Rotary Clubs and Community Volunteers Work to Reduce Hunger

On November 19th the Rotary Clubs of Oxford, Henderson, Roxboro and the Kerr Tar Region are joining together to produce Emergency Food Boxes (EFB) for the food insecure in our area.  The Rotary clubs will be joined by an estimated 100 volunteers from schools, sororities and other community organizations to produce the boxes.

During the November packing event, 1,200 EFBs will be produced, providing more than 25,000 meals for agencies serving the food insecure, including:  ACTS and Vance County Senior Center in Vance County, and Safe Haven, Christian Help Center and a church-based food bank in Person County.

Another packing event will be held on January 21, 2017, producing an additional 1,200 boxes supporting agencies in Granville County.  Each EFB contains individual bags of rice, beans and dehydrated vegetables, enough food to make 21 meals and feed a person for a week.  More importantly, the box includes illustrated cooking instructions in English and Spanish and menus to feed a family of four for just $75 a week.

Food insecurity is a significant problem in our area, where an estimated 20% (21,000) of the population does not always know where they will find their next meal.  Together, the November and January packing events will provide more than 50,000 meals at a total cost of $12,000.

The Emergency Food Box project was funded by the Rotary Clubs of Oxford, Henderson and Roxboro and Rotary District 7710.  The Masonic Home for Children in Oxford generously provides storage and production facilities and volunteers to make this project possible.

For more information, contact OxfordNCRotaryClub@Yahoo.com

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