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Arson second-leading cause of N.C. wildfires in past 10 years
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MONDAY, MAY 2, 2016 Contact: Brian R. Haines, public information officer N.C. Forest Service 919-857-4828 Arson second-leading cause of N.C. wildfires in past 10 years May 1-7 is Arson Awareness Week RALEIGH – Arson is the second-leading cause of wildfires in North Carolina over the past 10 years, the N.C...
#VANCECoProud – New Access Control System
New Access Control System Begins May 16 at Six Schools Vance County Schools will pilot its new Access Control System at six schools beginning on Monday, May 16, 2016. The Access Control System, custom made by top locksmiths Arlington, involves having all school entrances locked during the school day and requires all visitors to identify...
Faith Spa Essentials Joins HV Chamber
A ribbon cutting was held on Friday, April 22nd for Faith Spa Essentials to celebrate the company’s membership with the Chamber and to showcase the business and all that it has to offer. They were joined by friends, family and local dignitaries to celebrate their opening. All guests were treated to a tasteful treat and...
#VANCECoProud Give Five – Read Five
Vance County Schools is now conducting its annual “Give Five – Read Five” book donation campaign. The campaign, which will end on Friday, May 27, involves encouraging local residents to donate new or gently used books for students in our 10 elementary schools. Residents who want to donate books may simply take their donations to...
VGCC Golf Tournament Postponed
Vance-Granville Community College’s 32nd Annual Endowment Fund Golf Tournament, presented by Union Bank, which was scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2016, has been postponed due to the forecast of inclement weather. The tournament, held at the Henderson Country Club, has been rescheduled for Monday, May 23, with a rain date of Monday, June 6. Morning...