Tag Archive for: #cysticfibrosisfoundation

The Local Skinny! Gavin’s Groupies 5K Run To Benefit CFF

If you’re looking for a new spot to get your Saturday run in this weekend, Tanya Darrow invites you to come out to Henderson Point for a 5K Fun Run fundraiser. In addition to getting some exercise yourself, you’ll be helping a group called Gavin’s Groupies – Loping For Lungs at the same time.

Gavin is Darrow’s 13-year-old son, himself a cross country runner, who also lives with a chronic condition called cystic fibrosis.

This is the first time Darrow has organized a major event like a 5K Fun Run, and she said she’s excited to host it at such a pretty location. “It’s a really nice course, it’s paved – right along the lake,” she said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Runners can sign up online at passion.cff.org, and she said she plans to be able to have same-day registration as well – cash and Venmo for sure, and payment by card, depending on internet reception. The run begins at 9 a.m., but participants should plan to arrive between 8 a.m. and 8:30, she said.

Darrow said she has a memory of doing a fun run with Gavin when he was younger than 5 years old. “He ran a lot of it, but I ended up carrying him on my shoulders the last mile or so.”

“Running is very important for maintaining lung function,” she added. With CF, a genetic mutation causes a malfunction of sodium and chloride levels, causing mucus to be thick and sticky instead of a smooth, lubricating fluid.

The fun run is a way for Darrow to help raise money for research to find treatments and one day, a cure for CF.

The CF Foundation supports research into the disease, and helps families with a wide range of programs and services, from scholarships and housing programs to helping to defray the costs of expensive medications.

Sign up for the run at


Learn more about other programs and fundraisers at passion.cff.org and follow Darrow’s efforts with Gavin’s Groupies on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/933724317677068/?ref=newsfeed



Mako Medical & Medical Arts Raise Over $1K for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

With the recent hot, summer temperatures, Medical Arts Pharmacy and Mako Medical Laboratories picked the perfect time to partner together and hold an ice cream fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis.

Held at Medical Arts Pharmacy, 235 Ruin Creek Road, Henderson, on Friday, June 15, the group raised $1,100 in funds, with all proceeds benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Ice cream was provided by FRESH. Local Ice Cream, a mom and pop ice cream shop based out of Raleigh, NC.

“Medical Arts Pharmacy was excited to team up with Mako Medical Laboratories for an ice cream fundraiser to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Brandon McEachern and Brett Ross of Mako Medical Laboratories scooped ice cream, while guests enjoyed taking pictures with Mikey Mako,” said Cara White Kirby, vice president of marketing for Medical Arts Pharmacy.

“The City of Henderson was very supportive – from the Health Department to Rose Oil, we had a ton of people come out last Friday,” said McEachern.

“Business leaders from Charles Boyd Chevrolet, Rose Oil, Phillips, Dorsey, Thomas, Waters, & Brafford CPA Firm, Mayor Eddie Ellington, Henderson Councilwoman Sara Coffey and many others stopped by to support this great cause,” Kirby said.

Mako and Medical Arts’ mutual connection with Cystic Fibrosis made this focus an obvious choice according to Kirby, “Mako has a personal connection with Cystic Fibrosis and our pharmacy takes care of several patients from the community. Medical Arts is committed to providing the best pharmaceutical care for the people of Vance and surrounding counties, and we were delighted to be able to give back to our community in this way!”

“We are working hard to make a lasting impact in Henderson; this was one step in the right direction,” McEachern said.

Photos courtesy Cara White Kirby