Tag Archive for: #baskervillefuneralhome

TownTalk: Community Information Series To Feature Mayor Elliott

Henderson Mayor Melissa Elliott can be found at the city building on Rose Avenue for monthly Council meetings, but you’re also likely to spot her most anywhere across town in any number of places promoting the city and supporting its residents.

Elliott was at the Senior Center Thursday morning to help senior adults create “vision boards.”

And on Tuesday, Feb. 11, she’ll be the speaker at the Community Information Series at Baskerville Funeral Home.

The title of the program, which runs from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., is “Understanding City Government.”

“There are a lot of things that people don’t understand about city government,” Elliott said on Thursday’s TownTalk. She wants everyone to understand that no one person makes all the decisions or all the rules.

“We work as a team,” she said of herself, Council members and city staff, “and that’s how we pass law…(and) govern the city.

She said the elected officials need to be available to their constituents. “We want to hear what people have to say,” she added.

The business of government is about people, Elliott emphasized. The whole business of governing IS people, she said, and it’s important for the city to invest in its people.

“We are in the business of helping people and moving a community forward,” she said, even when resources are scarce.

The vision board activity is part of the mayor’s health and wellness initiative, and it’s one way to invest in people.

Today, it’s senior adults, and a month ago, she spent time with a bunch of teens as they created their own vision boards. It’s a way to focus on positive mental health practices, she noted. Participants create a collage of how they want to “see” themselves – healthy and happy and secure.

Spending time with folks as they create these boards is also a way Elliott gets to interact with constituents

“You put on your board what you want to look like and what you want your city to look like,” she said.

She said she welcomes people’s comments because their voice matters – whether it’s a complaint or praise.

Reach out to Elliott at 252.425.5220 or call the city clerk at 252.430.5705 to learn more.



The Local Skinny! Baskerville Community Info Series

The second Tuesday of the month community information series meeting is coming up at Baskerville Funeral Home.

Charlie Baskerville, Jr. told WIZS the upcoming presentation titled “Wills and Powers of Attorney” will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the chapel of Baskerville Funeral Home, 104 S. Chestnut St., Henderson.

The presentation is free of charge and open to the public. Baskerville said, “We look forward to your participation in this important discussion.”

According to information about the event provided to WIZS, Legal Aid of North Carolina will present information about last will and testaments, living wills, financial power of attorney and healthcare power of attorney.




Community Info Series: Fair Housing Oct. 8

Fair housing is the topic of the upcoming Community Info Series hosted by Baskerville Funeral Home.

Join Legal Aid of North Carolina’s Fair Housing Project for the free workshop, scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 8 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Presenters include attorneys Kelly Clarke and A.D. Skaff, both of whom work with Legal Aid’s Fair Housing Project. They will share information on a variety of topics, including who is protected by the federal Fair Housing Act, who must comply and how to lodge a complaint and how to get help with housing issues.

The workshop will be held in the chapel of Baskerville Funeral Home, located at 104 S. Chestnut St., Henderson.

To learn more, call 252.430.6824.

Dangers of Fentanyl Topic Of Upcoming Community Info Series At Baskerville Funeral Home

The dangers of fentanyl is the focus of the upcoming Community Information series on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at Baskerville Funeral Home chapel.

Cathy Hazlett, substance use prevention & treatment program manager with Granville Vance Public Health, will discuss how fentanyl is used with other street drugs that makes it so dangerous, as well as how to prevent a fatal overdose.

The meeting will be from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the funeral home, located at 104 S. Chestnut St.

Call 252. 430.6824 to learn more.


Community Information Series: “Post-Pandemic School Safety: It Takes ALL Of Us”

The community is invited to attend a presentation titled “Post Pandemic School Safety; It takes ALL of Us” on Tuesday, Aug. 13 at Baskerville Funeral Chapel.

This is another in a series of community information sessions hosted by Charlie Baskerville, Jr. The upcoming presentation features Dr. Michael T. Williams, a facilitator with the N.C. Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Williams is also the author of  I Count Too: Affirming Students Who Look, Love, Learn, and Live Differently.

The presentation will be held from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the funeral home chapel, located at 104 S. Chestnut St., Henderson.

The event is free of charge and open to the public.

Community Info Series: Insurance Coverage For Everyone

Life insurance coverage is the topic of next installment in a community information series presented by Charlie Baskerville.

The session will be held on Tuesday, July 9 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Baskerville Funeral Home chapel, located at 104 S. Chestnut St. in Henderson.

Phyllis Elam, a licensed agent, will present information on different types of life insurance, why it’s important to have it and the types of coverage available.

Phone 252.430.6824 or 919.702.3653 to learn more about the information session.

Email elamchristine61@gmail.com to learn more about the services provided.

TownTalk: Community Info Series To Focus On Dementia

It’s something that many of us worry about as we get older and can’t remember things like we once did, but Michael Patterson, a family caregiver specialist for Kerr-Tar COG Agency on Aging breaks down what falls in the “normal forgetfulness” category and what does not.

Patterson was a guest on Wednesday’s TownTalk and previewed some of the information that he will share at the monthly community form series sponsored by the Hon. Charlie Baskerville.

The program “Dementia Friends,” which will begin at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Apr. 9, is designed to promote awareness about what dementia is and how it affects caregivers and their families who care for those in the grips of dementia.

“When it comes to individuals caring for those with dementia, (I) stress this is a journey,” Patterson said, “a chronic condition.” It’s not like caring for someone with flu – follow doctor’s orders and you’ll be good as new in a week or so.

Some people can live for decades with dementia, and others’ lives are cut short. Whatever the scenario, caregivers carry a heavy load and experience a different relationship with their loved one.

“I work with caregivers to understand that this is a journey,” Patterson said. Self-care is important, he emphasized. What caregivers need to understand is that they are not alone.

A couple of his favorite resources include the Dementia Alliance of NC and Duke Dementia Family Support. Both provide education and support group opportunities; the Duke group offers respite vouchers, as does the KTCOG Agency on Aging.

“Dementia is a brain disease,” Patterson said, but its onset can be triggered by numerous factors, including genetics or other health conditions like hypertension or high cholesterol.

So when your doctor or health care team encourages you to eat right, take your meds and live a healthy lifestyle, a secondary effect could be lowering your risk for any of the types of dementia.

“Dementia is the umbrella and then under it are the other subcategories,” Patterson explained, adding that many people equate dementia with Alzheimer’s.

Granted, Alzheimer’s accounts for between 60 percent and 80 percent of most dementia cases, but it’s not the only type of dementia that researchers have identified.

Now that Baby Boomers are reaching the age of 65-70, this generation of adults that accounts for a larger percentage of the overall population may skew the prevalence for dementia diagnoses.

But, Patterson said, “just because you are getting older, doesn’t mean you’re going to get dementia.”

Memory loss is a normal part of aging, as our mental and physical abilities change over time.

It’s when that memory loss has an adverse impact on your daily living that dementia may be coming into play.

Can’t find your car keys? Normal aging. Can’t remember what the car key is used for? Not normal aging.

If you get in your car to go home but forget how to “get” home, that also could be more than normal aging.

Learn more at the April 9 program, which will be held at Baskerville Funeral Home, 104 S. Chestnut St., Henderson.

Contact Patterson at 252.436.2040, extension 6072.



Dec. 12 Program To Discuss Supporting Children Of Incarcerated Parents

As part of its continuing Community Information Series, Baskerville Funeral Home is the location for a program to support children whose parents are in prison or are set to be released from incarceration.

Our Children’s Place of Coastal Horizons Program Director Melissa Radcliff will lead the discussion titled “Invisible Sentence: Recognizing, Supporting and Advocating For Children of Incarcerated and Returning Parent” on Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 6 p.m.

The funeral home is located at 104 S. Chestnut St., Henderson.

The program is free and open to the public.

The Local Skinny! Baskerville Funeral Home Hosts Mental Health Community Info Series

The community is invited to attend an informational session on Sept. 12 to learn more about programs offered by Greater Outreach Services.

Charlie Baskerville has held numerous community info events to share resources with people in the area, and the one scheduled for next week will provide information about mental health and other programs and counseling services.

The meeting will take place at Baskerville Funeral Home, 104 S. Chestnut St., and Baskerville said it’s a way for him to give back to his community. It begins at 6 p.m. and will last about an hour, with time for questions afterward, as well as light refreshments.

His experience as a pastor and a military veteran contributed to his idea about providing and serving.

“Those things enlightened me about service,” Baskerville said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny!

He’s a retired pastor now, but he considers the community info series a type of ministry.

It’s a way to “inform the community of the resources available…to make the community a better place.”

Call 252.430.6824 to learn more.



Power Of Attorney, Wills And Trusts Topic Of July 11 Meeting

The public is invited to come out and learn more about a couple of legal processes at an upcoming Community Info Series.

Join attorney Nathan Baskerville on July 11 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. as he explains details about the process of being a power of attorney and wills and trusts.

The informational meeting will be held in the Baskerville Funeral Home Chapel, located at 104. S. Chestnut St. in Henderson.

For more information call 252-430-6824 or 919-624-5752 or email cbaskervillefuneralhome@gmail.com.