in Henderson. Davis will discuss Alzheimer’s Disease. Law enforcement will be present to report recent police activity and to hear citizens’ concerns. Do plan to attend!

Faith Dove

Mt. Olive Baptist to Observe Annual Missionary Program – Sun., Oct. 14

-Information courtesy Angela Crawford, Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church 

Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church will observe its annual Missionary Program on Sunday, October 14, 2018, at 11 a.m. during morning worship service. The guest speaker will be Minister Brenda Rice of New Covenant Church of Henderson. The public is invited to attend.

The church is located at 2464 Rock Mill Rd. in Henderson.

News 10/09/18

Riggan Encouraged by ‘Good, Positive Movement’ in Downtown Henderson

Kaine Riggan, executive director for Downtown Development, was on Wednesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss updates and news-worthy items involving downtown Henderson.

Downtown Board of Directors

Riggan explained that the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission’s Board of Directors is currently without a chair but has two qualified candidates in Benny Finch and Paul Harvin. “Both candidates are very qualified,” said Riggan. “While they have different leadership styles, they would both be great for the organization.”

Finch previously served as Vance County’s economic development director for 30 years; Harvin is vice president of The Rosemyr Corporation.

According to Riggan, the process of officially naming a chair has been tabled by the Board until further notice.

Breckenridge Pavilion

With a location planned near the Henderson Police Department, the last piece of the overall Breckenridge Commons project -known as the Breckenridge Pavilion – is currently under review by a City-hired landscape architect.

When asked about the project’s lengthy timeframe, Riggan explained, “It could have moved forward if we had been willing to put it at the top of the hill. Several members of the board felt that amphitheaters sit at the bottom of a hill. You don’t look up at a stage, you look down at a stage.”

To achieve this outcome as cost-efficiently as possible, said Riggan, the architect is looking at the best way to utilize the resources that already exist in the area.

Downtown Henderson Buildings

 “We are seeing good, positive movement in [downtown] buildings,” Riggan said.

Riggan reported that Gupton’s Sporting Goods, known to many in the community as Gupton’s Gun Shop, is being sold to an owner who is interested in using the building as a gym facility for women.

According to Riggan, the same owner bought the adjoining property, renovated the apartment upstairs for income and is now interested in developing the downstairs portion for business purposes.

Other currently vacant downtown buildings are being discussed for repurposing as a sandwich shop and a juice bar.

Riggan said he was further encouraged regarding the prospects of downtown business growth after attending a City variance meeting last week. “The committee had six projects before them of people wanting to open businesses or do something that they needed to have a code variance for and they were all approved. I think that says a lot about how willing we are to invite businesses and be open to expansion.”

While Riggan is encouraged by this support of potential downtown business owners, he readily admits there is room for improvement and steps to take to be eligible for additional opportunities. “We are still in a building phase with the Downtown Development Commission,” said Riggan. “We are trying to become a Main Street community again, which probably won’t happen before July 2020 at the earliest.”

Downtowns designated as members of the Main Street America program are eligible for additional funding and technical assistance. In addition to following a detailed plan, downtowns are required to have a full-time director to earn the distinction. Riggan is currently employed on a part-time basis.

Applications, Nominations Being Accepted For New VGCC President

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees is now inviting applications and nominations for the position of President of the college.

A website has been launched with a presidential profile and the details of the application procedure. The site can be reached at www.vgcc.edu/presidentialsearch.

General inquiries about the college and application materials can be directed to April Perkinson, search liaison to the board, at (252) 738-3227 or perkinson@vgcc.edu.

To be assured consideration, resumes and cover letters must be received by Friday, November 9, 2018, according to the website. Resumes with cover letters and nominations will be accepted until the position is filled.

The Trustees are working with the firm of Executive Leadership Associates (ELA) LLC of Emerald Isle to assist in the search for a replacement for Dr. Stelfanie Williams who left the college in August to take a job with Duke University. The new president will be the seventh in the history of the college.

ELA, described as “a consortium of former North Carolina community college presidents who are committed to ensuring that our internationally recognized community college system continues its proud tradition of excellence,” was selected by the Board of Trustees at its September 17 meeting.

The firm is helping the Trustees by creating the presidential profile of the ideal candidate needed, guiding the search process, and recruiting and screening applicants as needed.

The trustees are expected to present finalists to the State Board of Community Colleges for evaluation early in 2019, said Dr. Gordon Burns who is serving as interim president for the college. The board plans to have the new president in place in March 2019. Dr. Burns served as president of Wilkes Community College in North Wilkesboro for 18 years before retiring in 2014.

Serving on the Trustees’ presidential search committee are Trustees Deborah Brown, chair; Herb Gregory, vice chair; N. Annette P. Myers, Abdul Sm Rasheed, Donald C. Seifert, Sr., and Sara C. Wester.

Slaton Named Rebuilding Hope’s Oct. Volunteer of the Month

-Information courtesy the Rebuilding Hope Inc. October 2018 Newsletter

If a first impression had prevailed, Rebuilding Hope wouldn’t have the services of veteran volunteer Walt Slaton.

Walt got involved with RHI in 2010 after retiring and moving to Oxford.

“I was looking for a place where I could contribute,” Walt explains. “I first visited the old Rebuilding Hope location to talk with Randolph. He wasn’t in, but I spoke with older gentlemen.”

“After talking with them, I returned home and told my wife that was not for me. All that was happening was two older men sitting around talking, and I wasn’t interested in doing that. Strange, I now do some of that as well.”

But, Walt says, he took another look after talking with both Randolph and an RHI volunteer.

Rebuilding Hope, Inc. volunteer Walt Slaton named the October 2018 Volunteer of the Month. (Photo Credit: Rebuilding Hope)

“That caused me to take another look, and I have been coming to Rebuilding Hope ever since.”

The Georgia native’s volunteer service at RHI has included putting on shingles, building ramps and porches and home repairs.

“I now volunteer as the treasurer, board member and materials coordinator for SOS projects.”

Volunteering is rewarding, says Walt, a member of Central Baptist Church and a Baptist preacher’s son.

“I think the most rewarding part is the knowledge that the work we do is helping others and sharing the love of Christ with the community.

“It is special when a job is completed and the homeowner hugs your neck and thanks you. They had nowhere else to turn, and we solved a big problem for them.”

Walt encourages others to volunteer at RHI “so they can be a part of sharing the gospel and helping others in a way that lots of people won’t and can’t.”

“Sometimes it seems we spin our wheels, but we look back and see the Lord working through our efforts.”

Walt was an engineer and held staff positions in headquarters and in management when he retired from IBM after 31 years.

At his church, Walt teaches Sunday school, sings in the choir and serves as a deacon.

“Church and Rebuilding Hope seem to be almost a full-time job,” he says.

He and Diane have been married 49 years and have two sons and three grandchildren.

Walt’s leisure time is spent doing “honey-do” tasks, traveling and playing golf.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Maria Parham Op-Ed: Support Our Hospital, Patients and Community – Go Vote

Letter to the Editor – courtesy Bert Beard, CEO, Maria Parham Health

On Tuesday, November 6, our country will once again have the opportunity to select the next group of elected officials who will lead our country in Washington, D.C., our state capital and right here in our local communities. I encourage you to take time on that date to exercise your right to vote and also join me in voting for leaders who support community hospitals.

We at Maria Parham Health know firsthand the direct link between success of a hospital and the support that it receives from elected officials. Regularly, our hospital engages with elected officials at all levels of government and across party lines to help demonstrate the work of the hospital and the importance of healthcare to our community. We believe it is important for us to come together as a community to champion the health issues that directly affect the well-being of our citizens.

In this spirit, the time is now to vote for leaders who will tackle the pressing healthcare challenges facing rural hospitals. These include inadequate funding and growing numbers of people in communities, like ours, who don’t have access to insurance. Support from our federal, state and local elected officials is essential for Maria Parham Health to continue advancing our mission of Making Communities Healthier® – and you can help by heading to the polls.

You may be asking yourself, “where do I vote?” or, “am I registered to vote?” If you are unsure, please contact our local county election office. They can inform you of both where you should go to vote and also confirm if you are a registered voter.

As always, thank you for entrusting your health to Maria Parham Health. It is our great privilege to serve you and your family, and we look forward to continuing to serve the health needs of our communities long into the future.

Bert Beard

Chief Executive Officer

Maria Parham Health

(Maria Parham Health is a paid advertising client of WIZS. This letter is not a paid advertisement.)

News 10/08/18