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-Press Release, NCDA&CS
John and Linda Sigmon of Granville County have been recognized with the North Carolina Forest Service’s “Outstanding Woodland Steward Award” for the Piedmont region for 2019. The award was announced in August through the N.C. Forest Stewardship program.
The N.C. Forest Stewardship program is a cooperative effort, with participants receiving recognition for achievements in promoting total forest resource management. Landowners receive technical assistance in developing a stewardship management plan that is based on the property owner’s objectives, with activities being scheduled to enhance the forest for wildlife, soil and water quality, timber production, recreational opportunities and natural beauty.
Pictured with the Sigmons (center) are County Ranger Rob Montague and Les Hunter, Forest Stewardship Coordinator. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)
As supporters of the program since 1994, the Sigmons are considered to be “model stewards” of land management in North Carolina. While Mr. Sigmon credits the couple’s success in land management to the greater conservation and forestry community, the committee who selected the Sigmons for this award attributes the accomplishment to the Sigmons themselves, who have served as the workhorses, inspiration and dedication behind the property.
The Sigmon property has been in the family for multiple generations. Today, the land supports cropland, pasture, native pollinator habitat, wildlife food plots, multiple ponds and forestland. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sigmon are said to demonstrate great respect for the land they own, striving to balance their management in a sustainable manner.
More information on the N.C. Forest Service and the Forest Stewardship Program is available at www.ncforestservice.gov, or those interested may contact the Granville County office of the North Carolina Forest Service at 919-693-3154.