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Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education to Meet in Called Session, Tues., Aug. 14

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools


The Granville County Board of Education will meet in a called meeting on Tuesday, August 14, 2018, 5:30 p.m. at the Board of Education Administrative Offices, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, North Carolina.

The board will also meet in a closed session for Personnel/Attorney-Client Privilege in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321. The next scheduled Board Work Session for the Board of Education will be held on Monday, August 20, 2018.

Dywanda Pettaway, Clerk to Board of Education

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Schools Parting With Chamber’s Teachers’ Breakfast; Will Hold Their Own

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools has a long, proud history of partnering with the Chamber of Commerce and the community at large to celebrate and support our newly appointed teachers at the beginning of each school year. Together, we have enjoyed many decades at the Annual New Teacher Breakfast, sponsored by the Granville County Chamber of Commerce, to welcome educators from far and wide to join our public school system and our communities. We have always enjoyed this exciting time of year together and are grateful for the generosity and outpouring of support for our staff and students.

This year, however, Granville County Public Schools staff recently learned that for the first time ever in the history of the Chamber-sponsored event, teachers and administrators from outside of our public school district would be attending and participating in the program for that morning, which was to be held in one of our elementary schools. This event would no longer be held to just support the educators of Granville County Public Schools but was to include a presentation to GCPS teachers from the leadership of a competing charter school that drains much-needed resources from our school district.

Charter schools are not part of the Granville County Public School system and are exempt from many of the requirements placed on public schools, including the requirements to provide meals and transportation, to employ only licensed teachers, and to accept and instruct any student who lives in the district.

This change in the nature of the event gave the Granville County Board of Education serious concerns about the message the event would send to our new GCPS teachers, in a time when recruiting and retaining qualified teachers is increasingly challenging for our public school system. After careful consideration and discussion, board members voted unanimously to not participate in the breakfast this year. This decision was a strong indication of support for our community’s public education system and sends a message that we fully declare our schools to be the first and best choice in education for all of the children of our county. The school system will instead sponsor a new teacher breakfast to welcome Granville County Public Schools teachers.

We hope that members of the community, local businesses, industry groups, and citizens will understand this need for our school board to take this position, and know that it does not reflect in any way on our tremendous gratitude toward their support of our schools and the prior support we have received from the Chamber. We are hopeful that over the next year we may be able to work with the Chamber to find a resolution to our concerns. Together, we can achieve excellence and achievement for all!

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville Co. New Teachers’ Breakfast Canceled After 25+ Years Welcoming Educators

— courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~ ginnie@granville-chamber.com

The following is a message from the Granville County Chamber of Commerce to Chamber members and media representatives:

Notice of Cancellation of the Annual New Teachers’ Breakfast

It is with deep regret that the 2018 Annual New Teachers’ Breakfast, which has been hosted by the Granville Chamber of Commerce for more than 25 years, has been canceled. The event was scheduled to be held on August 17, 2018, at Mount Energy Elementary School. The event was to be sponsored and catered by Granville Health Systems and gift bags were prepared for the new teachers by the Chamber membership.

The Chamber of Commerce received a statement from the Board of Education, who met Monday evening August 6, and unanimously decided Granville County Public Schools will not participate in the Chamber’s new teacher breakfast this year.

This breakfast has always been a long-standing event that is entirely coordinated by the Chamber and its members. The Chamber has always viewed this event as an avenue to welcome all new educators to our community and promote camaraderie with fellow associates along with community leaders. The Granville Chamber of Commerce wishes the very best of success to our new teachers this year and hopes that this annual tradition is reconsidered in the future.

Please call the Chamber office at 919-693-6125 or email wanda@granville-chamber.com with questions.


Granville Chamber of Commerce



(This is not a paid advertisement)

Granville County Public Schools

Annual Granville Co. ‘New Teacher Breakfast’ to be Held Fri., Aug. 17

— courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~ ginnie@granville-chamber.com

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce and Granville Health System are sponsoring the annual New Teacher Breakfast on Friday, August 17 at 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria at Mount Energy Elementary School, 2652 Hwy 56, Creedmoor. This event welcomes and recognizes new employees to the Granville County Public School system and allows them an opportunity to meet local elected officials, as well as business and agency leaders in Granville County.

Presiding will be Hal Muetzel, President of the Chamber, with remarks from Granville Health System – event sponsor.

Granville County Chamber banking, investment, real estate, property management and insurance members are being invited to set up business displays to provide information for the newcomers.

Teacher gift bag items are requested. Chamber of Commerce member businesses contribute items for gift bags for the 100 new teacher employees. Businesses interested in donating gift bag items should contact either of the Chamber’s offices – Toni Anne Wheeler, (919) 528-4994, tawheeler@granville-chamber.com or Wanda Garrett, (919) 693-6125, wanda@granville-chamber.com.

Granville County Public Schools

Four Granville Co. Public Schools to Begin Year-Round Schedule

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools and the Granville County Public Schools website

Dr. Alisa McLean, superintendent of Granville County Public Schools (GCPS), will welcome students on Monday, July 16, 2018, for the first day of school for students on the new year-round calendar.

McLean will welcome students at Butner-Stem Middle School on Monday, July 16 at 8:15 a.m., and will be touring classrooms at West Oxford Elementary School starting at 12:45 p.m. that same day.

According to the GCPS website, Dr. McLean conducted a series of conversations last fall with the community, and an overwhelming interest was expressed for a choice of a year-round school schedule.

The Granville County Board of Education moved forward with the recommendation and four Granville County public schools will offer a year-round schedule for the 2018-19 school year: Butner-Stem Elementary School, Butner-Stem Middle School, West Oxford Elementary School and Northern Granville Middle School.

Each of these schools will operate with two separate calendars – one group of students on a traditional calendar, and one on a year-round schedule.

Dr. Vanessa Wrenn Named Principal of Granville Academy

Dr. Vanessa Wrenn, Ed.D. has been named principal of Granville Academy, a blended learning experience for grades K-12 that allows for on-site and off-site independent studies.

Wrenn began her career in education teaching at Riverside High School in Durham and has served as a Career Technical Education teacher and the Director of Technology and Online Learning for Granville County Public Schools.

Among her accomplishments, Wrenn initiated the Granville Online program in 2010 for students in grades 7-12 and also implemented a one laptop device per student directive to allow for 24/7 anytime, anywhere learning.

“As a mother of three, my lens is always ‘what is best for children,’” said Wrenn. “My goal is to ensure that all children are engaged in their learning so they may be successful students.”

With a background in digital learning initiatives, Wrenn brings her extensive knowledge to this new approach to K-12 education. “My work has transitioned learning in Granville County Public Schools to a digital age teaching environment,” said Wrenn. “Students and teachers now have consistent access to technology devices, resources and online courses.”

As part of the Granville County Public School System, Granville Academy will begin its first school year on Monday, August 27, 2018, and will follow the traditional calendar for Granville County Schools.

Taught by state-certified teachers, and accredited as part of the school district system, Granville Academy staff “will use innovation and flexibility to best meet each learners needs.”

According to their website, Granville Academy will enroll students in K-5 and 6-8 to attend a physical school building two days a week for five hours each day. High school students in grades 9-12 will have flexibility in their workspace based on progress. All students will work virtually during the school week.

Academy classes will be located inside existing Granville County school structures. Tar River and CG Credle Elementary and Butner-Stem and Northern Granville Middle will serve as the Granville Academy elementary and middle school sites, respectively. High school students will attend a physical school building on an as-needed basis.

Granville Academy is available to both in-county and out-of-county residents. While free for residents of Granville County, students living out-of-district will pay a tuition as determined by the Granville County Public School’s Board of Education.

According to Wrenn, community feedback regarding the hybrid learning experience has been very positive. “The schedule of some days on campus and other days away from campus meets families and learners’ specific needs. We have families who travel for work and pleasure, students who are pursuing sports, arts, or have health reasons which require flexible schedules. Additionally, some students prefer a blended model due to their learning style.”

Over the past few months, Granville Academy staff have conducted numerous community talks to educate the community on the school design and to answer individual questions.

Although well-received, Wrenn said the biggest challenge has been helping both parents and the community understand how a blended school works. “The school utilizes a personalized course of study that follows local and state curriculum standards. Teachers provide the primary instruction and assign grades. Parents are highly involved, facilitating learning on the days students are at home.”

Students are assessed using the same state end-of-grade and end-of-course exams as traditional Granville County Public School students and are eligible for athletics and other activities as offered at their base school.

With 168 students currently enrolled in grades K-12, Wrenn is ready to get started. “I understand that each child needs an advocate and options. I am excited and eager to bring my skills as an educational leader in online learning and technology to Granville Academy and work to ensure every child’s success in a personalized learning environment.”

*For more information on Granville Academy, please visit their website at https://ga.gcs.k12.nc.us/ or contact Dr. Wrenn at wrennv@gcs.k12.nc.us.

Check Out Granville County Public Schools 4-10-18

In an email to WIZS News, Dr. Stan Winborne with Granville County Public Schools said, “I am reaching out to let you know that we having a very exciting event for our families on Tuesday, April 10 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm at the Granville Expo Center.”

It is the first ever District Choice Fair for GCPS.  Winborne said, “ALL of our schools will be represented at a festive occasion at which parents and community members can come out and learn about our schools. Staff will be on site to answer questions, provide information and enroll students in all grades at all schools.”

He asked that the following flier be forwarded:













Dr. Stan Winborne is the executive director of operations, human resources, communications, and safety and is the public information officer for Granville Count Public Schools.

GCPS BOE Names Principals for Dual-Calendar Schools


GCPS BOE Names Principals for Dual-Calendar Schools

Earlier this winter, the Granville County Board of Education approved recommendations by Superintendent McLean to transition four schools to a dual-calendar schedule. These schools, Butner-Stem Elementary School, Butner-Stem Middle School, West Oxford Elementary School, and Northern Granville Middle School will all begin offering two separate calendar tracks under one roof beginning this July. These four schools are “choice program” schools and are open to enrollment for all families in the county. The year-round, or balanced calendar, will spread the traditional summer vacation out over the course of the school year, providing three-week breaks every quarter, called intersessions. This schedule prevents the “summer slide” experienced by many children and provides more regular breaks during the school year for enrichment, recreation and remediation.

In addition to the change in calendars, these schools will also adopt academic themes. The southern area schools will take a “STEAM” focus, using Engineering principles to target hands-on learning in Science, Technology and Math, combined with a focus on the Arts (S.T.E.A.M.). The two northern area schools will adopt a ‘Global Ready’ focus, bringing in experiential learning related to language, culture, international relations and geography.

In order to lead these transformations, Superintendent McLean tasked each school’s leadership team to participate in a rigorous application and interview process for the principal of the school. All sitting principals were invited to apply for the newly modified leadership positions. Dr. McLean explained, “We wanted school staff to have an active role in the process of choosing their leader. I believe that any time a school undergoes this type of change, it is critical that the process be as collaborative. Stakeholders need input to shape their own school’s future when possible.” In addition to teachers and other school staff members, each hiring committee also included a parent and local business or industry partner. These four school-based teams ultimately brought two finalists to Dr. McLean for her final review.

On Thursday, March 15, the Granville County Board of Education met and named the follow educators as Principals for the 2018-2019 school year:

Left to Right: David Hackney, Shelby Hunt, Lauren Allen, Cindy Daniel

  • Butner-Stem Elementary School: Cindy Daniels
  • Butner-Stem Middle School: Lauren Curtis
  • West Oxford Elementary School: Shelby Hunt
  • Northern Granville Middle School: David Hackney

Two of the four principals are new to Granville County Public Schools. Both Shelby Hunt (West Oxford Elementary School) and Lauren Curtis (Butner Stem Middle School), will remain as principals at their respective schools.

Biographies of each of the new school leaders are listed below. Both will also be holding special ‘meet and greet’ events for parents and community members in the near future.

Cindy Daniels graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston, Ma. in 1993 and moved to North Carolina in 1996. Mrs. Daniels taught for 10 years in NC. Six years of her teaching experience was at Easley Year Round Elementary School in Durham Public Schools. While teaching, Mrs. Daniels earned her Master’s Degree in School Administration from UNC Chapel Hill in 2006. She became an Assistant Principal in Chapel Hill City Schools before becoming a principal in Durham Public Schools in 2010. Mrs. Daniels was named Principal of Cameron Park Elementary School in Orange County in 2015. Mrs. Daniels is a strong supporter of the benefits of the year-round calendar and opportunities it can afford our students, which is what led her to this exciting journey at Butner-Stem Elementary. Mrs. Daniels is married and has two stepsons and enjoys watching sports with her family, particularly anything Carolina!

David L. Hackney, II is a Durham native, resident of Creedmoor and the son of the late David and Jacqueline Hackney. He is the husband of Anesta Hackney and proud father to daughters Camille (9) and Jordin (5). In 1999, David graduated from North Carolina Central University with a B.A. degree in History. In February 2001, he became employed as a social studies teacher in the Durham Public School system. He would serve in this role for almost 11 years. While teaching, he was also the Head Coach of the Varsity Football and the Women’s Basketball teams at Riverside High School. Mr. Hackney has always felt a calling to work with the youth. In 2012, he graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with his Master’s degree in School Administration. Mr. Hackney has served 6 years in secondary administration. He has completed the last two years as an Assistant Principal at Shepard IB Magnet Middle School in Durham, NC. He is also the advisor of the Brother 2 Brother Young Men’s Mentoring program. In 2017, he was a finalist for Durham Public School’s Assistant Principal of the Year. He is also the Founder of the Men’s Think Tank of Durham that meets monthly to discuss various topics to empower men to be vessels of knowledge to improve themselves, their family, and communities.

David is a man of faith. After marriage, David desired to have his young family be a part of a smaller church body in which their family could grow and work. He led his family to become members at United Christian Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in 2013. David currently serves as a Deacon at United Christian as well as President of Men United/Laymen’s League, men’s ministry. Believing that everyone has the ability to help someone, Mr. Hackney’s Motto is: Reach one Teach One


Granville County Board of Education – Public Hearing 4-9-18

— Granville County Public Schools Notice to the Public

The Granville County Board of Education — Notice of Public Hearing  — Transfer of School Property for School Improvements Financing

The Granville County Board of Education will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 9, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard). The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment concerning the proposed transfer of Butner-Stem Elementary School, including the buildings and the related real estate, to Granville County to facilitate the County’s financing of improvements to Butner-Stem Elementary and other school improvements.

The hearing will be held in the Board’s usual meeting room in its administration building, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford.

The financing plan selected by the County for its school improvements project calls for the financing to be secured by a lien on the Butner-Stem Elementary school property. For the County to provide that lien to the lender, the County must own the school. This arrangement is similar to arrangements used for the financing of other Granville County school projects. The financing documents will provide for the school property to be returned to the School Board when the financing is retired, and will provide for the School Board’s continued use of the property during the financing term. State law requires that there be a public hearing before the School Board transfers school property to the County for this purpose.

The street address for Butner-Stem Elementary School is 201 East D Street, Butner, NC 27509.

All interested persons will be heard. The Board’s plans are subject to change based on the comments received at the public hearing and the Board’s subsequent discussion and consideration. The County’s Board of Commissioners has approved the financing plan, but County’s entering into the financing is subject to obtaining approval from the North Carolina Local Government Commission.

Persons wishing to make written comments in advance of the hearing or wishing more information concerning the subject of the hearing may contact Beth Day, Assistant Superintendent of Finance for Granville County Public Schools, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford. NC 27565 (telephone 919/693-4613, email dayb@gcs.k12.nc.us).

Career and College Promise Information Session

— submitted information from Granville County Public Schools

Career and College Promise Information Session:

Parents and Community Members – Plan to come out March 13, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Oxford Housing Authority to learn about FREE college courses for students in our high schools. The address of the OHA facility is 101 Hillside Dr, Oxford, NC 27565.

This session will provide program and enrollment information on Career and College Promise, a tuition free high school program offered at Vance-Granville Community College for students who want a head start toward a college education. Reba Bullock, Granville Early College Liaison and CCP Point of Contact, will provide detailed information about the steps to enroll, college programs available to high school students, and will be available to answer specific questions about CCP.