Tag Archive for: #cityofhenderson

Upcoming City of Henderson Meetings

The Henderson City Council’s Land Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday, November 2, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue.  The purpose of this meeting is to discuss property issues.

The Henderson City Council’s Housing Advisory Committee will meet in Council Chambers, 134 Rose Avenue, on Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.  The purpose of this meeting is to continue review/discussion regarding housing issues.  It is possible a quorum of City Council members may attend; however, no action by Council will be taken during this meeting.

City of Henderson’s Holiday Sanitation Schedule

Public Notice

Sanitation Reminders

The City of Henderson Public Services Department Sanitation Division will follow the schedule below for holidays during the month of November & December



Friday, Veterans Day, November 11, 2016

Garbage collection by Waste Industries will run its normal schedule

Brush by the City will run its normal schedule

No recycling this week


Sanitation-Brush and Recycling by the City

November-24th Thanksgiving Day-collection will be Wednesday November 23rd

November-25th Friday route will run its normal schedule

No recycling this week

December-26th Monday’s normal route will be collected Tuesday December 27th


Garbage Collection-Waste Industries

November-24th Thanksgiving Day-collection will be Friday November 25th

November-25th Friday’s normal route will be collected on Saturday November 26th

Since Christmas is on a Sunday, garbage collection will run its normal schedule


Loose leaf collection started the week of October 24th, 2016 on a limited basis and is increasing as needed as the accumulation of leaves become heavier.  Loose leaves should be placed in rows or piles at the roadside.  Leaves shall not be placed in the gutter or street area or in an open ditch.  Loose leaves must be leaves only and not contain any broken glass, rocks, large sticks or other debris that could cause severe damage to the leaf collection equipment.

Please visit https://ci.henderson.nc.us and search Municode for a copy of the Sanitation Code.

Any questions should be directed to Jeanetta Lyons or Andy Perkinson at 252-431-6115.


Hendersonians Report Discolored Water

Update 5:40 P.M. Tuesday:

The City Clerk, Esther McCrackin, has issued a press release on behalf of the City of Henderson.  It states:

“Customers who receive water via the Kerr Lake Regional Water System may be currently experiencing discolored water from their taps.  The City believes this is a result of the Kerr Lake Regional Water plant experiencing manganese from the surface water which was removed but was captured in the remaining sludge and is now showing up in the distribution system.

“With the interaction of chlorine, it is making its way through the distribution system, including Henderson customers and also customers of the City of Oxford and Warren County.  Based on action taken at the plant as well as additional flushing within the system to take place, the problem with discolored water should be resolved by the end of the week.  Should you continue to observe discolored water after this time, please call the Kerr Lake Regional Water Plant at 252-438-2141.

“It is important to note that the water is safe to drink.”


Update 2:15 P.M. Tuesday:

According to Esther McCrackin with the City of Henderson:

“Minor changes in the weather and water chemistry have created a discolored water issue.  The water is safe to drink and the City anticipates the issue will be resolved by the end of the week.”