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Henderson PD Press Release: Robbery at Dabney Drive Cruizers Store
On August 14, 2016 at approximately 4:10 PM officers with the Henderson Police Department responded to the Magistrates Office in reference an armed robbery. Upon arrival, officers found that a Ms. Talaya Rogers had been robbed in the parking lot of Cruizers, 800 Dabney Dr., while attempting to purchase a cellular phone from a subject...
Norfolk Wire and Electronics chooses Vance County for Expansion
The Henderson-Vance County Economic Development Commission is pleased to announce that Norfolk Wire and Electronics has selected Vance County to open their expansion operation. The company is a full-service stocking /distributor of Datacom and Security products. The company’s headquarters is in Richmond, VA and they will now have a total of twelve locations with this...
Hermine Update (Friday Morning)
Hermine Update (Friday Morning) from the National Weather Service and Vance County Emergency Management Director Brian Short Late Morning Update: The director of Vance County Emergency Management, Brian Short, provided an additional email to the one listed below to local emergency preparedness teams, and he said, “Attached is some additional information from North Carolina Emergency...
Optimist Bowl Preview (THURSDAY GAME)
The annual Optimist Bowl is tonight with Southern Vance High School visiting Northern Vance High School for a 7 p.m. kickoff. Live analysis and play by play coverage begins on WIZS 1450 AM at 6:45. You can also listen by going to or with the free Tunein Radio App on your smartphone or tablet...
Positive News in Vance County Schools Press Release
VANCE COUNTY SCHOOLS MAKE SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS ON STATE TESTS, SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADES AND REPORTS THE HIGHEST GRADUATION RATE IN THE DISTRICT’S HISTORY The state of North Carolina formally released accountability data from the 2015-2016 academic year today. The Vance County School System is pleased to report improvements on state assessments, the elimination of all schools...