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Oxford Prep School

SportsTalk: Oxford Prep Athletics With John Hammett

John Hammett patrolled the football sidelines as a head coach for many years but the former JF Webb coach now finds being athletic director at a small school such as Oxford Prep to be quite satisfying.  Even though there are aspects of being a football coach that he misses, one of the reasons he made the change was it began to become more like work.

Being a football coach meant Hammett had to deal with injuries, something he says Oxford Prep takes very seriously. “You have to teach players differently about how to deal with injuries.  The more education the better,” Hammett says. “Athletes have to be honest,” according to Hammett. That’s hard he says because the kids are competitive and don’t want to miss any time on the field or the court.

According to Hammett, Oxford Prep is becoming more competitive on the basketball court.  After a slow start, the school won a big rivalry game last week over Eno River.

So while Hammett may not be patrolling the sidelines of a football field, Oxford Prep’s AD position seems to be working out for him. “It’s nice, because it’s small,” Hammett summed up.



Youth Leadership Council Ensures Young People’s Voices Are Heard

Sixteen Granville County high school students have been selected to serve on the Youth Leadership Council for 2022-23.

The council works with the Granville County Board of Commissioners and the local cooperative extension service to ensure that youth are represented as county leaders make decisions, according to Charissa Puryear, county extension director.

“The purpose of this council is to ensure that youth in the community have a voice, but most importantly, that their voices are heard, recognized and valued, “ Puryear said in a press release. The youth council members will learn leadership skills through service on selected county board, outreach activities, youth-led projects and other initiatives.

The group meets on the second Saturday of the month.

The new term began with a planning retreat and orientation in November at Camp Oak Hill, during which time they learned more about the council’s role in general and their roles as members.

They crafted a mission statement for the council, which reads: “The mission of the Granville County Youth Leadership Council is to provide representation, opportunities and direct connections for Granville County youth by support and amplifying youth voices and focusing on causes that affect our peers and us through education, resources, activities, community outreach, and partnerships.”

To learn more, contact the cooperative extension office at 919.603.1350 or email granvilleylc@gmail.com.

Following is a list of the new council members, the districts they represent and their roles on the council:

Jermaine Puryear, Jr., Chair, Board Liaison, District 3 

Elaina Eley, Vice Chair, Board Liaison, District 6 

Carissa Jackson-Rodriguez, Secretary, Board Liaison, District 3 

Jaden Easow, Treasurer, Board Liaison, District 6 

Cassie Peele, Media and Public Relations Chair, Board Liaison, District 3 

Vashti Pearson, Social Media/Content Creator, Board Liaison, District 5 

Chloe Hernandez, Social Event Chair, Board Liaison, District 1 

Asia Abdul-Haqq, Board Liaison, District 5 

Morocco Abdul-Haqq, Board Liaison, District 5 

Annie Drake, Board Liaison, District 2 

Elijah Griffin, Board Liaison, District 1 

Joydan Johnson, Board Liaison, District 6 

Iesha Landis, Board Liaison, District 6 

Amber Necessary, Board Liaison, District 6 

Cassie Peele, Board Liaison, District 3 

Brodie Winborne, Board Liaison, District 1

VGCC Site Of Free Technology Class For Senior Adults

Rebuild Communities NC is partnering with AARP’s Senior Planet to provide a free class for senior adults to help them boost their technology skills.

It seems like computers and websites, online troubleshooting chats and QR codes are quickly becoming the norm in today’s daily experiences, and the Digital Skills Ready@50+ program may be a way to gain skills to help navigate an increasingly digital world.

Classes begin on Tuesday, Jan. 9 and continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays through February, according to information from Edythe Thompson, executive director and CEO of Rebuilding Communities NC. Each class is from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Whether you need to learn how to participate in video conferencing for work or if you just want to be able to visit online with faraway friends and family, the class offers trainings on a wide range of technologies.

All classes will be held at Vance-Granville Community College, Building 9, Seminar Room 2 – except the Jan. 12 class, which will be held in the conference room of Building 8.

VGCC is located at 200 Community College Rd., Henderson.

To learn more, email info@RebuildCommunitiesNC.org.

Vendors: Sign Up Now For Mar. 4 Wedding & Events Expo In Granville County

Planning a big event in 2023? Whether it’s a wedding or other special occasion, the Granville Wedding & Events Expo may be just the thing to get your planning off to a great start.

Vendors are invited to join in the fun event, which is set for Mar. 4, 2023, according to Granville County Tourism Director Angela Allen.

The daylong expo will be held at the Granville Convention & Expo Center, and it’s the place to learn more about wedding venues, vendors and other resources available to pull off a perfectly planned event, Allen said.

Vendors interested in participating in the expo should register before Jan. 13 by visiting:  https://surveyheart.com/form/6318838d543b010b1328e9d8.

Space is limited, with first priority being given to Granville-based vendors. After Jan. 13, vendors outside of Granville County will be able to sign up to participate, depending on space limitations and availability. All vendors will need to reserve space by Feb. 10, 2023.

Sponsorships for the expo are also available, as well as opportunities to distribute items to participants in “VIP bags” that will be given out at the event.

For more information about the expo, contact Allen at 919.693.6125 or by email at angela.allen@granvillecounty.org.

Chamber Accepting Nominations For John Penn Citizen Of The Year Award Through Feb. 14

Nominations are now being accepted for the annual John Penn Citizen of the Year award, according to information from the Granville County Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber will take nominations through Tuesday, Feb. 14 and the honor will be awarded at the Chamber’s annual banquet on Mar. 6.

Nominees must be residents of Granville County and the nomination form should list contributions and accomplishments, as well as evidence of the person’s impact on Granville County.

Find the nomination form here: 2022 JOHN PENN CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMINATION FORM.

This award is named for Granville County’s first and perhaps most outstanding citizen, John Penn, who was one of North Carolina’s signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Submit completed forms to the Chamber office, P.O. Box 820, Oxford, NC 27565.

Swearing-In Ceremony For N.C. Senator-Elect Bode Jan. 7 In Oxford

Senator-elect Mary Wills Bode will be sworn in at a ceremony this weekend in Oxford.

Bode was elected to the N.C. State Senate’s newly formed District 18 in the November midterm elections.

The swearing-in ceremony will take place at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023 outside the Granville County Courthouse.

Granville County and a small portion on northern Wake County comprise District 18, which  was formed by the General Assembly during redistricting following the 2020 Census.


VGCC’s Aviation Program Cleared For Takeoff With FAA Initiative

Vance-Granville Community College has been selected by the Federal Aviation Administration to participate in a collegiate training initiative for unmanned aircraft systems – also known as drones.

The college’s aviation program will participate in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems-Collegiate Training Initiative program, or the UAS-CTI.

“I’m happy for VGCC to have been recognized by the FAA as UAS-CTI partner,” says James Brown Jr., customized training irector at VGCC’s South Campus in Creedmoor. “First and foremost, it means that the FAA thinks we’re doing the right things to promote safe and responsible drone piloting. North Carolina was ‘First in Flight’ and remains on the leading edge of drone technology.”

The FAA program recognizes institutions that prepare students for careers in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones. In order to qualify, schools must provide curriculum covering various aspects of UAS training, including hands-on flight practice, maintenance, uses, applications, privacy concerns, safety and federal policies concerning UAS.

If you ask Brown, the sky’s the limit when it comes to the future of UAS programming at VGCC.

“This is a big step that will see VGCC expand its offerings in the unmanned aviation space, including entrepreneurialism, youth summer camps, extracurricular activities, university partnerships and the expansion of UAV technology for consumer, industrial and agricultural use. This partnership with the FAA will ensure that VGCC stays aligned with the UAS industry going forward.”

Vance-Granville’s aviation program currently consists of unmanned flight programs available to both hobbyists and commercial drone pilots. Hands-on flight training takes place at various VGCC campus locations based on demand. To learn more, view the class schedule or register, visit https://www.vgcc.edu/coned/aviation/

SportsTalk: Granville Volleyball Club Contributes To Athletes’ Success

In 2014 Fred Collier had two daughters playing volleyball and wanted to see them get better and that’s when the idea came along to form the Granville Volleyball Club.  Eight years later his two daughters help coach girls 15 through 18 for the club which currently has three teams.  The club typically plays during the winter months after the high school season ends.  “Sometimes the season can stretch into July,” Collier said on Thursday’s SportsTalk with George Hoyle and Bill Harris.

Collier has had as many as eight teams but things like the pandemic have had impacts on the volleyball club. Collier says the club is ideal for players who are really committed. “We hold tryouts and recruit to get players,” Collier said.  The competition is at a higher level than what most of the girls who participate would see at the high school level which helps them improve and makes them better players for their respective high school teams.  Girls from Vance, Granville and Franklin County as well as into Virginia are currently playing for the club. Tournament play is just about to begin, and if you have a young lady interested in becoming a member, then contact the Granville Volleyball Club through their Facebook page or through Instagram.



KARTS In Line For Grant Money To Help Expand, Improve Services

The Kerr Area Regional Transit system is scheduled to get part of more than $10 million in federal grant money that is being awarded across the state to help expand on-demand services for those who need help with transportation.

State transportation officials say the federal grant award –  $10.4 million in total – will be used in up to 11 communities across the state and has the potential to benefit thousands of individuals.

“More than one million people in North Carolina live in a household without a car or have other barriers limiting their access to reliable transportation,” said Ryan Brumfield, director of the Division of Integrated Mobility, a unit in the N.C. Department of Transportation. “By expanding on-demand transit services, we take an important step to remove barriers for these individuals. Having a more robust network of multimodal services will connect people to the jobs, educational opportunities, appointments and shopping they need for their daily lives.”

KARTS operates in Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin counties. Call to make a trip requests Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

KARTS vehicles also transport passengers to major medical facilities nearby, including Wake Forest, Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill during the week. Service requests for the following day are taken until 1 p.m. or as capacity allows.

Passengers can arrange to use the rural, public transportation service to go shopping, to get to work, keep medical appointments and more. Visit http://www.kartsnc.com/ to learn more or phone 252.438.2573.

The award comes to the N.C. Department of Transportation’s Integrated Mobility Division from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Rural Surface Transportation Grant, which is part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

In addition to KARTs, Tar River Transit and Wave Transit in Wilmington also will get a cut of the money. Money will be distributed to similar type services in Alamance, McDowell, Johnston, Randolph and Rockingham counties, as well as in the towns of Sanford, Salisbury and Wilson.

The funding will pay for advanced transit scheduling software deployment and, in some communities, third-party contracts for vehicles and drivers to support the new on-demand services.

The Integrated Mobility Division applied for the funds to expand on-demand transit, in part, because of the success of prior on-demand transit deployments in North Carolina, including the Wilson RIDE service. That service has garnered national attention for its success and positive impacts.



Granville Tourism Director Angela Allen Recognized For “Outside The Box” Thinking

Just name the event: whether it’s strawberry picking around Mother’s Day, a drive-through Christmas lights display, the annual hot sauce festival or a kiln-opening at a local art gallery/artist’s workshop, Angela Allen can tell you about it.

All about it.

On paper, it’s Allen’s job to know about such events – she’s the Granville County’s Tourism Development Authority, after all.

But Allen takes that knowledge and kicks it up a few notches, which has earned her recognition during a tourism and local marketing conference held recently in Asheville.

“Angela has brought a big heart, lots of laughter, and so much courage and excitement into every room, virtual or in-person, over the last two years,” said Sarah Benoit, one of the founders and organizers of the DIY Tourism and Marketing Conference.

Allen was recognized for her work promoting Granville County as a tourism destination and her use of innovative community building to create a tangible impact in how current and future visitors view the county and what it has to offer.

Benoit said Allen’s “positive energy, intention to build community, and ability to think outside the box during times of change” help her stand out among tourism officials.

“We are truly grateful she is part of our extended community and deeply appreciate how she shares ideas and uplifts everyone around her,” Benoit added.

The DIY Tourism and Local Marketing Conference is held annually in Asheville and led by co-founders Benoit, Chris Cavanaugh and Justin Belleme. This year the conference organizers decided to recognize three tourism organizations for their work and impact in the communities they serve across the southeast region.

Allen shared the spotlight with Jessica Icenhour Roberts with Mt. Airy Tourism Development Authority and Tami Reist and Angie Pierce from the Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourism Association.

For more information about the DIY Tourism and Local Marketing Conference, please visit their website:  https://diytourismmarketing.com/.

Visit the Tourism Development Authority website for more information about events taking place across the county: www.visitgranvillenc.com.