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Granville School Board Names Gwen Roulhac Principal At Early College
The Granville County Board of Education named Dr. Gwen Roulhac as the principal of Granville Early College High School. Roulhac has more than 20 years of experience in education and has previously served schools in Orange and Durham counties as a principal, assistant principal, testing coordinator, school counselor and teacher, according to information from...
VGCC Health Sciences Programs Has Dual Pinning Ceremony for 14 Graduates
-information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel The Vance-Granville Community College School of Health Sciences’ Medical Assisting and Practical Nursing programs honored 14 students at their very first joint pinning ceremony on July 24. Family, friends, faculty and VGCC leaders attended the ceremony, which took place at the Civic Center on the Main...
TownTalk: Catfish Drop for New Year’s by Vance County Tourism
New York City’s Times Square has that iconic glittery orb. Raleigh has a giant acorn. Shoot, Mt. Olive has a giant pickle covered in lights. But this New Year’s Eve, families can head out to Satterwhite Point to witness a first: a giant blue catfish drop to usher in 2025. It’s all part of a...
TownTalk: Janie Martin Is Vance County’s August Employee Of The Month
The Vance County Board of Commissioners honored Vance County Sheriff’s Office Senior Administrative Assistant Janie Martin at its Aug. 5 board meeting as the county’s employee of the month. In her presentation, colleague Debbie Scott said Martin is a champion at teamwork – someone who “never hesitates to get involved and be of assistance.” Her...
WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 08-14-24 Noon
Local News Airs on WIZS M-F at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 5 p.m. Click Play! WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 08-14-24 Noon...
TownTalk: The Salvation Army’s Maj. Beth Mallard
The Henderson Salvation Army’s new leader, Maj. Beth Mallard, is taking stock of the current programs offered to local residents and to those who live in all five of the counties served by the Ross Mill Road facility. Mallard likes what she sees, and yet she sees more in her vision. It’s all about stewardship...
The Local Skinny! H-V Chamber Challenge Golf Tournament Oct. 8
The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce golf tournament is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 8, promising an afternoon of fun and fellowship as teams make their way through the links at Henderson Country Club. Chamber President Sandra Wilkerson said she’s looking for at least 24 four-member teams to take part, so business and industry leaders, that’s...
WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 08-13-24 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 08-13-24 Noon ...
Pet Owners: B&B Food Products Could Pose Contamination Risk, Recent Investigation Reveals
-information courtesy of the N.C. Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler is cautioning pet owners not to feed B&B brand pet foods, made by B&B of New Jersey, after an investigation conducted by the department’s Food and Drug Protection Division determined these raw meat-based products were manufactured and distributed without the...
The Local Skinny! Geranium Lane Bridge Wash Out
When it rains, it pours. And in the case of last week’s local soaking thanks to Tropical Storm Debby, sometimes part of your road washes away. That’s just what happened on Geranium Lane in Kittrell, but quick thinking and some creative problem-solving helped the eight or 10 households regain access to their road, which is...