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-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools
On Friday, September 25, 2020, Jack Hoke, the executive director of the NC School Superintendents Association, presented Dr. Michael Myrick with the Dr. Sam Houston, Jr. Leadership Award.
This prestigious annual award is presented to graduates of the North Carolina School Superintendents’ Association and the North Carolina Alliance for School Leadership Development’s Aspiring Superintendent Program, a program that is designed to empower transformational education leaders for North Carolina’s public schools.
On Friday, September 25, 2020, Jack Hoke (right), the executive director of the NC School Superintendents Association, presented Dr. Michael Myrick (left) with the Dr. Sam Houston, Jr. Leadership Award. (Photo courtesy GCPS)
The award is named in honor of Dr. Samuel Houston who is president and chief executive officer of the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center. Dr. Houston served as superintendent of the Mooresville Graded School District for ten years where he opened the first year-round school in North Carolina.
Dr. Houston has been a champion for strategic planning, student performance and accountability, meeting the needs of the 21st-century workforce, skills for the STEM world and building education partnerships. Dr. Houston also served as the first executive director of the University of North Carolina Center for Leadership Development.
Dr. Myrick has served the students of Granville County Public Schools as the assistant superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction and Student Services for the past seven years. He has also held numerous leadership positions at the district level and is a former high school and elementary school principal.
He began his career in education teaching high school English classes in Halifax County. He earned his BA from Elizabeth State University, and his Masters and Doctoral Degrees from Virginia State University. He is also the immediate past president of the Rotary Club of Oxford. He is married to his wife of 20 years, Florence, and has two children, Andrew and Jadyn, who both attend Granville County Public Schools.
Upon receiving this honor, he commented, “I was excited to be selected to participate in the Aspiring Superintendents Program, which is one of the premier professional development opportunities for senior-level administrators. Participation in the program was an honor, but I was humbled to be one of only four recipients selected to receive the 2020 Dr. Sam Houston Leadership Award. The distinction is one that I will cherish for years to come.”
Superintendent Dr. Alisa McLean also shared her remarks, saying, “Dr. Michael Myrick is deserving of this esteemed award. Our district is extremely proud of him.”