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-Press Release, Granville County Government
The Granville County Board of Commissioners’ Summer Civic Leadership Program for rising Granville County high school seniors began on June 13. The program, now in its twentieth year, gives students “hands-on” experience in the operation of local government.
Pictured (left to right, front) are Brooklyn Pridgeon and Sarah Elliott; (back row) Anthony Goreman, Tanaura Harrison and Akoya Penny-Campbell. (Granville Co. Govt photo)
Interns will work for five weeks during the summer months, rotating through Granville County departments to learn more about general government, human services, public safety and community services.
After a competitive application and interview process, five students out of the fifteen who applied were selected. Interns for the summer of 2019 include Brooklyn Pridgeon of Oxford, a student at J.F. Webb High School; Anthony Goreman of Oxford, who is home-schooled; and Tanaura Harrison, Sarah Elliott and Akoya Penny-Campbell, all of Creedmoor, who are students of Granville Early College High School.
Anahi Galven of Butner, also of Granville Early College High School, was chosen as an alternate.
Upon completion of the Summer Civic Leadership Program, each participating student will receive educational assistance in the amount of $1,400.