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-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools
Granville County Public Schools, Superintendent Dr. Alisa McLean, and the Department of Exceptional Children proudly acknowledge Mrs. Stacie Mendenhall as our 2019-2020 Educator of Excellence for the Exceptional Children’s Program.
Stacie Mendenhall named Granville County Public Schools’ 2019-2020 Educator of Excellence for the Exceptional Children’s Program. (GCPS photo)
Mrs. Mendenhall received her Master’s in Speech Pathology from Appalachian State University and has a career that spans 23 years. Twenty-one of those years are with the school system.
She currently works as a Speech Language Pathologist at Tar River and Wilton Elementary Schools. She serves as the Lead Speech Language Pathologist for the entire school district.
In addition to providing high-quality services to students and maintaining impeccable data and documentation, she leads PLCs for speech and other related service personnel in the district. She provides guidance and training to anyone who needs it and does so with a smile.
She is an active participant in facilitating Medicaid training for newer therapists, and most recently was selected to be a trainer on the new ECATS system. She attends statewide meetings for speech pathologists and returns to the district to implement the best practices locally. There is nothing that is asked of her that Mrs. Mendenhall doesn’t do with a willing heart and with high quality.
Outside of her duties as a speech pathologist, Mrs. Mendenhall spends time with her husband, son, daughter, five dogs, and her cat. She is very active in the community with her church and is a part of Girl Scouts as well as Girls on the Run. She enjoys reading and travel. While she has been to Thailand, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, her favorite place continues to be Hawaii.
Granville County Public Schools expects a standard of excellence. Mrs. Mendenhall exemplifies that not only to her students but those fortunate enough to work with her. Her strong morals, work ethic, leadership, and diligence to practice make her our shining star.
During her interview for this honor, she said, “I love working with children to help them build the communication skills they need for lifelong leadership and success!” It is clear that her standard of excellence extends beyond the classroom and our school district is beyond fortunate to have someone of her caliber on our team.
Finally, the link below provides a list of all the disability awareness days for the year:
Also, DPI has provided a new parent listserv for parents to sign up to receive updates (click here). The listserv will forward information or the work of the Exceptional Children Division at NC DPI and provide opportunities for input, feedback, and participation in Division activities.