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Vance County Relay for Life 2016
Friday 3:00 p.m. until noon Saturday — The Vance County Relay for Life 2016 is NOW!! You are encouraged to support this worthwhile community cause with your attendance at Southern Vance High School’s Raider Football Stadium. 42 teams and more than 425 participants will be in attendance walking the track, socializing, eating, participating in raffles and...
Vance County Adopts FY 16-17 Budget
This afternoon — Thursday — at 5:00, the Vance County Board of Commissioners met for a budget session and adopted the 2016-2017 fiscal year budget. The budget will go into effect on July 1, and it passed by a vote of 5-0, with Archie Taylor abstaining and Leo Kelly absent. Commissioner Deborah Brown, who made the...
Budget To Remove Dilapidated Houses
The message “Citizens Aligned To Take Back Henderson, NC” is sending to The Henderson City Council and The Vance County Board of Commissioners is budget to remove jointly owned dilapidated houses. Concisely stated, that is exactly what the group’s three figureheads, in the persons of Tommy Haithcock, Hope Howard and Heidi Owen, have stated to our...