Tag Archive for: #hendersoncitycouncil

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Henderson City Council to Hold Public Hearing on Night Club Zoning Ordinance

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, August 10, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 134 Rose Ave. in Henderson, NC.

Due to COVID-19 health mandates issued by Governor Cooper, the number of citizens allowed into Council Chambers is limited. However, members of the community are strongly encouraged to provide questions/comments for Council in writing as follows and to listen via Zoom.

Written Comments:

  1. Email written comments to: emccrackin@ci.henderson.nc.us
  2. Emails received by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be read aloud at the meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes per person.

To listen to the meeting online:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 881 9346 5545

Passcode: 814538

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,88193465545#,,,,,,0#,,814538# US (New York)

+13017158592,,88193465545#,,,,,,0#,,814538# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 881 9346 5545

Passcode: 814538

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbdIkTnQSL

Agenda Items Include:


Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Define Restaurants with Entertainment as a Special Use Permit.

Exchanging Vance County Tax Parcel 0106 03001 Owned by the City with a Portion of Vance County Tax Parcel 0105 01001 Owned by Kearney & Company, LLC.


Affirming the City of Henderson Council’s Support Regarding Implementation of a Compliant (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Stormwater Program.

Award Engineering Contract to CDM Smith in the amount of $15,000 to Submit an Application to Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF) for an Additional $6,000,000 for the Completion of the Kerr Lake Regional Water System (KLRWS) 20 MGD Expansion.


Establishing a Budget for the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) Funding Grant.

Authorizing an Application for U.S. Department of Justice’s 2020 BJA Justice Assistance Grant.

Award a Construction Contract to S.T. Wooten in the Amount of $246,420 for the Henderson 2020 Pavement Overlay Project.

Ratifying the Acceptance of North Carolina Volkswagen Settlement On Road Program Grant Award from the NCDEQ.

Tax Releases and Refunds for the Month of June 2020.


City Communications Tower in Support of Improved Signal Clarity for Emergency Responders.


a) Pursuant to G.S.9143-318.11 (a)(3) regarding an Attorney/Client Matter.

Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

Dabney Drive

Town Talk 07/14/20: Henderson City Council Denies Request for Dabney Dr. Rezoning

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Melissa Elliott, Henderson City Council member and founder of Gang Free, Inc., appeared on WIZS Town Talk Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Elliott discussed the outcome of last night’s Henderson City Council meeting where council members voted to deny the second request in two months to rezone residential properties located at 1337 and 1343 Dabney Drive at the corner of Lynne Avenue.

According to the meeting’s agenda, Hill Dubose, a commercial/industrial developer from Greensboro, NC, requested to rezone the properties located at the corner of Lynne Avenue from an OIA (Office Institutional “A”) District to a B-2A (Highway Commercial “A”) District.

Elliott said four citizens spoke at the virtual public hearing, including two in favor of rezoning who had “a financial interest” in the matter and two 30-plus year residents of the Lynne Avenue neighborhood who spoke against.

At the May 13, 2020, Henderson City Council meeting, members denied a request to rezone the parcels from OIA to B-4 (Neighborhood Commercial) District citing issues with potential hazardous traffic in the area associated with a proposed fast-food restaurant.

While Elliott said specific plans for the area were not discussed at Monday’s meeting, the Council expressed concern regarding the traffic increase that any development would bring to the Lynne Avenue single-family residential neighborhood.

The Council also discussed concerns with vehicles safely entering and exiting the location onto Dabney Drive and/or Lynne Avenue.

“I want to express that we on the Council are for redevelopment, economic development and bringing job opportunities to our area,” said Elliott. “We would like to see the Department of Transportation (DOT), who is responsible for Dabney Drive, provide a report or some type of research on egress and ingress to see how people will be able to get in and out without affecting Lynne Avenue and its residents.”

To hear the interview with Elliott in its entirety, including additional talking points from Monday’s City Council meeting, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

City of Henderson Logo

City Council to Hold Public Hearing on Rezoning of Dabney Dr. This Evening

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, July 13, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 134 Rose Ave. in Henderson, NC.

Due to COVID-19 health mandates issued by Governor Cooper, the number of people allowed in Council Chambers will be limited for this meeting. Therefore, no citizens will be allowed in Council Chambers to observe or to make comments; however, members of the community are strongly encouraged to listen via Zoom.

Zoom Instructions:


Meeting ID: 824 0117 7307

Password: 814818

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,82401177307#,,,,0#,,814818# US (New York)

+13017158592,,82401177307#,,,,0#,,814818# US (Germantown)

Agenda Items Include:

Public Hearing: Rezoning 1337 and 1343 Dabney Drive at the corner of Lynne Avenue, Vance County Parcel 0013 03052 and 0013 03001 respectively from OIA (Office Institutional “A”) District to B-2A (Highway Commercial “A” District).

Establishing a parklet within the Orange Street Parking Lot for public seating.

Approving an engineering contract with Little Environments PLLC for Nutbush Road 12-inch waterline extension.

Allowing the City Manager to approve project contracts up to $50,000 that are funded in the current fiscal year budget and have been reviewed by the City Attorney and Finance Director.

Naming the Henderson Police Department’s Training/Roll-Call Room in memory and honor of Captain Michael Rodney Davis.

Accepting National Fitness Campaign (NFC) grant funding in the amount of $30,000.

Accepting $200,000 in CARES Act Funding and authorizing a reimbursement contract with Vance County.

Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

City of Henderson Logo

Town Talk 06/09/20: No Tax, Service Fee Increases in Approved Henderson Budget

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington and Henderson City Council members provided WIZS News with a briefing on the FY 2020-2021 Budget Adoption at the Monday, June 8, 2020, Henderson City Council meeting.

The budget was passed unanimously with six of the eight City Council members in attendance either in person or electronically via Zoom. According to reports, Councilwoman Sara Coffey and Councilwoman Fearldine Simmons were not in attendance. Click here to view the 153-page budget in its entirety.

“Our June City Council Meeting went well,” said Mayor Ellington. “Half of the Council were present in the Council Chambers including myself, the city manager and the city clerk. The others were participating via Zoom. It was a fairly fast-moving meeting with a few housekeeping details, along with adopting our 2020-2021 budget. The budget includes funding for six new firefighter positions. There will also be no service fees nor tax increases to the citizens on a unanimous vote. We are also pleased with our new manager, Mr. Terrell Blackmon’s first budget since taking the role earlier this year.”

Councilman William Burnette said: “The budget was adopted by a unanimous vote, by all in attendance. We are still having to use Zoom. I will be very happy when we can go back to normal meetings and allow public participation in the Council Chambers. Hopefully, this will happen sooner rather than later. I miss the interaction with the citizens.”

Councilman Garry Daeke and Councilwoman Melissa Elliott reported the budget was adopted with no changes and praised the declared proclamation for Dr. Andrea Harris that “was read beautifully by our Mayor,” according to Elliott.

The proclamation reads:

WHEREAS, Dr. Andrea L. Harris was born in Sumter, South Carolina; and

WHEREAS, Andrea L. Harris grew up in Henderson, North Carolina where she resided for the majority of her life; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Andrea L. Harris earned a bachelor’s degree at Bennett College and received an honorary doctorate from Bennett College; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Andrea L. Harris is best known for the impact she made on the African American community and working with minority business owners; and

WHEREAS, in 1986, Dr. Harris co-founded the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development, a nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting business diversity for minorities, women, and disabled individuals: and

WHEREAS, during her lifetime, Dr. Andrea L. Harris received the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, a Lifetime Achievement Award from Triangle Business Journal, and Governor Roy Cooper stated “Andrea Harris was a trailblazer who never stopped fighting for social and racial equity in our state.”; and

WHEREAS, the City of Henderson lost one of its most influential civil-rights figures with the passing of Dr. Andrea L. Harris on May 20, 2020.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Henderson City Council, on behalf of all our citizens, hereby goes on record as recognizing the contributions made by Dr. Andrea L. Harris and offers her family this sincere expression of condolence.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be presented to her family.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the City of Henderson in the State of North Carolina this the 8th day of June 2020.

-Eddie Ellington, Mayor

To hear the Town Talk segment in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk. Discussion on the Henderson City Council and budget begins at the 24:12 mark.

City of Henderson Logo

Approval of New FY Budget on Henderson City Council’s June 8 Agenda


-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 8, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 134 Rose Ave. in Henderson, NC.

Due to COVID-19 health mandates issued by Governor Cooper, the number of people allowed in Council Chambers will be limited for this meeting. Therefore, no citizens will be allowed in Council Chambers to observe or to make comments. However, members of the community are strongly encouraged to provide questions/comments for Council in writing as follows and to listen via Zoom:

Written Comments:

  1. Email written comments to emccrackin@ci.henderson.nc.us
  2. Emails received by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be read aloud at the meeting. Comments are limited to 3-minutes per person.

Zoom Instructions:

Time: Monday, June 8, 2020, 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 838 4147 4789

Password: 333396

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,83841474789#,,1#,333396# US (Germantown)

+13126266799,,83841474789#,,1#,333396# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location

Meeting ID: 838 4147 4789

Password: 333396

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbQ1BZnJpf

Agenda Items Include:

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-21, Adoption of the FY 20-21 Budget and FY 20-21 Annual Fee Schedule. The proposed FY 2020-2021 budget is available for viewing in its entirety on the City of Henderson’s website, under the Finance Department tab (click here).

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-22, Authorizing the Demolition of 224 Zene Street for Failure to Comply with Abandoned Structure Code.

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-23, Amending Sanitation Ordinance Chapter 17, Section 17-3 Garbage and Trash Collection Policy.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-40, Deferring Implementation of the Adopted Financial Model Developed by Stantec for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System.

Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 20-39, Accepting the 2020 BJA Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Grant and 2) Ordinance 20-24, FY 20 BA #30, Establishing a Budget for the BJA Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Grant.

Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Month of April 2020. 

Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council to Hold Special Called Budget Meeting

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington has requested a Special Called Meeting of the Henderson City Council on Monday, May 18, 2020, at 6 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is for the Council to receive the Proposed FY 2020-2021 Budget.

Due to the continued restrictions regarding gatherings of more than 10 individuals, City Hall remains closed; however, the public is welcome to observe online via Zoom.

To Join the Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 825 4131 7076
Password: 861162

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,82541317076#,,1#,861162# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,82541317076#,,1#,861162# US (New York)

Dial by your location

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 825 4131 7076
Password: 861162

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kmf28hfC6

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council to Meet Mon., May 11

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, May 11, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 134 Rose Ave. in Henderson, NC.

Due to COVID-19 health mandates issued by Governor Cooper, the number of people allowed in Council Chambers will be limited for this meeting. Therefore, no citizens will be allowed in Council Chambers to observe or to make comments. However, members of the community are strongly encouraged to provide questions/comments for the Council in writing as follows:

Written Comments:

  1. Email written comments to emccrackin@ci.henderson.nc.us
  2. Emails received by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be read aloud at the meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes per person.

To listen to the meeting online:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 897 8637 3095

Password: 211838

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,89786373095#,,1#,211838# US (Chicago)

+19292056099,,89786373095#,,1#,211838# US (New York)

Dial by your location:

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 897 8637 3095

Password: 211838

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcpX9wH7r6

Agenda Items Include:


Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-27, Authorizing an Application to the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) Grant in the amount of $500,000 for Constructing and Developing a Diverse Multiuse Park on the Corner of William Street and Montgomery Street.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-36, Submission of an Application to the National Fitness Campaign (NFC) for a Grant in the Amount of $30,000 for the Construction of an Outdoor Fitness Court.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-34, Providing for the Disposition of Jointly Owned Properties by the City and County Identified as 904 and 912 Lamb Street, Recorded in Vance County Tax Deed Book 1245, Page 0276, Further Identified as PIN #0061 05003 and #0061 05002 Respectively.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-26, Providing for the Disposition of a Jointly Owned Property by the City and County Identified as 404 Whitten Avenue, Recorded in Vance County Tax Deed Book 1298, Page 0757, Further Identified as PIN #0098 04006.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-23, Street Resurfacing Project List for the Proposed Henderson Pavement Overlay Project 2020.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-28, Ground Lease at 3755 US 158 Business Hwy for a Replacement Communications Tower with USCOC of Greater North Carolina, LLC (US Cellular).


Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-25, Approving the Agreement Setting Forth the Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations for the Mayor, City Council Members and City Manager.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-37, Approving FY 20-21 Budget Review Calendar and Scheduling of Special Council Budget Work Sessions.

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-15, Establishing Two Reserved Parking Spaces in the Orange Street Parking Lot for Visitors to the Henderson-Vance County Economic Development Commission Office.

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-18, FY 20 BA #18, Landscaping and Installation of a Water Fountain Feature at the Traffic Island Located at the intersection of Charles Street and Garnett Street near the Downtown Railroad Overpass.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-29, Supporting the Acquisition and Development of the Rail Corridors Referred to as the S-Line and SA-line for the Benefits of Improved Passenger Rail, Freight Movement, Commuting Options and Local Economic Development.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-35, Rejecting Bid from H.G. Reynolds Company, Inc., for Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department Tennis Courts Renovation Project at Fox Pond Park.

Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 20-32, Purchasing a Replacement Vehicle and the Installing of Emergency Equipment and 2) Ordinance 20-19, FY 20 BA #19, Transferring $14,000 of State Tax Revenue to Police Capital Outlay (over $5,000) Budget Ordinance Police Dept.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-33, Ratifying the Submission of Two Applications to the Bureau of Justice Assistance for Obtaining an Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS) for the Henderson Police Department.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-33, Submission of an Application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 20 Bulletproof Vest Grant Program for Obtaining Ballistic Body Armor for Police Officers.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-30, Ratifying the Submission of Applications to the Bureau of Justice Assistance for Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Fund Grant.

Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Months of February and March 2020.



Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council’s April Meeting Canceled

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

Due to the coronavirus and the Stay at Home Order issued by Governor Roy Cooper, the Henderson City Council Meeting scheduled for Monday,  April 13, 2020, at 6 p.m. has been canceled.

If a meeting is scheduled prior to the regularly scheduled meeting in May, proper notification will be issued.

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council to Meet Mon., March 9

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold a regular meeting on Monday, March 9, 2020, beginning at 6 p.m. in the R.G. (Chick) Young, Jr. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson, NC.

Agenda items include:


a) Leadership Vance 2020 Class Recognition


a) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-12, Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Prohibit the Establishment of Electronic Gaming Operations in All Districts of the City.

b) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-11, Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Allow Residential Duplexes in the R-20 (Low-Density Residential) District.

c) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-10, Amending the Zoning Map to Rezone 1852 Highway 39 South, Vance County Tax Parcel 0094 02026 from B-4 (Neighborhood Commercial District) to R-8M (Moderate to High Density
Residential-HUD Code Home District).



a) Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 20-20, Dewberry Task Order for Engineering and Bidding the High Service Replacement For Regional Water; and 2) Ordinance 20-16, FY20 BA #17, Establishing a Budget for Replacement of High Service Pump.

b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-18, Charles Street Traffic Island Landscaping Enhancements.

c) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-12, Providing for the Disposition of a Jointly Owned Property by the City and County Identified as 416 Harriett Street, Recorded in Vance County Tax Deed Book 01275 Page 0994, Further Identified as PIN #0091 04024.

d) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-17, Providing for the Disposition of a Jointly Owned Property by the City and County Identified as 695 Adams Street, Recorded in Vance County Tax Deed Book 1221, Page 0046, Further Identified as PIN #0069 05008.

e) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-14, Authorizing the Removal or Demolition of 224 Red Bud Circle for Failure to Comply with Abandoned Structures Code.

f) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-13, Directing the Code Compliance Director to Demolish the Structure at 327 West Rockspring Street for Failure to Comply with Abandoned Structure Code.


a) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-22, Transferring Ownership of Canine (K-9) Nero to Charlene Macialek, Widow of Senior Police Officer Jeffery D. Macialek, through Contractual Agreement.

b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-19, Approving the Bundling of City-Owned Real Estate for Offers Under Requests for Proposals.

c) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-15, Establishing Two Reserved Parking Spaces in the Orange Street Parking Lot for Visitors to the Henderson-Vance County Economic Development Commission Offices.

d) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-21, Adopting the Financial Model Developed by Stantec for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System.

e) Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Month of January 2020.



a) Consideration of Resolution 20-23, Proposed Henderson Pavement Overlay Project 2020.


Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council to Hold Special Called Meeting on FY 20-21 Budget

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

Mayor Ellington has requested a Special Called Meeting of the Henderson City Council for Tuesday, March 10, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the FY 20-21 Budget.

This meeting will be held in Council Chambers, 134 Rose Avenue, Henderson, NC.

The public is welcome to observe.