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Vance County Coop Director Morris White to Head Durham Extension
Vance County, I have bittersweet news. The good news is that on April 3, 2017, I will begin a great new venture as the County Extension Director for Durham County! My email address will remain the same and I will continue to serve as the point of contact for the two major programs taking place in Vance...
Trustees Approve Budget Requests For County Funding
The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees approved a proposed total budget request of $3,071,984 for the 2017-2018 fiscal year for Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties at its bimonthly meeting on the college’s Main Campus on Monday, March 20. VGCC’s budget requests, which include $2,493,174 in current expenses and $578,810 in capital outlay, now...
Local Chambers of Commerce to Host Administrative Professionals Luncheon
The Granville County Chamber of Commerce, together with Franklin, Warren and Vance Chambers, and the Small Business Center of Vance-Granville Community College, are sponsoring the annual Administrative Professionals Luncheon. This year’s event is being held Wednesday, April 26 at noon, at Henderson Country Club. Business owners and administrators are encouraged to treat their administrative...
Henderson Lions Announce April Meetings
April 13 Thursday The Henderson Lions will meet at the Henderson Country Club at 6:30 p.m. The speaker will be Marion Perry. April 27 Thursday The Henderson Lions will meet at the Henderson Country Club at 6:30 p.m. The speaker will be Lion Wayne Faber – VIP Fishing Tournament District Chair. ...
VGCC well-represented at regional community college awareness event
WILSON, N.C. — Vance-Granville Community College shared the spotlight with eight other community colleges from the region on March 22, when Wilson Community College hosted a press conference for the “North Central Prosperity Zone,” a 15-county area of the state that includes the four counties served by VGCC: Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren. This first-of-its-kind...
Granville Chamber Requests Nominations for Small Business of the Year Award
The four area Chambers of Commerce – Granville, Franklin, Vance and Warren, along with Vance-Granville Community College’s Small Business Center, are sponsoring the annual Small Business Award Luncheon May 3rd at Henderson Country Club. The criteria is as follows: Employs a maximum of 50 people Member of the Chamber and located in the county Viable...
DA’s Office Brings in special prosecutor to prosecute DWIs
Oxford, NC – The District Attorney’s Office, in cooperation with the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys, is pleased to announce that Special Prosecutor Jonathan Evans will travel to the Ninth Prosecutorial District to prosecute DWIs. Jonathan Evans was born in Gainesville, Florida, and grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina. He graduated from John T...
News 03/24/17
Vance County Animal Control to Offer Free Rabies Clinic
On Saturday, April 22nd, Vance County Animal Control will have a free rabies clinic at Great Zion Holiness Church in Henderson. Vance County Animal Control requests that you have your dogs on a leash and your cats in carriers. This is an opportunity to get your pet’s rabies vaccine updated. You do not have to...