On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.:
- Use sand instead of salt products on walkways and driveways during winter weather and sand don’t hurt plants like salt can.
- Cut dead foliage off of ornamental grasses. Take care not to cut into the crown or growing point, which is at the center close to ground level. Also trim last year’s foliage off liriope and mondograss.
- Check stored bulbs for decay.
- Inspect large shade trees for damage from the winter storm. Look for broken or hanging branches. If you can’t reach them from the ground with a pole saw, then hire a professional.
- Check your pruning equipment pruning season is just around the corner.
- Don’t wait until spring to plant trees and shrubs. Plant them anytime now that the ground is soft enough to dig, so they’ll get a head start.
- If you have seedlings started indoors check each day for moisture