Rain Barrels and Tall Fescue

Rain Barrel Seminar at Warren County
Thu, August 27, noon

Learn all you need to know about how to build, install and utilize a rain barrel! Rain barrels are a great way to supplement the water supply for your garden and landscape. To be presented by Paul McKenzie, Vance-Warren Agricultural Extension Agent. Please register by calling 252-213-6095 or e-mail paul_mckenzie@ncsu.edu.


Tall Fescue Season Just Around the Corner!

Do you plan to over seed or re-seed your tall fescue lawn this year? Early to mid September is the preferred time to do so. When shopping for seed, look for a blend of at least three cultivars of turf-type tall fescue. Read the seed tag to get valuable information about quality (germination percent, weed seed, other crop seed, etc.). If you have compacted soil, you may want to aerate as well. A core type aerator that pulls plugs is best. Early September is also a good time to fertilize with a slow release type.


Do You Have Backyard Poultry? Please register
NC is at risk for an outbreak of Avian Influenza

In order to prepare for a possible outbreak of Avian Influenza (which affects POULTRY not people!) the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is asking all poultry owners to register their flocks. This includes “backyard” poultry flocks. Doing so will allow for a more rapid, comprehensive and effective response should this devastating poultry disease strike our state. For more information, including a link to an on-line registration form, visit https://www.ncagr.gov/avianflu/

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