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9-11 Pentagon Survivors Share Their Experience in Honor of Patriot Day

In the midst of continuous Hurricane Florence coverage and updates, WIZS was honored to speak with two 9-11 survivors this Patriot Day.

Today marks the 17th anniversary of the day hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Arlington, VA and a field in Shanksville, PA. The 9-11 attacks killed 2,996 people, making it the deadliest foreign attack ever on U.S. soil.

Two survivors from the attack on the Pentagon, husband and wife David and Evelyn Woodson, were on Tuesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss their experience on that fateful day.

The Woodson’s were working in the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2001 – he with the U.S. Navy and she with the Marine Corp. “It was a regular Tuesday morning,” said David. “We got up like everyone else, got our coffee and went to work.”

David and Evelyn Woodson in the WIZS studio to share their experience as survivors of the 9-11 Pentagon attack.

Little did they know that hours later, 189 people would be killed in the Pentagon attack alone; 64 from American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the building.

According to David, Evelyn called him around 9:15 a.m. that morning to ask if he was near a television and had he seen what was going on in New York. At that time, David was in his office on the fifth floor and Evelyn was in the Pentagon’s clinic for a routine weekly physical.

David quickly found a group standing around a tv right before the second plane crashed into the World Trade Center. “When the second plane hit, everyone was glued to the screen. By that point, everyone knew we were under attack. It became quiet as we all watched in amazement, really.”

As David watched the horror unfold he remembers thinking that the Pentagon had always been a target in the past and that he and co-workers previously worried about bombings. “While I’m standing there contemplating that, I hear screams and yells coming through the corridor and a police officer said, ‘Everybody out, evacuate the building now!’”

“When I exited the building and turned around, I could tell the plane came in near my office and I worried about my staff and supervisors,” said David. “I was also waiting for Evelyn to come around the corner to know that she was safe.”

For her part, Evelyn said her thoughts evacuating the building were on her two children and how she could let them know she was alive in a time before the majority of people owned cell phones.

“You’re trained for this but never expect to have to use your training,” Evelyn said. “I suffer from PTSD because I came in the next day and you have all the bodies that they found lying in the middle of the courtyard covered with white tarp. It was very traumatic for me.”

In some ways, David believes returning to work immediately following the attack helped the couple regain a sense of normalcy. “It helped us to go back to work the next day and see the recovery efforts start immediately.”

When asked how they cope with such an experience, David responded “I think God has given me peace about this. It’s almost like someone breaks into your house and robs you of more than just your possessions. I’ve never had a feeling like that before.”

“It’s our faith in God that has gotten us through this.”

H-V Emergency Operations

Hurricane Florence Updates – Tues. Sept. 11

Updated Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 12:30 p.m.

WIZS will be bringing you updates on Hurricane Florence as new information is received. Please check the WIZS websiteFacebook page and listen live to WIZS 1450 AM and 100.1 FM for updates throughout the week. The latest briefing from the National Weather Service can be found any time by clicking here.

Information is provided courtesy Brian K. Short, director of Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations.

(Click here for WIZS audio of this Story.)

With Hurricane Florence now only a few days away from us, our preparation efforts are now in full swing. As you can see from the latest weather briefing from the National Weather Service, this is a powerful storm that is expected to bring tremendous rainfall and damaging winds to our area of NC.

Widespread power outages are likely due to falling trees and wind. There is tremendous potential for widespread flooding and flash flooding as well. At this time, we are anticipating the tropical storm force winds to reach us late Thursday evening, but that could certainly change as the system gets closer to us.

We will be having a responder briefing which will include City and County government personnel on the apparatus floor of Henderson Fire Department Station 1 located at 211 Dabney Drive in Henderson. The briefing will begin at 3 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday). Representatives from all responder agencies are strongly encouraged to attend.

Additionally, we are planning on recommending that a local Proclamation of a State of Emergency be put in place at the conclusion of tomorrows responder briefing. It will remain in place throughout the storm.

At this time we are planning to open a single, centrally located shelter at Eaton Jonson’s Middle School, located at 500 N. Beckford Drive in Henderson. We may adjust the opening time slightly as the storm gets closer to us but for now, we will open the shelter at 9 a.m. on Thursday. Below is a list of shelter items that every shelter occupant MUST bring with them to the shelter. We will do limited feeding at the shelter but will not be supplying personal items or any other items that occupants might have forgotten, so please refer to the list and read it carefully.

We are particularly concerned for residents who live in mobile/manufactured homes. We are expected to have tropical storm force winds in our area, which can cause significant damage, especially to smaller structures. We are therefore encouraging those residents who live in mobile homes to report to the shelter.

If you are a resident that does not have a way to the shelter, then please reach out to our office and we will do our best to arrange it with KARTS. They are willing to provide limited transportation services if anyone absolutely does not have another way to get there. We are encouraging residents who do not have transportation of their own to reach out to family members and neighbors first. This will ensure that they are available to those who absolutely do not have any other means of travel. If you have a need to transport a pet using KARTS, they will not transport it unless it is secured in an animal crate.

For those who have pets they wish to bring to the shelter, they must bring their pets to the Vance County Animal Shelter located on Brodie Road in Henderson. You will need to leave your pet there and then report to the general population shelter. You will be reunited with your pet after the storm. If you have a crate for your pet you must bring it with you to the shelter.

We will also be announcing our shelter openings utilizing our CODE RED community alert system, radio, print and social media, so please follow us on Facebook.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to take the time to prepare before the storm’s arrival. There is still time, so please use the attached as a guide. Remember, if this is a significant impact across the state (and it is believed that will be the case,) it could take days for any significant help to reach us. Therefore we strongly encourage everyone to be 72 hours self- sufficient.

Further updates will be forwarded along as they are received.

NC Coop Extension

Area Farmers Advised to Make Storm Preps for Hurricane Florence

-Information courtesy Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties, NC Cooperative Extension

The local office of NC Cooperative Extension is a great source of storm preparation information for local farmers. A few quick tips are compiled below, but be sure to call or visit one of the web links below for complete details.

  • Consider moving beehives temporarily if there is a risk they could topple over or be damaged by falling trees or limbs or by flooding. Take aid of King Green servicemen if you need help with felled trees. Make sure the hive lid is secured to the hive, possibly with ratchet straps or duct tape.

  • Produce growers should harvest as much as possible before the storm. Crops like tomatoes and melons may split after excessive rains, and leafy greens may suffer wind damage.

  • Make sure pesticides are stored securely, where they are safe from flooding and water damage.

  • Prepare your greenhouse for high winds. There is a strong probability that we will have tropical storm force winds in this area. At a minimum, keep it closed up and inflated, and you may want to remove the plastic completely.
  • If you have to use a backup generator to keep your farm in operation, be certain it is located in a well-ventilated area. Never use one in a basement or attached garage or other enclosed area.

  • Scout your farm carefully for equipment and materials that could become airborne during tropical storm force winds. Put them in a secure location.

  • Be careful not to overload extension cords that are running from a backup generator. An overloaded extension cord can start a fire.

  • If evacuation seems like a possibility, make sure you have a plan for your livestock.

As mentioned above, lots more details can be found at https://ncdisaster.ces.ncsu.edu or https://ncagr.gov/disaster, or by calling NC Cooperative Extension at 252-438-8188 (Vance) or 252-257-3640 (Warren).

VGCC Nursing Students Hosting Blood Drive on Sept. 18

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Members of Vance-Granville Community College’s Student Nurses’ Association are partnering with the American Red Cross to host a Blood Drive for the college campus and the community. The drive will be held in the Civic Center on Main Campus from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18.

“The VGCC SNA is leading this initiative because our students know this drive can have such a lifesaving impact on many people,” said Heather Wilson, a nursing instructor at VGCC. “We want to show our community and the patients in need of blood just how much we can do to save lives.”

The Red Cross has more than 130 years of experience providing humanitarian aid – including more than 70 years of supplying blood to those in need, Wilson noted. “Each pint of blood we collect can help save up to three lives and will touch the lives of so many more,” she said. “What a great way to pay it forward and make an impact on people in our community and across the country.”

Everyone wishing to help the drive can schedule an appointment at the web address https://www.redcrossblood.org/give/drive/driveSearch.jsp using the sponsor code VGCC. Anyone with questions about the blood drive can contact Wilson at wilsonh@vgcc.edu or Erica Jastrow, VGCC’s department chair of nursing, at jastrowe@vgcc.edu.

An American Red Cross representative works with a donor at a recent Blood Drive on one of Vance-Granville Community College’s four campuses. The VGCC Student Nurses’ Association is hosting a drive at the Main Campus of the college on Tuesday, Sept. 18, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Photo VGCC)

The Red Cross has also started a new campaign called RapidPass, a new tool that allows blood donors to help save lives in less time. Completed on the date of the drive, RapidPass allows donors to complete their pre-reading and donation questions online from the comfort and privacy of home or office, reducing the time spent at the blood drive by up to 15 minutes.

The steps for RapidPass are: (1) visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass, (2) read the information, (3) answer the questions, and (4) print the pass or email it to yourself. RapidPass cannot be completed prior to the date of the drive, Jastrow noted. Donors who do not bring the printed pass with them to their donation or cannot show it on a mobile device will be asked to complete the questions again.

“RapidPass does not take the place of scheduling an appointment,” Jastrow said. “An appointment must still be scheduled. Saving lives is important to everyone, and everyone’s time is valuable. We hope donors will make the most of it with RapidPass.”

In addition to the normal whole blood donation, the American Red Cross will also have two double red cell machines, noted as Power Red appointments. Double red cell donations from Type O donors and donors with Rh-negative blood types play an important role in maintaining blood supply levels, the Red Cross says. Donors need to meet slightly higher hemoglobin and body height/weight requirements in order to be able to give a double red cell donation. Double red cell donation takes approximately 30 minutes longer than a whole blood donation and allows the donor to give two units of red blood cells.

“You lose less volume when donating if you give via the double red cell machine because you are actually returned all your products except the red cells,” Wilson said. “This means you feel better after giving blood via a double red cell than a ‘regular donation’ and are not as prone to dehydration.”

Jastrow added, “We look forward to seeing students, staff and members of the community at the blood drive, and we encourage everyone to share this information with friends, family and others who also would be interested in helping us save lives.”

Duke Energy

Duke Energy in Need of 5,000 Hotel Rooms for Power Crews

-Information courtesy Tanya Evans, District Manager, Duke Energy

Duke Energy is looking for approximately 5,000 hotel rooms to house power restoration crews coming to the region to assist with storm restoration. There is a significant shortage of hotel rooms due to coastal evacuations. We anticipate many festivals and local events around the state will be canceled due to the weather.

My request is that you accelerate your decision to postpone or cancel these events to free up hotel rooms for power restoration crews. We are hoping that decisions will be made as soon as possible so we can begin deploying crews Thursday night near areas of expected significant damage. Thank you for your assistance.

-Tanya Evans

ReadyNC App to Include Shelter Information If/When Opened

-Information courtesy Kristen King, Clerk to the Board, Franklin County

ReadyNC.org has information about planning and preparing for emergencies plus specifics on the types of disasters and what to do during recovery. The app will also include shelter information if/when they are opened.

To locate the app, search ReadyNC or visit https://readync.org/EN/index.html.

National Weather Service

Hurricane Florence Updates

Updated Monday, Sept. 10 at 11 a.m.

WIZS will be bringing you updates on Hurricane Florence as new information is received. Please check the WIZS website, Facebook page and listen live to WIZS 1450 AM and 100.1 FM for updates throughout the week. Information is provided courtesy Brian K. Short, director of Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations.

Confidence continues to increase that Hurricane Florence will have a significant impact on NC.

Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations continues to monitor the storm very closely and we are actively making plans to implement emergency protective measures such as sheltering and the issuance of a local State of Emergency should it become necessary.

We are continuing to coordinate with local and State response partners and will be participating in a series of conference calls with State Emergency Management over the coming days.

Make no mistake, this is a storm that all of us should take VERY seriously. The time to prepare for this storm is at hand if you have not already begun. Below is a list of recommended family preparedness items that we strongly recommend everyone has on hand prior to the storm’s impact. Remember, it could take as long as 72 hours for help to reach you if our impact is significant and damage is widespread.

Remember to monitor the storm’s progress closely as it heads our way and do not take its approach lightly. We will continue to forward along additional updates as they are received.

Recommended Family Preparedness Items

The best time to assemble a three-day emergency supplies kit is well before you will ever need it. Most people already have these items around the house and it is a matter of assembling them now before an evacuation or State of Emergency order is issued. Stocking up now on emergency supplies can add to your family’s safety and comfort during and after a disaster. Store enough supplies for at least three days, preferably seven days, in one place.

Start with an easy to carry, watertight container – a large plastic trash can will do, or line a sturdy cardboard box with a couple of trash bags. Next, gather up the following items and place them in your kit:


  • Water – 1 gallon per person per day (a week’s supply of water is preferable)
  • Water purification kit or bleach
  • First aid kit and first aid book
  • Pre-cooked, non-perishable foods, such as canned meats, granola bars, instant soup & cereals, etc.
  • Baby supplies: formula, bottle, pacifier, soap, baby powder, clothing, blankets, baby wipes, disposable diapers, canned food and juices
  • Non-electric can opener
  • Anti-bacterial hand wipes or gel
  • Blanket or sleeping bag per person
  • Portable radio or portable TV and extra batteries
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Essential medications
  • Extra pair of eyeglasses
  • Extra house and car keys
  • Fire extinguisher – ABC-type
  • Food, water, leash and carrier for pets
  • Cash and change
  • Seasonal change of clothing, including sturdy shoes

Sanitation Supplies

  • Large plastic trash bags for waste, tarps and rain ponchos
  • Large trash cans
  • Bar soap, shampoo and liquid detergent
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Feminine hygiene supplies
  • Toilet paper
  • Household bleach
  • Rubber gloves
  • Don’t forget your pets when getting prepared!!!


Updated Monday, Sept. 10 at 10 a.m.

As most of you are aware, Tropical Storm Florence is making its way across the Atlantic with the overwhelming majority of the forecast models bringing it in our direction the middle of the week. Additionally, it is forecast to be a major Hurricane at the time of landfall. Normally at this stage of a tropical system’s approach, we are largely watching it and will begin making decisions and initiating our preparedness activities as it gets a little closer. However, with the models essentially lining up as they are it only makes sense to accelerate some of our efforts.

NC Emergency Management will begin conducting conference calls on Monday with all the counties in our area if our situation does not improve prior to that point.

Our office will also begin our planning efforts on Monday and will be coordinating with our local and state response partners as the week goes on. Even as far away as the storm currently is, given the relative certainty of the forecast tracks, we are advising everyone to begin some basic preparedness activities of their own.

Remember, even if Florence does not pay us a visit, the Atlantic basin is alive with activity at present with system after system lining up. The National Weather Service will be issuing storm updates through the day and every day until the storm is no longer a threat. We will forward those updates along as they are received. Remember the time to prepare is now.

Updated Friday, Sept. 7 at 5 p.m.

Florence, churning out in the Atlantic, has weakened to tropical storm status but is expected to gain strength again over the weekend.

According to Brian K. Short, director of Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations, local residents need to keep an eye on the forecast and be prepared for inclement weather.

“Some of the current models are showing Tropical Storm Florence could have an Eastern US impact towards the end of next week, but it is still too early to call,” said Short. “We will keep an eye on it moving forward and will continue to push out additional updates as they are received.”

The National Weather Service has released a list of five things that you need to know now:

1) It’s too early to predict exactly where Florence will move beyond early next week.

2) Concerns for at least some effects on the U.S. are growing, but it is far too early to give specifics.

3) It is never too early to PREPARE! What should be in your hurricane kit? https://www.ready.gov/build-a-kit

4) Know your risk! Find out if you live in a flood zone or if your home would be unsafe during a hurricane.

5) Be cautious of the information you see on social media. Avoid sources that create hype or promise forecasts beyond the limits of current science.

Pope Foundation Honors Retired President Sawyer With New VGCC Award

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

The Pope Foundation has created a new Academic Achievement Scholarship at Vance-Granville Community College in honor of retired Variety Wholesalers, Inc., President Wilson Sawyer of Raleigh.

The scholarship will award $500 per year to a deserving student enrolled at Vance-Granville. Priority will be given to students who are employees of Variety Wholesalers (home store, distribution center or retail stores) and members of the families of those employees. Preference will be given to students who are pursuing a degree in Business Administration.

“Our business roots in the area go back many years and we are proud to call Henderson and Vance County ‘home,’” said James Arthur “Art” Pope, chairman of Variety Wholesalers. “Wilson never lost sight of our customers and our promise to deliver great value and prices. We’re grateful for his friendship and dedication over these many years. We hope this scholarship inspires a new generation of leaders who share Wilson’s commitment to service.”

Wilson Sawyer, center, the retired president of Variety Wholesalers, Inc., in Henderson, has been honored by the Pope Foundation with the creation of an Academic Achievement Scholarship to benefit students of Vance-Granville Community College. With him, from left, are Eddie Ferguson, director of the VGCC Endowment Fund, and Kay Currin, endowment specialist. (VGCC Photo)

“There are two reasons I’m excited about this scholarship,” said the honoree, Sawyer. “Number 1, if it helps folks in the company that helped me for many years, that’s a plus. Number 2, I’m a big supporter of the community college program and I think it’s important to encourage folks to start their education here.”

Sawyer knows about the community college experience first-hand, he said. His daughter was a student at Central Carolina Community College in Sanford before transferring to a four-year institution when the family moved to Raleigh. “She excelled in college and I think it’s because of the basis that she got at the community college.” His daughter is now a school teacher, he said.

Following a lifelong career in retail, Sawyer retired as president of Variety Wholesalers in February.  He started his career in the Maxway store management program, rising to hold various roles. When Variety Wholesalers acquired Maxway in 1990, Sawyer stayed with the company as president of the Maxway division. After years of leading multiple store brand divisions, he was named president and chief operating officer of Variety Wholesalers Stores in 2003. When Bruce Efird joined Variety Wholesalers Stores as president in 2017, Saywer moved to holding company leadership. He remains on Variety’s board of directors and is assisting the company in an advisory capacity.

“We are excited that the Pope Foundation and Variety Wholesalers have chosen to honor Mr. Sawyer with this new scholarship,” said Eddie Ferguson, director of the VGCC Endowment Fund. “Both have been stalwart supporters of our students and the college through contributions to scholarships and activities such as our golf tournament which also benefit students.”

“I’ve been so impressed with the community support that has come to my attention since becoming Vance-Granville’s interim president,” added Dr. Gordon Burns, who assumed the new role in mid-August while VGCC searches for a permanent president. “This gift from the Pope Foundation will continue to honor Mr. Sawyer and help students each and every year, serving as a reminder of the importance of a community and its institutions getting involved in the education of our citizens. We are so grateful.”

Founded in 1986 and located in Raleigh, the Pope Foundation makes grants to advance individual freedom, personal responsibility and encourage opportunity for all North Carolinians. The Pope Foundation’s lifetime giving totals more than $145 million directed to over 400 nonprofits. The Pope Foundation receives its support from the Pope family, owner and operator of the Henderson-based Variety Wholesalers, Inc.

The new scholarship will add to the more than 9,000 scholarships that have been awarded to students since 1982, funded by interest earned on the Endowment Fund and Scholarship Program. Scholarships have been established by individuals, industries, businesses, civic groups, churches and the college’s faculty and staff to assist deserving students. Tax-deductible donations to the VGCC Endowment Fund have often been used to honor or remember a person, group, business, industry or organization with a lasting gift to education. In the Fall of 2017, Vance-Granville awarded scholarships to 306 students.

For more information, the Office of the Endowment can be reached by calling Endowment Specialist Kay Currin at (252) 738-3409.

Franklin County Schools

Franklin County Continues to Improve School Performance Grades

-Information courtesy Franklin County Schools

Franklin County Schools continue to make gains in performance grades with six schools making an “A” or a “B” during the 2017-2018 academic year. That is up from two “B” schools just three years ago.

Nine schools earned a “C” and 14 out of the 16 schools met or exceeded growth. Within three years’ time, the district went from seven low performing schools in 2014-2015 to one low performing school in 2017-2018.

School grades are based on an 80/20 formula. 80 percent of the mark comes from proficiency of end-of-year tests, 20 percent of the grade is based on student growth.

Franklin County Schools’ composite score is nine percentage points ahead of where the district was three years ago. The score is 57.5, or up 8.7 points from the 2014-2015 school year.

“We meet every student where they are and strive for growth. 87% of our schools met or exceeded a year’s worth of growth for a year’s worth of instruction. Our staff demonstrated a commitment to excellence, which contributed to the moving from seven low performing schools to just one, over three academic years. We are proud of our accomplishments and will continue to build upon these through fostering relationships and setting high standards for instruction in the classroom,” says Superintendent, Dr. Rhonda Schuhler.

Most schools maintained or increased their letter grade. There was also a significant improvement in school growth in comparison from last academic year—to the current one.

When it comes to individual school performance, the Early College High School earned an “A” for the second year and exceeded growth for the third straight year.

Bunn Middle School exceeded growth for the second straight year and Royal Elementary exceeded growth for the first time ever.

Franklinton Elementary School is no longer a low performing school, earning a “C”.

Youngsville Elementary is a “B” school for the first time since the 2014-2015 school year.

Laurel Mill Elementary is a “B” school… going from a 54 or “D “low performing school to a 71 or “B” in just three years. It is only one of four North Carolina schools to see that type of increase in a three-year period.

All high schools met or exceeded growth with Louisburg High School increasing by 2.5 composite points. The Early College High School went up 2.8 composite points.

Results also show our graduates are career and college ready.

Franklin County’s graduation rate came in at the highest ranking since the state started to keep track of the figure. 86% of high school seniors graduated in the last academic school year, up one percentage point from the previous year. It is also right in line with the state average of 86.3%

80% of the district’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) graduates received a certificate or credential and 25% of graduates earned at least one post-secondary credit.

Superintendent, Dr. Rhonda Schuhler credits a change in school culture for the marked success, especially at the elementary school level. School leaders are holding teachers accountable and teachers are holding parents and students accountable. It is a culture where learning is possible.

“Our staff is focused on the right thing which is student achievement. Our teachers are going to do what is right for our kids and because of that, we are going to get positive results. When principals build strong relationships with teachers, teacher vitality improves. Teachers are happier to come to work and they, in turn, give our students the best possible education.”

Sept. is National Preparedness Month: Does Your Small Business Have a Disaster Plan?

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce’s “Focus” newsletter – July/August 2018

September is National Preparedness Month. For small business owners, being prepared can mean the difference between staying in business or not following a disaster. The Small Business Administration can assist your business from the planning stages to recovery. Below are the steps they list for Emergency Preparedness. These are each covered at a more in-depth level on the SBA website at www.SBA.gov.

Disaster Planning

Small business owners invest a tremendous amount of time, money and resources to make their ventures successful, yet many owners fail to properly plan and prepare for disaster situations. According to the Institute for Business and Home Safety, an estimated 25 percent of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster. You can protect your business by identifying the risks associated with natural and man-made disasters, and by creating a plan for action should a disaster strike. By keeping those plans updated, you can help ensure the survival of your business. A great place to start is the SBA’s Small Business Disaster Preparedness Guide on the web.

Disaster Assistance

Disaster can strike at any time, and even the most prepared businesses can be adversely impacted. If your business has been impacted by a disaster, the SBA can help by providing disaster assistance.

Disaster Cleanup

Taking the proper cleanup precautions means you can get back to business sooner. Explore some important tips and advice to help you get back on your feet safely.

SBA’s Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plan

This plan lays out an overall plan for the Disaster Loan Program, both for smaller scale events when ODA resources easily meet demand and for larger scale ones requiring greater participation from all agency resources.

State Government Information

State governments relay pertinent information to businesses affected by disasters and offer a number of services to help businesses prepare and recover from disasters. Learn more about your state.