100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm
-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools
Did You Know?
1 in 5 kids in North Carolina grows up in a family that struggles with hunger.
- Here’s what that means: In some families, the pantry is completely empty. In others, mom skips dinner a few nights a week so the kids can have something to eat in the evening. In others, families are making impossible decisions between paying the rent and buying groceries.
- In Granville County, we fed 647,358 lunches but only 300,670 breakfasts for the 2018-2019 school year.
- When kids aren’t getting the consistent nutrition they need, it’s harder to focus in class. Test scores drop, and students are more likely to miss class time because they’re in the nurse’s office with headaches or stomach aches. Discipline problems rise and attendance levels fall.
The Solution: School Meals
- One of the most effective ways to make sure hungry kids are getting the nutrition they need is through school meal programs like school breakfast and lunch.
- When kids eat school breakfast, it means calmer classrooms, better attendance rates and ultimately more time for learning.
- Yet in North Carolina, school breakfast only reaches 58% of the kids who may need it.
- One way to make sure more kids are starting their day with breakfast is by serving breakfast after the bell, making it more easily accessible to any child that needs it by overcoming common barriers like late buses, busy morning schedules and stigma.
- The Granville County Public Schools Child Nutrition Department is working hard to implement alternative ways to get students to eat breakfast.