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Luncheon to raise funds to support VGCC Culinary Arts students
The Culinary Arts program at Vance-Granville Community College is holding a luncheon to raise funds to help send students to competitions through the SkillsUSA organization. The Valentine’s-themed luncheon will be held on Thursday, Feb. 16, from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at the Masonic Home for Children on College Street in Oxford, where the Culinary...
HV Chamber to host Business After Hours
Whether you’re a long-time Chamber member or have just joined our ranks, come out for our upcoming Business After Hours on Thursday, February 16th at 5:15 p.m. This event will be sponsored by Henderson Wellness Center. Join Dr. Brandon Taylor and his staff as they celebrate 15 years in business. Spend some time catching up...
Three Graduate Mid-Year from AdVance Academy
Vance County Schools: For Immediate Release Congratulations to the mid-year graduates from the AdVance Academy at Western Vance High School. Chris Alston, Krystyna Stallings and Jose Hernandez, shown from left in the accompanying photo, have successfully completed their high school education. They were honored at the academy’s mid-year commencement ceremony on January 26. Alston and...
Ken Lavigne to appear at McGregor Hall Tomorrow Night
Joined by a four-piece ensemble, Ken Lavigne takes his audience on a riveting and enchanting journey, retelling his personal campaign to sing at Carnegie Hall with the New York Pops. His performances are told with spectacular songs as well as entertaining and hilarious stories that showcase how Lavigne embodies the spirit of the underdog—audacity, tenacity...
Rusty Pace honored for leadership at VGCC
Rusty Pace, program head for Welding Technology at Vance-Granville Community College, was recently honored with the President’s Leadership Award from Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the president of the college. Pace’s honor is one of three Glen Raven Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Awards presented to VGCC employees during each academic year. The others, the Faculty Member...
Corbitt Preservation Association to hold quarterly meeting this Sunday
This is a reminder of the 1st quarter meeting of The Corbitt Preservation Association. It will be this Sunday Feb 5th at 2:00 pm at the Bennett H. Perry Museum (180 Church Street, Henderson) the home of the Corbitt Preservation Association. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you there. We are...
Vance County Schools Significantly Improves Dropout Rate
The N.C. Department of Public Instruction has announced the 2015-2016 graduation rates and the 2015-2016 dropout rates for public school districts across the state. Vance County Schools saw significant improvement over previous years in both areas. With a four-year cohort graduation rate of 81.9 percent for the class of 2016, this is a record high...