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Vance County Schools Schedule Changes and Snow Makeup
Vance County Schools Schedule Changes and Snow Makeup Changes have been made in the school year calendar for Vance County Schools in order to make up the three student days missed due to recent snowfall. Friday, January 20, and Monday, January 23, are now full school days for students. The first semester of the school year...
Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration begins for Vance County Schools
Parents should begin now applying for their child to attend pre-kindergarten and registering their child for kindergarten classes for the 2017-2018 school year. Parents should contact the elementary school in the area where they live to get registration information. We urge parents also to watch out for more information soon on special events and activities...
Red Cross critically needs donors after winter weather adds to severe blood shortage
RALEIGH, N.C. (Jan. 18, 2017) – Following several rounds of severe winter weather in many parts of the country, the American Red Cross urges eligible blood and platelet donors to help restock its shelves to overcome a shortage. Since Dec. 1, about 300 blood drives across 27 states have been forced to cancel due to...
Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington Calls for Special Meeting
Mayor Ellington has requested a Special Called Meeting of the Henderson City Council for Monday, January 23, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to consider all items on the January 9, 2017 Regular Meeting agenda that was cancelled due to the inclement weather, plus consideration of the disposition of a jointly...
Granville Crime Stoppers Looking for Help with Incidents in Oxford
TO: News Media FROM: Granville County Crime Stoppers DATE: January 17th, 2017 SUBJECT: Breaking and Entering/Burglary/Larceny/Vandalism On Friday, December 30th, 2016 between the hours of 1:30pm and 3:40pm an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property located off Breezing Lane, Oxford, NC and forced entry of a residence, which caused criminal property damage...