Tag Archive for: #granvillecountynews

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Nine of Granville’s 18 COVID-19 Cases in Prison Facility; 6 Confirmed in Vance Co.

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville Vance Public Health

UPDATE: As of April 1, 2020, there are 10 additional known confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Granville County bringing the total number of cases to 18. Nine of the cases in Granville County are inmates at the Federal Bureau of Prisons facility in Butner, NC. Vance County has two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 for a total of six known confirmed cases.

All Granville and Vance county cases of COVID-19 are considered to be community spread. That means we do not know the exact point of exposure of the virus for any of the individuals who are positive. The communicable disease team at your local health department continues to perform contact tracing for individual cases with known positive test results.

For the 24 cases in the two-county district, local health department staff have notified hundreds of individuals who may have been in direct contact with someone who has been confirmed positive for COVID-19. It is clear that widespread transmission is occurring, and other than the outbreak at the federal prison, there is no concentration of COVID-19 cases in any one specific area.

Not all persons with COVID-19 will have severe symptoms, some individuals may only develop mild symptoms or show none of the symptoms at all. Individuals who are positive for COVID-19 are most likely to spread the virus when symptomatic (coughing) but those who are not coughing may also spread this extremely contagious virus.

Granville Vance Health Department strongly encourages everyone to adhere to the Governor’s Executive Orders by staying at home unless absolutely necessary to leave. While COVID-19 is a novel virus, studies show for any highly infectious disease the best way to stop the spread is to drastically limit human interactions. This will help protect you from exposure to individuals who have coronavirus, whether they are symptomatic or not showing any symptoms at all.

Additionally, this will help protect our community in the event that you may be carrying the coronavirus unknowingly. It will take our entire state working together to make the greatest impact and stop the spread.

Call your doctor if you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 to see if you should be tested or need medical care. If you have mild symptoms such as fever and cough without shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, you may not need to be tested, but instead, should isolate yourself at home and monitor how you are feeling. This will reduce the risk of making the
people around you sick.

Testing is most important for people who are seriously ill, in the hospital, people in high-risk settings like nursing homes or long-term care facilities, and healthcare workers and other first responders who are caring for those with COVID-19.

Granville Vance Public Health will provide the most up-to-date and accurate information for COVID-19 in our district online at https://gvph.org/covid-19.

Granville County Public Schools

Donations, Volunteers Needed to Keep Granville Children’s Meal Service Going

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools is reaching out to update you on our meal service for children in our community. First, please allow us to celebrate that we have served almost 3,300 lunches and 3,300 breakfasts at 29 sites across the county!

That brings our total to almost 50,000 meals served to children in just the last two weeks!

We will continue to offer this meal service as long as we possibly can. Please know, however, that the week after next – from April 10 to 17, we will suspend our meal service as our traditional calendar staff will not be working. During that time, efforts are underway for the community to help step in and provide meal options for students.

Plans are still in the works, but if you are interested in making a monetary donation to help offset the cost of these meals for children, you can stop by the Oxford or Creedmoor Union Bank branch and ask bank staff how you can support the community-led children’s meal program.

More information will follow soon on how folks in the community can volunteer or donate packaged food to this effort as well.

We thank you all in advance for supporting our children and our community. We truly will get through these difficult times together.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Public Health Update: Three Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Granville, Two in Vance

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville Vance Public Health

UPDATE: As of March 26, 2020, there were two additional known confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Granville County bringing the total number of cases to three. The two individuals are in the same household.

Vance County has a total of two known confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of March 26, 2020.

All individuals have cooperated with isolation restrictions since being tested and are currently in isolation at home. Families of individuals who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 have be given information about isolation and quarantine and asked to remain at home for 14 days.

Local public health officials will notify any individuals if they may have been at risk of being in contact with these individuals in accordance with North Carolina Division of Public Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Although the two family members traveled out of state recently, all of these cases are still considered community spread.

All 50 states have reported cases of COVID-19 to the CDC. Twenty-seven U.S. states are reporting some community spread of COVID-19. U.S. COVID-19 cases include:

  • Imported cases in travelers
  • Cases among close contacts of a known case
  • Community-acquired cases where the source of the infection is unknown

COVID-19 test results are coming from many different labs and provider offices. More than 13,000 lab tests have been completed across NC, and approximately 100 tests have been completed for residents of Granville and Vance Counties since March 11, 2020.

Granville Vance Public Health will provide the most up-to-date and accurate information for COVID-19 in our district online at https://gvph.org/. You can also see the latest case counts, a map of affected counties, and new guidance for our state online at https://www.ncdhhs.gov/covid-19-case-count-nc.

State guidance continues to require fever AND lower respiratory symptoms (cough or difficulty breathing) to be present in order to take a sample collection for testing. Although both counties have access to sample collection kits across different providers, testing is most important for people who are seriously ill, in the hospital, people in high-risk settings like nursing homes or long-term care facilities, and healthcare workers and other first responders who are caring for those with COVID-19.

Therefore, if you have mild symptoms such as fever and cough without shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, you should isolate yourself as if you have COVID-19. This will reduce the risk of making the people around you sick. You can call your doctor to see if you should be tested or need medical care.

If you are in isolation, you can stop isolating yourself when you answer YES to ALL three questions:

1. Has it been at least 7 days since you first had symptoms?
2. Have you been without fever for three days (72 hours) without any medicine for fever?
3. Are your other symptoms improved?

Call your doctor if your symptoms are getting worse or you have any concerns about your health. Emergency rooms need to be able to serve the most critically ill, so please do not use the emergency room unless you are very sick.

Granville County Logo

Granville County Government Operational Changes – Updated March 26

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County Government continues to work closely with Granville-Vance Public Health and to take precautionary measures, following guidance from the local health department and from the CDC. With everyone’s safety in mind, these operational changes have been implemented in response to COVID-19:

Granville County Senior Services: All three Senior Centers (Oxford, Creedmoor and Stovall) are closed to participants until further notice. Group activities, classes, group meetings and special events have been canceled. Because the tax deadline has been changed to July 15, the tax assistance program has been temporarily suspended and will restart on Thursday, May 14 from 5 until 8 p.m., ending on July 9. Appointments currently on the books will be rescheduled and new appointments will be taken.

Home delivered meals continue and congregate meals (on-site) are available as a drive-through option. Those not able to use the drive-through option should call the Senior Center at 919-693-1930 to ask about being placed on a home-delivered route. KARTS has also made the decision to temporarily discontinue the around-town shuttle until further notice.

Granville County Library System: All four branches of the Granville County Library have been closed to the public as of March 21, but curbside service is available Monday through Friday at the Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford and at the South Branch in Creedmoor. Library patrons can call or email either library to request materials for pickup between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., then give the library a call upon arrival. (Limit five books, five DVDs and five audiobooks.)

In addition, all scheduled events and programs have been canceled and meeting rooms will not be available for public use until the state of emergency is lifted. All services to nursing homes and assisted living centers have also been postponed until further notice. Deadlines for all materials currently checked out will be automatically extended. The Thornton Library can be reached at 919-693-1121 and the phone number for the South Branch is 919-528-1752.

Department of Social Services: To better serve residents who need assistance, the Department of Social Services is also accepting applications for Food and Nutrition assistance, Medicaid, Work First Family Assistance or any other economic service program through DSS online, by phone or by mail. To apply by phone, please call 919-693-1511. To apply online, please visit https://www.granvillecounty.org/residents/social-services/. To apply by mail, send the application to P.O. Box 966, Oxford NC, 27565.

Granville County Animal Management: For safety precautions, please call the Animal Shelter at 919-693-6749 to make an appointment for adoptions, rescue pulls and viewing of lost animals. For a limited time, all fees for pet adoptions and rescue pulls will be waived. A majority of volunteers are also being asked to not visit at this time, but to please continue to support the Animal Shelter by sharing animals available for rescue and adoption, as well as notices for lost animals. Rabies vaccinations for owned animals have been suspended until further notice.

Animal Control officers continue to be on the job. Please call 919-693-6749 during normal operating hours of Monday through Friday, noon until 4:30 p.m., and Saturdays from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m., as most animal control concerns can be addressed over the phone. If you have an animal-related emergency, please call 9-1-1 to have Animal Control Officers contacted, who are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Granville County Courthouse: As of March 23, the Granville County Clerk’s Office will be interacting with the public through their cashiering window. Residents are encouraged to call 919-699-4800 before coming to the courthouse, as there are a number of matters that can be handled over the phone or through the N.C. Courts’ website at www.nccourts.gov. By order of the Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, many court matters are being continued and rescheduled until after April 13, 2020.

Exceptions are proceedings necessary to preserve statutory and constitutional rights in criminal cases, such as first appearances; and proceedings necessary to obtaining emergency relief, such as protective and restraining orders. Matters that fall into these exceptions will proceed as necessary and required by law before the Court.

Cases that will be continued and rescheduled until after April 13, 2020, include 1. Magistrate’s and Small Claims Court; 2. Regular Civil and Criminal District Court; 3. Civil and Criminal Superior Court; and 4. Most Estate and Special Proceedings Hearings before the Clerk. The Clerk’s Office will mail notice of a new hearing date for all matters that are continued and are rescheduled.

Granville County Sheriff’s Office: As of March 23 and until further notice, only one person will be admitted inside the front lobby of the Sheriff’s Office at a time. Visitation in the Granville County Jail is also restricted until further notice. Fingerprint services have been suspended until April 13. Effective immediately, crime reports of a non–violent nature will be taken over the phone or by email, if at all possible. These reports include, but are not limited to, misdemeanor theft, harassing communications, lost property, identity theft, computer/phone/mail scams.  The phone number for the Sheriff’s Office is 919-693-3213 and the email address is granville.sheriff@granvillecounty.org. For more serious concerns, all residents are asked to call 9-1-1.

Granville County 9-1-1: Residents should be aware that telecommunicators are screening all calls for COVID-19 symptoms. Any “yes” answers to the questions asked will be relayed to emergency responders so that they will be prepared and aware.

Inspections and Planning: As of Monday, March 23, the Planning and Inspections Department will be closed to the public. Residents can reach staff members by phone or by email. Appointments that are necessary will be made. In addition, a drop box will be located in the hallway for plan and application submittals. Field inspections will continue but may be limited. Online payment access is also available. Call 919-603-1326 to have an online payment link sent to your email address.

Tax Department: The Granville County Tax Office encourages all taxpayers to call for an appointment prior to their visit. Online payments are also accepted at https://www.granvillecounty.org/residents/online-payments/. Call 919-693-4181 for assistance.

Granville County Board of Elections: The Granville County Board of Elections is closed to the general public but will be taking calls at 919-693-2515 for information and appointments.

Granville County Office of N.C. Forest Service: The Granville office location is temporarily closed to the public until further notice. Burning permits will be made available online at ncforestservice.gov. Residents should be aware that staffing adjustments may increase response times for inquiries and assistance. To reach a staff member, call 919-482-2301. For emergencies, please dial 9-1-1.

Parks and Recreation: Although tournament play has been canceled, Granville Athletic Park remains open. With the exception of playground equipment, the walking trails and other open spaces are available for public use. Residents are asked to follow health recommendations, including the practice of social distancing. Remember that gatherings should be limited to 50 people or less.

Soil and Water Conservation: The Soil and Water Conservation office is closed to the public until further notice; however, the Natural Resource Conservationist continues to work in the office and in the field and can be reached at 919-693-4603 or at byron.currin@granvillecounty.org.

Meeting cancellations: Several committee meetings and meetings of independent boards have been canceled or postponed. For a listing of canceled/postponed meetings and events scheduled through Granville County Government, please visit www.granvillecounty.org for notices.

Granville County Logo

Several Granville Co. Board of Commissioners Meetings Canceled or Postponed

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County

The joint meeting with the Granville County Board of Commissioners and the Granville County Board of Education announced for March 30, 2020, has been postponed until a later date to be determined.

The Board of Commissioners meeting scheduled for April 6, 2020, has been moved to April 20, 2020, at 7 p.m. at the Granville County Expo Center.

The pre-budget work sessions scheduled for April 20 and April 23 have been canceled. Budget work session dates will be determined later.

Granville County Logo

Granville County Government Declares State of Emergency

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with increasing confirmed cases in North Carolina, the Granville County Board of Commissioners has approved the issuance of a Declaration of a State of Emergency.

Signed by Chairman David T. Smith, this declaration is also in response to the March 10, 2020, Executive Order No. 116 to coordinate response and to take protective actions regarding the prevention of the spread of the Coronavirus in our communities.

At the time of this document, Granville County has one confirmed case of COVID-19.

The Declaration includes all five municipalities of Granville County and goes into effect at 4:30 p.m. today, March 23, 2020.

The Declaration reads:

WHEREAS, COVID19 is a respiratory disease that can result in serious illness or death and is a new strain of coronavirus previously unidentified in humans which can spread from person to person; and 

WHEREAS, the World Health Organization declared COVID19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020; and 

WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned of the high public health threat posed by COVID19 globally and in the United States and has deemed it necessary to prohibit or restrict travel to areas designated by the CDC, and 

WHEREAS, on January 31, 2020, the United States Department of Health and Human Services Secretary declared a public health emergency in the United States for COVID19 under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act; and 

WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020. the President of the United States, due to the spread of COVID19, declared a national emergency under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and corresponding regulations of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); and 

WHEREAS, on March 10, 2020, the Governor of the State of North Carolina by Executive Order No. 116 declared a state of emergency to coordinate response protective actions regarding the prevention of the spread of COVID19 within the State of North Carolina and has since issued Executive Orders 117, 118, 119, and 120 dealing with the COVID 19 emergency and may issue additional Executive Orders in the future; and 

WHEREAS, in consultation with health care professionals and based upon guidance from the CDC and NCDHHS, arrangements must be made immediately to take such actions that are deemed necessary and appropriate to ensure that COVID-19 remains controlled and that residents in Granville County remain safe and secure; and 

WHEREAS, the spread of the disease poses an imminent threat to property in the County due to illnessrelated absenteeism, particularly among public safety personnel, healthcare personnel, and persons engaged in activities and businesses critical to the economy and infrastructure of the County; and 

WHEREAS, at the time of this documents creation, Granville County has confirmed cases of Covid-19, and 

WHEREAS, Article 1A of Chapter 166A of the North Carolina General Statutes and, more specifically N.C. Gen. Stat. $166A19.22, authorizes counties and municipalities to declare a state of emergency and exercise the powers and duties set forth therein to direct and aid in the response to and mitigation against emergencies; and 

WHEREAS, the undersigned, in accordance with and on the basis of the foregoing, finds that an emergency exists within Granville County, North Carolina, and its municipalities, due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, and further finds that it is necessary and appropriate to exercise the authority cited hereinabove by issuing this Declaration in order to address said emergency and to protect the health and wellbeing of the citizens of Granville County; and 

WHEREAS, by and with the consent of the mayors of the municipalities within Granville County this Declaration applies within the municipal limits of the Town of Butner, the Town of Stem, the Town of Stovall, the City of Creedmoor and the City of Oxford, and 

WHEREAS, this Declaration is in addition to the executive orders referenced above and should any provision hereof be declared to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall not affect the validity of this Declaration as to any part thereof which is not specifically declared to be invalid or unconstitutional. 

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority contained in Article 1A of Chapter 166A of the North Carolina General Statutes, Article 36A of Chapter 14 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and Chapter 20 of the Granville County Code of Ordinances, I, David Smith, Chairman of the Granville County Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim

A State of Emergency exists within the County of Granville and by the request of the mayors of the Town of Butner, the Town of Stem, the Town of Stovall, the City of Creedmoor and the City of Oxford, within the corporate limits of those municipalities (the Municipalities“). 

The prohibitions and restrictions contained herein are necessary in order to maintain an acceptable level of public order, services, protection of lives, safety and property during this emergency. 

Restrictions on Long Term Care Facilities. All nursing homes, long term care facilities and assisted living residences (including adult care homes and family care homes) shall follow any applicable guidance issued by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (“NCDHHS”), the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (“CMS”), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (“CDC”). 

Restrictions on the use of playgrounds: Effective March 24, 2020, the use of publicly and privately-owned playground equipment is prohibited except as set out below. This prohibition does not apply to playground equipment at residences owned or leased by one or more people for their own living quarters or to the areas surrounding playground equipment including greenways, walking trails or other amenities of open spaces or parks. The foregoing notwithstanding, the county and each town, city, board of education, or charter school within Granville County may set its own rules in compliance with all state and federal laws for the operation of its playgrounds during the duration of this Declaration. 

Restrictions on Access to Public Buildings and Facilities: No person shall access any building or facility owned or occupied by any county, town, city, board of education, or charter school within Granville County except in compliance with any restrictions which may be posted on the main entrance on such building or facility. Each county, town, city, board of education, or charter school may set its own rules in compliance with all state and federal laws for its hours of operation during the duration of this Declaration. Citizens are strongly urged to conduct all public business via internet or phone until further notice. Citizens with specific questions should contact the county, town, city, board of education, or charter school or department thereof with which he/she has business. 

General Recommendations: All persons residing or present within Granville County, including its municipalities, are highly encouraged to comply with all recommendations of the Granville-Vance District Health Department, NCDHHS, CMS, and CDC for the testing, reporting, prevention, and control of COVID-19. These recommendations are updated frequently, and all persons are urged to stay up to date on the most recent recommendations. 

All law enforcement officers, emergency management employees and all other county personnel employed by Granville County are directed to cooperate in the enforcement and implementation of the provisions of this Declaration and of all applicable provisions of local ordinances, state and federal laws and emergency declarations, and the Granville County Emergency Operations Plan. 

I hereby delegate to the Granville County Manager, and/or his designee, all power and authority granted to me and required of me by Article 1A of Chapter 166A and Article 36A of Chapter 14 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and by Chapter 20 of the Granville County Code of Ordinances, for the purpose of implementing the referenced Emergency Operations Plan, and to take such further action as is necessary to promote and secure the safety and protection of those dwelling in the County.

I further proclaim that the Emergency Operations Plan adopted by the County of Granville, and all applicable mutual assistance compacts and agreements are in effect and shall remain in effect until this Declaration is rescinded. All emergency management personnel subject to my control are hereby ordered to cooperate in the implementation of the provisions of the County’s Emergency Management Plan and all applicable mutual assistance compacts and agreements and to furnish assistance thereunder. 

Granville County recognizes and acknowledges that it and each of the Municipalities are likely to incur substantial economic damage from the issuance of this Declaration and do hereby request that they receive any and all available federal and state financial aid and other assistance for which they may be eligible in connection with the same. 

I direct that copies of this Declaration be disseminated to the mass communications media for publication and broadcast and that a copy of this Declaration be posted in Granville County Courthouse and other public buildings as appropriate. 

Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. $166A-19.31(h), any person who violates this Declaration shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor in accordance with G.S. 14 288.20A

This Declaration shall be effective immediately and shall remain in effect until rescinded pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. $166A-19.22(c). 

Proclaimed this the 23rd day of March at 4:30 p.m.

David T. Smith 

David Smith Chairman, Granville County Board of Commissioners

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Government Continues to Make Operational Changes – Updated March 24

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County Government continues to work closely with Granville-Vance Public Health and to take precautionary measures, following guidance from the local health department and from the CDC. With everyone’s safety in mind, these operational changes have been implemented in response to COVID-19:

Granville County Senior Services: All three Senior Centers (Oxford, Creedmoor and Stovall) are closed to participants until further notice. Group activities, classes, group meetings and special events have been canceled.

Because the tax deadline has been changed to July 15, the tax assistance program has been temporarily suspended and will restart on Thursday, May 14 from 5 until 8 p.m., ending on July 9. Appointments currently on the books will be rescheduled and new appointments will be taken.

Home delivered meals continue and congregate meals (on-site) are available as a drive-through option. Those not able to use the drive-through option should call the Senior Center at 919-693-1930 to ask about being placed on a home-delivered route. KARTS has also made the decision to temporarily discontinue the around-town shuttle until further notice.

Department of Social Services: To better serve residents who need assistance, the Department of Social Services is also accepting applications for Food and Nutrition assistance, Medicaid, Work First Family Assistance or any other economic service program through DSS online, by phone or by mail. To apply by phone, please call 919-693-1511. To apply online, please visit https://www.granvillecounty.org/residents/social-services/. To apply by mail, send application to P.O. Box 966, Oxford NC, 27565.

Granville County Library System: All four branches of the Granville County Library have been closed to the public as of March 21, but curbside service is available Monday through Friday at the Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford and at the South Branch in Creedmoor. Library patrons can call or email either library to request materials for pickup between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., then give the library a call upon arrival. (Limit five books, five DVDs and five audiobooks.)

In addition, all scheduled events and programs have been canceled and meeting rooms will not be available for public use until the state of emergency is lifted. All services to nursing homes and assisted living centers have also been postponed until further notice. Deadlines for all materials currently checked out will be automatically extended. The Thornton Library can be reached at 919-693-1121 and the phone number for the South Branch is 919-528-1752.

Granville County Animal Management:  For a limited time, fees will be waived for pet adoptions and rescue pulls. For safety precautions, visitors to the shelter can only come into the facilities for purposes of adoption or rescue, or if looking for lost animals. In addition, rabies vaccinations for owned animals are being suspended until further notice. For questions, please call 919-693-6749.

Granville County Courthouse: As of March 23, the Granville County Clerk’s Office will be interacting with the public through their cashiering window. Residents are encouraged to call 919-699-4800 before coming to the courthouse, as there are a number of matters that can be handled over the phone or through the N.C. Courts’ website at www.nccourts.gov.

By order of the Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, many court matters are being continued and rescheduled until after April 13, 2020. Exceptions are proceedings necessary to preserve statutory and constitutional rights in criminal cases, such as first appearances; and proceedings necessary to obtaining emergency relief, such as protective and restraining orders. Matters that fall into these exceptions will proceed as necessary and required by law before the Court.

Cases that will be continued and rescheduled until after April 13, 2020, include 1. Magistrate’s and Small Claims Court; 2. Regular Civil and Criminal District Court; 3. Civil and Criminal Superior Court; and 4. Most Estate and Special Proceedings Hearings before the Clerk. The Clerk’s Office will mail notice of a new hearing date for all matters that are continued and are rescheduled.

Granville County Sheriff’s Office: As of March 23 and until further notice, only one person will be admitted inside the front lobby of the Sheriff’s Office. Visitation in the Granville County Jail is also restricted until further notice. Fingerprint services have been suspended until April 13.

Effective immediately, crime reports of a non–violent nature will be taken over the phone or by email, if at all possible. These reports include, but are not limited to misdemeanor theft, harassing communications, lost property, identity theft, computer/phone/mail scams. The phone number for the Sheriff’s Office is 919-693-3213 and the email address is granville.sheriff@granvillecounty.org. For more serious concerns, all residents are asked to call 9-1-1.

Granville County 9-1-1: Residents should be aware that telecommunicators are screening all calls for COVID-19 symptoms. Any “yes” answers to the questions asked will be relayed to emergency responders so that they will be prepared and aware.

Inspections and Planning: As of Monday, March 23, the Planning and Inspections Department will be closed to the public. Residents can reach staff members by phone or by email. Appointments that are necessary will be made. In addition, a drop box will be located in the hallway for plan and application submittals. Field inspections will continue but may be limited. Online payment access is also available. Call 919-603-1326 to have an online payment link sent to your email address.

Granville County Office of N.C. Forest Service: The Granville office location is temporarily closed to the public until further notice. Burning permits will be made available online at ncforestservice.gov. Residents should be aware that staffing adjustments may increase response times for inquiries and assistance. To reach a staff member, call 919-482-2301. For emergencies, please dial 9-1-1.

Parks and Recreation: Although tournament play has been canceled, Granville Athletic Park remains open for public use. Residents are asked to follow health recommendations for gatherings, including social distancing. Avoid being closer than six feet from anyone, whenever possible, and limit physical contact. Remember that gatherings should be limited to 50 people or less. Reservations for picnic shelters and other amenities can still be made by calling the GAP at 919-693-3716.

Soil and Water Conservation: The Soil and Water Conservation office is closed to the public until further notice; however, the Natural Resource Conservationist continues to work in the office and in the field and can be reached at 919-693-4603 or at byron.currin@granvillecounty.org.

Meeting cancellations: Several committee meetings and meetings of independent boards have been canceled or postponed. For a listing of canceled/postponed meetings and events scheduled through Granville County Government, please visit www.granvillecounty.org for notices.

Alexis Simmons Awarded Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship to Barton College

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Oxford Preparatory School

Alexis Simmons, a senior at Oxford Preparatory School, has been awarded the Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship provides full-tuition, room and board.

Alexis Simmons, a senior at Oxford Preparatory School, has been awarded the Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship and has also been named a Nursing Scholar at Barton College. The scholarship provides full-tuition, room and board. (Photo courtesy OPS)

Alexis has also been named a Nursing Scholar at Barton. Alexis is the daughter of Steve and Lisa Simmons of Henderson, NC. During her time at Oxford Prep, Alexis has earned a number of academic distinctions including being named marshal, earning membership in Beta Club and a Director’s List recipient every semester.

Alexis not only excels in academics, she is also a talented dancer and thespian, having performed in numerous roles with the Henderson Rec Players.

The Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship was established through a gift by Eddie and Debra Ferguson in honor of her father, William L. Barker, and in memory of her mother, Birdie Parham Barker, and of his parents Jack E. and Dorothy Hunt Ferguson. One full scholarship is renewable as long as the recipient maintains a 3.25 cumulative grade point average.

The Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship is awarded to a resident of Granville or Vance counties, North Carolina, who attends high school in those counties. Nominations are to be made by the guidance counselor(s) and/or principals of each school to the Barton College Scholarship Committee.

The recipient must meet the following minimum requirements: SAT score of at least 1,000, unweighted high school grade point average of a 3.40 on a scales of 4.00, and rank in the upper ten percent of the high school class (where available). Demonstrated leadership potential and exemplary extracurricular performance are also weighed heavily in the selection process.

Alexis competed in a Barton’s selective, early acceptance program that allows high school students who meet GPA and test score requirements to be accepted directly into the nursing program without competing for upper-level courses at the conclusion of the sophomore year.

As a Nursing Scholar, Alexis met rigorous academic requirements including maintaining a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher and having an ACT composite score of 24 or higher; or SAT 1170 or higher (Evidence-based Reading, Writing, and Math).

Granville County Senior Services Awarded for CLL Program

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Government

The Creative Lifelong Learning (CLL) Program, offered through Granville County Senior Services, was the recipient of N.C. Association on Aging’s “Reaching for the Stars” Innovative Program Award on March 6. The award, announced during the Association’s conference luncheon in Wilmington, NC, is granted to an agency that has an innovative and creative program that works to enrich the lives of older adults.

Pictured are CLL Coordinator Marilyn Howard, Senior Services Director Kathy May, NCAOA President Annette Eubanks, and Senior Services Assistant Director Angela Wright. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)

Initiated in 2017, the Creative Lifelong Learning program is modeled after the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) offered at Duke and N.C. State Universities, as well as other senior center programming in the Triangle. The suggestion for a similar program was made by a local retired couple, who also established an endowment fund that pays for course instructors.

Through the work of a steering committee, led by CLL Coordinator Marilyn Howard, many interests have been identified and instructors scheduled for a wide variety of course offerings based on member requests, class leader expertise and balance in the curriculum, with most classes being held at the Senior Center in Oxford. Classes vary in length, with sessions that range from interactive hour-long workshops to day-long trips and/or lectures.

Granville County Senior Services Director Kathy May, Assistant Director Angela Wright and Creative Lifelong Learning Coordinator Marilyn Howard attended the N.C. Association on Aging conference and accepted the award. Nominees for this distinction were from all across the state.

For more information about the Creative Lifelong Learning (CLL) program, contact the Granville County Senior Center in Oxford at 919-693-1930 or visit www.granvillecounty.org.

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One Case of Coronavirus Confirmed in Granville County

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-Press Release, Granville Vance Public Health

As of March 20, 2020, there is one confirmed case of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Granville County. To protect privacy, no additional information about the individual will be shared by the health department. The affected person is currently in isolation at home.

“This is not a surprise, as we know what’s happening across the state and nation, said Granville Vance Public Health Director Lisa Macon Harrison. “We expect there will be more cases as testing continues to increase. Residents should be prepared; not scared. We want to remind everyone to continue to practice prevention measures and social distancing as we try to contain the spread of COVID-19.”

Families of individuals who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 will be given information about isolation and quarantine and asked to monitor symptoms. Currently, across the state and nation, there is not enough access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or sample collection kits to test everyone across the district or state, so residents of Granville and Vance Counties are asked to not seek a test for Coronavirus unless they have symptoms of fever AND lower respiratory symptoms (cough or difficulty breathing). At this time, state guidance continues to require those symptoms be present in order to send in a sample for testing.

While the illness isn’t severe for most people, it can be really serious for some. GVPH is taking appropriate steps to stop its spread. “As seen in other countries and states with more cases, people often recover from Coronavirus,” Harrison says. “It is not yet understood why, but children tend to fare well, experiencing a lighter version of the virus and recovering more easily than adults from what is known so far.”

A global dashboard with real-time data is available on the GVPH web site at https://gvph.org/COVID-19/.

Granville Vance Public Health continues to work closely with partners across Granville and Vance counties, including hospitals, private providers, school systems, community health centers, senior centers, county and city governments, churches, emergency managers, and many others to provide education and guidance regarding mitigation efforts.

Please rely on accurate sources of information from the CDC (www.cdc.gov) and State Division of Public Health as well as your own local public health officials.

Granville Vance Public Health will provide the most up-to-date and accurate information for COVID-19 in our
district online at https://gvph.org/.