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Granville County Public Schools

Two GCPS Students Complete Apprenticeship Program

Two Granville County Public School graduates have completed requirements of the North Carolina Triangle Apprenticeship Program.

Jared Gladki, a graduate of South Granville High, completed his apprenticeship at Revlon in Oxford. Jacob Ganzzermiller, a graduate of Granville Central High, completed his apprenticeship program at Buhler Aeroglide in Raleigh.

The two were recognized at a ceremony on Monday, Aug. 15, according to information from GCPS Public Information Officer Dr. Stan Winborne. Gladki completed a two-year degree in mechatronics at Vance-Granville Community College and Ganzzermiller completed at two-year degree in mechanical engineering technology at Wake Tech. Both students participated in a work-based training program with their respective companies; the apprenticeships come with the promise of a full-time, high-skilled job in local manufacturing companies.

The apprenticeship program is a partnership between GCPS, VGCC, Wake Tech, NCTAP and local industries.  High school students apply for and enroll in a fast-track program to complete their college engineering coursework – tuition free – while they work. The candidates who complete the apprenticeship are then offered full-time employment at their training sites and get a significant jump start on their career in advanced manufacturing, Winborne said.

GCPS Career Development Coordinator Tamara Rodebaugh attended the graduation ceremony and acknowledged the opportunities for these students and others. “Advanced

manufacturing is a growing sector in our region and offers high-skilled and high-paying careers for our graduates,” Rodebaugh said in the press statement.  “All interested students should reach out to their counselors or their Career and Technical Education teachers for more information. I look forward to having more GCPS students enter the selection process this fall,” she said.

CertainTeed Secures State Grant Funding To Aid Expansion Project

CertainTeed of Oxford has been awarded a $250,000 grant from the N.C. Department of Commerce to help pay for an expansion of their existing facility. The building reuse grant, combined with $837,500 of private funding, will be used to renovate an existing 326,000-square foot building, according to information from Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood.

CertainTeed makes exterior and interior building products, including roofing, siding, insulation, and  ceiling products. In April 2022, officials announced plans for the expansion, which will add 225,000 square feet of manufacturing space to the Oxford location and will include a total project investment of $118.8 million in Granville County, according to information from the Department of Commerce. The original announcement in April stipulated that the CertainTeed expansion would create 37 new jobs – at an average annual wage of $45,096  – which makes the manufacturer eligible for a One NC Grant of $125,000 to aid in the expansion project. Both grants require a 5 percent local match of funds.

“CertainTeed is growing with Granville,” said Economic Development Director Harry Mills. “We are thrilled that the N.C. Department of Commerce recognized the community impact that CertainTeed has in Granville County. Our Economic Development staff was able to assist CertainTeed by securing this additional funding to make their local expansion possible. CertainTeed is one of Granville’s core industry leaders and we could not be happier that they are here for the long haul.”

For more information about the N.C. Building Reuse Grant program, please visit the N.C. Department of Commerce  website: https://www.nccommerce.com/grants-incentives/building-or-site-funds/building-reuse.

Granville DSS Opens Satellite Office In Creedmoor

People who live in the southern part of Granville County can cut their drive time to the county’s Department of Social Services – a satellite office officially opened Monday in the Butner-Creedmoor area.

County officials had a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the official first day of business for the second DSS location, 2531 East Lyon Station Rd., according to information from Terry Hobgood, public information officer for Granville County.

Residents will be able to receive the complete suite of services currently offered at the Oxford office  at 410 W. Spring St. and the Child Support Office, located at 122 Williamsboro St.

Residents who live or work in  southern Granville County will now have convenient access to these vital county services, Hobgood stated.

“The opening of a Social Services office in southern Granville County aligns with Granville County’s strategic plan, which emphasizes the need to expand county services to reach residents currently underserved due to the  challenges related to transportation, high gas prices, and geographic distance from Oxford,” said Granville DSS Director Adonica Hampton. “We are excited to be able to provide this imperative resource for residents of the greater Butner, Creedmoor and Stem communities, plus any other county residents who may find it more convenient to visit this new office.”

“I could not be happier see this new Butner-Creedmoor office opened to the public,” said Social Services Board Chair, and District 3 County Commissioner Sue Hinman. “We have heard from our residents for so many years that they need more convenient access to county services. Just like we have brought other county services, like libraries and senior centers to Berea, Butner, Creedmoor, Oak Hill, Stovall and Wilton, we are now able to meet our residents where they are, in one of the fastest growing parts of our county. Any time we can make our residents’ lives easier and provide better customer service, we want to be there.”

For more information about the Department of Social Services, please visit the Granville County Website:  https://www.granvillecounty.org/residents/social-services/.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Granville County Has First Case Of Monkeypox; Vaccines Ordered

Granville County has its first confirmed case of monkeypox, and local health department officials said that they’re waiting for vaccines to arrive, but don’t have any at the moment.

Granville-Vance Public Health Director Lisa Harrison said they were notified Friday afternoon about the case in Granville County, one of 138 cases of monkeypox in the state.

“Although GVPH does not yet have vaccine on site, we have ordered the vaccine and we have a relationship with both Durham and Wake counties who are two of the sites that received monkeypox vaccine in NC in the first few weeks,” Harrison said in a weekly communication statement.

Harrison and her staff have been monitoring COVID-19 updates for the past two years, and recently have had to put monkeypox on their radar screen.

Both counties remain in the “high” community spread category for COVID-19, Harrison noted. Vance County has reported a total of 126 deaths from COVID-19; Granville County has reported 118 deaths.

The BA.5 variant is now most prevalent as indicated by the data dashboard. For the most up-to-date information, visit  https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard.

The Kaiser Family Foundation website has helpful information on monkeypox. View the FAQ section here.

Below is a bulleted list of statements about monkeypox, who is getting sick and the role of vaccines in curbing spread: 

  • ALL of the cases in NC so far have been in men ages 18-65
  • Transmission happens through skin-to-skin contact, and occasionally contaminated items
  • Symptoms include: Lesions on the skin, fever and swollen lymph nodes
  • Monkeypox impacts people of all sexual orientations
  • Monkeypox has been declared a public health emergency of international concern
  • Vaccine supply will continue to increase and we should have some locally soon — the sooner an exposed person gets the vaccine, the better.
  • Both smallpox and monkeypox vaccines are effective at protecting people against monkeypox when given before exposure to monkeypox


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Jynneos vaccine to allow health care providers to administer it via intradermal injection for individuals 18 years of age and older. Intradermal injection uses one-fifth the size of dose as subcutaneous injection, allowing the U.S. to stretch the current limited vaccine supply to reach more patients. The updated EUA is based on a 2015 study that showed a smaller dose of the vaccine injected intradermally generated a similar immune response to a larger dose injected below the skin. The EUA also allows for the use of Jynneos vaccine in individuals younger than 18 at high risk of monkeypox infection though via the original subcutaneous injection route.

Aug. 25 SBA Webinar Focuses On Rural Entrepreneurs

The U.S. Small Business Administration announces another in its series of webinars “Elevating Small Business” designed for rural entrepreneurs. The hourlong program will begin at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25 and will feature a panel of experts who will speak on topics including the importance of financial wellness, creating generational wealth through business ownership and uplifting and supporting rural-owned small businesses.

Panelists are Allen Thomas, regional administrator for SBA Region IV, Terri Billups, senior advisor to acting director/deputy director of the Office of Affairs and Morgan Beavers, co-owner of Graylee Construction and Demolition in Austin, AR.

The panel will also discuss SBA initiatives and resources that support small business recovery, new rural startups seeking to launch, and existing rural-owned small businesses as they pivot and grow in a post-COVID world.

Register for the webinar here or visit    https://SBArural.eventbrite.com.

Calling All State Fair Competitors: Enter By Sept. 15 Deadline!

Think you’ve got a blue-ribbon zucchini bread recipe? Want to see how that batch of blackberry jam or fig preserves stands up to state competition? Or do you have an exquisite quilt or other handcrafted item that you’d like to show off a bit?

Then consider entering the 2022 N.C. State Fair competitions, which are open now through Sept. 15.

The Fair will be held Oct. 13-23 in Raleigh. This year’s theme is “So Happy Together,” surely a nod to reclaiming participation in events that had been hindered by COVID-19 restrictions for the past two years.

In addition to the traditional competitions like artwork, honey, livestock, cooking, canned food, flowers and decorating skills, new competitions include ink pen decorated seashells and artwork-inspired floral arrangements, according to information from fair organizers.

“It is exciting to announce new competitions to go along with categories that are always so popular, like decorated cakes and quilts,” said John Buettner, competitive exhibits coordinator. “We have competitions to appeal to a wide variety of individuals from seashell painting, painted rocks, terrarium building, shoe decorating and even coloring sheets. I encourage everyone, and all ages, to check out the competitions because just like the N.C. State Fair itself, there is something for everyone.”

In 2021, more than 36,000 items were entered in competitions at the fair.

Most entry deadlines are Sept. 15. Exhibitors must have registered prior to the entry deadline. Entry forms can be mailed in or exhibitors can enter online using ShoWorks, an online application system that is widely used at fairs across the country.

“Exhibitors can enter at the website or by downloading the ShoWorks app. This will help streamline the process, report results quicker and be a way that exhibitors can manage multiple exhibits at a fair or even several fairs,” Buettner said. “Since this is new, we have provided instructions for entering each competition on our website as well.”

Find more information at ncstatefair.org and click on competitions.

Upcoming Blood Drives In Area; Donors Entered To Win Free Gas Card

There’s a blood drive scheduled for this Wednesday in Oxford and donors are desperately needed to ward off a shortage during the waning days of summer. The drive will be at the Public Works Center from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Public Works Center is located at 127 Penn Ave., Oxford.

Another drive will be held in Henderson on Aug. 26 at Maria Parham Medical Center from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Although 62 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to give blood, only about 3 percent donate, according to Cally Edwards, regional communications director for the Eastern District of the American Red Cross. In addition to blood donations, the Red Cross is in special need of platelet donations.

Anyone who donates during August automatically entered for a chance to win gas for a year, a $6,000 value. There will be three lucky winners. Everyone who comes to give blood or platelets in August will also receive a $10 e-gift card to a merchant of choice.

Donors can schedule an appointment to give using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, by visiting RedCrossBlood.org or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1.800.733.2767).

South Granville Senior Center Has New Program Coordinator

The South Granville Senior Services center has a new program director on site at the Creedmoor Community Center.

Christy Southall brings almost two decades of experience to the job. She replaces Cheryl Carrier, who retired in July.

Southall has worked at Franklin County’s Department of Aging Services and Nash County’s Department of Senior Services, according to a press release from Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood. She most recently served as the Senior Services Program  Supervisor for the Franklinton Senior Center, and before that filled roles as the Senior Center Coordinator for Nash  County and Senior Center Activity Specialist for the Louisburg Senior Center. She is a native of Nash County and spent her childhood in Rocky Mount. Southall  lives in Franklinton with her two daughters Halie and Michelle.

“We are thrilled to have Christy join us as program coordinator for the South Granville Senior Center,” said Senior Services Director Kathy May. “Our seniors in southern Granville County should know that they are in good hands with someone as experienced as Christy joining our team,” May said.

“The South Granville Senior Center is such a great asset for our residents by serving the southern Granville County population without always expecting our seniors to make a trip to Oxford,” May added.

The South Granville Senior Center is located within the Creedmoor Community Center, 114 Douglas Dr. in Creedmoor.  The center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

To learn more, visit https://www.granvillecounty.org/residents/senior-services/

Granville School Board Opens Process For Filling Unexpired District 2 Seat

The Granville County Board of Education approved the formal process for filling the District 2 seat after the resignation of school board member Tom Houlihan.

Houlihan’s resignation was effective July 31, and the board met Monday, Aug. 1 to determine how to proceed to fill the unexpired term.

The board will continue with six members until a replacement for District 2 is appointed, according to information from Dr. Stan Winborne, public information officer.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, along with a resume and three letters of recommendation by the close of business on Friday, Aug. 26.

The board will interview candidates during a special called meeting set for Thursday, Sept. 8 at 2 p.m. The interviews and subsequent vote will occur in open session, Winborne noted, and the candidate selected will be sworn in and take the oath of office on Sept. 12.

If no suitable candidate is selected, the process will be repeated – with new deadlines selected – until the position is filled.

The letter of interest, resume and references can be emailed, hand-delivered or mailed to:

Mrs. Alston Shave

101 Delacroix St.

Oxford, NC 27565

The phone number for Central Services is 919.693.4613; the email is


These documents should provide information that highlight and demonstrate the candidate’s ability and experiences related to education and service to children, Winborne said.

Candidates should review the “Duties of the Board” guidelines issued by the NC School Board Association, which may be found at the NCSBA website url:  https://www.ncsba.org/news-resources/board-member-knowledge-base/duties-of-the-board/

All candidates must reside in District 2 in order to be considered for this position.  Proof of residency will be required. District 2 map and information may be found at the Granville County website url:  https://www.granvillecounty.org/government/county-commissioners/approved-redistricting-map/

MHC Homecoming Oct. 7-9 Offers Something For Everyone – Music, Food, Fellowship

The Masonic Home for Children in Oxford is gearing up for its Homecoming festival in early October – there’s a golf tourney, barbecue contest a parade and plenty of live music sure to provide plenty of entertainment for all in attendance.

The 10th annual festival, cancelled in 2021 because of COVID-19, is set for Saturday, Oct. 8, according to information from MHCO. The free event is open to the public and includes campus tours, food trucks and a kid zone as well as alumni and homecoming activities.

The barbecue contest teams assemble and set up on Friday afternoon, followed by DJ Reese’s music and then an evening performance by the band East Coast Rhythm and Blues.

The parade begins at 11 a.m. Saturday, beginning at the fire department and continuing down College Street to the MHCO campus, 600 College St.

This year’s Grand Marshal is Don “Big Weather” Schwenneker, meteorologist for ABC11 Eyewitness News.

The Saturday schedule is jam-packed with activities, including an afternoon concert by the band Too Much Sylvia.

The 24th annual Chip Shots for Children charity golf tournament will take place on Friday, Oct. 7 at South Granville Country Club & Golf Course. Contact Eddie Dickerson at 919.441.3003 to learn more about registering for this event.

A light breakfast will be provided at registration, which begins at 7:30 a.m., with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. Registration fee is $75. Since its inception, the tournament has raised more than $700,000 for the Masonic Home for Children.

Teams of up to 5 people can register for the barbecue contest. Registration is $100 per team and contest details, as well as the complete schedule of events, can be found at https://mhc-oxford.org/masonic-homecoming-festival/