Tag Archive for: #franklincountynews

Green Rural Redevelopment (GRRO)

GRRO Announces Free COVID-19 Testing, Food Box Distribution This Week

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Green Rural Redevelopment, Inc.

Green Rural Redevelopment, Inc. (GRRO), along with partners Cardinal Innovations and Groundwater Solutions, is hosting a series of COVID-19 testing events this week.

Testing times and locations are as follows:


Wednesday, November 18 ~ 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Franklinton Middle School Parking Lot
224 Rams Way
Franklinton, NC 27525

Rocky Mount

Thursday, November 19 ~  9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Word Tabernacle Church (Impact Center Building)
821 Word Plaza
Rocky Mount, NC 27804


Friday, November 20 ~ 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Granville County Expo & Convention Center
4185 U.S Highway 15
Oxford, NC 27565


Tuesday, November 24 ~ 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Elks Lodge
326 W. Rockspring St
Henderson, NC 27536

Like GRRO’s testing events last month, these events will be conducted as low/no contact drive-up services. People who get the free COVID-19 test will also receive a free family box of food, PPE and information on resources to help them through the pandemic.

Nicholas Adam Hughes

Louisburg Man Arrested on Second Degree Kidnapping, Weapons Charges

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

On November 12, 2020, at approximately 9:15 p.m., the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division and Domestic Violence Unit responded to 888 Fuller Road in Louisburg in reference to a domestic with weapons call.

As a result of the incident, Nicholas Adam Hughes, a Franklin County resident, was arrested and charged with: one (1) count of Felony Discharge Firearm within Enclosure to Incite Fear, one (1) count of Felony Second Degree Kidnapping, one (1) count of Misdemeanor Assault with a Deadly Weapon, one (1) count of Misdemeanor Communicating Threats, one (1) count of Misdemeanor Injury to Real Property, and one (1) count of Misdemeanor Resisting a Public Officer.

Hughes is currently in the Franklin County Detention Center under an $80,000 secured bond.

Nicholas Adam Hughes – 39 years of age – 888 Fuller Road, Louisburg, NC 27549

Nicholas Adam Hughes (Photo courtesy FCSO)

Darryl Lamont Jones

Suspect Arrested in Bunn Car Wash Homicide

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

On November 10, 2020, at approximately 2 p.m., law enforcement personnel from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Unit, State Bureau of Investigation and the Raleigh Police Department arrested Darryl Lamont Jones on an outstanding warrant for First Degree Murder

Darryl Lamont Jones

Darryl Lamont Jones allegedly shot and killed Mariano Palacios Hortelano at the Bunn car wash on October 27, 2020. Jones is currently in the Franklin County Detention Center without bond. 

The joint efforts of the Franklin County Sheriffs Office, the Bunn Police Department, the Raleigh Police Department and the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) led to Joness identification and subsequent arrest

Darryl Lamont Jones, 20 years of age, 25 Monarch Court Youngsville, North Carolina.

This matter remains under investigation, and no further information will be released at this time.

If anyone should have any additional information pertaining to this investigation, please call Detective Wayne Daniels with the Franklin County Sheriffs Office at (919) 340-4343.

Franklin County Logo

COVID-19 Outbreak Reported at the Franklin County Detention Center

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

The Franklin County Health Department (FCHD) reports that as of Friday afternoon two (2) staffmembers and thirty (30) inmates have tested positive for COVID19 at the Franklin County Detention Center in Louisburg, NC

Staff from the Franklin County Health Department and the Franklin County Sheriffs Office are working together to address this outbreak for the safety of inmates and staff

Working in consultation with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), the FCHD and the Sheriffs Office quickly implemented testing of inmates and Detention Center staff, contact tracing, quarantine/isolation measures and enhanced cleaning protocols

The FCHD will continue regular testing of inmates and staff, contact tracing and the use of quarantine and isolation protocols in response to this outbreak

Sheriff Kent Winstead stated that the safety of our staff and inmates are our top priority and we will continue to work with the Health Department and follow CDC guidelines and all safety protocols as we move forward.” 

Local Health Director, Scott Lavigne, stated that the early testing of inmates and staff, contact tracing, the use of quarantine/isolation measures and the wearing of face coverings and other personal protective equipment (PPE), will greatly assist us in resolving this outbreak.” 

The Franklin County COVID19 Emergency Operations Center will issue additional statements as more information becomes available.

Franklin County Logo

Franklin Co. Announces New Convenience Site Hours

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

With the ending of Daylight Savings Time on November 1, 2020, Franklin County Convenience Sites will close at 6 p.m. beginning Monday, November 2, 2020.

All sites are open during these hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, with the exception of the Timberlake Road site, which is open on Thursday as well.

The updated schedule of 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. will be observed until Monday, March 15, 2021, when Daylight Savings Time resumes. For reference, the schedule can be located online at https://www.franklincountync.us/services/solid-waste.

For additional information, please contact Lee Bodenhamer, Solid Waste Director, at (919) 496-5002.

Franklin County Logo

Kim Denton Appointed Franklin County Manager

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

The Franklin County Board of Commissioners appointed Kim Denton as County Manager at their October 19 meeting. Denton has served as Assistant County Manager since December 2017 and will take the lead as County Manager November 1, 2020, upon the retirement of long-time County Manager Angela L. Harris.

“I appreciate the confidence the Board of Commissioners has placed in me,” Denton said. “My knowledge of the County’s important objectives will help ensure continuity.”

As Assistant County Manager, Denton has led the County’s Broadband Action Team, as well as directly supervised several departments and worked with Department Heads on accomplishing a number of Departmental projects. She has worked with the County Manager as a member of the Budget Team and helped interpret and shape policy. Denton directed the Facilities Review and Space Assessment Study to assess the condition and future objectives for County facilities.

“I look forward to working with the Board of Commissioners and County staff to address the opportunities and challenges ahead,” said Denton.

Prior to service with Franklin County Government, Denton served over six years in the Franklin County Clerk of Court’s Office as Assistant Clerk working in the Estates and Civil Departments. Her previous experience includes over ten years in the telecommunications industry working with the company now known as CenturyLink, holding positions in Accounting, Marketing and Regulatory departments. She is also an avid supporter of a number of volunteer organizations in Franklin County.

Denton graduated from Peace College in Raleigh, North Carolina and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from East Carolina University. She is a native of Franklin County where she currently resides with her husband, Thomas. She has two sons, Mark and Edward.

For additional information, please contact Angela L. Harris, Franklin County Manager, at (919) 496-5994.

Franklin County Logo

C. Boyd Sturges, III Appointed Lead Franklin County Attorney

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

The Franklin County Board of Commissioners unanimously appointed C. Boyd Sturges, III as lead County Attorney from the firm of Davis, Sturges & Tomlinson Attorneys at Law of Louisburg on October 19, 2020.

Mr. Sturges’ experience with the County includes work on special projects, most notably Maria Parham’s expansion into Franklin County after the unexpected closing of Novant Health in 2015. As a result of negotiations, Maria Parham Franklin opened in October 2018 to serve Franklin County residents.

In addition to his private law practice, he is currently serving his fourth term on the Louisburg Town Council. Mr. Sturges has been lead counsel for the Franklin County Board of Education since 2005 and also serves on the Board of Trustees of Louisburg College and the Tar River Land Conservancy.

Mr. Sturges received a B.A. from Wake Forest University in 1991 and graduated from Wake Forest University School of Law in 1995 with a Juris Doctor Degree. He is a native of Franklin County where he currently resides with his wife, Cindy Sturges, North Carolina Superior Court Judge. He has one daughter, Olivia.

For additional information, please contact Angela L. Harris, Franklin County Manager, at (919) 496-5994.

Franklin County Logo

Franklin Co. Plans Drive-Through Veteran’s Day Celebration

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

Franklin County will soon honor the men and women who served and sacrificed for our country at the county’s annual Veteran’s Day celebration. Due to social distancing measures related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the celebratory event will look a bit different this year. A drive-through meal is scheduled from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, at Crosscreek Charter School, 100 East River Road in Louisburg.

This year Veterans will enjoy prizes and a packed lunch for two as they drive through, courtesy of the Justice Volunteer Fire Department and many other sponsors. Please note social distancing will be practiced and masks and gloves will be used in serving our Veterans. No one will need to leave their vehicle to receive their meal and prizes.

The events of 2020 have presented us with challenges, however, Franklin County still intends to celebrate the men and women who served along with their spouses who stood with them.

For additional information, please contact Brenda L. Wilkins, Veterans Services Officer, at (919) 496-1939.

Louisburg Christmas Parade

Louisburg Christmas Parade Set for Dec. 6


-Information courtesy the Town of Louisburg

The Town of Louisburg will host the 2020 Christmas Parade in downtown Louisburg on Sunday, December 6 beginning at 3 p.m.

Parade entry begins at the intersection of North Main Street and Smoketree Way. The parade will move south on Main Street, continue past Louisburg College, and turn onto Wade Avenue/Johnson Street for disbandment.

Applications (click here) to participate in the parade are now being accepted. Interested participants should submit their application by mail or drop off at the Town of Louisburg at 110 West Nash Street, Louisburg, NC 27549.

Entries postmarked by November 20 will be considered for inclusion based on the number of entries needed for each category. Accepted entrants will be notified prior to the parade.

For additional information on the parade, including cost, float requirements and drop off/unloading instructions, please click here.

Franklin County Logo

Franklin County Library Update

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

Franklin County Libraries are currently and indefinitely closed inside to the public in order to ensure materials are properly quarantined before release.

Staff is making every effort to ensure materials are disinfected, quarantined and handled appropriately before and during any transaction. Doing so requires storing items in quarantine for 72 hours which puts a premium on available space that circumvents browsing by the public.

Hands-on acquisitions from the shelves by appropriately masked and gloved library personnel are safe, however, so we offer curbside delivery of materials to meet your needs. Patrons may select and put items on hold via the online catalog or by calling Franklin County libraries to request specific material or ask that personnel curate selections.

Items are also available through the NC Cardinal consortium, and many additions to online resources for all ages have been made. Online resources require the barcode number from the patron’s card and the patron’s PIN. If you are unsure about your information, call your library for assistance.

Franklin County Public School students have access to online resources using their Department of Public Instruction issued student identification numbers and a PIN. Content appropriate collections are available at e-inc and NC Kids as well as NC Live.org. Libraries are working with the Charter schools to assist students with access.

One of the services provided by libraries is making copies for patrons. Patrons may email documents or bring a USB and have copies made from its contents. Staff will also scan and email documents for patrons or send a fax.

Other useful services available include mail-in voter registration forms. Wi-Fi is available on the premises from 6 a.m. through midnight and item return via Book Drop is available near the entrance to each building. Standard check-out of material is handled at the curbside.

Exact change and personal checks are accepted tender for transactions requiring payments. Appointments are required for curbside item pick up and strongly encouraged for copy, print and fax services.

Visit http://franklin.nccardinal.org/eg/opac/home to reserve items online and for direct web access to the Library Catalog.

Email materials for print services to:

Louisburg: franklinlibraryprints@gmail.com

Youngsville: youngsvillebook@yahoo.com

Bunn: bunnbook@yahoo.com

Franklinton: franklib@yahoo.com

Curbside services:

Louisburg: Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 3 – 5:45 p.m. Call (919) 496-2111 for an appointment.

Youngsville: Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 3 – 5:45 p.m. Call (919) 556-1612 for an appointment.

Bunn: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 12 – 5:45 p.m. Call (919) 496-6764 for an appointment.

Franklinton: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 12 – 5:45 p.m. Call (919) 494-2736 for an appointment.

For additional information, please contact Director Holt Kornegay at (919) 496-2111.