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Horseowners: Annual Coggins Test Key To Reduce Threat Of Disease
-information courtesy of N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences A total of 17 horses in nine counties across the state have had to be euthanized in the past few months to help prevent spread of equine infectious anemia. Wake County is the closest county to Vance and Granville where an infected horse has been...
Mills Appointed To State Economic Development Advisory Council
Granville County Economic Development Director Harry Mills has been appointed to the North Carolina Economic Development Advisory Council, a statewide group that provides advisory direction and support to the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina. Mills was selected to represent the “North Central Prosperity Zone” along with Michael Haley, executive director of the Wake County Economic Development...
Warren Youth Baseball, Softball Registration Open Through Feb. 28
Registration for Warren County Parks and Recreation youth baseball and softball leagues is open the month of February. The cost is $10 per person and is for young people between the ages of 4 and 17. High school students interested in registering may register up to 18 years. Registration can be completed online at or by...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio of Steve Cordell Obituary
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 02-01-23 Noon ...
TownTalk: Helping Care Givers Of Those With Dementia
Professional caregivers and family members who care for loved ones with dementia can attend a workshop later this month at Vance-Granville Community College to learn about ways they can manage their roles. Michael Patterson is a family caregiver specialist with the Kerr-Tar COG, the agency sponsoring the event on Tuesday, Feb. 21. The daylong workshop...
Warren Parks and Rec Offers Holiday Kids Crafts Program At Library
Warren County Parks and Recreation is offering a Holiday Kids Crafts program for ages 5-12. This program will be held at the Warren County Memorial Library on Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. beginning Feb. 7 through Feb. 21. This program will provide instruction and all supplies to make 2-3 crafts per week. Register...
Granville County SHIIP
Granville County Senior Services provides assistance to local seniors during the annual federal Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Open Enrollment period. In 2022, Granville’s certified Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) staff helped 645 seniors explore their options and enroll in the plan that would best meet their needs. This enrollment assistance program helped Granville County seniors save a...
Public Invited To Community Info Session Feb. 14 At Baskerville Funeral Home Chapel
The chapel of Baskerville Funeral Home, LLC is the site of an upcoming community information session, during which a variety of topics of interest to local residents will be discussed. The info session will begin at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 14. The public is invited to attend, and topics for discussion include gang activity...
Warren Parks And Rec Offers Lifeguard Training Program
Warren County Parks and Recreation is offering a training program on Tuesdays beginning in February to prepare applicants for the lifeguard certification course. This free program will provide transportation for instruction and practice. Upon completion of the training, which runs from Feb. 7 through Mar. 28,those who can pass the prerequisites will have the option...
Need New Scrubs? Visit MPH Work Choice Uniform Sale Feb. 2, Feb. 3
Maria Parham Health’s volunteer services department is sponsoring a uniform sale later this week, and available for purchase is a wide range of name brand gear, from scrubs and lab jackets to medical arm sleeves and ID badge holders. The Work Choice Uniforms event will be Thursday, Feb. 2 and Friday, Feb. 3 in the...