On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.
- Start planting your fall garden. Ex Collards, yellow squash, turnips, broccoli, squash
- Freezing is a great way to preserve many summer fruits and vegetables that requires no special equipment. For many vegetables, it’s simply a matter of blanching them in boiling water and then storing in plastic freezer bags. Others such as peppers and fruits can simply be cut up and frozen.
- Keep weeds and grass under control. Use straw mulch to shade out the weeds
- Harvest vegetables at their peak of flavor. A common newbie mistake is to leave cucs, beans, squash, okra and other fruit on the plant for too long.
- With recent rains your garden soil maybe too wet to work check moisture by taking some soil and rolling it into a ball then drop it if it completely breaks up the soil is dry enough to till.
- Any time you use a pesticide, check the instructions for rainfastness.
- Avoid the rush and start taking your soil samples now!
- Keep grass clippings out of the compost pile.