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Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover: Tools For Parents

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Vance County Schools Adds Two To District Leadership Roles

Vance County Schools has added to its leadership staff with the recent hiring of a Career and Technical Education director as well as a Safety Coordinator.

Dr. Aretha Garr is the new CTE director, according to information from VCS spokesperson Aarika Sandlin. Milton Thomas is the district’s new safety coordinator.

Garr brings to her new role at VCS more than two decades of experience of guiding students towards fulfilling and successful careers. She most recently was career development coordinator and principal designee at the Academy at Smith’s Signature Career Academy of Biomedical Sciences in Guilford County.

She also was CTE Department Chair at Parkland IB Magnet High School and Carver High School, both in Winston-Salem.

“I am excited to work towards increasing program enrollment and retention, and forging powerful community partnerships to ensure students have all the tools they need to make informed career decisions,” Garr said in a press statement.

Garr has Bachelor of Business Administration from High Point University, a Master of Healthcare Administration from Pfeiffer University and the School Administrator credential through the Master of School Administration Licensure Program at N.C. A&T State University. She graduated with an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from High Point University.

As the VCS Safety Coordinator, Thomas brings vast experience in the areas of security, investigations and emergency management to his new role. With more than 30 years’ experience in the field, Thomas has been a Marine MP, criminal investigator and drill instructor, as well as additional experience as a law enforcement officer and  For the last 18 years of his time with the USMC, he was a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Defense Officer. In this role, Thomas focused on emergency and consequence management. Upon retirement from the service, Thomas joined Vance County Schools at Clarke Elementary as the Media and Technology Assistant.

Thomas earned his Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and his Master of Science in Performance Improvement from the University of Arkansas Grantham.

Maria Parham Steps Up Visitor Restrictions To Combat Spread Of Respiratory Viruses

Maria Parham Health has announced additional restrictions are being implemented for hospital visitors, effective immediately, in response to an elevated level of respiratory virus and illness.

These restrictions were put in place to protect the health and safety of patients and employees, according to information released by the hospital earlier Wednesday.

At this time, the use of face masks is optional, but highly encouraged by all visitors. Masks remain a simple, yet effective, tool to prevent respiratory viral transmission.

Hospital officials note that the Charge Nurse or House Supervisor has discretion to waive these restrictions outside normal visiting hours. These decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis; specific situations – such as end-of-life care or critically ill patients – are two such examples where discretion could be used.

The measures in place now include:

  • Children under 18 are discouraged from visiting
  • Adult visitors and family members should be limited to next of kin and close contacts.
  • Only two visitors will be allowed at a time. There may be times when 1 or no visitors will be allowed into the Emergency Department
  • Visitors who do not feel well are asked not to visit
  • Use proper cough etiquette (covering cough with tissue or arm, disposing of tissue immediately then cleaning hands)
  • Perform hand hygiene before and after visiting

Visit https://www.mariaparham.com/visiting-hours.

TownTalk: Coker Takes Over As Chief Of Animal Services

The vast majority of pet owners do the right thing and provide everything their animals need to live healthy, happy lives as furry members of the family.

And while Vance County’s new Animal Services Chief William Coker acknowledges this to be the case, he said that for those pet owners who don’t, there are county ordinances in place to protect animals.

“I think the biggest thing is educating the community on proper animal welfare and the county ordinances” in place to protect animals from maltreatment.

Once a dog is placed in a pen or put on a chain in the yard, it instantly becomes totally dependent on people for food, water and shelter. And it’s up to Coker and his officers to make sure all the animals in the county are afforded the minimum standards.

He said he chooses to de-escalate situations that may involve improper pet treatment, but he’s not afraid to fall back on county ordinances. Dogs must have a dog house, for example, and access to fresh water and they must be fed once a day – those are the minimum standards in place for the county’s canines.

After animal services officers give pet owners a couple of warnings and still fail to comply, the officers can issue citations.

Educating the community can come in many forms, Coker said on Wednesday’s TownTalk: he said he’d like to get into the schools and talk to young people about proper animal care. He also said he wants to emphasize getting dogs and cats spayed and neutered to reduce the unwanted pet population.

When his officers go out on a call, he asks that they promote the spay/neuter program, which often can be at a reduced cost for those that qualify.

Coker said he’s always had a passion for animals, and when he learned of an opening at animal services, he applied and was hired on in 2013. He worked with former chief Frankie Nobles for five years, and he said he learned a lot from his time working alongside Nobles.

He and Nobles stay in close contact and Coker said it’s reassuring to know that Nobles, now the county’s Special Projects Coordinator, is just a phone call away.

“I don’t like seeing animals mistreated,” Coker said. Just the other day, he came to work and found a dog tied outside the office door. As much as he hates for that to happen, he said the alternative – just turning the dog loose – wasn’t a good option either.

“As long as I’m chief of animal services, I’ll never turn away a surrender.”

Learn more about Vance County Animal Services at https://www.vancecounty.org/departments/animal-control/



Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • January is the inventory season to check your seed chemicals, garden equipment.
  • If you are shopping for lawn & garden equipment, consider the rechargeable options.
  • Plan landscape projects now
  • When planning landscape projects, consider impacts on tree root zones.
  • Write down garden problems you had in 2023 Contact Cooperative Extension.
  • Begin monitoring lawns for cool season weeds
  • Check pruning equipment now!
  • Visit public gardens even in winter!
  • Construct a small greenhouse.

Click Play!


Granville Vance Public Health Logo

TownTalk: Healthy Moms And Healthy Babies

Have you heard of something called “centering pregnancy?” It’s a practice that’s been around since the 1990’s, and it is a way for expectant mothers to have support from health care professionals and other pregnant moms as they prepare for the moment that they deliver their newborn.

Granville Vance Public Health offers Centering Pregnancy through its clinics and GVPH Director Lisa Harrison said it’s something that’s been blazing trails across rural areas in the U.S. when it comes to maternal health.

“You have to be accredited as an agency to provide centering pregnancy,” Harrison said on Tuesday’s TownTalk. It’s designed for women with low- to moderate-risk pregnancies and it can help reduce the risk of health issues like high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, among other things.

“It’s exciting work,” she said, to provide an environment where women can learn and come together in a group setting. Women who participate in the program get one-on-one time with health care professionals, but they also join in small-group sessions where they can ask questions and learn from each other.

“It empowers women to be actively involved in their own health care decision-making,” she noted.

The Centering pregnancy program does not take the place of prenatal care that women receive elsewhere, and Harrison said it’s designed to complement the care that women receive from their own providers.

Given the health disparities that exist, especially among underserved populations, Harrison said this program offered by the health department is just one intervention to address maternal and infant mortality.

“It’s a way to set mom and baby up for the best outcomes,” she said.

In addition to the small group sessions during pregnancy, GVPH nurses also make home visits once mom and her newborn are home from the hospital. This service offers support to make sure mom and baby have the resources they need, and can connect them to additional resources to help them survive and thrive.

Harrison is no stranger to identifying best practices to support maternal and infant health. In fact, she and a colleague have recently written a chapter on this very topic for a book titled The Practical Playbook III. The first edition was published in 2019, and since then, it has become widely used among public health professionals.

When it comes to improving outcomes for maternal and infant health, it’s important for communities and providers to know what it takes – the policies and practices put in place – to support maternal health, she explained.

Community collaboration is “a critical piece of the safety net,” Harrison said.

To learn more, visit https://www.gvph.org/clinic/maternal-health-clinic/.




Stein Visit Cancelled Today; Organizers Hope To Reschedule

N.C. gubernatorial candidate Josh Stein’s scheduled visit to Henderson this afternoon has been postponed because of the threat of severe weather forecast for later today.

Vance County Democratic Chairperson Angela Thornton told WIZS News earlier Tuesday.

“We look forward to coordinating with his campaign for a rescheduled date,” Thornton said in a written statement to WIZS.

Stein is the current state attorney general.


TownTalk: Rise Against Hunger Pack-A-Thon Set For Monday, Jan. 15; Volunteers Needed

Volunteers from area churches and other organizations are joining forces on the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to pack food that will be used to feed hungry people across the world.

Sandra Wiggins is one of the event organizers and she said that over the course of four hours or so on Monday, Jan. 15, she expects to be able to pack 60,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger.

“We did 30,000 in about three or four hours last year,” Wiggins said on Monday’s TownTalk. “We know we can definitely hit this mark this year – we’re just really excited to do this…on Martin Luther King Day,” she said.

The Rise Against Hunger pack-a-thon will take place at the Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Wiggins represents The First Baptist Church of Henderson, but she said numerous churches and school groups from Henderson and Oxford are signed up to participate as well.

So far, the following groups are participating: First Baptist Church, First United Methodist Church, Henderson, South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church, Oxford Preparatory School, Flat Rock United Methodist Church, Fuller Chapel, Davis Chapel, South Henderson Church of God, Clearview Church and Cornerstone Christian Community Church. Wiggins said Vance Charter School and Oxford United Methodist Church plans to send volunteers as well.

“This is really a community event,” Wiggins said. About 100 people have signed up so far, and there’s still time to register – they need several hundred volunteers to sign up to work a two-hour shift. The first shift is from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and the second shift is from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Participants should report to the civic center and sign in, and from there, they’ll head to a packing station where they will help measure out individual bags of rice, seasonings and vitamins.

Most of the food packs will be transported overseas, but Wiggins said some are kept here in the U.S. for use when disaster strikes.

Register or give online at events.riseagainsthunger.org/VGMLK24. There’s a $25,000 fundraising goal that goes along with the pack-a-thon. Wiggins said $45 provides 100 meals.

But the event is about more than packing nutritional food and sending it to impoverished areas across the world.

Wiggins said next week’s event also shines a light on two local organizations that work to fight hunger right here in Vance and Granville counties.

She invites all participants to the Rise Against Hunger event to bring canned goods or other non-perishable items to be delivered to ACTS and ACIM, the food bank in Oxford.

Wiggins shared one of her favorite quotes attributed to King, the slain Civil rights leader whose work is honored and remembered on Jan. 15.

“Love has to be put into action and that action is service,” Wiggins said, adding that “when we have the ability to do, we should.”