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Cat Tests Positive for Rabies in Granville Co., Residents and Bite Victim Notified

-Press Release, County of Granville


Granville County Animal Control was called last week about a possibly rabid cat who had contact with a person in the area of Dorsey Road and Ed Harris Road. The animal was part of a larger cat colony that had not been rabies vaccinated or spayed/neutered. The cat tested positive for the rabies virus on Nov. 27. Residents of the area have been notified, as well as Granville Vance Public Health and the bite victim. Animal Control has also been working to remove the remaining cats on the property.

All pet owners are reminded to please be sure pets are rabies-vaccinated. North Carolina law requires that all dogs, cats and ferrets be vaccinated against rabies by four months of age and that vaccinations be kept current. The Granville County Animal Shelter offers one-year rabies vaccines for dogs and cats for only $6, Monday through Friday from noon until 4:30 p.m. and is located at 5650 Cornwall Road in Oxford.

For more information, call 919-693-6749. To find out when your pet needs its next booster shot, please contact your local veterinarian.

VGCC Faculty, Staff Raise $16,000 To Support Students

 -Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College’s annual Faculty & Staff Drive for the VGCC Endowment Fund raised $16,011 this fall from among employees on the college’s four campuses, according to an announcement by the co-chairs for the drive to the Trustees on Monday, Nov. 19, at the board’s regular bi-monthly meeting on the Main Campus.

The funds were raised to support the mission of the college and award scholarships to deserving students, said Eddie Ferguson, director of the Endowment Fund.

Heading up the drive this year were Michael Brodie, Campus Police sergeant; Antoinette Dickens, program head and instructor for the Paralegal Technology curriculum program; Willie Mae Foster-Hill, Main Campus receptionist; and Jeremy Lambert, assistant director of financial aid.

“Our campaign theme was ‘Rise Up!’” Ferguson told the Trustees. “It was based on the fact that every day our students rise up to come to school under a lot of hardships, whether it be academic pressure, family issues, transportation or such. We serve a very diverse community.”

VGCC’s Faculty & Staff Drive for the Endowment Fund was led by volunteers Michael Brodie, Campus Police sergeant; Antoinette Dickens, program head and instructor for Paralegal Technology; Willie Mae Foster-Hill, Main Campus receptionist; and Jeremy Lambert, assistant director of financial aid. Shown above celebrating the success of the drive at the Board of Trustees meeting are, from left, Brodie; Kay Currin, Endowment Fund specialist; Trustee Danny Wright, chair of the board; Dr. Gordon Burns, interim VGCC president; Foster-Hill; and Eddie Ferguson, director of the Endowment Fund. Dickens and Lambert were unavailable for the photo. (VGCC Photo)

The faculty and staff, he said, “rose up” with this drive to provide the funds for the students. “We are really proud to raise this money from our employees, most of which will go directly to students in the form of scholarships. Some of the money is directed to projects such as our student emergency fund to help meet other immediate needs,” Ferguson said.

Statewide Budget Priorities

In his report to the trustees, Interim VGCC President Dr. Gordon Burns outlined budget priorities identified by the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) for 2019 through 2021 and urged the trustees to share those priorities with the returning and newly elected members of the N.C. House of Representatives and the N.C. Senate who represent the four counties served by Vance-Granville Community College.

Under the Workforce Development Legislative Agenda, NCCCS is requesting funding to help 700,000 students annually achieve a better life through high-school equivalency, career and technical education, short-term workforce training, and high quality, affordable college transfer programs, Dr. Burns said. The state’s community colleges are essential in closing the skills gap for North Carolina employers, the NCCCS notes, and are a driving force in the economy of the state.

The system office reports that the state’s 58 community colleges continue to suffer from approximately $53 million in budget cuts made during the 2008 recession that have not been restored, which undercuts efforts to prepare the state’s workforce. Dr. Burns noted, too, that community colleges are having difficulty recruiting and retaining faculty and staff because the average annual faculty salary, at $47,362, is 41st in the nation.

Among legislative priorities for 2019-2021, NCCCS is seeking recurring funds of $11.5 million to fully fund short-term workforce training; $15 million to upgrade information technology systems across the state; $2.6 million to fund workforce-focused multi-campuses; and $2.8 million to expand a program that places career coaches in high schools to assist students with determining career goals and identifying community college programs that align with the students’ goals.

Dr. Burns said the legislative priorities also include increasing funding to bring faculty closer to the national annual salary average of $60,422, enacting statutory changes to eliminate barriers to enrollment caused by the state’s relatively new Residency Determination System, and stabilizing budgets for colleges faced with enrollment declines because of Hurricane Florence.

Capital Projects

In his report to the board on capital projects, Trustee Donald Seifert, chair of the Building Committee, said renovations have been completed to the seminar rooms in the Civic Center on Main Campus.

H.G. Reynolds Company began renovation of a 3,200-square-foot portion of Building 10 on Main Campus to create a Practical Simulation Lab for the Basic Law Enforcement Training, Fire/Rescue and Emergency Medical Services programs. The work, which started in October, is scheduled to be completed in January. In addition to the area being renovated, parking lot space is being expanded, Seifert said.

College officials are also working with the county managers in Vance and Granville counties to fund the replacement of a storage building on the Main Campus that was lost in a fire this past summer.

Other Action

In other action:

  • The trustees voted to approve the closure of two curriculum certificate programs and a diploma program no longer in demand from students. The closure of the Nurse Aide Certificate, Nurse Aide Diploma and the School Age Care Certificate programs, effective this fall, will go to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and the North Carolina Community College System for final approvals. The closures came at the request of the Curriculum Committee, chaired by Trustee Barbara Cates Harris.
  • Trustee Xavier Wortham, chair of the Investment Committee, reported the VGCC Endowment Fund Corporation received a favorable report from May & Place PA, certified public accountants, for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. He also gave the bimonthly update on the college’s investments.
  • Trustee Sara Wester, chair of the Personnel Committee, reported on new employees, retirements and resignations, and she presented an amended employee calendar for 2018-2019.
  • Student Government Association President Angel De Leon, the student Trustee, reported to the trustees on a leadership workshop recently attended by students, participation in recent Fall Festivals on the college’s campuses, and a relief drive that is being held to help victims of Hurricane Florence.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, Jan. 28.

Oxford’s Public Safety Committee to Discuss Proposed Panhandling Ordinance

-Information courtesy Cynthia Bowen, City Clerk, City of Oxford

The Public Safety Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the First Floor Training Room, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street in Oxford.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the proposed panhandling ordinance for the City of Oxford.

All those interested are invited to attend.

Public Invited to Forums With VGCC Presidential Search Finalists

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College invites the public to attend three separate forums scheduled for Nov. 30, Dec. 3 and Dec. 4 to meet and provide input on the finalists for the presidency of the college.

The three public forums will be held each day from 12:15 to 1 p.m. in the Civic Center.

Dr. Quentin J. Johnson of Mooresville, currently vice president of Student Support Services at Guilford Technical Community College in Greensboro, will be at the college on Friday, Nov. 30.

Dr. Melanie W. Thornton of Albany, Ga., the vice president of academic affairs at Columbus Technical College in Columbus, Ga., will attend the forum on Monday, Dec. 3.

Dr. Rachel M. Desmarais of Clemmons, who is currently executive vice president and chief operating officer at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, will be present on Tuesday, Dec. 4.

Invitations to the forums also have been sent to county officials, school officials, area chambers, and VGCC faculty and staff, among other groups.

The three finalists were selected from among nearly 90 applicants on Monday, Nov. 19, at the regular bimonthly meeting of the college’s Board of Trustees on Main Campus. Following North Carolina Community College System protocol, the trustees have presented the finalists to the State Board of Community Colleges for vetting.

The VGCC Board of Trustees plans to have the new president in place early in 2019. The new leader will become the seventh president in the 49-year history of the college, replacing Dr. Stelfanie Williams who resigned in August to take a position at Duke University.

Quorum of Oxford Commissioners to Attend KLRW Advisory Board Meeting

-Public Notice, City of Oxford


Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the City of Oxford Board of Commissioners may be present for a joint meeting on Tuesday, November 27, 2018, at 6 p.m. at Henderson City Hall – Council Chambers at 134 Rose Avenue, Henderson, NC of the Kerr Lake Regional Water Partners.

The KLRW Advisory Board will review the system upgrade project; including financial planning, a possible revision of the partner’s rate structure and allow questions from the partners. No action will be taken during this meeting. The public is welcome to observe.

For more information contact: Cynthia Bowen, Clerk to the City of Oxford Board at 919-603-1105 or by email:  cbowen@oxfordnc.org.

VGCC Drama Students To Present ‘Crimes Of The Heart’

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College Drama students will present “Crimes of the Heart,” a Pulitzer Prize winning play, on Nov. 29 through Dec. 2 at VGCC’s Main Campus. The tragicomedy, written by American playwright Beth Henley, will be staged six times over the four days.

Performances begin on Thursday, Nov. 29, at 7:30 p.m.; Friday, Nov. 30, at 3 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 1, at 2 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m.; and on Sunday, Dec. 2, at 2 p.m. All performances are in the small auditorium in Building 2 on the Main Campus in Henderson.

The play features VGCC and Vance County Early College High School students Savannah Morgan as Lenny McGrath, Mary Parish as Babe McGrath Botrelle, Jamie McGinn as Meg McGrath, Rebekah Varker as Chick Boyle, Matthew Varker as Barnette Lloyd, and Blake Lee as Doc Porter.

Members of the cast and crew of VGCC’s fall production of “Crimes of the Heart” prepare for six performances of the Pulitzer Prize winning play Nov. 29 through Dec. 2. Shown above are, front row, from left, Nick Kurtz, stage manager/assistant director; Matthew Varker (portraying Barnette Lloyd); Blake Lee (Doc Porter); back row, Jamie McGinn (Meg McGrath); Savannah Morgan (Lenny McGrath); Mary Parish (Babe McGrath Botrelle); and Rebekah Varker (Chick Boyle). (VGCC Photo)

Set in Hazlehurst, Mississippi, in the mid-20th century, it’s the story of three sisters who gather to await news of their grandfather’s death.

Betsy Henderson, director of the show and VGCC’s Theatre Arts/speech instructor and department chair of Fine Arts and Humanities, said the sisters are characterized in this manner: “Lenny, the oldest sister, is unmarried at 30 and facing diminishing marital prospects; Meg, the middle sister, who quickly outgrew Hazlehurst, is back after a failed singing career on the West Coast; while Babe, the youngest, is out on bail after having shot her husband in the stomach.”

She added, “Their troubles, grave and yet, somehow, hilarious, are highlighted by their priggish cousin, Chick, and by the awkward young lawyer who tries to keep Babe out of jail while helpless not to fall in love with her.”

The play is ultimately the story of how these young characters can escape their past to seize the future, Henderson said. “The telling of the story is very true and touching and consistently hilarious, guaranteed to entertain audiences,” she said.

In addition to winning the Pulitzer, the show was the winner of the New York Drama Critics Circle Award in 1981. A critic for the New York Times said, “While this play overflows with infectious high spirits, it is also, unmistakably, the tale of a very troubled family. Such is Miss Henley’s prodigious talent that she can serve us pain as though it were a piece of cake.”

The crew will be composed of Nick Kurtz, stage manager/assistant director; Jenna Walker, assistant stage manager/props; Megan Kokus, costume designer; Amanda Cease, costume and prop assistant; Lane Wade, sound board operator; and Cheyenne Guerrant, light board operator.

Admission is $10 for the general public and $5 for students and VGCC employees. Tickets may be purchased at the door, but attendees are encouraged to secure their seats by making reservations. For more information, contact Betsy Henderson at hendersonb@vgcc.edu or (252) 738-3371, or purchase your tickets online through Eventbrite here.

Third Annual ‘Santa Paws’ Event to be Held at Granville Expo Center

-Press Release, County of Granville

The Third Annual “Santa Paws” event will be held on Saturday, December 8 from 6:30 until 9 p.m. at the Granville County Expo and Convention Center in Oxford. Santa Claus will be making time for the dogs and cats of the Granville County Animal Shelter to help with this donation drive.

Participants are asked to please bring a donation for the Animal Shelter in exchange for a photo with Santa. Donation ideas include flea and tick treatment (no Hartz), durable dog toys, fabuloso, cat litter, cat toys, cloth towels, dish soap and paper towels.

Pets, kids and adults are welcome. There will be light hors-d’oeuvres and refreshments provided.

The Granville County Expo and Convention Center is located at 4185 Hwy 15 South in Oxford. For more details, call 919-693-6749 or visit www.granvillecounty.org.

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Madigan, Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market Manager, Reflects on 2018 Season

With only three Saturdays remaining before the Vance County Regional Farmers Market (VCRFM) wraps its 2018 season, Market Manager Tracy Madigan urges customers to stock up on fall produce – such as sweet potatoes, collards and greens – while they still can.

The market will close after 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 8th and will remain closed until mid-April of 2019. Rental of the VCRFM is available all year long and is particularly popular during the holiday season.

According to Madigan, it has been a great year for vendors and produce variety. “We had a really good year as far as increasing the number of vendors,” said Madigan. “That has provided more variety and greater quantities of produce.”

In addition to produce, Madigan said the number of regular craft vendors selling everything from handmade jewelry to candles has increased, along with the offering of baked goods.

Madigan reported that the customer count has remained steady at 9,000 – 10,000 visitors despite a surge in numbers during the peak summer season. This year’s pattern of inclement weather, especially during the spring and fall months, may have contributed to the customer stagnation.

“It has been a really strange year for the farmers weather-wise as well, but they have still come through with a lot of good produce and variety,” Madigan said.

Another draw to the market this season includes recent landscaping improvements courtesy the Cooperative Extension-based Master Gardeners.

“The Master Gardeners came into a grassy area around the market that previously flooded all of the time and made walkways and benches. Now it’s a nice area to enjoy and get some ideas of plants and flowers for your own yard,” said Madigan.

The addition of Gavin’s Grub Hub, a food truck operated by owner Gavin Jackson, is also bringing visitors in. “Gavin is a huge draw,” Madigan said. “Anytime we advertise that he’s coming, people show up to get their breakfast, brunch or lunch and are always pleased. He has also catered several events for the market.”

Of course, the best feedback comes directly from the mouths of visitors. “We get feedback all of the time from people who say they enjoy it and have made friends. It’s a relaxed, fun and local environment. I truly appreciate the patronage and support from the community,” Madigan said.

Madigan is pleased with the progress VCRFM has made over the years and said she can see its reach extending. “It is a regional market. The first two or three years it was mostly Vance and Granville county patrons; we are getting more visitors from Warren and Franklin now.”

In the future, Madigan would love to see VCRFM become a full-time operation. “I wish we could get someone full-time and get enough customers to run it six or seven days a week. That would really make it an alternative to fast food and grocery stores.”

For additional information on renting the VCRFM for your next event, please contact the Vance County Cooperative Extension Center at (252) 438-8188.

More Than 300 Students Honored At VGCC Scholarship Awards Dinner

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College honored 326 students receiving scholarships, as well as the donors and partnering organizations who established those scholarships, at a dinner on Tuesday, Nov. 13, in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus.

In this third annual event of its kind, rescheduled from Oct. 11 because of inclement weather, students were given the opportunity to meet and have dinner with community leaders and supporters of the college’s Endowment Fund.

Dr. Gordon Burns, the interim president of VGCC, thanked the donors who have supported students through the Fund. “Because of you, these students have a greater likelihood of succeeding in life and being contributing members in our society,” he said. “These students have the time and the freedom not to worry about financing their educations and accruing debt and thus can focus their energies on their studies and academic success.”

VGCC Nursing student April Zuniga-Trejo speaks on behalf of her fellow scholarship recipients at the VGCC Endowment Fund Scholarship Awards Dinner. (VGCC photo)

Commending the student scholarship recipients for their academic accomplishments, he also said, “These students, too, one day will be able to reach out to help a deserving student in financial need to further his or her education.”

Speaking on behalf of the scholars was April Zuniga-Trejo of Henderson. She is a graduate of Vance County Early College High School who is currently dually enrolled with VGCC and North Carolina State A&T University in the four-year RIBN (Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses) program.

Describing how she was given the opportunity earlier to meet the donors for her scholarship — Phil Dixon and his wife, Cathy, who started the Henry and Cathy Dixon Annual Scholarship — Zuniga-Trejo expressed her appreciation to Dixon and other donors.

“By investing in our students, the gap between students and their goals is finally shortened,” she said. “Having the connection with my donors has helped me realized the importance of investing in a student’s future. It is not only helping to pay for our education, but it is also paving the way in making our dreams a reality.”

Zuniga-Trejo is studying to become a nurse midwife and plans one day to start her own medical clinic for the disadvantaged.

Speaking on behalf of the donors at the dinner, Dixon followed his scholarship recipient on stage with his remarks on how he decided to contribute to the VGCC Endowment Fund as a birthday gift to his wife because of their love for education. Dixon said they realized that “there were probably a lot of people not far away that have needs that are not getting met,” so he decided on the gift of a scholarship. “I’d have to say it’s almost like a ‘two-fer.’ Cathy got a gift and April got a gift.”

Sharing a thank you note that he and his wife received from Zuniga-Trejo at their first meeting, Dixon read aloud to the audience her words: “I was overcome with happiness,” Zuniga-Trejo wrote. “I felt as if it was a sign from the universe that I was headed in the right direction and that I would make it through. All in all, your acts of kindness made an incredible difference in my life. I’m about to begin my first semester of nursing thanks to both of you.”

Dixon concluded by adding his own words, “I suggest to you that being able to make a difference in someone’s life is one of the greatest gifts that any of us can receive. I think Cathy and I received the greatest of gifts.”

VGCC donor Phil Dixon of Oxford, who contributed the funds for Zuniga-Trejo’s scholarship, speaks on behalf of donors at the VGCC Endowment Fund Scholarship Awards Dinner. (VGCC photo)

The dinner ceremony also featured the announcement of the first-ever Presidential Excellence Award, a new scholarship level. The first of those scholarships was endowed by the family of Donald and Betsy Seifert of Henderson.

Sponsors for the scholarship awards dinner were Altec, CertainTeed, Duke Energy and Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company.

Scholarships of various levels, including 62 Presidential Scholar Awards (the most prestigious endowed scholarships), 59 Presidential Merit Awards, 179 Academic Achievement scholarships and 26 annual (non-endowed) scholarships were awarded to students this academic year, representing more than $240,000.

The scholarships presented to students this year bring the total to more than 9,400 awarded by the college to date. Endowment Fund officials have estimated VGCC has awarded nearly $5 million since the inception of the program.

VGCC scholarships have been endowed by numerous individuals, industries, businesses, civic groups, churches and the college’s faculty and staff. For more information about the Endowment Fund, call (252) 738-3409.

Here is a list of the awards that were presented for 2018-2019. The list is separated by scholarship category first, then by the county of residence of the students. The student’s program of study is in parentheses.


Brenda W. Beck: Evan O’Geary of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

John T. Church, Sr., Memorial: Jolina Anne Chiong of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

Gilbert and Frances Capps: Jerry Dickerson of Henderson (Criminal Justice Technology);

Julius M. and Breda O. Frazier Memorial: LaQuad Holden of Henderson (Automotive Systems Technology);

GSK: Amanda Miller of Henderson (Associate in Science);

GSK: Shadi Nagi of Henderson (Associate in Science);

Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: DeLonna Martin of Henderson (Radiography);

Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Wendy Jordan of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Guild Gift Gallery Volunteers: Michelle Matthews of Henderson (Radiography);

Daniel Knight Jr.: Shelly Benson of Henderson (Cosmetology);

Marsha J. Nelson: Kathy Wiggins of Henderson (Accounting);

Revlon: Kaylee Gleason of Henderson (Welding Technology);

VGCC Faculty & Staff: Amber Peoples of Henderson (Radiography);

Edward Tarry Watkins Memorial: Madison Hetrick of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

Felix McDaniel Family: Courtney Mitchell of Kittrell (Medical Office Administration); and

John K. Nelms: Ethan Cole of Kittrell (Associate in Science).



John T. Church, Sr.: Courtney Crute of Bullock (Early Childhood Education);

Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Brittany Buchanan of Bullock (Associate Degree Nursing);

The Johnson Educational Fund: Brianna Norris of Butner (Early Childhood Education);

Past and Present Volunteers Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Emily Padgett of Butner (Associate Degree Nursing);

Gean Bobbitt/Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Shanae Rhoades of Creedmoor (Associate Degree Nursing);

Jerome and Dora Faulkner Memorial: Shanice Alleyne of Creedmoor (Radiography);

Glen Raven: Daniel McIlvaine of Creedmoor (Welding Technology);

Patricia P. Graham: Paige Snider of Creedmoor (Radiography);

Eben G. & Mary Frances McSwain: Brandon Sparrow of Creedmoor (Automotive Systems Technology);

Oxford Lodge #103, I.O.O.F.: Hannah Parrott of Creedmoor (Associate in Science);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Charlene Kearney of Creedmoor (Business Administration);

John Weaver: Seham Mansour of Creedmoor (Early Childhood Education);

William David Barker, Sr., and Anabel Manderson Barker: Savannah Brogden of Oxford (Associate in Arts);

GSK: Kelsey Williamson McKeel of Oxford (General Science AAS Degree);

Guy Thomas and Lelle Courtney Horner/Guy T. Horner: Daniel Brown of Oxford (Automotive Systems Technology);

M.R. Williams, Inc.: Alyssa Gupton of Oxford (Business Administration);

Mary Ruth Nelms: Daniel Burnette of Oxford (Associate in Science);

Harold and Helen Sherman: Penny Glover of Oxford (Early Childhood Education);

Leon Turner: Katelynn Cheek of Oxford (Accounting); and

Jerome and Dora Faulkner Memorial: Solange Tant of Stem (Associate Degree Nursing).



Leslie Carswell/Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Stephanie Parham of Franklinton (Associate Degree Nursing);

Rehoboth United Methodist Church: Kayla Romig of Franklinton (Associate in Science);

Revlon: Cassidy Burton of Franklinton (General Science AAS Degree);

Rudolph and Ruby Keller Corbitt: Megann Casady of Louisburg (Practical Nursing);

Glen Raven: Aislinn Julian of Louisburg (Associate in Arts);

Glen Raven: Nicolas Tucker of Louisburg (Welding Technology);

GSK: Shalinda White of Louisburg (Medical Office Administration);

Vera M. and H. Dermont Hedrick: Robert Holovnia of Louisburg (Associate in Arts);

Beverly Tucker, MD/Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Dulce Santillan of Louisburg (Radiography); and

Franklin Mills/Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Allison Thurkill of Youngsville (Radiography).



Robbie Gilliam Hedrick/ Robert Jerome Hedrick: Megan Proctor of Macon (Radiography);

Lelia C. Brigham Memorial: Caleb Brauer of Norlina (Associate in Arts);

Glen Raven: Jennifer Newell of Norlina (General Science AAS Degree); and

Glen Raven, PSA: Angela Bullock of Warrenton (General Science AAS Degree).



Glen Raven, PSA: Joseph Nehme of Boydton, Va. (Mechatronics Engineering Technology);

Ann Rose Allen/Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Mary Wanjiku of Cary (Practical Nursing);

Harold and Helen Sherman: Charles Maina of Cary (General Science AAS Degree);

Frank and Ruth Askins Nursing: Moses Onchonga of Durham (Associate Degree Nursing);

Conduent: Victoria Swain of Durham (General Science AAS Degree);

VGCC Faculty & Staff: Brenda Rodriguez Morales of Durham (Accounting);

VGCC Faculty & Staff: Thomas Hilton of Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Associate in Arts);

Duke Energy: Lewis Carr of Raleigh (Information Technology);

Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Andrew Zambrano of Raleigh (Associate Degree Nursing);

Glen Raven: Ashley Davis of Rocky Mount (General Science AAS Degree);

Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham: Treva Gordan of Roxboro (Radiography);

George Wilson and Pattie Alston Macon/Katharine M. Horner: Kylie Blackwell of Timberlake (General Science AAS Degree);

Frank and Ruth Askins Nursing: Maria Perry of Zebulon (Radiography); and

Glen Raven: Joshua Miller of Zebulon (Associate Degree Nursing).



Lucy Royster Brenner Memorial: Alexis Hayes of Henderson (Associate in Science);

Church of the Holy Innocents: Guadalupe Mata of Henderson (Paralegal Technology);

Emma Rose Church: Perla Lopez of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

Marion Lee Johnson Church: Lizeth Nieto-Mata of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

The Farrington Foundation: Cassidy Grissom of Henderson (Medical Office Administration);

The Farrington Foundation: Mikayla Sellers of Henderson (Practical Nursing);

Dwight & Jane Frazier Family: Elaina Pendergrass of Henderson (Human Services Technology);

Hubbard Family/Americal: Randall Bullock of Henderson (Culinary Arts);

Grace Hamme Jester Scholarship: Shyanne Robertson of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

Kittrell Family: William Strickland of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

Leggett Family/Robert A. Leggett Memorial: Avery Hilliard of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

Helen & Norris Post: Zachary Ayscue of Henderson (Associate in Science);

Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories: Kalin Jackson of Henderson (Criminal Justice Technology);

Holly Elizabeth Turner Memorial: Alec Moran of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

Union Bank/Stanley H. Fox: Ashley Hill of Henderson (Medical Assisting); and

Joseph and Carrie Hamme: Megan Twisdale of Kittrell (Cosmetology).



Friends of Hospice: Lakeisha Scott of Bullock (Associate Degree Nursing);

Priscilla Brooks Memorial: Rebecca Minkley of Creedmoor (Associate Degree Nursing);

Church of the Holy Innocents: Coleen Green of Creedmoor (Radiography);

Nelms Family: Elizabeth Brogden of Creedmoor (General Science AAS Degree);

Oxford Woman’s Club: Caliegh Katz of Creedmoor (Associate Degree Nursing);

Air Control, Inc.: Andrew Dickerson of Oxford (Associate in Arts);

Bridgestone Commercial Solutions: Erin Whitt of Oxford (Associate in Arts);

Marshall Young Cooper, Sr., and Mishew C. Cooper Nursing: Tammie Davis of Oxford (Associate Degree Nursing);

Ferguson Family Foundation: Brooke Oakley of Oxford (General Science AAS Degree);

Granville Industrial & Business Club: Madison Johnson of Oxford (Criminal Justice Technology);

Betty S. Hicks/Granville Industrial & Business Club: Stephen Long of Oxford (Criminal Justice Technology);

Christopher Johnson Memorial: Reginald Harris of Oxford (Criminal Justice Technology);

Ella Glover Rowell: Joseane Buckley of Oxford (Associate Degree Nursing);

William T. “Billy” Watkins Memorial: Jonathan Abbott of Oxford (Associate in Science);

Granville County Cattlemen’s Association: Isaac Newton of Stem (Associate in Science);

Granville Industrial & Business Club: Amber Wilkins of Stem (Accounting); and

Talmadge Hamm Memorial: Rachel Allen of Stem (Human Services Technology Substance Abuse).



Thurman and Fannie Crumpler Scouting: Milena Nelsen of Franklinton (Early Childhood Education);

Dr. Ben F. Currin: Ebony Cotton of Franklinton (Paralegal Technology);

Hugh White Holt Memorial: Stefan Godel of Franklinton (Associate in Science);

Dale Ramsey Music Scholar: Tessa Bowie of Franklinton (Associate in Science);

Linda Aleshire Memorial: Holly Heston of Louisburg (Medical Office Administration);

John T. Church, Sr.: Austin Finch of Louisburg (Welding Technology);

Hugh White Holt Memorial: Timon Bailey of Louisburg (Information Technology);

Margaret West Cousins Matteson: Allison Barlow of Louisburg (Associate in Arts);

Rain Park: George Tharpe of Louisburg (Welding Technology);

Hutson Wester Insurance: Heather Perdue of Louisburg (Business Administration);

Robert T. “Buster” and Elizabeth Brent Williford Memorial: Elizabeth Wiggins of Louisburg (Medical Office Administration);

VGCC Faculty & Staff: Christianna Allen of Louisburg (General Science AAS Degree);

VGCC Faculty & Staff: Cameron Alston of Louisburg (Associate in Arts);

Coca-Cola Bottlers’ Foundation: Cody Brandenburg of Youngsville (Information Technology); and

Hugh White Holt Memorial: Josiah Trotter of Youngsville (Associate in Arts).



Bignall Speed Jones Memorial: David Peaden of Manson (Associate in Arts).



Robert A. Miller: Lilian Schleifer of Cary (Associate Degree Nursing);

Professional Construction Estimators Association – Triangle Chapter: Walter Goss of Durham (General Science AAS Degree);

Robert J. Walker Memorial: Chris Trotman of Durham (General Science AAS Degree);

CareFocus Nursing: Angela Talam of Raleigh (Associate Degree Nursing);

Lace Lastics Company, Inc.: Rawia Dafalla of Raleigh (Histotechnology);

VGCC Faculty & Staff: Mary Waithaka of Raleigh (Associate Degree Nursing);

Margaret L. Gupton and Linwood M. Gupton Memorial: Mandy Clements of Roxboro (Radiography);

Harriette G. Mast Memorial: Rubi Coyote of Roxboro (Radiography);

John Stovall Royster, Jr., Memorial: Kristina Tuck of Roxboro (Radiography);

VGCC Faculty & Staff: Emily Watkins of Roxboro (Associate in Arts); and

Friends of Hospice: Kyra Corrigan of Wake Forest (General Science AAS Degree).




Sam Alford Memorial/Henderson Lions Club: Joshua Jones of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

Charles and Audrey Ballentine: Heidy Morosumi of Henderson (Radiography);

W.B. Beasley Memorial: Kayla Whirley of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

George B. Blum Memorial/Middleburg Ruritan Club: Amali Hauter of Henderson (Paralegal Technology);

Dr. Joseph Alston Boyd, Jr.: Ashley Ward of Henderson (Radiography);

Amanda A. “Mandy” Braswell Memorial: Christopher Hernandez of Henderson (Automotive Systems Technology);

Annie R. Bullock Memorial/City of Henderson: Dorothy Wortham of Henderson (Human Services Technology);

BB&T: Danielle Dixon of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

Davis – Royster Funeral Services: Sharon Bryant of Henderson (Business Administration);

Smith Doss and Claude Monnier: Barbara Bennett of Henderson (Early Childhood Education);

Carrie Draper/ Henderson Business & Professional Women’s Club: Brooklyn Rooker of Henderson (Radiography);

Joy Nicole Fleming Memorial: Rebekah Speed of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Friends of Hospice: Kelsey Ivey of Henderson (Medical Office Administration);

Hubert L. Gooch, Sr.: Darcel Alston of Henderson (Pharmacy Technology);

Robert B. Harrison/Henderson Kiwanis Club: Kailee Ball of Henderson (Associate in Science);

George W. Holden, Jr., Accounting: Jodi Vaughan of Henderson (Early Childhood Education);

Linda Vele Johnson Memorial: Chyna Hargrove of Henderson (Early Childhood Education);

Thurston S. “Judge” and Vivian L. Parham: Allison Ayscue of Henderson (Associate in Science);

W.D. Payne/Henderson High School Class of 1939: Kimberley Coghill of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

W.D. Payne/Vance County Unit NC Retired School Personnel: Autumn Julian of Henderson (Associate in Science);

William D. Payne: Kevin Smith of Henderson (Early Childhood Education);

William D. Payne/Henderson High School Class of 1938: Karen Sandoval of Henderson (Associate in Science);

Henry S. Peoples, Chapter #67 Disabled American Veterans: Nigoria Alston of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Henry S. Peoples, Chapter # 67 Disabled American Veterans: Carlota Sikes of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

Myrtle Jane Pruitt Memorial: Allison Stell of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Myrtle Jane Pruitt Memorial: Kathleen Lee of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Myrtle Jane Pruitt Memorial: Phylicia Wimbush of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Buggana Subba Reddy Memorial: Dynasty Hargrove of Henderson (Medical Office Administration);

Steven Allen and Thomas “Tommee” Wayne Reese Memorial: Jadyn Jones of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

Santa Fe: Tyler Thorp of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Clemens Oscar Seifert/Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Henderson: Abigayle Edwards of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Mary Helen Harris Shields Memorial: Emily Isidro of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

 Robert J. Turner/Henderson Kiwanis Club: Katlyn Reams of Henderson (Human Services Technology Substance Abuse);

Vance Construction Company: Herbert Davis of Henderson (Mechatronics Engineering Technology);

Vance County Association of Educational Office Professionals: Sherly Gerardo of Henderson (Business Administration);

Vance County Farm Bureau: Christian Teasley-Hill Purnell of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Adam Short of Henderson (Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology);

Kate M. Wood Memorial: Shanetta Wright of Henderson (Business Administration);

Anne Wortham /Henderson Business & Professional Women’s Club: Stephanie Alston of Henderson (Practical Nursing);

Jerry Ellington Memorial: Rebekah Varker of Kittrell (Associate in Arts);

Hubert Lee Gooch, Jr., Memorial: Katherine Harris of Kittrell (General Science AAS Degree);

Robert Burnham Harrison, Sr. Memorial: Caitlin Melvin of Kittrell (Early Childhood Education);

Leo Kelly, Jr.: Matthew Varker of Kittrell (Associate in Arts);

John K. Nelms/Granville Industrial Club: Mary Ferguson of Kittrell (Associate in Science);

Myrtle Jane Pruitt Memorial: Caitlin West of Kittrell (Radiography);

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation RIBN: Rachel Spall of Kittrell (Associate Degree Nursing); and

Virginia L. Wester: Jennifer Crabtree of Kittrell (Business Administration).




George E. and Estelle H. Bullock Memorial: Rhonda Williamson of Bullock (Associate Degree Nursing);

Maria Parham Medical Center Volunteer Services: Candice Howarth of Bullock (Practical Nursing);

Robert J. and Isabel B. Morgan Memorial: Kevin Keeton of Bullock (Welding Technology);

John K. Nelms/Newton Instrument Company: Allyson Cash of Bullock (Associate Degree Nursing);

Walter J. Rublein Memorial: Xavier Eaton of Bullock (Mechatronics Engineering Technology);

Triangle Home Health Care, Inc: James Temple of Bullock (Associate Degree Nursing);

Capital Bank: Mia Ray of Butner (Culinary Arts);

Hettie Currin Skipper Memorial Nursing: Catherine Bullock of Butner (Associate Degree Nursing);

Grady W. Tunstall: Sharlett Wilson of Butner (Practical Nursing);

Michael White: Tanya Beal Smith of Butner (Criminal Justice Technology);

Pratt and Gwendolyn Winston: Emili Hernandez Gaona of Butner (Human Services Technology);

The Barnabus Fund: Morgan Edwards of Creedmoor (Medical Assisting);

Bernard O. Burgess Memorial: Lauren Stephenson of Creedmoor (Radiography);

Chick-fil-A of Henderson: Nicholas Albright of Creedmoor (Mechatronics Engineering Technology);

Lucille Couch: Shaquile Hawkins of Creedmoor (Practical Nursing);

Dorothy M. Currin Memorial: Kaylin Gibson of Creedmoor (Associate Degree Nursing);

Smith Doss and Claude Monnier: Alontis Hines of Creedmoor (Medical Office Administration);

Durham Coca-Cola Bottling Company/Classic Food Services: Dominique Winters of Creedmoor (Culinary Arts);

Stanley H. Fox: Kierra Green of Creedmoor (Associate Degree Nursing);

Mike Huffaker Memorial: Karene Anderson of Creedmoor (Radiography);

Seby B. Jones and Rufus T. Aiken: Paul McDonough Jr. of Creedmoor (Associate in Science);

Kerr Lake Area Home Builders Association: Dylan Klink of Creedmoor (Associate in Science);

Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Hill Cooper Auxiliary Post 2417, Inc.: Briana Williams of Creedmoor (Associate in Science);

Milton F. and Mary Legg Memorial: Christian Dockum of Creedmoor (Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology);

Mary Potter High School: Chenelle Headley of Creedmoor (Medical Office Administration);

Dr. and Mrs. Roy L. Noblin Memorial: Yamileth Portillo of Creedmoor (Medical Assisting Diploma);

Oxford Junior Woman’s Club: Yvonne Stills of Creedmoor (Radiography);

Putlur Jayarama Reddy Memorial: Astrid Portillo-Granado of Creedmoor (Associate in Science);

Sherman and Boddie: Owen Hernandez of Creedmoor (Automotive Systems Technology);

Thomas G. & Mildred K. Taylor Memorial: Sean Stephenson of Creedmoor (Welding Technology-Cert Prac);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: John Lawson of Creedmoor (Radiography);

S.M. Watkins, Sr., Memorial: Jessica Hendricks of Creedmoor (Associate Degree Nursing);

Brenda McGee Wester, RN: Sarh Riley of Creedmoor (Associate Degree Nursing);

Edward L. Williams Memorial: Ethan Hughes of Creedmoor (Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology);

Lucy West Abbott Memorial: Hellen Mbuya of Oxford (Associate Degree Nursing);

Minnie Moseley Cawley Memorial: Brittany Williams of Oxford (Practical Nursing);

Lenwood A. Crabtree/Duke Energy: Luis Briones Gomez of Oxford (Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology);

Sophia H. Currin Memorial: Teresa Coley of Oxford (Associate Degree Nursing);

Matthew Frink: Briah Thorpe of Oxford (Practical Nursing);

Gate Precast Company: Anna Sizemore of Oxford (General Science AAS Degree);

Elie Gut/Ideal Fastener Corporation: Brandon Darr of Oxford (Mechatronics Engineering Technology);

Irene Hamm Hester Memorial/Carolina Cooling & Heating, Inc.: Sarah Fowler of Oxford (Welding Technology);

George W. Jenkins Memorial Boy Scouts: Cody Greene of Oxford (General Science AAS Degree);

Fitzhugh A. Kesler/ Henderson Business & Professional Women’s Club: Carson Thompson of Oxford (Accounting and Finance);

Oxford Lions Club: Kalie Fisher of Oxford (General Science AAS Degree);

Elsie Gray and Julian Pernell: Belinda Davis of Oxford (Medical Office Administration);

 Putlur S. Devi Reddy Memorial: Rewees Ebrahim of Oxford (Associate in Science);

Samir Harith “Reef” Abdul Rasheed Memorial: Marquis Skinner of Oxford (Welding Technology);

Rotary Club of Oxford/In Honor of Thomas B. Currin: Adrienne Reams of Oxford (Pharmacy Technology Diploma);

Royster, Cross & Hensley, LLP: Matthew Smith of Oxford (Criminal Justice Technology);

South Granville Rotary Club: Brett Clayton of Oxford (Associate in Science);

Ben and Cornelia Terry: Hannah Tuck of Oxford (Associate Degree Nursing);

Rachel P. Thomas: Jazmine Hunt of Oxford (Cosmetology);

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation: Savannah Barnes of Oxford (Medical Assisting);

Robert J. Turner/Henderson Kiwanis Club: Jacob Carver of Oxford (Associate in Arts);

Dr. Rives Williams and Patty Lewis Taylor Memorial: Heather Huff of Oxford (Associate Degree Nursing);

Otha Wilkins Memorial: Brooklyn Fuller of Oxford (Associate in Science);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Blake Larcade of Oxford (Automotive Systems Technology);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Christopher Pennell of Oxford (Information Technology);

John T. Church: Maria Rojas Galvan of Stem (Associate in Arts);

Mattie B. Harris: Michael Andrick of Stem (Information Technology); and

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Rocio Crews of Stem (Associate Degree Nursing).




AMVETS – Vance County Chapter # 730: Casey Alford of Franklinton (Medical Assisting Diploma);

Cecil L. Chacon, Jr., Memorial: Vanna Farrar of Franklinton (Associate Degree Nursing);

Franklin Regional Volunteers Auxilary: Jane Jones of Franklinton (Pharmacy Technology);

Ethel Jane Rideout Harrison Memorial: Ashley Breslin of Franklinton (General Science AAS Degree);

Frank H. Madigan: Solace Outhouse of Franklinton (Associate in Arts);

Fred E. & Ernestine H. Miller Memorial: Brittney Smith of Franklinton (Associate in Arts);

Walter L. Newton: Savannah Morgan of Franklinton (Associate in Arts);

Novozymes North America, Inc.: Anaya Harrison of Franklinton (General Science AAS Degree);

Scott Parker Peace Memorial and Adna B. Pierce Memorial: Morgan Wiggins of Franklinton (Associate in Science);

Rain Park: Henrry Reboccar-Miguel of Franklinton (Associate Degree Nursing);

Rowan-Walters Nursing: Ashley Sawyer of Franklinton (Associate Degree Nursing);

Union Bank – Founding Directors: Grace Ohlandt of Franklinton (Human Services Technology Substance Abuse);

James R. Barnes/Vance County Unit N. C. Retired School Personnel: Ellen Young of Louisburg (Early Childhood Education);

Nathan Burwell: Jayliyah Edgerton of Louisburg (Cosmetology);

Martha M. Clark: Rachel Munson of Louisburg (Associate Degree Nursing);

J. ‘Pooky’ Currin Memorial: Caitlin Pernell of Louisburg (Associate Degree Nursing);

Smith Doss and Claude Monnier: Chelsea Ray of Louisburg (Associate Degree Nursing);

Oxford-Henderson Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.: Sarai Ross of Louisburg (Associate in Arts);

Rachel and Raymond Stone: Crystal Williams of Louisburg (Medical Assisting Diploma);

Frank Tedder Memorial/J.P. Taylor Employees/Universal Leaf: Spencer Duncan of Louisburg (Information Technology);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Cindy Blankenship of Louisburg (Practical Nursing);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Sarah Carr of Louisburg (General Science AAS Degree);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Oscar Peralta of Louisburg (Associate in Arts);

Morris and Jean West Memorial: Brittany Sullivan of Louisburg (Associate Degree Nursing);

Henderson Rotary Club: Michelle Harris-Evans of Youngsville (Associate Degree Nursing);

James Madison “Jimmy” Joyner Memorial: Katelyn Medley of Youngsville (Associate Degree Nursing);

Robin Rowland Memorial: Kelley Bural of Youngsville (Cosmetology);

J.P. Taylor/Universal Leaf: Mackenzie Clifford of Youngsville (Associate in Science);

Sam Watkins, Jr.: Sheniqua Pruden of Youngsville (Associate Degree Nursing); and

Emily G. Whitten/ Henderson Business & Professional Women’s Club: Rachel Bice of Youngsville (General Science AAS Degree).




Warrenton Rotary Club: Debra Richardson of Hollister (Criminal Justice Technology);

Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Parker: LaDayzha Hicks of Manson (General Science AAS Degree);

Julius and Harriet Banzet: Cara Manns of Norlina (Associate Degree Nursing);

Marvin H. Baugh/Warrenton Rotary Club: McKenzie Conlee of Norlina (Associate in Arts);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Cartes Newell of Norlina (Medical Office Administration);

T. Yancey Memorial: Shannon Manning of Norlina (Early Childhood Education);

Bank of America: Hunter Oser of Warrenton (Information Technology);

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Delbridge: Melissa Ramos of Warrenton (Associate Degree Nursing);

Eastern Carolina Rabbit Breeders Association: Conner Bryant of Warrenton (Associate in Arts);

Vesta Fortson Manning Memorial: Heather Gwin of Warrenton (General Science AAS Degree); and

Wilson Sawyer/Variety Wholesalers, Inc.: Milani Nolton of Warrenton (Associate in Arts).



Pauline Neisler Brewer: Esther Ogachi of Cary (Practical Nursing);

Bessie Nelson Trado Memorial/First United Methodist Church: Abigail Rodriguez of Durham (Associate Degree Nursing);

John Pearson Harris, Jr. and Sr., Memorial: Kofi Boateng of Durham (Associate in Arts);

Henderson Woman’s Club: Hser Tha of Durham (Associate Degree Nursing);

William J. “Bill” Matthews Memorial: Christy Valerio of Durham (Criminal Justice Technology);

Diane W. Nethercutt Nursing Memorial: Takera Green of Durham (Associate Degree Nursing);

Thelma ‘Bug’ Dempsey/Henderson Business & Professional Women’s Club: Tiara Payton of Elizabeth City (Associate in Arts);

Newton Instrument Company: Tuesday Mathews of Fuquay-Varina (Associate Degree Nursing);

John T. Church, Sr./Roses Stores: Carly West of Littleton (General Science AAS Degree);

Veterans of Foreign Wars/Hill Cooper Post 2417, Inc.: Christopher Miller of Magnolia (Associate in Arts);

Talmadge Hamm Memorial: Meredith Finch of Nelson (General Science AAS Degree);

Henry and Mamie Banks: Chelsea Raposa of Raleigh (Paralegal Technology);

Kerr Lake Board of Realtors: Rahab Kamau of Raleigh (Information Technology);

Lou Ann Murphy: Teresa Onchiri of Raleigh (Practical Nursing);

PSNC Energy: Stephen Nyambariga of Raleigh (Practical Nursing);

SunTrust Bank: Samantha Pierce of Raleigh (Radiography);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Douglas Oanya of Raleigh (Associate Degree Nursing);

Keller and William Lee Keller Memorial: Kayla Lashley of Roxboro (Business Administration);

Henry S. Peoples, Chapter #  67 Disabled American Veterans: Mariana Ascencio of Roxboro (Associate Degree Nursing);

Myrtle Jane Pruitt Memorial: Michelle Madison of Selma (Associate Degree Nursing);

John Brigham Memorial: Wynett Pearce of Spring Hope (Medical Office Administration);

Hayden C. Bailey Family Memorial: Ashley Czuba-O’Brianâ of Wake Forest (Radiography);

CertainTeed Corporation: Mildred Tshuma of Wake Forest (General Science AAS Degree);

PNC: Lindsay Fenlason of Wake Forest (Associate in Science);

Myrtle Jane Pruitt Memorial: Ashley Flynn of Wake Forest (Associate Degree Nursing);

Carolina Sunrock: Jesse Pendleton of Wake Forest (Associate in Arts);

Jerry Marshall White, Jr. Memorial: Brandon Smith of Wake Forest (Associate Degree Nursing);

Church of the Holy Innocents: Cynthia Leon of Zebulon (Early Childhood Education); and

Anne Cooke Finch: Robyn Perry of Zebulon (General Science AAS Degree).



Henry and Cathy Dixon: April Zuniga-Trejo of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

Duke Energy: Carrie Johnson of Henderson (Welding Technology);

Lloyd Gabriel Memorial Scholarship/Air Control, Inc.: Leah Grissom of Henderson (Business Administration);

Glen Raven, Inc.: Theresa Carrillo of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

Glen Raven, Inc.: Jayne Harris of Henderson (Associate Degree Nursing);

Glen Raven, Inc.: Kayla Whirley of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree);

State Employees Credit Union Foundation Scholarship: Caroline Nutt of Henderson (Associate in Arts);

T & T Laundries: Tiffany Williams of Henderson (Associate in Science);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Kailee Ball of Henderson (Associate in Science);

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Hannah Edwards of Henderson (General Science AAS Degree); and

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Erasmo San Juan of Henderson (Welding Technology).



State Employees Credit Union Foundation Scholarship: Caroline Williamson of Bullock (Medical Office Administration);

Brandon S. Coker Memorial: Travis Campbell of Creedmoor (Basic Law Enforcement Training Certificate);

Glen Raven, Inc.: Brian Johnson of Creedmoor (Associate in Arts);

Duke Energy: Thomas Culp of Oxford (Welding Technology);

Duke Energy: Anthony Wade of Oxford (General Science AAS Degree);

Glen Raven, Inc.: Emily Adcock of Oxford (General Science AAS Degree);

Glen Raven, Inc.: Joseph Noblin of Oxford (Welding Technology-Basic);

State Employees Credit Union Foundation Scholarship: Kristie Lumpkin of Oxford (Associate in Arts); and

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Alicia Davis of Oxford (Associate in Arts).



Haun Family: Gricel Arroyo of Louisburg (Criminal Justice Technology); and

VGCC Faculty/Staff: Branden Lilley of Louisburg (Automotive Systems Technology).



Glen Raven, Inc.: Emily Willis of Norlina (Associate in Science); and

Dan and Susan Sullivan: Nancy Noble of Norlina (General Science AAS Degree).



State Employees Credit Union Foundation Scholarship: Kacie Gann of Durham (Radiography).

More photos: Check out VGCC’s Scholarship Awards Dinner album on Flickr!

Oxford Provides a ‘Snow Place Like Home’ Themed Holiday Experience

-Information courtesy the City of Oxford website

Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation (DOEDC), in partnership with the City of Oxford, Granville County Public Schools and Granville Health Systems, invites the community to come and celebrate the magic of a themed holiday and Christmas season with “Snow Place Like Home, Oxford, NC”.

Beautiful banners, created by the School of Graphic Art at the Masonic Home for Children, will be visible in many downtown businesses around town in support of our holiday theme.

Additionally, in support of this theme, DOEDC has partnered with Granville County Schools asking for students’ “snowflake” artwork. This fun student art will be displayed in several downtown businesses to create a “Student Art Walk.” This partnership with Granville County Schools generates and instills “community pride” with Granville County’s youngest holiday-loving citizens.

In support of these students and their individual art, we invite community members, parents and grandparents to stroll around downtown in search of your student’s art. Once you find their art, take fun pictures and share with others inviting them to come and see the joyful display around downtown. The banners and student art will be up through Wednesday, December 26.

Make plans now to gather in downtown, create a unique family memory and find your student’s snowflake in honor of “Snow Place Like Home, Oxford, NC.”

For more information on the “Snow Place Like Home” theme, along with additional events, please visit the “Snow Place Like Home” Downtown Oxford Facebook page by clicking here.