Tag Archive for: #hendersonnews

The Salvation Army Launches Red Kettle Campaign In Henderson

Those familiar donation kettles are getting set up and ready for the holiday season in Henderson as the Salvation Army kicked off the Red Kettle Campaign Thursday morning in front of Belk department store.

This year’s goal is $75,000, but placing spare change and bills into the iconic kettles is just one way to contribute – The Salvation Army has QR codes and online donation sites available to make donating as quick as a couple of clicks of the computer, phone or tablet, according to information from Capts. Josh and Amanda Keaton.

The Red Kettle Campaign is The Salvation Army’s primary fundraiser each year, which helps to provide programming, food assistance, shelter, disaster response and more to those in need.

Volunteers are needed to ring the bell at each kettle location.

“We have integrated Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and Venmo into donation options at the Red Kettle,” said Capt. Josh Keaton. “Fewer people carry cash these days and prefer the convenience of using their smartphones for giving. This technology simplifies the donation process and encourages people to contribute to The Salvation Army during Christmas and beyond!” he said.

Across the United States, the Red Kettle campaign raises millions of dollars during the holiday season each year to provide help to families that need support with basic needs – from ultility bills or food assistance.

TownTalk: Granville-Vance Health Dept. Director Lisa Harrison Pleased with Cohen Visit

When it’s added altogether, Granville Vance Public Health is getting $9 million in federal and state funds to be used to improve access to mental health resources and battle substance abuse disorders through a variety of programs for young people and families.

For GVPH Director Lisa Harrison, that’s a big deal.

“Our dream is that this is ‘difference-making’ money,” Harrison said on Thursday’s TownTalk.

Specifically, the health department has received $4 million – $1 million each year for the next four years – in federal money to provide behavioral health programs to the school districts in Vance and Granville counties to combat drug use and substance abuse. The $5 million award comes from the General Assembly that will create spaces within the Emergency Department at Maria Parham Health to safely provide care for patients in mental health crises and intensive outpatient services at Maria Parham’s Franklin campus in Louisburg.

“I could not be more excited about all of these opportunities to address these issues. It’s definitely an interesting and exciting time to be in this work.”

Part of the excitement comes from a special group of visitors that spent most of a day last week in Granville and Vance counties. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Dr. Mandy Cohen, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, were the main attraction at Medical Arts Pharmacy Friday afternoon to discuss the importance of access to health care and more in rural America.

“It was such a wonderful opportunity” to host the two high-profile health professionals in Henderson and Oxford, Harrison said. “It was such an amazing visit and so much fun.”

Becerra and others stopped in at the Oxford health department for a roundtable discussion, during which Harrison said Becerra asked good questions of the local representatives and seemed engaged in the dialogue.

Then it was on to Medical Arts Pharmacy, where Becerra, Cohen and others offered remarks about health care equity and the importance of providing adequate health care in rural areas.

In health departments like GVPH, Harrison said there’s always more need than money to satisfy that need, at least from local and state funding sources. Under Harrison’s leadership, GVPH has been awarded federal grants totaling more than $6 million since 2015.

The networking and partnerships across agencies – local, state and federal – are key to providing the very best care in the two counties, she said.

As governmental agencies, hospitals, schools and others all work together for a common goal, Harrison said she believes it will make a difference in the overall health outcomes for youth and families in the community.

Hear the complete interview with Harrison at www.wizs.com



The Local Skinny! Rebuilding Hope Initiates Project ‘Roll On’

Rebuilding Hope volunteers spend a lot of time each year helping people make essential repairs to their homes, mostly fixing roofs and constructing handicap ramps. But the nonprofit’s founder Randolph Wilson said the group needs to turn its attention to some repairs at their own home – namely, the driveway and parking lot.

Project “ROLL ON” is underway to raise $100,000 to complete the repaving project, Wilson said.

And he’s asking for help from the community to make it happen.

“Please consider any gift to project ‘ROLL ON’ when you begin considering this year’s donations, or perhaps budgeting a contribution for early next year.  Our desire is to be able to begin these repairs to the worst areas next spring and continue until completion,” Wilson said.

They kicked off the fundraiser campaign on Sept. 29 with an announcement in the monthly newsletter and an insert placed in the chicken plates that were sold on that day.

In a letter to volunteers and to other supporters, Wilson said he hopes to “gain support in acquiring much needed funds to repair the damaged pavement around our building.  The parking lot and driveways are in real need of resurfacing to prevent damage to vehicles and also (to) allow proper drainage away from the building,” he stated.

Rebuilding Hope, Wilson said, has always been funded solely from individuals, churches, and business entities. “We must ask our faithful community once again to help us continue this good work.  These are very difficult times for many people simply trying to afford housing, food and basic needs.  We need to secure this ministry’s ability to respond to people with hope, by repairing this damage.”

The Rebuilding Hope ministry was founded in 2006 following a deployment to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

“I knew then, as I know now, that one of the most basic physical needs people have is a place to shelter, to call home.  My wife Gail and I, along with our patrons and volunteers, believe that their most important need is spiritual, and that coming alongside to offer help and hope in a time of need gives us opportunities to witness to them about Christ.  It has truly been amazing over these past 17 years to see how God has moved through this construction ministry and the lives that have been touched,” Wilson said.

There are a variety of ways to make donations to Project ‘ROLL ON’:

Visit the website rebuildinghopeinc.org and select Donate to make an online contribution, mail donations to 414 Raleigh Rd., Henderson, NC 27536 or drop donations off in person at the office Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.



Henderson Police Make Drug Arrest, Seize Heroin, Ecstasy

Henderson police arrested one man on numerous drug charges Wednesday.

Acting in response to a drug complaint, police officers conducted a search at 1932 Oxford Rd. and recovered heroin, Ecstasy, drug-making equipment and a stolen handgun.

Arrested was Marselle Rasheed Johnson, 35, according to information released Thursday by Police Chief Marcus Barrow. The search was conducted at 1932 Oxford Rd.

During the service of the warrant approximately 1,750 dosage units of heroin, 45 grams of raw heroin, drug manufacturing equipment, Ecstasy, and a stolen handgun were seized, according to information from Police Chief Marcus Barrow.

Johnson was charged with two counts of trafficking heroin, one count of possession with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver heroin, one count of possession with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver MDMA, one count of possession of a firearm by a felon, one count of possession of a stolen firearm, one count of maintaining a dwelling place for a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Johnson received a $620,000 secured bond on the drug-related charges and a $99,000 secured bond for outstanding arrest warrants. Additionally, he was remanded to the Vance County Detention Center without bond for a parole violation.

Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover: Supervision And Safety, Pt. 3

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

Click Play!


TownTalk: Elliott Wins Runoff For Henderson

Henderson voters have elected Melissa Elliott to be the city’s next mayor, creating a historic moment on two fronts: The Mayor-Elect will be the first woman and the first Black to lead the city.

Tuesday’s runoff election was the last piece of the puzzle that provides a complete picture of city leadership; four City Council members were elected in the Oct. 10 nonpartisan municipal elections, but the mayor’s race was undecided until Tuesday’s runoff.

Traditionally, the new Council members and the mayor will be sworn in at the December meeting, which is set for Monday, Dec. 11.

As Elliott said in an interview with WIZS News Tuesday evening, she will only move one seat to the left in December; until she takes the mayor’s chair, she represents the Ward 3 at-large seat on the City Council.

New Council members elected on Oct. 10 include:

  • Ward 1: Geraldine Champion
  • Ward 2: Sam Seifert
  • Ward 3 at-large: Michael Venable
  • Ward 4 at-large: Tami Walker

Almost 10 percent more voters turned out for Tuesday’s runoff election than in the Oct. 10 municipal election, which included four City Council seats in addition to the mayor’s race.

As WIZS reported Tuesday night, Elliott got 1,527 votes (56.35 percent) to Etheridge’s 1,183 (43.65 percent).

Yesterday’s turnout was about 29 percent, compared with about 20 percent in the October election. A runoff was called for when no candidate received the 50 percent plus 1 vote needed to claim the win outright.

Middleburg re-elected its mayor to another term Tuesday. Ray Bullock was elected with 25 votes. He ran unopposed. Shirley Bullock got 18 votes, Hazel Baskett got 11 votes and Mamie Turner got 14 votes to fill three seats on the Town Council.

But Kittrell Mayor Jerry Joyner was upset in Tuesday’s election by Gene Pulley who got 16 write-in votes, according to information Wednesday from Vance County Board of Elections Director Jennifer Cocklin.

Susan Pulley got 25 votes, Mary Jo Floyd got 19 and Robert Tunstall got 17 votes to fill the three City Council seats.

Cocklin said the election results remain unofficial until the canvass is completed on Nov. 17.

Find a link to all election results at https://er.ncsbe.gov/



Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Drain water out of any sprayers or pumps.
  • Spend some time on equipment maintenance.
  • Harvest any mature fruits or vegetables today
  • Continue planting.
  • Bring indoors any plants that might freeze.
  • Check houseplants for repotting.
  • November is a great time to collect your Soil Samples when we get some rain. 2 week analysis time.
  • Research fruit crops.

Click Play!


Melissa Elliott Makes History As First Female, First Black Mayor

Henderson voters have elected Melissa Elliott as their next mayor, making her the first female and the first Black to lead the city.

Elliott, a member of the Henderson City Council, defeated political newcomer Greg Etheridge in Tuesday’s runoff election by 344 votes.

WIZS News called the race just before 8:30 p.m., an hour after the polls closed. Elliott garnered 1,527 votes, compared to Etheridge’s 1,183 votes from the city’s nine precincts.

Elliott joined WIZS News in the studio shortly after 9:15 p.m. to discuss the historic win.

“I’m elated…overwhelmed with joy,” Elliott said, of the election outcome.

She thanked her opponent for what she called a “high-spirited campaign,” and she thanked those who voted for her.

“I am a servant leader,” Elliott said, and she plans to serve the community at-large and all people.

“Everyone was so wonderful…so much encouragement,” she said. There were “so many people that wouldn’t allow me to quit. I’m thankful for this historic moment in time,” but she said she also looks to the future for the city.

When reached by phone after all precincts had reported, Etheridge said he was disappointed with the outcome.

“The voters have spoken,” he told WIZS News in a telephone interview.

He said he and his supporters handled themselves respectably during the campaign, but added that he hasn’t “seen a sense of urgency to have any plan whatsoever on how to make things safer (or) more affordable for anybody” in the city.

His vision for the city is still alive, he said. “How we accomplish it is just going to be a little different.”