Perry Memorial Library – Summer Reading Program Big Success

Perry Memorial Library

Participants of the first Story Time at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market will be nice and dry Wednesday morning (or were nice and dry depending on when you are reading this) and safe from the rains from Tropical Storm Debby.

It’s National Farmers Market Week, and Perry Memorial Library is joining in the celebration by hosting Story Time, beginning at 10 a.m.

Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters said the market provides a great location to take story time on the road. “It’s a gorgeous facility – bright and airy…and covered,” she said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny!

The story time program is geared for children 0-5, and Peters hopes the forecast of rain won’t dampen participation.

Participation in the library’s summer reading program was spectacular, Peters said.

More than 2,000 children and adults attended 50-plus programs over two months, she said.

They read and read, and read some more, logging 144,000 minutes in their reading logs.

“We were rockin’ and rollin’,” she said. No need to grab the calculator – that is 2,400 HOURS of reading over the summer. Wow!

She said it was great to hear from folks who were returning to the library after a long hiatus. Others were bringing grandchildren, and still others were young people who may not have been gung-ho about reading.

Youngsters who expressed such a sentiment to Peters didn’t get a lecture about how important reading is. Rather, she asked them what they’re interested in and then helped them find books on the topic. The general attitude went from ‘aww, man, do I have to read?’ to ‘ can we have some more books?’ and Peters couldn’t be happier.

“When kids get excited (about reading), I’m ready to give more,” she said. “Now, they’re coming to the library…that’s a ‘win-win’ for me.”

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more about the programs and services available at your local library.

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