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Heavy Rains, Melting Snow Cause Multiple Untreated Wastewater Discharges

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson

The City of Henderson experienced heavy rains and melting snow on December 14, 2018, causing flooding throughout the area that resulted in discharges of untreated wastewater.

The first discharge of an estimated 51,000 gallons at the Sandy Creek Pump Station, located at 482 Rock Mill Road was discharged into Sandy Creek.  The second discharge of an estimated 21,600 gallons at Redbud Pump Station, located at 51 Vance Academy Road was discharged into Redbud Stream.

There was also a bypass of approximately 28,050 gallons of untreated water on the same day due to infiltration/inflow at the intersection of Pinkston Street and Farrar Avenue and Neatherly Street.

Both are part of the Tar Pamlico River Basin. The Division of Water Resources was notified of the event on December 16, 2018, and is reviewing the matter.

For more information contact the Henderson Water Reclamation Facility at 252-431-6080, Public Services ORC Joey Long, Jr. at 252-226-4492, or Public Works Director Andy Perkinson at 252-431-6117.

Waste Industries Announces Holiday Pick Up Schedule

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson

Waste Industries will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 22, 2018. To make up for the missed day, regularly-scheduled Thursday pick up will be done on Friday, November 23; regularly-scheduled Friday pick up will be done on Saturday, November 24.

Waste Industries will also be closed Tuesday, December 25, 2018, in observance of Christmas and Tuesday, January 1, 2019, in observance of New Year’s Day. For the time period of December 25-28, 2018, and January 1-4, 2019, regularly-scheduled pick up will be delayed by one day.

For additional information on the holiday schedule for the Vance Granville branch,  please visit the Waste Industries website by clicking here.

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City Manager Frazier Talks Redevelopment Master Plan, Veterans’ Memorial

City Manager Frank Frazier was on Wednesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to provide listeners with updates regarding the City of Henderson.

Major topics of discussion included the City’s Redevelopment Master Plan, the progress of the Breckenridge outdoor pavilion in downtown Henderson and the creation of a Veterans’ Memorial in the city.

Henderson’s Redevelopment Master Plan

The City of Henderson is currently working with a firm to develop a master plan for redeveloping areas that have been in decline for several years. “We are looking at areas to redevelop in such a way as to help aid growth and help our tax base,” said Frazier. “Unfortunately, a lot of funding sources have declined through the years.”

According to Frazier, the plan would start with an area that the City feels redevelopment efforts would benefit the most. “We will begin with an area that we feel will be successful and will grow. We don’t want to bite off too much more than we can chew.”

Redevelopment efforts are expected to include the reconfiguration of existing streets, the addition of sidewalk or greenways, studying existing infrastructure and remodeling or building new homes.

“We are also looking at areas for small industrial or commercial use to appeal to businesses,” said Frazier.

The entryways into the city, including Andrews Ave., I-85 and parts of US-1, are also being reviewed. “In conjunction with the master plan, we’re looking at our corridors in order to improve the view when coming into the city,” said Frazier.

City of Henderson and Vance County leaders are all keen on heavily factoring the downtown area into the redevelopment plan. “Downtown has to be marketed as a destination where people can come and enjoy the city,” Frazier said. “We are a friendly town and we want you to have confidence that you can run a successful business here.”

Part of that marketing campaign is already underway as City officials are busy developing drafts of new signage to appeal to drivers on I-85 as well as around town. Many drafts are completed and the City is now working on receiving estimates for printing, according to Frazier.

Frazier believes the completion of the years-long I-85 construction work will bring more visitors to the area as well. “A lot of the I-85 work is winding down, thank goodness. From what I understand, it’s even a little ahead of schedule.”

While the redevelopment plan is still a work in progress with timeframes being determined, Frazier expects to have some preliminary mock-ups to share with both the City Council and the public in the next 2-3 weeks.

“We think it’s important that whatever we do, the public fully understands what we are trying to accomplish.”

Breckenridge Outdoor Pavilion/Veterans’ Memorial

The architectural firm hired by the City has completed their blueprint for the outdoor Breckenridge pavilion. The pavilion, to be located near the Henderson Police Department in downtown Henderson, will serve as the last piece of the overall Breckenridge Commons project and as the corner piece of the block.

“Right now, the City has obtained pricing from several contractors and we are waiting on a few additional bids,” explained Frazier. “My goal is to have something back to the City Council at our November meeting.”

City officials are also currently working with veterans on creating a Veterans’ Memorial to be located on the back of the Henderson Police Department.

Speaking of the area comprising the police department, Perry Memorial Library, McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center and the future site of the outdoor pavilion, Frazier said, “We feel that the memorial would tie all of these things together; a new park for our veterans.”

In order for the memorial to become a reality, Frazier said fundraising would be necessary. He believes the very nature of the memorial would make any fundraiser for the project a success.

To listen to the interview in its entirety, click here.

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City of Henderson Land Planning Committee Meeting Cancelled

— courtesy of the City of Henderson, NC

Due to unexpected circumstances, the Land Planning Committee meeting scheduled for October 4, 2018 has been cancelled until further notice.

Community Gets First Look at City’s New Fire Engine

Local leaders and residents gathered at Henderson’s Fire Station #2 on Friday for the community’s first peek at the new fire engine.

Fire department staff were on-hand to demonstrate the nearly half-a-million-dollar engine. The new model replaces one of the City’s older year models from 1990 and includes newer, faster technology and safety features.

Attendees also had the opportunity to tour the newly renovated fire department and adjoining municipal building that previously served as the police department.

Local community leaders admire the City’s new fire engine in front of Fire Station #2 on N. Garnett St. in downtown Henderson. (Photo Credit: Kaine Riggan, Downtown Development Director)

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City of Henderson/M.R. Williams Collecting Items for Hurricane Relief Efforts

-Information courtesy Frank Frazier, City Manager, City of Henderson

In response to the tragic and horrendous effects that Hurricane Florence left on our east coast, the City of Henderson has joined in partnership with M.R. Williams to do our part with the relief efforts. The City asks that our community assist us in this effort as we attempt to fill a tractor and trailer with supplies to send to our neighbors down east and along the coast.

This event will begin on Wednesday, September 19 and will continue until we have successfully filled the trailer. The items we are looking to collect include nonperishable foods, water (bottles, jugs, etc.), toiletries, cleaning supplies and clothing. We ask that all items be new or unused.

Henderson Fire Station #1, located at 211 Dabney Dr., will be the central drop-off location and items will be collected there from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. starting on Wednesday, September 19, 2018. For more information, contact the City of Henderson Fire Department at (252) 438-7315.

Henderson Fire Station Open House, ‘Look, Listen & Learn’ Day Among Fall Activities

Lee Edmonds, captain with the Henderson Fire Department, was on Tuesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss October’s Fire Prevention Week and other upcoming fire department events.

The next event on the fire department’s busy fall list will be a dedication and commission for the City’s new fire truck, along with an open house, this Friday, September 21 at 10 a.m. at Fire Station #2. The station is located at 205 N. Garnett Street in downtown Henderson, but an easier direction, according to Edmonds, is just come to “the one with the clock tower.”

Participants will have the opportunity to tour the newly renovated fire department and adjoining municipal building that previously served as the police department. Fire department staff will also be on-hand to demonstrate the bells and whistles of the new fire engine.

While the public will have to wait until Saturday to see the new truck, Edmonds said the crew has already had a sneak preview. “The new fire truck arrived at 10 a.m. this morning,” said Edmonds. “We are all really excited.”

The new model replaces one of the City’s older year models from 1990. Edmonds believes the fire department was fortunate to get 28 years out of the previous truck, “A lot of bigger departments only get 10 years or less out of a truck.”

The nearly half-million dollar fire engine is larger than the previous model and includes newer, faster technology and safety features. “It’s unreal what you can do with a fire truck now,” Edmonds said.

Fire department staff will participate in an all-day, in-house training session next week on the truck’s features. “We will train and get everyone familiar with it before we put it on the front line,” said Edmonds.

The department is also gearing up for 2018’s Fire Prevention Week observed Sunday, October 7 through Saturday, October 13. In honor of this week and its mission to educate others on fire safety, firefighters will be visiting elementary schools in the city to give a presentation to students.

To conclude Fire Prevention Week, there will be a “Look, Listen and Learn” Fire Prevention Day on Saturday, October 13 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in front of the Henderson Police Department on Breckenridge Street.

Hot dogs and drinks will be provided and vendors will be on site to provide safety information. The City’s fire trucks will be on display and the fire department’s smoke trailer will be available for demonstrations. The event is free to the public.

For more information on the event, or if you are interested in participating, please call Captain Edmonds at (252) 430-1877.

City of Henderson Logo

City’s Remodeled Fire Station, New Engine to be on Display at Open House

From the City of Henderson Fire Department’s Facebook page:

All of us at the City of Henderson Fire Department would like to extend this invitation to all of our followers and supporters. Over the past year, we have been very fortunate, as we have been able to have our historic (est. 1908) downtown Station completely remodeled as well as the design and purchase of a brand new fire engine. This Friday, we will present the apparatus to the city officials and the public as well as hold an open house for all of those who would like to take a look at our freshly renovated fire station. We would like to extend thanks to all of those who made this possible and we look forward to seeing you there!!

Date: Friday, September 21, 2018

Time: 10 a.m.

Place: Fire Station #2, 205 North Garnett St., Henderson

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City of Henderson Declares a State of Emergency

-Information courtesy Brian K. Short, Director of Emergency Operations, Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations


The following Proclamation is issued by the Mayor of the City of Henderson and the Chairman of the Vance County Board of Commissioners:

WHEREAS, information from the National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other sources indicate that a significant tropical weather system is approaching North Carolina and is likely to produce considerable wind and rain; and

WHEREAS, this wind and rain may cause local and widespread flooding and flash flooding, and may also cause downed trees and power outages; and

WHEREAS, there is a high probability that this storm will create travel and other hazards for the citizens of Vance County and the City of Henderson within the next several hours; and

WHEREAS, the weather conditions associated with this tropical system are such as to constitute a potential and imminent threat to life and property;

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority contained in Article 1 of N.C.G.S. Chapter 166A, Article 36A of N.C.G.S. Chapter 14, and Section 5 of the Local Emergency Management Ordinance, I, Eddie Ellington, Mayor of the City of Henderson, and I, Thomas S. Hester, Chairman of the Vance County Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim that a State of Emergency exists within the City of Henderson and County of Vance.

I further proclaim that the ordinances set forth below, which are contained in Section 5 of the Local Emergency Management Ordinance of Vance County are necessary in order to maintain an acceptable level of public order, services, and protection of lives, safety and property during this emergency, and that the same shall be in effect within the City of Henderson and County of Vance until this Proclamation expires or is rescinded. I hereby order all City and County law enforcement officers, public safety personnel and all other emergency management personnel subject to my control to cooperate in the enforcement and implementation of the emergency ordinances set forth below.


General Emergency Protective Measures are in place. No public restrictions are imposed at this time

I further proclaim that the Emergency Operations Plan adopted by the City of Henderson and County of Vance, and all applicable mutual assistance compacts and agreements are in effect and shall remain in effect until this proclamation expires or is rescinded. All emergency personnel are hereby ordered to cooperate in the implementation of the provisions of the Emergency Operations Plan and all applicable mutual assistance compacts and agreements and to furnish assistance thereunder.

I direct that copies of this Proclamation be disseminated to the mass communications media for publication and broadcast and that a copy of this Proclamation be posted in City Hall as well as the Vance County Courthouse and other public buildings as appropriate.

This Proclamation shall be effective immediately and shall remain in effect for a period of five days unless sooner rescinded pursuant to G.S. 14-288.16.

Proclaimed this the 12th day of September 2018 at 4 p.m.

Eddie Ellington, Mayor, City of Henderson

Thomas Hester, Jr., Chairman, Vance County Board of Commissioners

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City of Henderson Provides Tips to Reduce Flooding Potential

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson

Due to the impending hurricane, City crews are doing all they can to reduce flooding and other hazardous situations throughout the City.

During this time, our Public Safety, Public Works and other crews will be receiving a large call volume so please limit your calls to true emergencies. Work will be prioritized according to the greatest need.

YOU can help:

  1. Remove litter that will clog the drainage system
  2. Make sure the storm drains are kept free of debris
  3. Do not leave your garbage and/or recycling containers out at the road or anyplace where they can be blown around. Notification will be made relative to your sanitation pick up.
  4. Make sure any unsecured items that can become airborne or end up in the storm sewer system are either properly secured or brought inside. Do not bring unsafe items inside (e.g. propane tanks). Items that end up in the storm sewer such as basketballs, soccer balls, flower arrangements, etc. can cause blockage and potential flooding.
  5. Please be patient as City crews may be delayed in reaching you due to downed power lines, trees or other issues.


  1. Stay away from windows. Flying glass from broken windows could injure you and emergency services may not be able to reach you.
  2. Turn your refrigerator or freezer to the coldest setting and open only when necessary.