Tag Archive for: #granvillecountynews

SportsTalk: JF Webb’s Burnette To Play College Lacrosse At Sewanee

Henderson’s Beau Burnette’s list of activities and accolades while at JF Webb High School is quite impressive. He played five sports: lacrosse, golf, baseball, football and basketball.  Burnette was the Triangle North Conference Player of the Year his junior and senior seasons, academic all conference all four years, all conference in lacrosse, football and golf and was awarded the Tony Cullen Scholarship Award.  While this was happening, Burnette developed a love of history and maintained a 4.29 GPA.

Burnette, the son of Scott and Caroline Burnette, will take his love of lacrosse to Sewanee, whose official name is The University of the South, in Sewanee, Tennessee – where he has received a scholarship. He appeared on Thursday’s SportsTalk to discuss his high school career, love of lacrosse and his upcoming college experience.

While not playing summer travel ball, Burnette isn’t taking the summer completely off. “I’m lifting weights and running,” Burnette said as he prepares for the start of his college career on August 19.

So how does a young man handle five sports and academics?  “I try to keep a good balance between practice and grades,” Burnette said.  While he played many sports at JF Webb, Burnette will limit his college career to just lacrosse while in college.  He said he enjoyed the camaraderie of the other sports he played but the speed of lacrosse combined with the physicality of the sport is what he loves and that’s what he will concentrate on as well as his academics.

Burnette will major in history at Sewanee.



Chamber’s Student Spotlight Shines On Cassie Peele

A rising senior at Granville Early College is the inaugural recipient of a Chamber of Commerce award that shines a light on teen employees in the county.

Cassie Peele has worked at Strong Arm Baking Co. in Oxford for close to two years, and owner Julia Blaine nominated Peele for the Student Spotlight, sponsored by the Granville Chamber.

“(Cassie) arrives to work every Saturday morning at 4:30 a.m., before most high school students could even dream about waking up,” Blaine wrote in her nomination. She began with basic cleaning tasks, but always asked for more. Now she leads the wholesale packing operation, leading four others who are responsible for packing all the items for Strong Arm’s dozens of wholesale accounts.

But that’s not all. “Cassie also represents our business at two farmers markets, keeping a clean and efficient selling space and treating customers and coworkers alike with respect and kindness. She is a true shining star for our business… continually rising to meet new challenges, and consistently surprising us with her problem-solving ideas, and positive, contagious attitude,” Blaine said.

In addition to her outstanding work ethic and leadership, Peele is committed to making a difference in her local community. She is a volunteer with Granville County Teen Court and is a member of the Granville County Youth Leadership Council.  She is also a member of the National Honor Society and serves on the Granville County Library Board of Trustees at the Richard H. Thornton Library, which allows her to give adult staff feedback on how teens view the changes and policies of the library. As if that wasn’t enough, she gives blood to the American Red Cross Association and creates holiday cards for the children’s hospital.

“Cassie is so deserving of this recognition.  She is a humble, intelligent, and kind person and it has been my pleasure to serve as her College Liaison over the past 3 years. I am very proud of her and the contributions of her time and talents to the Granville County community.  In addition to her work at Strong Arm Bakery, her service to various organizations will have a lasting impact.  I encourage her to keep shining bright and to continue the awesome work on and off the job!” said Reba Bullock, Chamber board president.

Cassie told the Chamber, “Strong Arm Baking is like my second home.  This work environment is helping me obtain more knowledge for my future career which will probably be in business administration. Thomas and Julia Blaine are role models in the Granville County community that can show that anything is possible!”

Cassie Peele exemplifies the qualities of a well-rounded, accomplished student who is poised to make a lasting impact in their community. Her achievements in academics, leadership, and community engagement have set a high standard for excellence. The Chamber of Commerce recognizes and applauds Cassie’s outstanding accomplishments and looks forward to watching her continue to shine!

Granville Poll Workers Get Pay Boost

-Courtesy of Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood

Poll workers in Granville County will receive a pay increase beginning with the 2023 municipal elections on Nov. 7. The Granville County Board of Commissioners approved a recommendation from the Granville County Board of Elections to increase the pay rate by about 25 percent, bringing pay to $11.50/hour for poll workers and $13/hour for poll workers in charge, according to information from Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood.

The commissioners also approved overtime pay for Poll Workers who staff the One-Stop Early Voting locations in Granville County.

“Poll workers are critical to ensuring that Election Day and One-Stop early voting runs smoothly in Granville County,” said Board of Commissioners Chair Russ May. “We listened to the feedback from the Board of Elections and their staff and understand the challenges they face in recruiting poll workers each election cycle. Hopefully, this pay increase for poll workers will help ease the burden and show our appreciation for the valuable service these individuals provide.”

Board of Elections Chair James A. Wall, Sr. thanked commissioners for their consideration in this matter. “In my view, the (board’s) decision to increase the pay for poll workers is a recognition of their dedication and hard work and an acknowledgement that poll workers are essential to the Granville County Board of Elections mission,” Wall said.

The 2023 municipal election will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 7. For more information about becoming a poll  worker, contact the Board of Elections at 919.693.2515.

Learn more about upcoming elections in Granville County at  https://www.granvillecounty.org/government/board-of-elections/.



Families Living Violence Free

Families Living Violence Free Seeks Volunteers To Fill Openings On Board

Families Living Violence Free, the only domestic violence and sexual assault center in the area, is seeking volunteer leaders to join its board of directors.

The FLVF staff provides an array of services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. All services are free and confidential, said Peggy Roark, FLVF executive director.

The board of directors is a group of volunteers that come together for monthly meetings to govern, organize and support FLVF’s strategic planning. In addition, each member serves as a goodwill ambassador for FLVF and serves on at least one board committee. Board members are expected to participate in community events and make a personal financial contribution to the organization.

Families Living Violence Free’s board also is seeking to fill the position of treasurer. This also is a volunteer position. Candidates with experience in accounting, budgeting and finance are encouraged to apply.

The board plans to expand its membership and needs individuals with a variety of skills, with a strong emphasis on board candidates with accounting, legal, fundraising, and media expertise.

If you are interested in an opportunity to volunteer your time and talents to an organization committed to giving voice and support to domestic violence and sexual assault victims, please submit your resume to proark@FLVF.org or P.O. Box 1632 Oxford, N.C. 27565.

NC MedAssist Plans Giveaway Event In Oxford Friday, June 30

NC MedAssist will host a local Mobile Free Pharmacy Event sponsored by Triangle North Healthcare Foundation on Friday, June 30, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Masonic Home for Children, 600 College St., Oxford.

This free medicine giveaway is open to individuals 18 and older and families needing over-the-counter (OTC) medication items. No identification is required, and there are no income restrictions. Everyone is qualified.

Participants will be able to learn more about NC MedAssist’s free prescription pharmacy program and receive free OTC items such as cough and cold medicine, vitamins, children’s, allergy medication and first aid supplies. The event will occur rain or shine, and all OTC items will be given first-come, first-served while supplies last.

If you can volunteer for this event, sign up at https://medassist.org/volunteer/, scroll down, click on the “Granville County Mobile Free Pharmacy-Alliance 6/2023” tab, and sign up for a timeframe that best suits your schedule.

Last year, NC MedAssist held 53 Mobile Free Pharmacy events across North Carolina. For each event, NC MedAssist is committed to bringing enough OTC medicine for 1,000 people in need. NC MedAssist’s overall goal is to help ease the burden of those in need by aiding people who have been forced to decide between buying food and purchasing life-saving medication.

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation is a non-profit regional grant making organization that supports and invests in health & wellness initiatives in Vance, Warren, Franklin & Granville counties that will result in immediate and long-term improvement in the health status of the region. Learn more at http://www.tnhfoundation.org/.



NC Cooperative Extensions Offer Pesticide Application Recertification Hours June 27

Anyone who needs recertification hours to stay certified for pesticide application can register to attend a class offered June 27 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Participants can earn two recertification hours for categories A, B, D, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, T or X.

Class locations are listed below.  Registration is required. Sign up by calling the Person County Extension Center 336-.599.1195 or by visiting https://go.ncsu.edu/2023multicredit.

This will be an in-person class only.

Be sure you have all your credit hours to remain certified for applying the pesticides you need. If you have any questions regarding this information or about requirements needed for your current licensure, contact Mikayla Berryhill at 336.599.1195 or 919.603.1350 or by email mikayla_berryhill@ncsu.edu.



  • Vance County Regional Farmers Market, 210 Southpark Dr., Henderson
  • N.C. Cooperative Extension, Granville County Center, 125 Oxford Outer Loop, Oxford
  • N.C. Cooperative Extension, Person County Center, 304 S. Morgan Street, Roxboro
  • N.C. Cooperative Extension, Warren County Center, 158 Rafters Ln, Warrenton

SportsTalk: Ellington Participates In Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament

Most of us have spent a little time at a local pond, river or Kerr Lake trying to catch a fish for fun or for supper. An eight pound bass can sometimes put up a good fight and be difficult to reel in so imagine what it’s like to have a 500-pound fish on the line.  Oxford’s Mark Ellington knows all about trying to land that big fish.  He has just recently competed in the 65th Annual Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament in Morehead City trying to catch the big fish and some big prize money.

“I’ve fished that tournament for seven years,” Ellington said on Thursday’s SportsTalk. He typically participates in around four tournaments a year, but for Ellington fishing really takes 365 days a year. “I go to check on the boat every other week,” Ellington said.  The boat is a 58-footer that Ellington built himself.  “It took four years to build,” Ellington stated.  During tournaments he takes two mates and a captain.  Even with the extra hands, Ellington said he spends 20 percent of his time worrying about the boat instead of worrying about the fish.

Ellington said his interest began as a kid going to Harker’s Island with his father and seeing the boats docked there.



TownTalk: Repair Cafe Is This Saturday In Oxford

Give new life to that coffee maker taking up space on your pantry shelf – you know the one, the one with a broken switch. And pull out that vacuum cleaner from the back of the closet. Yeah, the one that needs a new belt.

Bring them to the Repair Café Saturday in Oxford. Don Fick says chances are, you – with the help of a knowledgeable coach – will be able to fix those small household appliances that need some attention, but aren’t quite ready for the landfill.

Repair Café is setting up shop at Oxford United Methodist Church, 105 W. McClanahan from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Please sign up for an appointment at https://www.repaircafenc.org/events/oxford-june24; the last check-in is at 4 p.m., he said.

Fick joined WIZS’s Bill Harris on Wednesday’s TownTalk and said the workshop is free to attend – they ask for reimbursement on the parts that may be used to fix whatever you bring in.

Usually, folks bring in things like lamps that need a new socket, small kitchen appliances or even stereo equipment – items for which repair shops often don’t exist.

The coaches and volunteers take a look at newer devices like flatscreen TVs, and if they don’t have the parts, the coaches can at least recommend where to find them. They don’t usually tackle cell phones or computers since there are places where those items can be taken for repair.

But the Repair Café is not limited to electronics or things that need to be plugged in – there are volunteers who can help with repairs from everything from clothing and jewelry to furniture more, Fick said.

“The rule of thumb is, if you can pick it up with two hands,” it’s ok to bring in for an evaluation.

Fick first learned of the Repair Café concept when he lived in New York, and when he moved to North Carolina he got involved with the “movement” in the Raleigh and Durham area.

“We want to push back against that temptation” to chuck something in the trash at the first sign of malfunction or failure.

Often, a quick fix or replacement part is all that’s needed “to prolong the life of the item, save money and save the trouble of going out and buying a new one,” he said.

Sometimes, the coaches will see a family heirloom that needs a little TLC.

“We can breathe a little new life for the next generation to enjoy,” Fick said.

Walk-ins are always welcome. Interested guests and prospective volunteers are encouraged to contact the organizers with any questions by email repaircafenc@gmail.com.




TownTalk: Bee Jubilee Coming Saturday

The 7th annual Bee Jubilee will be held Saturday, June 24 at the Granville County Expo Center. Whether you’re an experienced beekeeper or just like the taste of honey, the Bee Jubilee has something for everyone – from educational workshops and tasty treats to just plain ol’ fun.

Christi Henthorn is one of the event organizers and she said as the event has grown over the years, the Granville County Beekeepers group strives to focus on local vendors and artisans.

“Everything is homegrown, handmade bee and agriculture-related,” Henthorn told WIZS’s Bill Harris on Monday’s TownTalk.

“We have some really awesome vendors,” who will have all sorts of bee-themed inventory for sale. The Bee Jubilee will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

There will be a food truck rodeo on site as well, so participants will be able to enjoy some food and beverages while they’re walking among the vendors.

This year, the event will feature a Honey Show, and Henthorn encourages anyone who uses honey or other bee products in cooking or baking to enter. She said there will be mead (a beverage made with honey), as well as beeswax entered in the honey show.

Anyone can enter the honey show, but Henthorn said entries should contain local honey.

A list of rules is available on the event Facebook page.

There will be an auction inside the expo center to help raise funds to establish an endowed professorship in apiculture at N.C. State University.

There are more than 80 county beekeepers’ associations across the state and they’re all working in concert with the state beekeepers group to help raise more than $600,000 needed to make the professorship a reality.

“We are on that track to get that money over the next several years,” Henthorn said.

Auction items should be brought to the expo center no later than Friday evening; entries for the honey show should be delivered between 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on Saturday.

One lucky raffle ticket holder will win a year’s worth of local honey. The winner will be announced about 2:30 p.m. before the Bee Jubilee concludes.

Several workshops will be offered, including a beginner bee workshop at 9:30 a.m., followed by a workshop presented by a group of Master Gardeners about planting your landscapes with pollinators in mind.

The Facebook event page will be updated this week with the latest and newest information about the upcoming Bee Jubilee.

Find it at https://fb.me/e/4PAfZcPce.




FSU Bronco Roundup Set For July 11 At Fox Pond Park

Attention, Fayetteville State University alumni in the four-county area:

The annual Bronco Roundup & Sendoff is just a few weeks off and organizers hope alums will join in the fun!

The FSU Alumni Chapter representing Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin counties is hosting the free event on Saturday, July 22 beginning at 2 p.m. at Fox Pond Park Shelter #1.

Please RSVP by texting 252.213.5977 by July 10, so organizers can plan appropriately.

This event is open to any FSU alumni in the area, according to contact person Tannis Jenkins.