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Granville Names New Economic Development Director
-information courtesy of Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood A seasoned professional in the area of economic development has been selected to be Granville County’s new economic development director. Joseph Stallings is scheduled to begin his new job on Mar. 18, bringing with him 13 years’ experience in economic development in Garner, Benson and...
TownTalk: 2nd Community Resource Festival A Success
If the sights and sounds emanating from the Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center are any indication, the second annual Community Resource Festival has delivered in its goal of connecting people with local organizations and agencies. WIZS’s Steve Lewis spoke with a number of individuals as the festival got underway earlier Wednesday. The festival ran from...
Maria Parham Offers Program To Raise Awareness of Colorectal Cancer
Maria Parham Health will host a Lunch and Learn program on Thursday, Mar. 21 to talk about colorectal cancer early detection and prevention. Seats are still available for this event; register online at or by calling 252.436.1605. The program will be from 12 noon to 1 p.m. and will be held in the classroom...
SportsTalk: Former KVA Baseball Standout R.J. Johnson Returns To NC
Rutgers University in New Jersey may seem like a long ways away from North Carolina but former Kerr Vance Academy and current Rutgers standout baseball player R. J. Johnson gets back to the area more than one might think. “We are here almost every weekend,” Johnson said on SportsTalk. Johnson and Rutgers were in the...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 03-13-24 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 03-13-24 Noon ...
Vance County Vipers Getting It Done, From Admin To Students
Editor’s note: This Viper Highlights is the first in a series of updates from Vance County Schools’ Chief Communication Officer Aarika Sandlin to help inform, update and educate the community about what’s going on at Vance County High School. Read, enjoy and learn about the school’s administrative team and what its students are...
TownTalk: City Council Addresses Attendance Policy
At its March meeting Monday evening, the Henderson City Council voted 6-2 to adopt a policy concerning attendance at council meetings. At issue, among other things, was what constitutes an excused absence versus an unexcused absence and just how – and who – would decide which was which. The proposed wording didn’t include “work”...
The Local Skinny! Council Tables Formation Of Separate Main Street Advisory Board
The Henderson City Council discussed forming a separate advisory board to support Main Street Director Tracy Madigan in her efforts as a city employee to ensure that the city doesn’t jeopardize its designation in the national program, but decided to table a decision until council learns more about the job description and purpose of the...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 03-12-24 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 03-12-24 Noon ...
TownTalk: Property Tax Revaluation
Property owners in Vance County have been waiting – and waiting – for those tax revaluation notices to hit their mailboxes, but so far, it’s just bills, junk mail and candidates’ postcards. At their board meeting on Mar. 4, commissioners were told that the notices would be sent out “in the next few weeks.” In...