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TownTalk: More Information on Revaluation and Tax Rate Increase
Vance County commissioners are divided on the issue of how often to conduct a property reappraisal and revaluation – state law requires the revaluation occur at least every 8 years, but many counties have opted to have them more often. According to Commissioner Sean Alston, only about 20 percent of the state’s 100 counties –...
The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Library
Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Director Melody Peters took a few minutes Tuesday from tending to last-minute summer reading program details to talk about upcoming events that will be taking place soon at the library. There’s a lot going on at the library, but Peters said she’s especially excited about the summer reading program kickoff...
WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 06-18-24 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 06-18-24 Noon ...
Granville Adopts $87 M Budget
The Granville County Board of Commissioners approved an $87 million budget earlier this month that calls for a 63-cent tax rate per $100 valuation. The lone dissenter in the budget adoption vote was Commissioner Russ May. The tax rate dropped 21 cents from 84 cents after the county’s most recent revaluation. The Fire Protection Service District...
Sossamon To Participate In Area Juneteenth Activities
— information courtesy of the office of Rep. Frank Sossamon There are a couple of Juneteenth celebrations taking place in the area this week to mark the day – June 19, 1865 – when Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, TX with news that the Civil War had ended, which also brought enslaved people their freedom...
TownTalk: County Budget Deliberations
In a budget work session last week, the Vance County Board of Commissioners worked to reach consensus to raise the tax rate by 10 cents – to 71 cents per $100 property valuation – a move that will provide cost-of-living increases for staff and have funds for capital projects and a possible salary study. The...
Fire Departments Could See Additional Funding
The county’s volunteer fire departments stand to gain an additional $30,000 annually as commissioners and County Manager C. Renee Perry hammer out details of the FY 2024-25 budget. Commissioners held a budget work session last week, with sights set on June 24 as a possible date to adopt the $57 million budget. Each department, as...
WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 06-17-24 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 06-17-24 Noon...
STEM Early High School Gets Solar+ Schools Grant
-information courtesy of Vance County Schools Chief Communication Officer Aarika Sandlin STEM Early High School in Vance County is one of nine schools across the state to receive a grant from NC GreenPower to install a rooftop solar array as part of a solar education package. With backing from the State Employees Credit Union, the...
Warren County Public Hearing July 1 On CDBG Funding
The Warren County Board of Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing for July 1, beginning at 6 p.m., at the Armory Civic Center in Warrenton to get input from the community about the county’s application for Community Development Block Grant funding. Warren County plans to submit a Neighborhood Revitalization application in the fall of 2024...